Mood DISORDERS are defined by the presence of mood EPISODES
Types of Mood DISORDERS
• depressive (major depressive disorder, dysthymia)
• bipolar (Bipolar I/II disorder, cyclothymia)
• secondary to GMC, substances, medications
_ mood EPISODES represent a combination of symptoms comprising a predominant mood state
• types of Mood EPISODES: major depressive, manic, mixed, hypomanic
Major Depressive Episode (MDE)
A. at least 5 of the following symptoms present for 2 weeks, one of which must be either depressed mood or loss of interest
• M ood - depressed
• S leep - increased or decreased (if decreased, often early morning awakening)
• I nterest - decreased
• G uilt/worthlessness
• E nergy - decreased or fatigued
• C oncentration/difficulty making decisions
• A ppetite and/or weight increase or decrease
• P sychomotor activity - increased or decreased
• S uicidal ideation
B. symptoms do not meet criteria for mixed episode
C. symptoms cause significant social or occupational impairment/distress
D. exclude if substance-induced or due to a GMC
E. symptoms not better accounted for by bereavement (a constellation of depressive symptoms meeting criteria for a MDE appearing within
2 months of the death of a close relative)
Manic Episode
A. a period of abnormally and persistently elevated, expansive, or irritable mood lasting at least 1 week (or less if hospitalized)
B. during this period three of the following symptoms
(four if mood is only irritable; mnemonic - GST PAID)
• G randiosity or inflated self-esteem
• S leep, decreased need for
• T alkative, pressured speech
• P leasurable activities with P ainful consequences - increased
(e.g. spending, sex, speeding, substance use, inappropriate speech)
• A ctivity, goal-directed or psychomotor - increased
• I deas, flight of
• D istractibility
C. symptoms do not meet criteria for a mixed episode