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Memes Research Paper

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Memes have been around since the beginning of our society and culture; however, today they are known by a different meaning that has been recently made in human history. Originally memes were equated to society’s equivalent of genes, and they consisted of practices and customs passed on by each passing generation to the next. In a way this concept explained the flow of ideas through time and how ones that were considered backwards or barbaric faded away. In the last decade the definition has changed and although it is more humorous it has a stark contrast with the previous meaning. This meaning should be brought back to the original by either having the newer removed, or having an entirely new word dedicated to it. The current description …show more content…
An example of the original kind of meme is racism in the United States. It was originally a widespread idea that was simple, yet psychologically rewarding as it gave a feeling of superiority no matter what. Now it is viewed as an unsavory trait that is a characteristic of an uncaring and insensitive individual that lacks the capacity to change or to accept ideas. All of this is opposed to an example of meme in today’s popular media covering the same subject. Pepe the frog, an anthropomorphic frog from the series Boy’s Club, has spread quickly as an …show more content…
A societal meme is passed by everyone a person comes into contact with, whether it is his or her family or friends or a person of authority or leadership. For instance, during the cold war communism as seen as a large threat in the United States and this was perpetuated to the point of being a meme. Back then they even had witch-hunts to seek out potential communists and socialists while messages in pop culture had messages discouraging the support of Russia. This particular meme lasted decades and affected people’s lives while memes by today’s definition cannot compare. Now they have an impact consisting of a few good laughs, and most don’t last a few months, let alone a

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