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Vehicle Violence Observation Papers

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On March 9, 2017 at approximately 2314 hours I responded to the area of Avenue Del Sol & Rising Sun Boulevard, Winter Springs, Seminole County in reference to a hit and run. Upon arrival I made contact with victim Merissa Goolsarran and witness William Wise, both whom provided me with sworn written statements.
Wise stated he was traveling west on Red Bug Lake Road when he noticed a vehicle tailgating him. Wise stated he moved over at which time a white Mazda SUV sped past him. Wise further stated the white Mazda SUV hit a silver 4-door sedan and continued west on Red Bug Lake Road.

Goolsarran stated she was traveling west on Red Bug Lake Road and noticed in her rearview mirror, a set of headlights quickly approaching her car. According to Goolsarran the vehicle hit the rear of her vehicle and as it sped off she noticed it was a white Mazda SUV.

I then responded to 4660 Misty Way, Oviedo Seminole County, where the resident there reported an unknown drunk person enter the enclosed pool deck of her residence. Victim Lynda Imondi provided Deputy Sheriff Tommasello with a sworn written statement. Imondi stated she observed a white vehicle pull into her drive way near the garage at which time an unknown man exited the vehicle and entered the enclosed pool deck at the rear of the residence. Imondi …show more content…
A secondary investigation conducted at the scene of the residential burglary revealed that Sanchez had caused damage to the exterior door as he unlawfully gained entry into the home. A subsequent search of Sanchez’s vehicle yield a bottle of un-prescribed Alprazolam pills. As such I found probable cause to charge Sanchez with burglary, criminal mischief and possession of a control substance without a

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