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American Spirit Research Paper

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When I think of “American Spirit”, so many images come to my mind: everyone coming together on Memorial Day to honor those we have lost, raising the flag at Iwo Jima, and strangers helping strangers after the bombing at the Boston Marathon. American spirit has an effect on how Americans live today. It has only done our country good and brings people, friends and families together. When I looked up the definition, it surprised me how the word’s definitions fit how I think of the American Spirit. The first definition that I came across out of many was, “the vital principle or animating force within living beings”, this could not be any more true to me. Some people think of American spirit differently, so there is always going to be contrasting definitions. …show more content…
My definition of American Spirit is probably what everyone else or at least what most would say, someone who has respect and pride for our country and feeling in their heart is someone with American spirit. Some one who is open minded. Some one who goes out of their way to dress up to show their patriotism and pride. Someone who would fight for his or her country. Not only do you see American Spirit everywhere, but you also feel it in so many ways. Whenever I am either about to play a game or watch one I get goose bumps listening to the National Anthem or when we have an assembly at school and four hundred students say the Pledge of Allegiance. I always get choked up when they show a child running into their father or mother’s arms that they haven’t seen for a year because they have been deployed defending our country. Bringing people together, showing how much we care for this country. That is American

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