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Animal Testing In Medical Research

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For trying and increasing alternative methods to treat or cure a disease, animals are used. Treatments and surgeries like heart bypass surgery, organ transplants, cervical cancer, and vaccines for polio would not have been established without animal testing. Besides, experimenting and testing animals support and help create diverse and safer ways to treat an illness or a disorder. Animal testing is an expression used to describe the act of doing an experiment on an animal to insure the safety of cosmetics, medicines, surgeries, or vaccinations. Many people refer to animal testing as animal experimentation or animal research. In addition, animal testing helps doctors and researchers know how systems in the human body function. This method is …show more content…
Improve Human Health
“Mice are mice and people are people”. Many people think that testing animals is useless and unimportant because it does not help human beings. In contrast, during the last century, animal testing has played a dynamic role in improving medicine for human and animal conditions. From dialysis to organ-transplantation, from antibiotics to blood transfusions, from vaccinations to chemotherapy, bypass surgery and joint replacement, practically every present-day protocol for the prevention, treatment, cure and control of disease, pain and suffering is made from the information and data recorded from testing different types of animals. Also, Animal research advanced human and animal health, and kept their lives healthy and protected from any disease. These researches created transformative therapies extended from simple vaccines to organ transplants and cancer therapies that have improved human health. Diabetes, cancer and arthritis are diseases that can occur in both animals and human bodies, so testing several types of treatments on animals can be helpful and effective when given to cure a human. In addition, animal testing is considered dynamic for refining human health and it is also why researchers, doctors, the …show more content…
Animal bodies are chosen for examination because of the high number of similarities that exist between them and human bodies. Scientists have proven that mice and human beings have similar immune responses and body systems. People and animals may not have exactly the same body, but to a certain level there are matches which can at least help doctors, researches, biomedical engineers, and scientists an idea about their trials. From this point of view, any person who is permitted to experiment animals has the right to use animal models to provide them with information and analysis about what is happening in details that could not be attained in humans. In addition, animals are also chosen for tests because they ensure the safety of drugs and improve human health. Without animal testing, there will be no confirmation on any type of medicines sold in the drug store. Thus, human health would not improve. Also, animal testing increased the methods that treat or cure a disease .Many government around the word government eventually required drug companies to test new products on animals before being used by humans to prevent accidents and to reduce human death. Although the animal rights proponents claim that people and animals are equivalent and thus both must be treated similarly, animals and human beings cannot be seen nor felt equally.

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