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Anita Hill Sexual Harassment

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Anita Hill’s testimony against the then U.S. Supreme Court nominee Clarence Thomas remains one of the most pivotal sexual harassment cases in American history. When Anita Hill spoke out about the alleged harassment, legislation on the topic of sexual harassment in the workplace was still relatively new. Although, Thomas denied the allegations and was still confirmed to the Supreme Court, the court case introduced the topic of sexual harassment into everyday conversation. It was a time in which people were still debating what sort of behaviors were appropriate in the workplace.
The term “sexual harassment” was actually coined in 1975 by a group of feminists and activists at Cornell University, finally giving a name to the pervading problem. A former employee at the university, Carmita Wood, had been harassed by her supervisor, and ultimately resigned from her position. After the university had denied her benefits and a request for transfer, Wood formed a group called Working Women United and hosted the first speak-out event against sexual harassment in which women from various lines of work shared their …show more content…
African American female slaves actively faced sexual coercion since laws did little to nothing to protect them. They were even often blamed for the assaults because they were supposedly promiscuous by nature. Later in the late 19th and early 20th century, women employed in clerical and manufacturing positions encountered verbal and physical assaults from male supervisors. They were advised to endure the abuse or quit their jobs is they believed they couldn’t handle the sexual advances. It was the price of being a woman in the workplace. For the most part, efforts to protect women from unwanted sexual relations in the early 20th century did not focus on law reform because predatory behavior on the job was very often dismissed as

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