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Anton Loss Of Memory Analysis

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Memory can be defined as, “the faculty by which the mind stores and remembers information”. Memories play an important role in informing us of events and experiences that have occurred in one’s life. In some cases these memories are stored in the brain for many years, and in the event of a traumatic experience our brains do not register every single detail about the situation. Much like Anton’s memory of the events that happened on the night of 1945 and the loss of his mother, father, brother, and the burning of his house, Anton struggles to remember the small details that really made up his life at that time. As Anton attempts to live a normal life, he is constantly at a cross-roads with the events that plagued his childhood. Antons past continually arises when he is confronted by …show more content…
When Anton finally felt he escaped his past, he “woke up… It was pitch black… I was scared stiff. It was as if the wall was much harder and thicker than an ordinary wall, and on the other side where there was no wall, it seemed like a canyon”(Mulisch, 36). Anton meets the important people from his past, through this he begins to remember the small things he experienced, and in this his memories begin to flow slowly back to Anton. As Mulisch writes this quote he uses the wall to symbolize Antons memories. Anton goes to live with his uncle to find an escape from his life but this wall still finds him. Mulisch explores how this traumatic memory just haunts Anton, in the darkness Anton fears his past, it is like a “canyon” he can not overcome. The traumatic event for Anton finally ends when his “Aunt or your Uncle turned on the light, and you remembered where you were”(Mulisch, 37). In the light Anton feels welcomed. Mulisch further explored this dichotomy of light and darkness though Truss and Takes plan to kill Fake Ploeg. The plan they designed goes almost without a hitch, until “by some idiotic accident”, Truus

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