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How Does Aspirin Affect Plants

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Aspirin and plants might have something in common when combined. If Aspirin was added to a plant then the results might differ. Aspirin is supposed to affect humans. Aspirin is not made to fix nor cure plants from anything. Testing this out could affect something from the plant cell that's different from the animal cell. This paper will be diving deeper into each individual aspect and provide more information. First, Aspirin Is A drug that is supposed to to reduce pain and fever from infections. Aspirin is also an acid called acetylsalicylic, this as well helps with the irritation of cuts or illnesses. Aspirin interferes with blood clots, preventing anything bad to happen to them. Aspirin is a powder with the chemical formula C9H8O4. Aspirin …show more content…
Nerve Signals are located everywhere in your body, and here's how they work. In the cell there is negatively charged energy. If there is a disturbance to the cell it causes a few sodium channels in the membrane to open. When it is open sodium ions enter the cell. The sodium ions have a positive charge, making the inside of a cell less negative. Soon more sodium channels open up and more sodium enters the cell. When so much sodium ions enter the cell it turns positive, making the outside negative. When the cell reaches +40 mV the sodium channels shut down. The positive membrane cause potassium channels to open. When the potassium channels are opened negatively charged potassium ions are flooded into the cell turning it back into a negative charge. When the cell is negative the sodium channels shut down letting nothing leave the cell. Fourth, Neurons Also take a huge part of the experiment. Neurons send information from the Brian to the rest of the body. A neuron contains three important parts. The parts include, a cell body that directs activities, Dendrites fibers, and the third one is the axon. Dendrites are fibers that receive messages from neurons and they give those messages to the cell body. An Axon is a l9ong single fiber that receives messages from the cell body and gives them to other neurons and

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