...When one party makes an agreement with another to kill a target or group of individuals, it always involves two or more parties in an illegal agreement to kill for money or other payments like bitcoins (Bucktin). Claudia Ochoa Felix is known for her curve figure and pouting selfies on twitter and instagram, but what her fans don’t know is that she is allegedly heading the world’s most deadliest group of contract killers. Claudia Ochoa Felix is a mother and a millionaire with an army of bodyguards. Claudia has reportedly became the new head of Los Antrax after her boyfriend the former leader was imprisoned, Los Antrax are elite contract killers for...
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...Ponencias: El corrido y su evolución de Roberto De la Torre El corrido es una melodía tradicional mexicana que canta e idolatra la vida de un individuo o grupo; de manera que este sea reconocido por sus buenas hazanas ante la pueblo. El corrido inicio como forma de expresión secular en el norte de México. Gracias a esto gradualmente su popularidad se incremento, pues narraban de forma grandiosa las historias de los héroes de cierta comunidad. El Doctor y profesor Roberto De la Torre de la Universidad de Texas en Brownsville nos explica del corrido cambio de como música folclórica a genero musical que exagera la extravagante vida de los narcotraficantes. Este ensayo tratara de mencionar y desarrollar los puntos expuestos por el Doctor De la Torre. El Doctor de la Torre inicia su ponencia dando los orígenes del corrido que comienzan durante la revolución mexicana alrededor de 1920 y que tratan de temas revolucionarios. Este tipo de temas era popular entre la gente campesina que se sentía identificada con Francisco Villa y Emiliano Zapata; corridos que les daban la identidad y el deseo por luchar por la causa agraria. Con el pasar de los annos, este tipo de genero musical se fue aislando en el olvido pero que persistieron en el norte del país en regiones como las de Tamaulipas y Nuevo León. Al llegar a los 70's gracias al crecimiento de la industria musical en Monterrey, NL, el corrido volvió a popularizarse. Entre los corridistas maas famosos se encuentran Ramón Ayala...
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...Homeland Security policies of President George W. Bush & Harry S. Truman Tasheika Fulmore Strayer University Professor Shelly Taylor Homeland Security Policies of George W. Bush and Harry S. Truman Over the years the citizens of the United States have had to either sit or seethe when a policy was passed by a president or they benefited from the policy implementation. We find examples in the civil rights act or most recently Obama care when it comes to looking at highly protested policies. However, no matter the feeling or benefit, presidents are expected to make policies. This paper will focus on two specific polices that deal directly with homeland security and will focus in on the presidents that created and enforced these policies. According to Robert Harvey (2008) ever since post WWII the U.S. has had a conflicted attitude towards safety. The author of this paper will coagulate a time line of two presidents and their desire to appease the safety view of Americans. For example, President George W. Bush and his homeland security act which grew out of the issues that arose after the 9/11 attacks. And also President Harry S. Truman’s national security bill which established the Department of Defense during the cold war. Each president had his own motive for signing these national security bills, but each bill grew out of similar problems that they each faced during their presidential areas. Both, presidents were under huge public pressure to make a decision...
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...How has the Economy Affected The Way Federal Managers Reward Their Staff? Tonya R. Johnson University of Maryland University College Professor Kuyatt Executive Summary This research paper provides an analysis and evaluation of the current state of the federal government budget and how federal employees are being affected. The methods of analysis include information on causes of the financial crisis the government is experiencing, the impact, program cuts and the burden it is having on federal workers including low morale. Other information show the various programs cut over the past 3 years and how employees are coping with this stress of footing the bill for the American people. Results of information provided show how employers can be creative and reward their staff in other ways besides monetary. Time-off awards in the form of 59 minutes, offsite work retreats used as team building exercises, and thank you and little awards from managers to show their employees appreciation and how they are valued. This research paper shows the difficulties managers face in tough economic times, but provides examples on how managers can turn situations that look hopeless in positive elements. Recommendations included: providing valuable feedback, discussing how best to deal with the work, allowing employees to be part of developing a solution to accomplish the mission, listening to their concerns and rewarding them no matter how small for their efforts. This research...
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...Poisonous Deceit How the Chinese Government (Literally) Gets Away with Murder by lying deceiving and fabricating its “evidence” against Falun Gong / Mo Wen. National Library of Canada Cataloguing in Publication Mo, Wen Poisonous deceit : how the Chinese government (literally) gets away with murder by lying, deceiving and fabricating its “evidence” against Falun Gong / Mo Wen. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 0-9731181-0-5 1. Qi gong. 2. Freedom of religion-China. 3. Political persecution-China. I. Title. BV741.M6 2002 323.44'2'0951 C2002-906147-4 Copyright 2002, Deep Six Publishing. All Rights Reserved. You can obtain a FREE download of Poisonous Deceit in both English and Chinese by going to: http://www.deep6-publishing.org, however, the Chinese version may be from an earlier edition of Poisonous Deceit, not this current one. If you would like to contact Deep Six Publishing, please email us at: am@deep6-publishing.org. All correspondence will need to be in English. To order quantities of the soft bound version of Poisonous Deceit, please email us for instructions at: orders@deep6-publishing.org. Engañ Venenoso o Có el gobierno chino sale impune asesinando, mo mintiendo e inventando su “evidencia” contra Falun Gong 默文 (Mo Wen) TABLA DE CONTENIDOS PRÓLOGO NOTA DEL AUTOR UNAS POCAS PALABRAS DE LA EDITORIAL CÓMO NACIÓ ESTE LIBRO… PARTE 1: FALUN GONG DESDE DENTRO HACIA FUERA Guardando para mí pensamientos mis Juzgando...
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...I. “REVOLUŢIA GLORIOASĂ” 1. ORIGINILE REVOLUŢIEI ENGLEZE Anglia secolului XVI cunoscuse o rapidă dezvoltare industrială bazată pe meşteşuguri, comerţ, minerit şi transporturi, concomitent cu apariţia fermei de tip capitalist bazat pe fenomenul „împrejmuirilor”. In 1603, la moartea Elisabetei I, tronul englez a revenit regelu Scoţiei, Iacob I Stuart. Ocuparea tronului de către Stuarţi aducea modificări importante în Anglia, unde Tudorii guvernaseră ca monarhi absoluţi, graţie abilităţii şi personalităţii lor. Stuarţii urmăreau instaurarea unui absolutism de drept, ceea ce contravenea realităţilor politice din Anglia, unde Parlamentul - format din Camera Comunelor şi Camera Lorzilor - împărţea puterea cu monarhia. Atât Iacob I, cât şi fiul său, Carol I (1625-1649), au încercat să guverneze fără a convoca Parlamentul, cu ajutorul Consiliului Privat, pe ai cărui membri îi numeau sau revocau după bunul lor plac. Ei legiferau prin proclamaţii regale şi exercitau puterea juridică prin Camera înstelată şi Curtea înaltei Comisiuni. Stuarţii agreau catolicismul într-o ţară anglicană, unde se dezvoltase mişcarea numită puritanism, care urmărea înlăturarea oricărei rămăşiţe a catolicismului.Apar contradicţii între absolutismul monarhic al regilor din familia Stuart(Iacob I şi Carol I), susţinut de vechea aristocraţie şi regimul parlamentar susţinut de Londra, burghezie şi noua nobilime. În plan religios biserica anglicană se confruntă cu curentele radicale protestante ce solicită înlăturarea...
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...Este material se basa en investigaciones financiadas por la Administración Federal de Seguridad del Autotransporte bajo el Acuerdo Cooperativo N DTFH61-97-X-00017. Cualquier opinión, conclusión, resolución o recomendación que se exprese en la publicación pertenece a los autores y no necesariamente refleja la posición de la Administración Federal de Seguridad del Autotransporte. Manual para la licencia de conductor comercial Edición de 2006 Índice Sección 1 INTRODUCCIÓN ................................................................................................................................................... 1 1.1 – Tipos de vehículos...................................................................................................................................................... 2 1.2 – Conductor comercial Examen para la licencia ........................................................................................................... 6 1.3 – Otras normas de la Ley de seguridad ........................................................................................................................ 7 1.4 – Ley de mejoras para la seguridad del autotransporte (MCSIA) ................................................................................. 7 Sección 2 CONDUCCIÓN SEGURA .................................................................................................................................... 10 2.1 – Inspección del vehículo .......................
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