...Texas A&M University Kingsville | Anxiety Disorders: Recognizing the symptoms of six of the most common Anxiety Disorders | | | TAMUK | 10/13/2014 | Summarization and reaction for recognizing the symptoms of anxiety disorders. | Cancro, R. (2007). Anxiety Disorders: Recognizing the symptoms of six of the most common Anxiety Disorders. EP Magazaine, January 2007, 27-30. Summary: There are about 20 million American adults that suffer from anxiety that is chronic, painful, and which becomes worse. The stresses of the world we live in, such as environmental issues, economic situations, personal home issues, competiveness, and our culture can contribute to a person suffering from anxiety. An anxiety disorder interferes with a person’s natural and beneficial adaptive responses, and this interference can happen in varying degrees from mild to incapacitating. There are six common types of anxiety disorders that were described in this article which include: 1. Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD): Affects about 4 million American adults. GAD is generally more common in women than in men. GAD continues throughout the day and can lead into the night which leads to sleeping difficulty. 2. Panic Disorder: is an intense fear with a sudden onset that can last about 10 minutes. People begin to feel rapid heart rate, sweating, and the feeling that they are having a heart attack. 3. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD): OCD affects about three million...
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...Anxiety is the most common mental illness in the United States. Almost 40 million American adults are affected by these disorders. These illnesses can cause everyday life to be an incredible struggle. Anxiety is a clash of desire and inhibitions. It is an unpleasant emotional state, which is usually characterized by physical arousal, feelings of tension, apprehension and worry. Anxiety can originate from very minor everyday threats and worries, and with these threats and worries increasing, the anxieties get worse. There are many different ways to recognize that people have anxiety. This is also tied in with what type of anxiety disorder the person may have. There are 3 types of anxiety, which are, reality anxiety, neurotic anxiety, and moral anxiety. Reality anxiety is when an individual is threatened by something in the external world. An example of reality anxiety is, an individual is attending a pool party, the party gets ruined because of rain and the individual becomes extremely overwhelmed because they have no control over the situation. There are not many treatments for this type of anxiety, mostly due to the fact that it is the most basic form of anxiety and is almost minor enough to not even be considered a mental illness. The best way to treat reality anxiety is just to remove the individual from the feared situation. Other anxieties may have more serious effects on a person, which would require a more serious treatment. Neurotic anxiety is when an individual...
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...paper on Anxiety Disorder Jeffrey S. Fletcher, M.A. Kathleen B. Stinger Psychopathology and Counseling, Coun 656 4, May 2014 Author Note Jeffrey S. Fletcher, Student, Liberty University. Correspondence concerning this paper should be addressed to Jeffrey S. Fletcher, Jfletcher1@liberty.edu Abstract This research paper is designed to review articles and books of professional journals in anxiety disorders, definition of anxiety disorder, review of current and past treatments of anxiety disorders, the new section and changes to anxiety disorder in the DSM-5, new treatments for anxiety disorders and medications for anxiety disorders. This paper will show spiritual considerations for treating anxiety disorders and how religion can improve one’s condition. It will show how CBT treatment of anxiety disorders have not been very successful and how medication has its limitations in treatment of anxiety disorders. This paper will also show what this clinician has learned and will take forward into the daily practice of treating adolescents with anxiety disorders. Keywords: anxiety, anxiety disorders, DSM-5, treatment Introduction When we talk about anxiety we have to distinguish between healthy anxiety or normal anxiety and anxiety disorders. It is normal to have a certain amount of anxiety for instance when one is in danger it is normal to become anxious. To have an anxiety disorder your anxiety would have to interfere with your life in a negative way. Anxiety and fear...
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...Anxiety disorders are a type of psychological disorder that is characterized by feelings of fear and apprehension, and include such features as hyperactivity, motor tension, and apprehensive thoughts and expectations. There are several types of anxiety disorders, including panic disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, phobic disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and post-traumatic disorder. People with general anxiety disorders may be unable to remain still for long periods of time and may engage in fidgeting behaviors such as crossing and uncrossing their legs or arms or playing nervously with their hair or clothing. An unexpected sound, such as a honking horn or the ringing of a telephone causes unexplained anxiety, rapid heartbeat, or quickened breathing. Other anxiety disorders are characterized by different symptoms. For example, individuals with panic disorder experience a sudden onset of intense terror, and may suffer from an impending feeling of doom. Individuals who suffer from this disorder may experience severe chest pains, dizziness, shortness of breath, trembling and sweating. Some experts contend that biological factors may play a role in panic disorders. Individuals with a phobic disorder have an unexplainable, irrational, overwhelming, and persistent fear of a particular object or situation. Individuals with phobia disorders will go to almost any lengths to avoid the thing that scares them. Individuals with Obsessive-Compulsive disorders have thoughts...
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...What are Anxiety Disorders? A cover term for a variety of mental disorders in which severe anxiety is a salient symptom. Anxiety disorders are the most common of emotional disorders and affect more than 25 million Americans. Many forms and symptoms may include: • Overwhelming feelings of panic and fear • Uncontrollable obsessive thoughts • Painful, intrusive memories • Recurring nightmares • Physical symptoms such as feeling sick to your stomach, “butterflies” in your stomach, heart pounding, startling easily, and muscle tension Anxiety disorders differ from normal feelings of nervousness. Untreated anxiety disorders can push people into avoiding situations that trigger or worsen their symptoms. People with anxiety disorders are likely to suffer from depression, and they also may abuse alcohol and other drugs in an effort to gain relief from their symptoms. Job performance, school work, and personal relationships can also suffer. Types of Anxiety Disorders Panic disorder People with this condition have feelings of terror that strike suddenly and repeatedly with no warning. Other symptoms of a panic attack include sweating, chest pain, palpitations (irregular heartbeats), and a feeling of choking, which may make the person feel like he or she is having a heart attack or "going crazy." Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) People with OCD are plagued by constant thoughts or fears that cause them to perform certain rituals or...
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...General Anxiety Disorder Aloha Galimba HCA/240 June 30, 2013 General Anxiety Disorder can happen to anyone. It affects about 3.1 percent of Americans adults that are age 18 and older in a year (2013, National Institute of Mental Health). General Anxiety Disorder is diagnosed by its certain characteristics that is spanning for more than six months. Characteristics are as follows; worry about every day life, expect disaster at any given moment, can’t stop worrying about health, money, family, and work. Most people who think about GAD have come to think they are just always worried, however with several testing it is proven that they are experiencing the General Anxiety Disorder. There are several myths in regards to GAD that seem over the top. For instance there is a myth that if you are experiencing GAD, you must always avoid stress and situations that may you feel stressful. While this statement is true, everyone is bound to come to a stressful situation one way or another. This myth was debunked by stating, it all depends on how you handle the stressful situation. GAD can be diverted as long as you know how to handle certain situations. Another myth or misconception that has been brought up was the cause of anxiety disorder is rooted in childhood; therapy would be needed to focus more on this time period. There have been studies where anxiety does not root from childhood. In fact, anxiety can happen to anyone at any time. Another myth that has been...
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...Anxiety Disorders Anxiety disorders are a group of relatively common psychological problems, which used to be known collectively as neuroses. The main psychological feature of anxiety disorders is the unhappiness, the tension, and the excessive anxiety believed by their sufferers. Except for their symptomatic behavior individuals with anxiety disorders usually respond appropriately to their surroundings, both cognitively, and emotionally. They are aware that something is wrong, but they are generally able to cope without hospitalization. Their main characteristic is what mental health professionals may call personal distress. The most common anxiety disorders are phobic disorder and generalized anxiety disorder (Phillipchalk & McConnell, 1994). The less common are panic and obsessive-compulsive. These will be discussing ahead next to its causes, symptoms, and treatments according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (4th ed., text rev.; DSM-IV-TR; American Psychiatric Association, 2000) recommendations. Each anxiety disorder has different symptoms, but can alter the life of the individual who suffers those. It is possible to have more than one type of anxiety disorder at the same time or simultaneously. Individuals can also have an anxiety disorder with other mental health problems like depression and substance abuse among others. Generalized Anxiety Disorder Generalized anxiety disorder is much more...
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...Anxiety disorder is a mental illness that causes people to be scared and distress in certain situations. Anxiety disorders can cause depression, low self esteem, alcohol abuse; drug abuse and isolation from love ones. Anxiety disorders are the most common mental illnesses in America: they affect around 20 percent of the population at any given time. Fortunately, there are many good treatments for anxiety disorders. Unfortunately, some people do not seek treatment for their illness because they do not realize how severe their symptoms are or are too ashamed to seek help. Furthermore, these disorders are often difficult to recognize for friends, family and even some doctors (Nami, 2012). I am sure everyone has experienced some form of anxiety. In my anxiety assessment, I was asked questions such as: Am I troubled by excessive worrying about events at work, school or home. It also asked was I bothered by at least three of the following, being easily tired, restlessness, and irritability. Do I feel sad, depress or worthless about anything. My responses to all of these questions was no. I only had one question that I answered that was yes. I do have problems concentrating at times. My results of my assessment were a score of a seventeen. Zero through twenty results was that there were no presents of anxiety. Twenty one through forty meant low anxiety. Forty-one through sixty resulted that is some form of anxiety related systems. Sixty-one through eighty, you should go to a medical...
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...The mental illness I chose to write about is one that my mom suffers from which would be panic disorder. A panic disorder is a form of an anxiety disorder. The history of anxiety disorders dates back before medical records were recorded. In the sixteenth century, anxiety was known as hysteria. Professional had different opinions on the cause of this disorder, for example, witchcraft, had to do with the uterus until men were found to have the same condition, the person is a hypochondriac, and demons were entering the body. In the eighteenth century panic disorder was known as the “nervous illness." Today we know that panic attacks are a sudden urge of overwhelming fear and anxiety. There are many myths that surround panic attacks such as it is all in one’s head, it is not a real illness, make one face the fear head on, a sign that one is going insane. Other myths include that one will be on medication for the rest of their life, cause internal damage as a heart attack would, there is no treatment, and it is as an excuse. These types of rumors or beliefs can cause one to not seek professional help. Past treatments for anxiety in eighteen seventies were to refrain from exercise as anxiety was considered to be nervous exhaustion and it was straining the nervous system. Other harsher treatments were strychnine, arsenic, and quinine. For severe cases, a hot white iron was applied to the spine. In the year nineteen twenty, exposure to the fear, and radionics was used. It...
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...In this essay, I will discuss a major disorder called anxiety. To elaborate, "anxiety can be defined as a feeling of worry, nervousness, or fear about an event or situation". Generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder and agoraphobia, specific phobia, and social anxiety disorder are all group as anxiety disorder. In further detail, generalized anxiety disorder is characterized by intense, uncontrollable, unfocused, chronic, and continuous worry that is unproductive and distressing. The client may worry about real life situations such as dealing with a loss of a loved one. Keywords: anxiety, panic disorder, agoraphobia, specific phobia, social anxiety disorder Anxiety Anxiety is defined as "mood state characterized by marked negative affect and bodily symptoms of tension...misfortune"(Durand,2016). Also, it may involve behaviors, feeling, and physiological responses. The behaviors it would include is complaints from the client and pacing back and forth. Furthermore, a person who has anxiety may have many different symptoms. According to, Mayo Clinic “the symptoms of anxiety include sweating, trembling, feeling weak or tired, and increased heart rate” (Anxiety,2017). As well as, breathing rapidly, trouble concentrating or thinking anything other than the present are also symptoms of anxiety....
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...Wyborny, Sheila. "What Are Anxiety Disorders." Anxiety Disorders. Detroit, MI: Lucent, 2009. N. pag. Print. Wyborny describes what it is like to have anxiety. she describes it as an emotion, warning you that a situation may not be safe. Anxiety means “to press tight” or “to strangle” and as you read you find out that those words correspond with the symptoms of anxiety, such as tightness in neck and chest, heavy perspiration, rapid heartbeat. Sheila explains that anxiety can be triggered when in fearful situations or things that cause abnormal fear to you such as phobias (Wyborny). This was a good source because it had a lot of details and explained it very clearly, it helped paint a picture of what it's like to have an anxiety disorder....
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...Disorder Paper - Anxiety Jonathan Dimitroff University of Phoenix Psych 575 March 23, 2015 Leah Mancuso PhD Disorder Paper - Anxiety The purpose of this paper is to discuss a neurological, psychological, or neurodevelopmental disorder. It is to compare and contrast three therapeutic interventions used to treat the chosen disorder; comparing measures of effectiveness, such as validity, efficacy, symptom and behavior management, and recidivism. One therapy should be cognitive in nature, one pharmacological in nature, and the third should be an alternative therapeutic treatment. This paper will identify common symptoms associated with the disorder, and rates of symptom reduction or management as reported with the three treatments. It will discuss what approach this author would use to treat this disorder based on the research used to develop this paper; and why. It will also analyze the neurophysiological underpinnings of disorders and diseases, as well as examine contemporary attitudes towards the three treatments selected. For the purposes of this paper, anxiety will be the chosen disorder. It is a psychological disorder with a variety of symptoms and specific types of anxiety. To list a few of the different types of anxiety, there is Panic disorder, Obsessive-Compulsive disorder, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Social Anxiety disorder, then there are the phobias which fall under the anxiety label, as well as Generalized...
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...Chapter II Presentation of Data A. Definition of social anxiety disorder or social phobia was defined by different sources. 1. In 400 BC, Hippocrates described the overly shy person as someone who loves darkness as life and thinks every man observes hi. During the second edition of Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSMII), social fears were described as a specific phobia of social situations or an excessive fear of being observed or scrutinized by others and in the third edition, it was described as a fear of performance situations. Lastly, it is described in the fourth edition as a marked and persistent fear of one or more social or performance situations in which the person is exposed to unfamiliar people or possible scrutiny by others. 2. A social phobia is a fear of being observed by others acting in a way that will be humiliating or embarrassing. It is an irrational and intense fear that one’s behavior in a public situation will be mocked or criticized by others. 3. Social phobia is an irrational fear of being judged, watched or evaluated, or of embarrassing or humiliating themselves. Fear of scrutiny by other leading to avoidance of social situations. B. There are scientific concerns regarding social anxiety disorder. 1. The signs and symptoms of social phobia were subdivided into four, the physical, emotional and behavioral, associated personality traits and the cognitive aspect. a. Blushing, profuse sweating, trembling or shaking...
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...ANXIETY DISORDER AND STRESS Amanda Duncan University of Phoenix After getting into an argument or stressful situation, have you felt like your chest was heavy, it was hard to breathe, or you’re nervous and sweaty? Did you know anxiety disorder affects more than 40 million people in the United States? (ADAA, 2010-2014). That means that approximately 38,667 people go untreated every day. Doing this could cause many health issues and can even end with suicide or death. Stress is the number one cause of anxiety disorder and has solutions to help the victims. When it comes to anxiety, it’s not always a negative thing to endure. Everyone has felt anxiety in some type of way in their lifetime. According to an article titled Anxiety Attacks & Anxiety Disorders, “Anxiety disorders are thought to be a group of related conditions not just one single disorder. One thing that people with anxiety disorders have in common are, persistent or severe fear or worry in situations where most people wouldn’t feel threatened” (Smith, Robinson, & Segal, 2014). It can be caused from medical factors, substance abuse, environmental factors or a combination of all of these. If feeling anxiety before a project’s due, don’t worry this isn’t a bad thing. In this sort of situation it’s a good form of anxiety. When it becomes a form of an anxiety disorder, is when it’s affecting life every day. Symptoms of anxiety could be physical and nonphysical. The Crosta (2009, July 23) website states...
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...The Effects of Patients' Anxiety Disorder on Their Families Courtney Schacherer Utah Valley University Abstract The struggles people diagnosed with anxiety disorders endure are well documented, but the families of those people are often not considered. It is up to the family to be the main support system while at the same time not perpetuating their loved one's symptoms. Forty million adults are affected with some form of anxiety disorder in the U.S. in a given year. That means there is a least an additional forty million people who are affected by watching a loved one deal with the hardships anxiety brings. It is the family who take up the responsibilities that the anxiety suffer is unable to perform. It can have a critical impact on the family's way of life, means of support, caring for children and on the close relationships within the family dynamic. To watch a loved one suffer with an anxiety disorder can be immensely painful, intensely frustrating and overwhelmingly stressful. The toll it can have can seriously damage family relationships if the illness is left untreated or continues for an indefinite period of time. For a person suffering from an anxiety disorder, supportive loved ones can play a key role in their recovery and treatment. But if the loved ones own needs are overlooked, it can be harmful to the treatment process and make a difficult situation worse. The Effects of Patients' Anxiety Disorders on the Families Patient J is a 29 year old stay at...
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