Free Essay

Apa, Plagerism and Role Transition


Submitted By buffata
Words 800
Pages 4
Submit by 0800 Monday of Week 2.

|Name | |Date: | |

Overview: “APA, Plagiarism, & Role Transition Articles”
In the Week 1 Assignment, you will view an APA Module to obtain information about writing in a professional style and in professional formats that are expected at the BSN level of the School of Nursing. After viewing the APA Module, you will submit an Attestation Statement Form. The reference on Scholarly Writing in your Resources will also provide tips on strengthening your professional writing skills. As part of scholarly writing, you must ensure proper citation for others’ work, including both direct quotations and paraphrased ideas, so you will study a Plagiarism Module for guidelines. Since your professional nursing experience may not have required you to regularly access professional libraries or databases, you will learn and practice the procedures for retrieving research articles. As a part of this assignment, you will select, cite, and summarize two research articles on the role transition from RN to BSN.

Use the following resources as you complete this Application assignment. Access these resources in the Resource section or by entering the web addresses provided into your address bar.

APA Module Scholarly Writing Tips
(available in the Resource section of this week)

Plagiarism Module UTA Library
(Go to the RN to BSN Program homepage, and locate the link.)

Refer also to your course readings and lectures as you complete the assignment.

Performance Objectives • Document use of online capabilities to locate APA and Plagiarism Modules. • Summarize and cite articles in APA format on the transition to professional nursing.

Rubric Use this rubric to guide your work on the Week 1 Assignment, “APA, Plagiarism, & Role Transition Articles.”

|Tasks |Accomplished |Proficient |Needs |
|⎢ | | |Improvement |
|Part 1: | | | |
|APA Module |Completes APA Module Attestation|Partially completes APA Module |Does not complete APA Module |
|(Total 30 points) |Form. (30 points) |Attestation Form. (25 points) |Attestation Form. (0 points) |
| | | | |
|Part 2: |Plagiarism module is completed |Plagiarism module score is |Plagiarism module score is not |
|Plagiarism Model |and screen shot of score is |listed, but screen shot is not |reported, or is reported |
|(Total 10 points) |embedded in this document. |embedded in this document. (7 |inaccurately. (0-2 points) |
| |(10 points) |points) | |
| | | | |
| |Selects 2 articles and lists the| | |
|Part 3: |APA references correctly – no |Selects at least 1 article and |Selects 1 or no articles and/ or|
|Articles on Role Transition |errors. |lists the APA references with no|makes 4 or more errors. (4 |
|(Total 60 points) |(20 points) |more than 4 errors. |points) |
| | |(18 points) | |
| |Writes 2 summaries - one summary|Writes at least 1 summary for an| |
| |for each article. Each summary |article. The summary is 1 a |Both summaries are missing. (0 |
| |is 1 paragraph of 3-4 |paragraph of 3-4 original |points), and/or the summaries |
| |well-written, original sentences|sentences with no more than 2 |have less than 3 sentences, |
| |with no grammatical errors. |grammatical errors. (30 points) |and/or |
| |(40 points) | |3 or more grammatical errors. |
| | | |(10 points) |

Part 1: APA Module

After viewing the APA slide presentation, complete the APA Attestation Statement Form.


I Tabatha Mize have gone to the UTA Library site and viewed the APA Format Module by W. K. Mages entitled APA Exposed: Everything You Always Wanted to Know About APA Format But Were Afraid to Ask (0nline Presentation).

By entering my name on this form electronically, I attest that I did indeed do the work required of me to meet the assignment of viewing the APA Format Module.

Name: Tabatha Mize


Date: 7-4-2012

Part 2: Plagiarism Module

• View the Plagiarism Module slide presentation. The next-to-last slide in the module displays your score. • When your score is displayed, use the “Print Screen*” feature of your computer to capture a screen shot, and paste it below: (Do not complete the “Send Your Score” slide that follows!) * [pic]
Part 3: Articles on Role Transition

• Select two articles on the role transition from RN to BSN. • For each article, complete the information below.

Article 1 reference: List entry in correct APA format.

Diaconis, L. (2010). The labyrinth: a transformative path for RN to BSN education. International Journal For Human Caring, 14 (3), 43-48. Retrieved from

Brief summary paragraph (in your own words) of approximately 3-4 sentences:

Article 2 reference: List entry in correct APA format.

Brief summary paragraph (in your own words) of approximately 3-4 sentences:

Week 1 Assignment: APA, Plagiarism, & Role Transition Articles

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