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App C


Submitted By classclown
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University of Phoenix Material

Appendix C

Part I

Define the following terms:

|Term |Definition |
|Discrimination |The denial of opportunities and equal rights to individuals and groups because of prejudice |
| |or for other obituary reasons. |
|Institutional discrimination |A denial of opportunities and equal rights to individuals or groups resulting from the |
| |normal operations of a society. |
|Political correctness |Language or a behavior that does not offend particular groups of people. |

Part II

Write a 150- to 250-word response to each of the following questions:

• How is discrimination different from prejudice and stereotyping? Discrimination differs from prejudice and stereotyping in a way that discrimination isn’t just a way that discrimination isn’t just an negative attitude that rejects an entire group, as prejudice is defined. Discrimination is the denial of opportunities and equal rights to individuals and groups because of prejudice or other arbitrary reasons. Prejudice does not necessarily end with wealth. Discrimination also has accumulative effect so that people today are victims of past and current differential practices. As stereotyping are unreliable generalizations about some members of a particular group without considering an individual’s differences. I feel discrimination has many forms, aside from race, also age, sexual orientation or wealth. Discrimination can hinder a person from advancing in their life, which will affect future. You see

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