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大华银行(中国)有限公司 2012年度报告 UNITED OVERSEAS BANK (CHINA) LIMITED Annual Report 2012

雨林英姿 严家程

Splendour of Rainforests Ngiam Kiah Seng

目录 Contents
3 4 5 6 7 重要提示 公司简介 母行简介 主要财务信息 董事长致辞 Important Notice About United Overseas Bank (China) Limited About United Overseas Bank Limited Financial Highlights Chairman’s Statement Corporate Information Supervisor Board of Directors Organisation Chart 2012 in Review Corporate Governance Risk Management Important Highlights Our Network Audited Financial Statements

11 公司信息 12 监事 13 董事会 20 组织架构图 22 管理层报告 29 公司治理 39 风险管理 50 重要事项 51 营业网点 52 审计报告

《雨林英姿》严家程 水墨画

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splendour of Rainforests by ngiam Kiah seng Ink and Colour on Paper
Ngiam Kiah Seng received the Platinum Award in the 2010 UOB Painting Of The Year Competition for this painting. It is the design inspiration behind this year’s Annual Report. Ngiam used a yin-yang stroke technique to represent the interconnectedness and interdependence of the stability of Singapore’s financial system to the nation’s growth and development through the idea of rainforests. The rainforest trees symbolise longevity, synonymous with UOB’s long term focus on how it manages and operates its businesses across the region. Ngiam’s piece is now one of the works in the UOB Art Collection. The collection began in the 1970s as a way to support the local art scene in Singapore and has grown to include more than 1,700 pieces from around the region. Many of these pieces are on display at the Group’s offices worldwide.

UnIteD oVeRseAs BAnK (CHInA) LtD.




重要提示 Important notice

本董 事会保证本行《2012 年度报告》所披 露信息的真实、准 确与完整。本董事会于 2013 年 3 月 21 日会议审计并一致通 过了本行《2012 年度报告》。 本行年度报表经安永华明会计师事务所上海分所根据中国注 册会计师审计准则的规定进行审计, 并出具了无保留意见的审 计报告。 大华银行(中国)有限公司董事会

The Board of Directors of the Bank assures that the information presented in this report is true, accurate and complete. This report was passed at the Board of Directors Meeting held on 21 March 2013. The financial statements of the Bank for Year 2012 were audited by Ernst and Young Hua Ming Shanghai Office in accordance with the China Certificated Public Accountants’ Independent Auditing Standards, and have obtained standard auditors’ reports without any reserved opinions. Board of Directors, United Overseas Bank (China) Limited 21 March 2013

2013 年 3 月 21 日

UnIteD oVeRseAs BAnK (CHInA) LtD.


公司简介 About United overseas Bank (China) Limited

大华银行(中国)有限公司(大华银行(中国) )是亚洲银行业 翘楚— 大华银行有限公司(大华银行)的在华全资子公司, 拥有中国本地法人银行资格。 大华银 行(中国)于 2007 年 12 月 18 日注 册成 立,注 册 资本 金 30 亿元人民币, 总部设在上海。 通过稳健经 大华银行(中国)于 2008 年 1 月 2 日正式对外开业, 营、 健康发展, 目前, 已在中国的主要城市拥有十多家分支机构。 大华银行在中国的发展已有超过 25 年的历史。 早在 1984 年, 大华银行便在北京开设了第一间办事处。 2006 年, 大华银行成为 上海第一家获批为客户处理资本账目的东南亚银行。 2008 年, 大 华银行(中国)获得了人民币零售业务牌照; 2011 年获得了上 海黄金交易所授予的在华黄金交易会员资格; 2012 年 7 月, 大 华银行(中国)获得合格境内机构投资者(QDII)资格, 月, 12 又获得了银行间黄金询价资格, 成为首批获得此项资格的四家 外资银行之一。这些都进一步扩展了大华银行在中国的业务。 目前, 大华银行(中国)的综合财务实力信用等级被中诚信国际 信用评级有限责任公司评为 A A A 级, 评级展望为稳定。

United Overseas Bank (China) Limited (UOB (China)) is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the United Overseas Bank Limited (UOB), a leading bank in Asia. UOB (China) was incorporated in the People’s Republic of China on 18 December 2007 with a registered capital of RMB 3 billion. Headquartered in Shanghai, UOB (China) commenced business on 2 January 2008. Our growth in China has been based on a long-term strategic focus which has seen us increase our presence to more than 10 branches and sub-branches in major cities in China. UOB has more than 25 years’ experience in China. Our first representative office was set up in Beijing in 1984. In 2006, We were also the first bank from Southeast Asia authorised to settle capital accounts in Shanghai. UOB (China) received a retail Renminbi (RMB) licence and Shanghai Gold Exchange trading membership in 2008 and 2011 respectively. In 2012, UOB (China) received a Qualified Domestic Institutional Investors (QDII) licence, and was one of an initial batch of 20 banks to participate in trading bullion via the Shanghai Gold Exchange's newly-launched interbank platform. These advances extended further our business offerings to customers operating in China. UOB (China) is triple A rated for comprehensive financial credibility and stable for financial strength outlook by China Chengxin International Credit Rating Co., Ltd.



母行简介 About United overseas Bank Limited

大华银行是 亚洲银行业的翘 楚, 在全球范围内拥有超过 500 家办 事处,遍布亚 太、 西欧、北美 19 个国家和地区。 1935 自 年注册成立以来, 大华银行通过一系列的收购不断成长。 目前, 大华银行立足于亚洲, 除了分布广泛的分支机构, 还在中国、 印 度尼西亚、 马来西亚、 菲律宾、 新加坡和泰国成立了子公司。 个人财务服务、 私人银行 大华银行提供范围广泛的金融服务: 服务、 商业与企业银行服务、 投资银行服务、 企业融资、 资本市 场业务、 外汇资金服务、 期货经纪服务、 资产管理、 创业资金管理、 保险以及股票经纪服务。大华银行也经营多元化业务, 如旅游 和租赁。 在新加坡, 大华银行是信用卡业务及私人住宅房屋贷款业务的 市场领导者。 它也在中小企业贷款市场扮演重要角色。大华银 行的基金管理公司大华资产管理是新加坡获奖最多的基金经 理之一, 其区域业务不断增长。 大华银行是世界最佳银行之一, 穆迪评级为 Aa1 级, 标普评级 为 A A-。 尤其是在儿童成长、 大华银行致力在社区发展中发挥积极作用, 教育及艺术发展领域。三十年来, 大华银行每年举办获得很好 声誉的“全国绘画比赛及展览” 推广亚洲艺术家作品。为表 , 彰我行对艺术的贡献, 大华银行连续七年获国家艺术理事会颁 发卓越艺术赞助人奖。 我们还鼓励区域内的所有员工通过志愿 者活动, 参与当地的企业社会责任项目。 这包括在新加坡、 印尼、 马来西亚、 泰国和中国举行的大华银行 “爱心公益义跑与义走” 活动。 欲了解更多信息请登陆大华银行的官方网站: 。

United Overseas Bank Limited (UOB) is a leading bank in Asia with a global network of more than 500 offices in 19 countries and territories in Asia Pacific, Western Europe and North America. Since its incorporation in 1935, UOB has grown through a series of strategic acquisitions and organic growth. Today, it operates in Asia through its branches and representative offices as well as banking subsidiaries in China, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore and Thailand. UOB provides a wide range of financial services including personal financial services, wealth management, private banking, commercial and corporate banking, transaction banking, investment banking, corporate finance, capital market activities, treasury services, futures broking, asset management, venture capital management and insurance. UOB also has diversified interests in travel and property management. In Singapore, UOB is a market leader in the credit and debit cards business, and the private residential home loans business. It is also a key player in loans to small and medium enterprises. Its fund management arm, UOB Asset Management, is one of Singapore’s most awarded fund managers. UOB is rated among the world’s top banks, with a rating of Aa1 by Moody’s and AA- by Standard and Poor’s and Fitch respectively. UOB also plays an active role in the community, focusing its corporate responsibility efforts on the arts, promoting education and helping children. For three decades UOB has organised the prestigious UOB Painting Of The Year Competition and Exhibition. In recognition of its contributions to the arts, UOB has been conferred the National Arts Council’s Distinguished Patron of the Arts Award for the seventh consecutive year. UOB also encourages its employees across the region to be involved in its corporate responsibility programme through regular volunteer activities. This includes the annual UOB Heartbeat Run which is held in Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand and mainland China. For more information about UOB, please visit www.uobg

UnIteD oVeRseAs BAnK (CHInA) LtD.


主要财务信息 Financial Highlights

2012 经营成果 Operating result
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RMB'000 461,559 34,178 634,500 498,261 5,379 130,859 123,205 94,509 RMB'000

Increase (Decrease)

% 35.6 66.0 37.2 13.1 359.5 115.7 132.8 127.1 % (2.0) 11.1 (2.9) 13.5 6.1 % 3.1 0.3 (13.8) 1.1 0.2 (0.6) 0.1 (32.9)

Net interest income Net fee and commission income Total operating income Total operating expenses Impairment charges Operating profit Profit before tax Net profit after tax

625,655 56,739 870,603 563,665 24,716 282,221 286,788 214,588

资产负债 Balance sheet
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Total assets Customer loans, net Total liabilities Customer deposits Shareholders' equity

34,583,262 14,916,638 30,806,847 23,944,690 3,776,415 % 5.8 0.6 64.7 6.5 2.5 64.3 0.7 277.8

35,269,369 13,422,820 31,711,663 21,105,907 3,557,706 % 2.7 0.3 78.5 5.4 2.3 64.9 0.6 310.7

财务指标 Financial indicators
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Return on average ordinary shareholders' equity Return on average total assets Expenses/income ratio Net fee and commission income/total operating income Net interest margin Loans-to-Deposits ratio Non-performing loan ratio Non-performing loan coverage Capital adequacy ratio Tier 1 CAR Total CAR

22.3 23.5

24.3 25.5

(2.0) (2.0)



, 董事长致辞 Chairman s statement

2012 年回顾

2012 Review
The underlying issues in the global environment persisted over the last 12 months but as expected, Asia stayed resilient amid a global slowdown. After a decade of high growth, Chinese economic growth moderated in 2012 to 7.8 per cent year-on-year (y-o-y). Economic restructuring continued through the urbanisation of the lower-tiered cities and a measured stimulus programme to boost domestic consumption.

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大华银行(中国)业绩表现 UoB (China) Performance and Achievements
115.6%£¬ ´ï 2.8 ÒÚ Ôª ÈË Ãñ ±Ò £» Ë° ºó ¾» Àû Èó Ϊ 2.1 ÒÚ Ôª ÈË Ãñ ±Ò £¬ ½Ï È¥ Äê Ôö ³¤ ÁË 127.1%¡£ ´Ë Íâ £¬ ÎÒ Ð ±£ ³Ö ÁË ½¡ ¿µ µÄ ²Æ Îñ ÊÕ Ö§ ×´ ¿ö £¬ ²¢ ʵ ÏÖ ÁË ×Ê ½ð À´ Ô´ µÄ ¶à Ôª »¯ £¬ Óë ¿Í »§ ¼ä µÄ Áª ϵ Ò² ²» ¶Ï ¼Ó Éî ¡£
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At UOB (China), we are committed to delivering disciplined growth. This commitment is the principle by which all management decisions are taken and this is reflected in our 2012 performance. Operating profit grew 115.6 per cent to Renminbi (RMB) 282.2 million and net profit after tax rose 127.1 per cent to RMB 214.6 million. Our balance sheet remains solid, our funding more diversified and our relationship with customers deeper. Customer loans expanded 12.7 per cent y-o-y to RMB 15.1 billion, while total deposits increased 13.3 per cent y-o-y to RMB 23.9 billion. As a result, our loans-to-deposits ratio decreased from 64.9 per cent to 64.3 per cent. We will continue to strengthen our customer franchise while ensuring funding stability.

UnIteD oVeRseAs BAnK (CHInA) LtD.


董事长致辞, Chairman s statement


Improving customers’ experience through our network and channels
UOB Group’s investment in building an integrated regional network to provide our customers with a seamless and consistent experience across the region is well on track. For UOB (China), the investment resulted in significant progress in our business network expansion programme and the introduction of product and service enhancements.
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In 2012 we continued to focus on building our retail and commercial banking businesses through products and services tailored to meet the needs of our Chinese customers. With the opening of the Hangzhou branch in April 2012, we strengthened our presence in the Yangtze River delta and our service of affluent consumers and private and state-owned enterprises. To provide customers with a better and more convenient banking experience, we also upgraded our branches in Beijing, Tianjin and Guangzhou, and relocated our Shenzhen office. During the year we enhanced our e-service channels by launching UOB Personal Internet Banking. We upgraded our ATMs to accept China UnionPay-issued integrated chip cards. We also commenced inter-bank discounting of bankers acceptance drafts and the trading of precious metals and made improvements to our customer service hotline. All these services continued to deliver on our promise to provide world-class customer service while ensuring greater efficiency across our business.


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Helping customers seize intra-regional trade opportunities
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The rise in intra-regional trade is estimated to account for almost half of all trade in Asia1. Chinese enterprises are playing a role in this growth with an increasing number looking to expand into the region to fuel their growth. For such businesses, UOB (China) has set up a dedicated regional China Desk to support Chinese companies going abroad. This team works with colleagues in our Singapore Foreign Direct Investment Advisory Unit to help our customers establish operations in Southeast Asia. In November 2012, UOB was the first bank in Southeast Asia to sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) for promoting interregional trade and investment. Under the MOU, UOB will work with CCPIT to help Chinese companies seize market opportunities in Southeast Asia through cross-border banking solutions including trade financing, loans, investments and deposits. CCPIT will also help to support the expansion plans of UOB’s commercial and corporate banking customers into China. Our efforts to help clients seize these cross-border opportunities



The Rise of Intra-Regional Trade£¨ 2012.11.28£©


UOB Insights Report: The Rise of Intra-Regional Trade (28 November 2012)



, 董事长致辞 Chairman s statement

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helped us earn the “2012 Top 10 Successful ASEAN's Enterprises Entering into China" title from the China-ASEAN Business Council.

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training and retaining talent
Banking is ultimately a people and relationship business. The key to our continued success is a strong talent pool. By the end of 2012, UOB (China) had more than 1,000 employees supporting our business and customers. To develop our people to their full potential, UOB is committed to investing in skills development and to creating opportunities for our people to grow. There is a Chinese saying that it takes 10 years to cultivate a tree, 100 years to grow a person. Nurturing talent requires patience and commitment for the long term. This year, we saw our first cohort of young talents complete the 15-month long Management Associates Programme. These young talents selected from top universities in Shanghai, Beijing, Chengdu and Xiamen have now started their career within the Bank.

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2013 outlook
We expect that 2013 will be a year of slower global growth due to continued uncertainty in the West. However, we expect Asia to stay resilient barring major shocks from the West. Asia’s long-term prospects are strong, backed by increasing intra-regional business and its rising middle class.
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Within Asia, Southeast Asia is expected to remain a bright spot, with its consistent growth rate and favourable demographics. Last year China-ASEAN trade volume reached a record high of US$400 billion2 and we see the future of bilateral cooperation between China and ASEAN as continuing to strengthen. To continue to be successful in the years ahead, we will focus on delivering growth with stability and on ensuring that we are delivering the right products and solutions to our customers. This involves discipline in pursuing business and customers with the right target risk-return profile, setting a balance risk-reward performance system and culture, and equipping our people with the skills and knowledge to do what is right for our customers. We are confident that our business philosophy and focus on long-term sustainable profits will ensure we are well-positioned for future growth.



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2012 Êý¾Ý


China-ASEAN Business Council 2012 data

UnIteD oVeRseAs BAnK (CHInA) LtD.


董事长致辞, Chairman s statement


I would like to express our deep appreciation to the Board of Directors for their wise counsel during the past year. On behalf of the Board, I would like to thank the Management and all staff for their commitment and hard work. To our customers, I look forward to your continued support as we seek to serve you better.
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2013 Äê

Wee ee Cheong Chairman April 2013



公司信息 Corporate Information
法定名称 法定代表人 注册地址 ÓÊÕþ±àÂ룺
Registered name United Overseas Bank (China) Limited Legal Representative Wee Ee Cheong Registered office Unit 105, 2F, 3F,111 Dongyuan Road Pudong New Area Shanghai 200120 Tel: (86) (21) 6061 8888 Fax: (86) (21) 6886 0908 SWIFT: UOVBCNSH Website: Date of Incorporation 18 December 2007 Registration Authority Shanghai Administration of Industry and Commerce Registered Business Licence number 310000400553992 Paid Up share Capital RMB 3,000,000,000 shareholder (Founder) United Overseas Bank Limited type of Company Limited Company (Wholly Foreign-owned) tax Registration number 310043669414723 supervisor Wee Cho Yaw Board of Directors Wee Ee Cheong (Chairman) Tan Kian Huat (President and CEO) Francis Lee Chin Yong Christine Ip Cham Tao Soon Zeng Zhi Jie executive Committee Wee Ee Cheong (Chairman) Tan Kian Huat Francis Lee Chin Yong Christine Ip nominating and Remuneration Committee Cham Tao Soon (Chairman) Wee Ee Cheong Francis Lee Chin Yong Zeng Zhi Jie Audit Committee Cham Tao Soon (Chairman) Francis Lee Chin Yong Christine Ip Zeng Zhi Jie Connected transaction Control Committee Zeng Zhi Jie (Chairman) Francis Lee Chin Yong Cham Tao Soon William Chong Kim Khong Risk Management Committee Zeng Zhi Jie (Chairman) Francis Lee Chin Yong Christine Ip Cham Tao Soon Auditors Ernst and Young Hua Ming (Shanghai Branch)

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企业法人营业执照注册号 310000400553992£¨Êо֩ 注册资本 300000 ÍòÔª 股东 ( 发起人 ) 公司类型

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税务登记号码 310043669414723 监事 董事会







UnIteD oVeRseAs BAnK (CHInA) LtD.


监事 supervisor

黄祖耀 监事
84 Ëê £¬ Óµ ÓÐ ³¬ ¹ý µÄ ¼à Ê ¡£
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Wee Cho Yaw
50 Äê ¾- Ñé µÄ Òø Ð ¼Ò ¡£ ×Ô 2007 Äê Æð µ£ ÈÎ ´ó »ª Òø Ð £¨ ÖÐ ¹ú £©

Supervisor Age 84. A banker with more than 50 years’ experience, Dr. Wee has been the Supervisor of UOB (China) since 2007. Dr. Wee joined the Board of UOB in 1958, and was appointed Managing Director of UOB in 1960. He has been the Chairman and Chief E xecutive Of ficer (CEO) of UOB since 1974. He relinquished his CEO position in 2007. Dr. Wee is the Chairman of UOB subsidiaries, Far Eastern Bank, United Overseas Insurance, United Overseas Bank (Malaysia) and United Overseas Bank (Thai) Public Company, and President Commissioner of PT Bank UOB Indonesia. He is the Chairman of United International Securities, Haw Par Corporation, UOL Group, Pan Pacific Hotels Group, United Industrial Corporation, and Singapore Land and its subsidiary, Marina Centre Holdings. He is also the Chairman of the Wee Foundation.
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Dr. Wee was conferred the Businessman of the Year award twice at the Singapore Business Awards in 2001 and 1990. In 2006, he received the inaugural Credit Suisse-Ernst & Young Lifetime Achievement Award for his outstanding achievements in the Singapore business community. In 2009, he was conferred the Lifetime Achievement Award by The Asian Banker. Dr. Wee is the Pro-Chancellor of Nanyang Technological University and Honorary President of the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry, Singapore Federation of Chinese Clan Associations and Singapore Hokkien Huay Kuan. He was conferred an Honorary Doctor of Letters by National University of Singapore in 2008. Dr. Wee was also conferred the Distinguished Service Order, Singapore’s highest National Day Awards in 2011, for his outstanding contributions in community work. He was appointed Honorary Adviser of China Overseas Exchange Association in 2008.



董事会 Board of Directors

黄一宗 董事长
60 Ëê £¬ 2007 Äê 9 Ô 17 ÈÕ ÊÜ Î¯ ÈÎ ¼Ó Èë Ô± »á Ö÷ ϯ £¬ Ìá Ãû ¼° н ³ê ί Ô± »á ³É Ô± ¡£
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Wee ee Cheong
Chairman Age 60. Mr. Wee was appointed to the Board on 17 September 2007 as the Chairman. He is also the Chairman of the Bank’s Executive Committee and a member of the Nominating and Remuneration Committee. A career banker, Mr. Wee joined United Overseas Bank (UOB) in 1979, and has extensive experience handling various functions across the Bank. He served as Deputy Chairman and President of the Bank from 2000 to April 2007 before being appointed as CEO on 27 April 2007. He is a member of the UOB Executive and Board Risk Management Committees.

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He also holds directorships in several UOB subsidiaries and affiliates, including Far Eastern Bank, United Overseas Insurance, United Overseas Bank (Malaysia), United Overseas Bank (Thai) Public Company and United International Securities. He is the Vice President Commissioner of PT Bank UOB Indonesia. Mr. Wee is actively engaged in regional business development through his participation in key industry bodies. He serves as a council member of The Association of Banks in Singapore and as a director of The Institute of Banking and Finance and chairs the Financial Industry Competency Standards (FICS) Steering Committee. He is a member of the Board of Governors of Singapore-China Foundation, Visa APCEMEA Senior Client Council and Advisory Board of INSEAD East Asia Council and International Council.

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He is a director of the Wee Foundation, as well as the patron of the Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts. Mr. Wee is an honorary council member of the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry. He had previously served as Deputy Chairman of the Housing and Development Board, and as a director of the Port of Singapore Authority, UOL Group and Pan Pacific Hotels Group. He holds a Bachelor of Science (Business Administration) and a Master of Arts (Applied Economics) from The American University, Washington, DC.

UnIteD oVeRseAs BAnK (CHInA) LtD.


董事会 Board of Directors

陈建发 行长兼首席执行官
55 Ëê £¬ 2008 Äê Рί Ô± »á ³É Ô± ¡£ 6 Ô 6 ÈÕ ÊÜ Î¯ ÈÎ ¼Ó Èë ¶- Ê »á ¡£ Ö´ Ð ¶- Ê £¬ Ò² ÊÇ ±¾ Ð Ö´

tan Kian Huat
President and Chief Executive Officer Age 55. Mr. Tan was appointed to the Board on 6 June 2008 as an Executive Director. He is also a member of the Bank’s Executive Committee.

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Mr. Tan has been the President and CEO of UOB (China) since 6 May 2008. Prior to his current appointment, he was a Senior Vice President in United Overseas Bank (Malaysia). In his 29 years in the banking industry, he has served as a Credit Officer, Head of Credit, Branch Manager, Regional Manager and Head of Business Banking.

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Mr. Tan holds a Bachelor of Science (Mechanical Engineering, Hons) from the University of Leeds, UK, and a Master of Business Administration from the University of Bradford, UK.



董事会 Board of Directors

59 Ëê £¬ 2007 Äê 12 Ô 27 ÈÕ ÊÜ Î¯ ÈÎ ¼Ó Èë ¶- Ê »á ¡£ ·Ç Ö´ Ð ¶- Ê ¡¢ ±¾ Ð Ö´ Рί Ô± »á ¡¢ Ìá Ãû ¼° н ³ê ί Ô± »á ¡¢ Éó ¼Æ ί Ô± »á ¡¢ ¹Ø Áª ½» Ò× ¿Ø ÖÆ Î¯ Ô± »á ºÍ ·ç ÏÕ ¹Ü Àí ί Ô± »á ³É Ô± ¡£
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Francis Lee Chin Yong Age 59. Mr. Lee was appointed to the Board on 27 December 2007 as a non-executive director. He is also a member of the Bank’s Executive, Nominating and Remuneration, Audit, Connected Transaction Control and Risk Management Committees. Mr. Lee is a Managing Director and Head of Group Retail at United Overseas Bank Limited (UOB). He joined UOB in 1980. He leads the UOB Group’s retail businesses for consumers and small business customers. Prior to his appointment in Singapore in 2003, he was the Chief Executive Officer of United Overseas Bank (Malaysia). Between 2003 and 2008, Mr. Lee was the Head of International and spearheaded the Group’s expansion in the region. He was also responsible for the Bank’s consumer banking business in Singapore and the region. Mr. Lee is a director of several UOB subsidiaries and affiliates, including United Overseas Bank (Malaysia) Bhd, United Overseas Bank (Thai) Public Company Limited, UOB Property Investments Private Limited, UOB International Investment Pte Ltd, UOB-Kay Hian Holdings Limited, Uni.Asia Capital Sdn Bhd, Uni.Asia Life Assurance Bhd, President Hotel Sdn Bhd, HPL Properties (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd, Grand Elite Sdn Bhd, Grand Elite (Penang) Sdn Bhd and UOL Serviced Residences Sdn Bhd. He is Commissioner of PT Bank UOB Indonesia. He holds a Malaysia Certificate of Education and has more than 33 years of experience in the financial industry.

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33 Äê








UnIteD oVeRseAs BAnK (CHInA) LtD.


董事会 Board of Directors

50 Ëê £¬ 2011 Äê 8 Ô 22 ÈÕ ÊÜ Ö´ Рί Ô± »á ¡¢ Éó ¼Æ ί Ô± »á ºÍ ·ç
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Christine Ip
Age 50. Mrs. Ip was appointed to the Board on 22 August 2011 as a non-executive director. She is also a member of the Bank’s Executive, Audit and Risk Management Committees. Mrs. Ip joined UOB in 2011. She is responsible for developing the Greater China strategy for the Bank and was appointed as CEO of United Overseas Bank Hong Kong Office in January 2012. She is also an independent non-executive director of SmarTone Telecommunications Holdings Limited. Mrs. Ip is a seasoned banker with more than 26 years of experience in both consumer and corporate banking. Prior to joining UOB, Mrs. Ip held several senior management positions in product and sales management, customer segment management and risk management in Hong Kong, the United States, Canada, Singapore and China. Mrs. Ip’s achievements have been recognised by Asia Retail Congress when she was awarded the “Best International Retail Banker” in 2008 and when she was announced as one of the top 100 outstanding Chinese businesswoman in the Greater China region for 2012 by China Outstanding Female Entrepreneurs Association.

Ã÷ Å® Ê¿ ÓÚ 2011 Äê ¼Ó Èë ´ó »ª Òø Ð £¬ ¸º Ôð ´ó ÖÐ »ª Òµ Îñ ²ß ÂÔ ¡£ Ò¶ Å® 2012 Äê 1 Ô Æð ¼æ ÈÎ ´ó »ª Òø Ð ÓÐ ÏÞ ¹« ˾ Ïã ¸Û Çø ×Ü ²Ã ¡£ 2012 Äê 11 Ô Êý Âë ͨ µç Ѷ ¼¯ ÍÅ ÓÐ ÏÞ ¹« ˾ ί ÈÎ Ò¶ Ñî Ê« Ã÷ Å® Ê¿ Ϊ ¶À Á¢ ·Ç Ö´ Ð ¶- Ê ¡£ Ê¿ ÓÚ Ò¶ Èë Ïã ²¢ ÓÉÚÒµ¼¨×¿Öø£¬ Çò Á¼ Å®ÆóÒµ¼£¬Ô±íÕöÑîÊ¿Ú¾-Éç»á°´È·½æÄܳö¹Ïס Ò¶ ѧ λ Ñî ¡£ Ê« Ã÷ Å® Ê¿ Óµ ÓÐ Ïã ¸Û ´ó ѧ ÎÄ Ñ§ Ê¿ ѧ λ ¼° Ïã ¸Û ¿Æ ¼ ´ó ѧ ¹¤ ÉÌ ¹Ü Àí ˶ ºÃ Áã ÊÛ ·¢ Òø Õ¹£¬ Ð ¼Ò ÔÚ ´ó ¸Û ²ú Ñî »ª ¡¢ Ê« ÓÐ ³¬ ¹ý 26 Äê µÄ ¸ö ÈË Òø Ð ¼° Æó Òµ Òø Ð ´Ó Òµ ¾- Ñé ¡£ ÔÚ ¼Ó £¬ Ò¶ Å® Ê¿ Ôø ÔÚ °Ä РÒø Ð ¡¢ Ôü ´ò Òø Ð ºÍ »ã ·á Òø Ð µÄ ÖÐ ¹ú ¡¢ ÃÀ ¹ú ¡¢ ¼Ó Äà ´ó ¡¢ Р¼Ó Æ µÈ µØ Çø µ£ ÈÎ ¹ý Ò» ϵ ÁÐ ¸ß ¼¶ ¹Ü Àí ²ã Ö° λ ¡£ Æ· ¿ª ·¢ ¡¢ Ïú ÊÛ ¹Ü Àí ¡¢ ¿Í »§ ¹Ü Àí ºÍ ·ç ÏÕ ¹Ü Àí µÈ Áì Óò ¶¼ ÓÐ Ëù ½¨ Ê÷ ¡£ Ã÷ Å® Ê¿ Óµ Òø Ð Ö® Ç°

2008 ÄêÈÙ»ñÑÇÖÞÁãÊÛÉÌáÒé°ä·¢µ ¡°È« Ñî Ê« Ã÷ Å® Ê¿ ÔÚ ½ð ÈÚ Ð Òµ ÖÐ µÄ ׿ Ô½ ³É ¼¨ Óë Ëý ±» ÖÐ ¹ú ½Ü ³ö Å® Æó Òµ ¼Ò Áª Òê »á ÆÀ Ñ¡ Ϊ 2012 Äê ÖÐ ¹ú °Ù Ãû ½Ü ³ö
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Mrs. Ip holds a Bachelor Degree of Arts from University of Hong Kong and MBA from Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.



董事会 Board of Directors

73 Ëê £¬ 2007 Äê 12 Ô 27 ÈÕ ÊÜ Î¯ ÈÎ ¼Ó Èë ¶- Ê »á ¡£ ¶À Á¢ ¼° ·Ç Ö´ Ð ¶- Ê £¬ ±¾ Ð Ìá Ãû ¼° н ³ê ί Ô± »á ºÍ Éó ¼Æ ί Ô± »á Ö÷ ϯ £¬ ¹Ø Áª ½» Ò× ¿Ø ÖÆ Î¯ Ô± »á ºÍ ·ç ÏÕ ¹Ü Àí ί Ô± »á ³É Ô± ¡£
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Cham tao soon
Age 73. Prof. Cham was appointed to the Board on 27 December 2007 as an independent and non-executive director. He is also the Chairman of the Bank’s Nominating and Remuneration Committee and Audit Committee, and a member of the Bank’s Connected Transaction Control Committee and Risk Management Committee. Prof. Cham is a director of United Overseas Bank (UOB) and a director of UOB’s subsidiary, Far Eastern Bank. He is the Chairman of NSL Ltd, MFS Technology, Soup Restaurant Group and Board of Governors of Singapore-China Foundation, and Deputy Chairman of Singapore Press Holdings. He is a director of Singapore International Foundation. Prof. Cham is the Chancellor of SIM University and Chairman of its Board of Trustees, and founding President of Nanyang Technological University (1981-2002).

½Ì ÊÚ ÊÇ Ð ¼Ó ƠРԾ ´ó ѧ µÄ ÈÙ Óþ У ³¤ ºÍ ¶- Ê »á Ö÷ ϯ £¬ 2002 Äê ¼ä µ£ ÈΠР¼Ó Æ ÄÏ Ñó Àí ¹¤ ´ó ѧ µÄ ´ У У ³¤ ¡£ ½Ì Óþ ÊÚ Ñ§ Рӵ λ ¼Ó ÓÐ ºÍ Æ Âí Ó¢ ¹¤ À´ ¹ú ³Ì Î÷ ½£ ÑÐ ÑÇ ÇÅ ¾¿ ´ó ´ó Ôº¡¢ ѧ ѧ ÍÁ Á÷ Ó¢ ľ Ìå ¹ú ¹¤ Á¦ »Ê ³Ì ѧ ¼Ò ѧ »ú ¹¤ Ê¿ е ³Ì ÈÙ ²© Ôº¡¢ Óþ Ê¿ ѧ ѧ Ó¢ λ λ¡£ ¹ú ¡¢ Â× Ëû »ú ¶Ø Ò² е


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He holds a Bachelor of Engineering (Civil, Hons) from University of Malaya, a Bachelor of Science (Mathematics, Hons) from U ni v e rsi ty o f Lo ndo n a nd a D o c to r o f P h i l o s o p h y ( F l u i d Mechanics) from University of Cambridge, UK. He is also a Fellow of Institution of Engineers, Singapore, Academy of Engineering, Singapore, Royal Academy of Engineering, UK and Institution of Mechanical Engineers, UK and a foreign member of Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences, Sweden.

UnIteD oVeRseAs BAnK (CHInA) LtD.


董事会 Board of Directors

45 Ëê £¬ 2010 Äê 10 Ô 26 ÈÕ ÊÜ Î¯ ÈÎ ¼Ó Èë ¶- Ê »á ¡£ ¶À Á¢ ¼° ·Ç Ö´ Ð ¶- Ê , ±¾ Ð ¹Ø Áª ½» Ò× ¿Ø ÖÆ Î¯ Ô± »á ºÍ ·ç ÏÕ ¹Ü Àí ί Ô± »á Ö÷ ϯ , Ìá Ãû ¼° н ³ê ί Ô± »á ºÍ Éó ¼Æ ί Ô± »á ³É Ô± ¡£
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Zeng Zhi Jie
Age 45. Mr. Zeng was appointed to the Board on 26 October 2010 as an independent and non-executive director. He is also the Chairman of Connected Transaction Control Committee and Risk Management Committee, and the Member of Nominating and Remuneration Committee and Audit Committee. Mr. Zeng is currently the Senior Managing Director of the CITIC Capital Holdings Limited, the General Manager and Managing Partner of Kaixin Investment, as well as the Chairman of China Special Article Logistics Company. Mr. Zeng serves as director or independent director for six listed companies namely Great Wall Technology Company Ltd, Chinasoft International Ltd., Shanghai AJ Corporation, E-house, Vimicro and AutoNavi as well as other companies such as State Microelectronics. Mr. Zeng serves as Co-chairman of the Venture Capital Association of Investment Association of China, the executive director of Asia America MultiTechnology Association (AAMA) China Branch and board member of WRSACC 2005 Committee. Prior to joining Kaixin Investment, Mr. Zeng was a managing director of Walden International and mainly responsible for venture investments in China and Asia Pacific. Prior to Walden International, Mr. Zeng worked for CITIC Pacific Ltd in Hong Kong and Mitsubishi Corporation in Tokyo, Japan. Mr. Zeng holds his Bachelor of Science in Economics from the University of Nagasaki, Japan, and Master of Science in Management from Stanford University.

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This page has been intentionally left blank

大华银行(中国)组织架构图 2012 UoB (China) organisation Chart
股东 Shareholder 审计委员会 Audit Committee 关联交易控制委员会 Connected Transactions Control Committee 提名及薪酬委员会 Nominating and Remuneration Committee 风险管理委员会 Risk Management Committee 行长兼首席执行官 President and CEO 行长办公室 CEO Office 品牌绩效与企业传播 Brand Performance and Corporate Communications

监事 Supervisor

董事会 Board of Directors

集团条规遵行 Group Compliance

执行委员会 Executive Committee

渠道 Channels 企业银行 Corporate Banking 个人金融服务 Personal Financial Services 财富管理 Wealth Management 抵押贷款 Secured Lending 市场 Marketing 流程管理及客户服务 Process Management and Customer Service 业务规划及绩效管理部与财务 Business Planning and Performance Mgmt / Business Finance 前线拓展 Frontline Development 法规管理 Regulatory Assurance 信贷管理 Credit Management 北京分行 Beijing 上海分行 Shanghai 成都分行 Chengdu 沈阳分行 Shenyang 深圳分行 Shenzhen 广州分行 Guangzhou 天津分行 Tianjin 厦门分行 Xiamen 北京东城支行 Dongcheng 渠道战略及管理 Channels Strategy and Management

行业组合部 消费品及食品饮料 IG1-Consumer Food and Beverage 行业组合部 房地产及基础建设 IG2 - Real Estate / Infrastructure 行业组合部 能源及资源 IG3 - Energy / Resources 行业组合部 运输及物流 IG4 - Transportation / Logistics 行业组合部 汽车 IG5 -Automobile 行业组合部 结构性贸易及商品融资 IG6 - STCF 行业组合部 一般制造业及服务业 IG7 - General Manufacturing and Services 业务支持 Shared Support Services

上海静安支行 Jingan

渠道风险监控 Channels Risk and Assurance

上海新天地支行 Xin Tian Di

分行支持 Branch Support

杭州分行 Hangzhou

注:所有分行行长向总行企业银行部、商业银行部、个人金融服务部和环球金融与投资管理部主管作矩阵式汇报。 Note: All GMs have matrix reporting to Head of Corporate Banking, Commercial Banking, PFS and GMIM.

合规 Compliance

财务及企业服务 Finance and Corporate Services

信贷审批 Credit Approval

科技及营运 Technology and Operations (T&O) 零售银行业务科技与营运 Retail T&O 批发银行业务科技与营运 Wholesale T&O 科技与营运政策及审核 T&O Policy and Operations Assurance 信息安全及业务连续性管理 Information Security and Business Continuity Management 信息科技服务 Business Technology Services 共享服务 Shared Infrastructure Services 科技与营运行政支援及财务 T&O Admin Support and Finance

零售银行合规 Retail Banking Compliance

财务 Finance

中小企业 / 企业银行信贷 Middle Market / Corporate Credit

反洗钱 / 反恐怖融资合规 AML/CFT Compliance

总务 General Services

个人财务服务信贷 PFS Credit

环球金融与投资管理合规 Global Market and Investment Management Compliance 银行合规和监管事务 Corporate Compliance and Regulatory Affairs 批发银行合规 Wholesale Banking Compliance

物业 Property

分行合规管理 Branch Compliance Management



大华银行(中国)组织架构图 2012 UoB (China) organisation Chart

风险与资本委员会 Risk and Capital Committee

资产负债委员会 Asset and Liability Committee

商业银行 Commercial Banking

交易银行业务 Transaction Banking

环球金融与投资管理 Global Market and Investment Management

总行战略产品 及业务管理 HQ Strategic Planning Product Business Management

现金管理销售 及咨询服务 Cash Management Sales and Advisory Services 贸易销售及咨询服务 Trade Sales and Advisory Services 现金产品管理 Cash Product Management 贸易融资产品管理 Trade Product Management 存款产品管理 Deposit Product Management 客户服务及项目实施 Customer Service and Implementation

资产负债管理与资金交易 Asset Liability Management and Trading

分行商业银行部 Commercial Banking (Branches)

资金销售及咨询服务 Treasury Sales and Advisory Services

环球业务拓展 GBD China

金融机构 Financial Institutions Group

信贷分析 Credit Analysts Team

中台业务风险控制 Middle Office Biz Risk Assurance

资金支持与业务财务 Treasury Support and Business Finance

人力资源 Human Resources

风险管理 Risk Management

法律与秘书 Legal and Secretariat

内部审计 Internal Audit

人才与组织发展 Talent and Organisation Development

信贷风险管理 Credit Risk Management 市场及资产负债风险管理 Market and Balance Sheet Risk Management 市场风险监控 Market Risk Control

法律 Legal

普通审计 General Audit

绩效与薪酬 Performance and Rewards

秘书 Secretariat

人力资源业务伙伴 HR Business Management

资讯科技 / 渠道 / 分行运营审计 Technology / Channels/Branches Operations Audit

员工管理与劳动关系 Labor Management and Relations

操作风险管理 Operational Risk Management

分行人力资源管理 Branch HR Management

UnIteD oVeRseAs BAnK (CHInA) LtD.


管理层报告 2012 in Review

2012 Äê ³¤ ÂÊ Îª 7.8%£¬ µø Æ ÁË ¹Ø ¼ü µÄ 8% Ë® ƽ¡£ ²» ͬ ´Ì ¼¤ ¼Æ »®£¬ ÖÐ Ñë Õþ ¸® ³Ã ´Ë ´Î ¾- ¼Ã ·Å »º µÄ Ç÷ ÊÆ£¬ Ê©¡£ ³ý ÁË ÔÚ ¶þ¡¢ Èý Ïß ³Ç ÊÐ ¼Ó ËÙ ³Ç ÊÐ »¯£¬ Õþ ¸® ͬ ÍÆÕ¹³ÖÐøԵļ»®¡£ µÄ ÔÚ ³¤ ¼õ ËÙ£¬ È« Äê Äê ¶È Ôö ÓÚ 2009 Äê µÄ ´ó ¹æ Ä£ ²Æ Õþ Âä ʵ ÁË ¾- ¼Ã ½á ¹ ÐÔ ¸Ä ¸ï ´ë ʱ Ò² ¶Ô ´Ù ½ø ¹ú ÄÚ Ïû ·Ñ Ðè Çó Ôö

Corporate Banking
After a decade of strong growth, the Chinese economy fell below the psychologically important 8 per cent growth level in 2012 to 7.8 per cent. Instead of repeating an aggressive stimulus package similar to that offered in 2009, the Central Government took the opportunity to restructure the economy through programmes focused on urbanisation of the lower-tiered cities and stimulus measures geared towards boosting domestic consumption. In the light of a more challenging economic landscape, UOB (China) Corporate Banking focused on helping customers manage the challenging business environment and to seize growth opportunities both domestically and in the region. In 2012, we enhanced our cash management capability with more tailored features to help customers better manage their inter-company cash flow and ultimately to increase the efficiency of payments and collections.

2012 Äê ºê ¹Û ¾- ¼Ã ²» ¾° µÄ Çé ¿ö Ï £¬ ÎÒ Ð Æó Òµ Òø Ð ÍÅ ¶Ó ר ×¢ ÓÚ °ï Öú ¿Í Ч µØ ¹Ü Àí ¸» ÓÐ Ìô Õ½ ÐÔ µÄ ºê ¹Û »· ¾³ Òò ËØ £¬ ºÍ ÕÆ ÎÕ ÔÚ ¹ú ÄÚ ºÍ º£ Íâ µÄ Ôö ³¤ Á¼ »ú ¡£
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2012 Ä꣬























2012 Äê ³õ ³É Á¢ ÁË ×¨ Êð ר Ϊ ¿Í »§ Ìá ¹© ÎÞ ·ì ʽ µÄ ¿ç Çø Óò Ö§

We offered more trade-based financing products and rolled out a new commodity hedging solution to help onshore customers manage the fluctuation of commodity prices more efficiently. We also supported our customers in their growth plans by taking a more active role in leading onshore syndicated loans in 2012. In recognition of more customers seeking growth outside of China, we set up a specialised unit at the start of 2012 dedicated to providing customers with seamless cross-border support and financial solutions across our regional and global network. Singapore in particular is an important offshore destination for Chinese companies as it is a gateway to Southeast Asia, a regional commodities trading hub and an offshore Yuan clearing centre. To help our customers establish a presence in Singapore and to extend their businesses across Southeast Asia, our team in China worked closely with the UOB Foreign Direct Investment Advisory Unit based in Singapore to deliver a seamless regional banking experience. In 2012, our Corporate Banking segment achieved a 30 per cent year-on-year growth in overall income, of which offshore income grew by more than 70 per cent. Income quality improved with more diversified revenue streams and higher non-interest income. In 2013, our Corporate Banking team will continue to focus on fostering deep customer relationships. We are well-positioned to support our customers with the full spectrum of commercial, transaction and investment banking solutions through our strong Southeast Asian network.

2013 Ä꣬ Æó Òµ Òø Ð »á ¼Ì Ðø Éî »¯ ¿Í »§ ¹Ø ϵ¡£ Ä¿ Ç° ÎÒ Ð ÔÚ Õâ Ò» ·½ Ãæ µÄ ÓÅ ÓÚ Í¨ ¹ý ¼¯ ÍÅ Ç¿ ´ó µÄ ¶« ÃË Çø Óò Íø Â磬 Ϊ ¿Í »§ Ìá ¹© È« Ì× Íê ÉÆ µÄ ÉÌ Òµ¡¢ ½»



管理层报告 2012 in Review

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Commercial Banking
2012 was a challenging year as the global economy dealt with the European debt crisis, the US fiscal cliff and the economic slowdown in major emerging economies, including China. Despite the challenging global and domestic economic conditions, UOB (China) Commercial Banking continued to stay focused and worked hard to help our customers seek new opportunities to grow their business. During the year, we drew upon the expertise of our Global Market and Investment Management and Transaction Banking partners to enhance our range of products and services covering treasury, trade finance and cash management. We also tapped on our extensive regional network in Southeast Asia to provide one-stop cross-border advisory and financing services to our customers. In particular we helped Chinese privately owned enterprises establish business presence in Singapore from which they can expand into Southeast Asia. We maintained prudence and discipline in cost management as we grew our Commercial Banking business. In 2012, our total income and operating contribution increased by 21 per cent and 57 per cent respectively and our customer base increased by 25 per cent. These numbers were achieved alongside significant increases in crossselling income, reduction in cost-to-income ratio and improvement in productivity. In 2013, Commercial Banking China will continue to focus on enhancing our product offerings and capabilities. We will continue to work closely with our Foreign Direct Investment Advisory Unit and Global Business Development Team in Singapore to provide our clients a seamless service in China and throughout the region.

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UnIteD oVeRseAs BAnK (CHInA) LtD.


管理层报告 2012 in Review


transaction Banking
Our Transaction Banking team focused on providing customers with comprehensive end-to-end cash management and trade finance solutions. Our cash management solutions cover payables, receivables and liquidity management services and are accessible through our branch network and business internet banking platform. For trade finance solutions, we provide a full suite of trade products and financing services, as well as trade advisory, structuring and risk mitigation solutions. In 2012, we continued to invest in our transaction banking capabilities and enhanced our product suites to help our customers manage the risk exposures inherent in cross-border trade deals as they looked more to the region to fuel their next stage of development.

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In recognition of the increased demand from customers for crossborder RMB settlement services, we also introduced new RMB foreign direct investment settlement services. We continued to strengthen our relationships with customers through information and knowledge sharing workshops and seminars. From these sessions, we have analysed our customers’ requirements in detail and used the insights we have gained to build new solutions. Both cash management and trade finance revenues experienced strong growth in 2012. Supported by our Group Transaction Banking team based in Singapore, we will continue to enhance our product offering to meet the growing and changing cash management and trade finance needs of our customers in 2013.

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管理层报告 2012 in Review

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Global Markets and Investment Management
2012 Äê Íâ Χ ¾- ¼Ã »· ¾³ ÖÐ ¹ú £© »· Çò ½ð ÈÚ Óë Ͷ ×Ê ¹Ü Àí ²¿ ÃÅ ÈÔ ÔÚ ¸÷

By working closely with our customers and taking views on the market developments and opportunities, Global Markets & Investment Management (GMIM) delivered strong results in a volatile year. In 2012, GMIM developed a series of new foreign exchange, interest rate, commodities and structured products to meet our customers’ needs. We also set up a good platform to offer diversified market products and services to those large and middle corporate customers and high-net-worth individuals in China. In 2012, we were granted an inter-bank gold bilateral trading business license from the Shanghai Gold Exchange and by the end of the year had launched gold bilateral trading. As a result of increased engagement with our onshore institutional counterparties we saw an increase in trading volume. We also recognised the customer demands on RMB cross-border transactions and effectively provided services in this area.

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With growing volatility in the market, bond trading remained brisk in 2012. Investment income rose based on increased bonds transactions. Our fixed income portfolio included but was not limited to Government bonds, PBOC bills, policy bank bonds and Triple-A rated commercial paper and medium-term notes. Bonds trading and investment continued to be one of our core treasury businesses.

UnIteD oVeRseAs BAnK (CHInA) LtD.


管理层报告 2012 in Review

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Personal Financial services
Despite the challenging economic circumstances globally and in China in 2012, UOB (China) Personal Financial Services (PFS) continued to focus on our customers’ needs by introducing new products and providing quality advice to help them meet their financial goals. As a result, we performed well, achieving record customer numbers and portfolio growth, and cemented our position in the market.

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Wealth Management Business
We continued to build on the momentum gained in 2011 and expanded our Privilege Banking services in China to meet the needs of a growing affluent consumer base and higher personal income levels. Three new Privilege Banking Centres were opened in 2012 in Beijing, Tianjin and Hangzhou, complementing our existing five centres. To meet the needs of customers seeking diversification of their portfolios, the UOB (China) QDII Investment Scheme-Global Units Trust was launched in late 2012. The fund invests in various investment assets such as equities and bonds, in both matured and emerging markets globally. We marked another milestone with the introduction of Personal Internet Banking in 2012. The service provides customers with the convenience of banking from home or on the go. Customers can easily make transactions at any time and any place by logging on with computers.

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secured Lending Business
Our mortgage business grew steadily in 2012 despite the challenging property market. We have deepened our business in cities such as Shanghai, Beijing, Chengdu and Shenyang.



管理层报告 2012 in Review


technology and operations
Technology and Operations (T&O) plays a critical role in supporting UOB (China)'s business strategy and growth. It is responsible for the centralisation and standardisation of our operations, and information technology management. T&O also underpins our competitiveness in China by promoting business innovation and operational efficiency. For 2012, we refined our operational risk control procedures in line with UOB Group and local regulatory requirements. In partnership with our business units, we also launched our Personal Internet Banking and Retail Investment platforms, upgraded our ATMs to support China UnionPay's (CUP) integrated chip (IC) cards, as well as commenced inter-bank discounting of bankers acceptance drafts and trading of precious metals. We also established a new Customer Hotline for our retail and wholesale customers as a convenient channel for our customers to conduct their banking needs.

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In the year ahead, we will continue to strengthen our information technology management to further optimise and automate our Bank's processes and leverage the UOB Group's regional platform and resources to facilitate product development and speed-to-market. Key initiatives we will focus on in 2013 include the launch of Mobile Banking, IC card issuance and CUP online payments for our retail customers, as well as a revamped Global E-Banking platform for wholesale customers. In line with our Group's regionalisation strategy, T&O will continue to strive towards streamlining business processes to improve operational efficiency and risk controls, and to provide quality, uniformed, and excellent customer service.

UnIteD oVeRseAs BAnK (CHInA) LtD.


管理层报告 2012 in Review

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Human Resources
UOB (China) has an employee base of more than 1,000 people across nine cities. With the continued growth of our business, our Human Resources team focused on building and maintaining a highly motivated and collaborative workforce and culture. In 2012, we launched a leadership competency framework across the organisation. The framework consists four key leadership competencies, namely: Strategise, Engage, Execute and Develop, also known as SEED. The framework helps employees understand more clearly what is expected of them and guides each person towards being more effective in what they do as individuals and across teams. During the year UOB (China) continued to invest in training and development programmes to equip employees with the relevant skills to thrive in the competitive business environment. In 2012, we increased the number of core skills courses from 215 to 270. We enhanced our management and technical capabilities via specialised technical training, personal effectiveness and leadership programmes. µÄ ²» µÄ ÍÅ ½ö

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2012 Äê £¬ ÎÒ Ð ´Ó ÉÏ º£ ¡¢ ± ¾© ¡¢ ³É ¶¼ ¡¢ Ïà ÃÅ µÈ µØ µÄ ¶¥ ¼â Ôº У ÕРļ µÄ Ê× Åú Äê Ó¢ ²Å ÒÑ ¾- Íê ³É Îª ÆÚ Ê® Îå ¸ö Ô µÄ ¹Ü Àí Åà ѵ Éú Ïî Ä¿ £¬ ²¢ ÒÑ ÔÚ ÎÒ Ð ¿ª ʼ Ëû ÃÇ µÄ Ö° Òµ Éú ÑÄ ¡£

During the year we actively developed our PEAK programme, which is an integrated performance management framework for the Bank to bring out the best in its people. Through PEAK, we hope to raise the bar on performance excellence and productivity through the four stages of the performance management lifecycle: Plan, Engage, Appraise, Keep track. People managers are measured and rewarded for not only the achievement of business results but also how well they engage, lead and develop their teams. This year, we also saw the first cohort of our young talents complete the 15-month long Management Associates Programme. These young talents selected from top universities in Shanghai, Beijing, Chengdu and Xiamen have now started their career within the Bank.



公司治理 Corporate Governance

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UOB (China) is committed to upholding good corporate governance which the Bank sees as fundamental to sustaining its business. In establishing the corporate governance framework, the Bank takes into account the provisions of: a) the PRC Company Law; b) the PRC Commercial Bank Law; c) the PRC Regulations on Administration of Foreign-funded Banks and the Rules for Implementing the PRC Regulations on Administration of Foreign-funded Banks; and d) other relevant regulatory requirements. The Board, Board Committees, the Supervisor and Senior Management perform their respective duties according to the laws and regulations, and based on the scope of powers as defined by the Bank’s Articles of Association.

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Board of Directors
There are six Directors on the Board, two of whom are independent Directors. The size and composition of the Board comply with regulatory requirements and the provisions in the Articles of Association of the Bank. The Board members as at 31 December 2012 were:









/ ·ÇִжÀÁ¢-Ê Chairman/Non-executive and non-independent ִзǶÀÁ¢-ÊÂ

Current term of office
2010 Äê 9 ÔÂ 17 ÈÕÖÁ 2013 Äê 9 ÔÂ 16 ÈÕ 17 September 2010 to 16 September 2013 ) 2011 Äê 6 ÔÂ 6 ÈÕÖÁ 2014 Äê 6 ÔÂ 5 ÈÕ

Wee Ee Cheong


( г¤¼æÊ×ϯִ¹Ù
Executive (President and CEO) and non-independent ·ÇִжÀÁ¢-Ê Non-executive and non-independent ·ÇִжÀÁ¢-Ê Non-executive and non-independent ¶ÀÁ¢·ÇÖ´Ð-Ê Non-executive and independent ¶ÀÁ¢·ÇÖ´Ð-Ê Non-executive and independent

Tan Kian Huat


6 June 2011 to 5 June 2014

2010 Äê

12 ÔÂ


2013 Äê

12 ÔÂ

26 ÈÕ

Francis Lee Chin Yong
Ò¶ÑîÊ«Ã÷ Å®


27 December 2010 to 26 December 2013

Christine Ip
Õ²µÀ´æ ÄÐ


2011 Äê 8 ÔÂ 22 ÈÕÖÁ 2014 Äê 8 ÔÂ 21 ÈÕ 22 August 2011 to 21 August 2014 2010 Äê 2010 Äê 12 ÔÂ 10 ÔÂ 27 ÈÕÖÁ 26 ÈÕÖÁ 2013 Äê 2013 Äê 12 ÔÂ 10 ÔÂ 26 ÈÕ 25 ÈÕ
27 December 2010 to 26 December 2013 26 October 2010 to 25 October 2013

Cham Tao Soon


Zeng Zhi Jie


UnIteD oVeRseAs BAnK (CHInA) LtD.


公司治理 Corporate Governance


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the main responsibilities of the Board are:
• provide strategic directions and approve strategic business initiatives, and approve the business plans and annual budget; • review and monitor the financial performance of the Bank, and approve true and fair financial statements; • determine an appropriate capital/debt structure; • To set dividend policy and declare dividends; • perform succession planning for the Board and Senior Management and formulate the remuneration policy; • put in place an effective Management team; • approve the organisational structure; • oversee the establishment of comprehensive risk management policies, processes and infrastructure to manage various types of risk (including outsourcing risk); • determine the risk profile of the Bank and approve credit discretionary and investment limits; • review and monitor the risk management, internal audit and compliance functions and ensure the adequacy of resources allocated to these functions; • evaluate the performance of the President and CEO and Senior Management; • establish procedures and processes to avoid self-serving practices and conflicts of interest; • review and approve the Bank’s system of controls relating to connected transactions; • set the corporate culture, values and ethical standards; • review the Bank’s information disclosure policy and be responsible for the authenticity, accuracy and integrity of the information disclosed; • report to the shareholder; and • exercise such other powers as authorised by the shareholder and perform such other functions as required by the laws, regulations and the Bank’s Articles of Association. The Board holds four scheduled meetings in a year. Additional meetings may be held whenever required.

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The Bank’s Articles of Association also provide for Board resolutions to be passed by way of circulation. In 2012, the Board held four meetings and all Directors attended the meetings. The procedures for fixing a Board meeting, the quorum required for constituting the meeting, the proceedings at the meeting, and the procedures for voting and passing of resolutions complied with the requirements of the applicable PRC laws and regulations and the Bank’s Articles of Association. The minutes of Board meetings are kept by the Company Secretary. The Board passed seven resolutions by way of circulation in 2012.



公司治理 Corporate Governance


Board Committees
The Board has delegated specific functions to five Board Committees, namely the Executive Committee (EXCO), Connected Transactions Control Committee (CTCC), Audit Committee (AC), Nominating and Remuneration Committee (NRC) and Risk Management Committee (RMC). (1) Executive Committee a. The EXCO members are Mr. Wee Ee Cheong (Chairman), Mr. Tan Kian Huat, Mr. Francis Lee Chin Yong and Mrs. Christine Ip. b. The EXCO has oversight responsibilities for: • the Bank’s overall business operation, including formulating internal policies and business strategies, monitoring the execution of business plans and approving relevant credit limits; and • all human resource matters, except for those pertaining to the President and CEO, Deputy CEO and Deputy President. c. The EXCO meets at least once a month and whenever required in the discharge of its functions. The EXCO held 19 meetings in 2012.

(1) 执行委员会 a. ί Ô± »á ³É Ô± £º »Æ Ò» ×Ú ÏÈ Éú £¨ Ö÷ ϯ £© ¡¢ ³Â ½¨ ·¢ ÏÈ Éú ¡¢ Àî Õñ ÈÙ ÏÈ Éú ¡¢
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(2) 关联交易控制委员会 a. ί Ô± »á ³É Ô± £º Ôø Ö® ½Ü ÏÈ Éú £¨ Ö÷ ϯ £© ¡¢ Àî Õñ ÈÙ ÏÈ Éú ¡¢ Õ² µÀ ´æ ½Ì ÊÚ ¡¢
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b. • • • •

(2) Connected Transactions Control Committee a. The CTCC members are Mr. Zeng Zhi Jie (Chairman), Mr. Francis Lee Chin Yong, Professor Cham Tao Soon and Mr. William Chong Kim Khong. b. The CTCC’s main responsibilities are to: • establish and administer the system for managing connected transactions; • manage connected transactions and control the risks from such transactions; • examine non-material connected transactions; and • review and submit material connected transactions to the Board for approval. c. The CTCC met once in 2012.

c. 2012 Ä꣬¹ØÁª½»Ò׿ÖÆίԱ²ÕÙáé

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UnIteD oVeRseAs BAnK (CHInA) LtD.


公司治理 Corporate Governance

(3) 审计委员会 a. ί Ô± »á ³É Ô±£º Õ² µÀ ´æ ½Ì ÊÚ£¨














(3) Audit Committee a. The AC members are Professor Cham Tao Soon (Chairman), Mr. Francis Lee Chin Yong, Mrs. Christine Ip and Mr. Zeng Zhi Jie. b. The AC’s main responsibilities are to review/oversee all matters relating to: • financial statements, and internal and external audit plans and reports; • adequacy of internal accounting controls and material internal controls; • scope and results of internal and external audits; • quality of and any significant change in accounting policies or practices; • adequacy of internal audit resources; • significant findings from internal audit investigations; • approval of external auditors’ fees; and • appointment, resignation or dismissal of external auditors and the head of the internal audit function.

b. • • • • • • • •
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(4) 提名及薪酬委员会 a. ί Ô± »á ³É Ô±£º Õ² µÀ ´æ ½Ì ÊÚ£¨













c. The AC held four meetings in 2012.
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(4) Nominating and Remuneration Committee a. The NRC members are Professor Cham Tao Soon (Chairman), Mr. Wee Ee Cheong, Mr. Francis Lee Chin Yong and Mr. Zeng Zhi Jie. b. The NRC’s main responsibilities are to: • recommend candidates for appointment to the Board and Board Committees; • recommend a framework of remuneration for Directors and key Senior Management officers (including President and CEO, Deputy CEO and Deputy President) for the Board’s approval; and • put in place a system for assessing the effectiveness of the Board as a whole, the contribution of each Board Committee and Director, and the performance of the President and CEO. c. In 2012, the NRC met once and passed two resolutions by way of circulation.

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公司治理 Corporate Governance

(5) 风险管理委员会 a. ί Ô± »á ³É Ô±£º Ôø Ö® ½Ü ÏÈ Éú£¨
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(5) Risk Management Committee a. The RMC members are Mr. Zeng Zhi Jie (Chairman), Mr. Francis Lee Chin Yong, Mrs. Christine Ip and Professor Cham Tao Soon. b. The RMC’s main responsibilities are to: • review and recommend risk management strategies, policies and risk tolerance level for the Board’s approval; • oversee the establishment and operation of a robust and independent risk management system that is consistent with the approved strategies and policies; • review and assess the adequacy and effectiveness of the Bank’s risk management structure (including frameworks, policies, methodologies, human resources, processes, information, infrastructure and systems) in identifying, measuring, monitoring and controlling various types of risks; • review regular management reports on risk exposures, risk portfolio composition and the management, monitoring and control of risks; and • report to the Board regularly and highlight any adverse risk event or trend for the Board’s attention.

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c. The RMC met four times in 2012.
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The Bank has one Supervisor who is appointed by the Bank’s shareholder. The present Supervisor is Dr. Wee Cho Yaw. The appointment of the Supervisor is in compliance with the regulatory requirements and the Bank’s Articles of Association. The main responsibilities and powers of the Supervisor include: • inspecting the accounts and financial statements of the Bank; • overseeing the actions of the Directors and Senior Management officers that the Bank is run in a prudent manner, and taking corrective actions where necessary; • safeguarding the lawful rights and interests of the Bank, the shareholder and other interested parties, particularly the depositors; and • exercising such other power and authority pursuant to the laws, regulations and the Bank’s Articles of Association, and as may be delegated by the shareholder.

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In 2012, the Supervisor was invited to attend Board and Board Committee meetings and had duly performed his responsibility of supervising the Board and Senior Management strictly according to the PRC Company Law and the Bank’s Articles of Association. The Supervisor provided oversight on the Bank’s operational and financial matters and the performance of the Directors and Senior Management, through the receipt of management reports and reviews of the monthly, quarterly, semi-annual and annual reports on the Bank’s operations and risk management and through meetings and discussions with the Directors and Senior Management.

UnIteD oVeRseAs BAnK (CHInA) LtD.


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公司治理 Corporate Governance
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Performance of Independent Directors
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There are two independent Directors on the Board as of 31 December 2012, namely Professor Cham Tao Soon and Mr. Zeng Zhi Jie, whose appointments are in compliance with the Guidelines for Corporate Governance of Locally Incorporated Foreign Banks, Guidelines for Independent Directors and External Supervisors of Joint Shareholding Commercial Banks and Opinion on Enhancing the Corporate Governance of Locally Incorporated Foreign Banks. Professor Cham Tao Soon is the Chairman of the AC and NRC, and a member of the CTCC and RMC. Mr. Zeng Zhi Jie is the Chairman of the CTCC and RMC, and a member of the AC and NRC. For the year under review, the two independent Directors attended all four Board meetings convened in 2012 and discharged their duties diligently and objectively. They contributed to the decision-making and oversight by the Board and Board Committees and safeguarded the lawful rights and interests of the Bank and the shareholder.

(1) 2012 年独立董事出席董事会的情况

(1) Independent Directors’ Attendance at Board Meetings in 2012
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Name of Independent Director

No. of Board Meetings held

No. of Board Meetings attended

Absent with


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Cham Tao Soon

Zeng Zhi Jie




(2) 独立董事对我行有关事项提出异议的情况 2012 Ä꣬ ¶À Á¢ ¶- Ê ¾ù δ ¶Ô ÎÒ Ð ±¾ Äê ¶È µÄ ¶- Ê »á »á Òé Òé °¸ ¼° Æä Ëû ·Ç ¶- ÊÂ

(2) Dissent Raised by Independent Directors In 2012, the independent Directors did not raise any dissent towards any matter at Board meetings or under any other circumstance.


Access to Information of supervisor and Directors
The Supervisor and Directors have unfettered assess to information and Management and receive timely and comprehensive financial, risk management and operational reports to facilitate informed discussions during meetings. They also have access to the Company Secretary whose responsibilities include advising the Supervisor and the Board on regulatory changes and best practices in corporate governance. In discharging their duties, the Supervisor and Directors may seek independent professional advice, if necessary, at the Bank’s expense.

UnIteD oVeRseAs BAnK (CHInA) LtD.


公司治理 Corporate Governance
高级管理层成员构成 \ senior Management structure
ÈÎÆÚðʼ Ïà¹Ø¾-ÑéÄêÞ Relevant Years of Experience






ÄêÁä Age

Assignment Commencement

ѧÀú Academic Degree Ó¢¹úÀû×È´óѧ»Ðµ¤³ÌÊ¿ÙþÎ

³Â½¨·¢ TAN Kian Huat ¼æ·ÖУ¯ÇþµÀ²¿÷¹Ü

President and CEO Head, Branches/Channels

ÄÐ Male


May 2008 Ó¢¹ú²¼À-µÂ¸£´óѧ¤ÉÌÜí˶ʿ

Mechanical Engineering, Honours University of Leeds Master in Business Administration University of Bradford ¹¤Ñ§Ë¶Ê¿ ±¾©º½¿ÕÌì´óѧ



¿Æ¼°ÓªÔ˲Ö÷¹Ü Head, Technology and Operations

Å® Female


Sep 2012

Master of Science Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics мÓÆÄÏÑóÀí¹¤´§Ê¿ Bachelor of Accountancy Nanyang Technological University мÓÆÄÏÑóÀí¹¤´§ÈÙþλ Bachelor of Business, Honours Nanyang Technological University ÉϺ£²Æ¾-´óѧ¹¤ÌÜÀíÊ¿ Bachelor of Business Administration Shanghai University of Finance and Economics ÉϺ£²Æ¾-´óѧ¹¤ÌÜÀí˶ʿ Master in Business Administration Shanghai University of Finance and Economics ¼ÆËã»ú¿Ñ§ÈÙÓþÀíÊ ¼ÓÄôó¢Êô¸çÂ×±ÈÑǧ


ºéïȫ ANG Moh Chuan Çñ×ÓÒó KU Tse Kian ÉÌÒµøв¿Ö÷¹Ü

ÆóÒµøв¿Ö÷¹Ü Head, Corporate Banking

ÄÐ Male ÄÐ Male


Oct 2010


Head, Commercial Banking


Mar 2010


ÖÜÂü ZHOU Man Cherry

¸öÈ˲ÆÎñ·þ¿Ö÷¹Ü Head, Personal Financial Services

Å® Female


May 2011


Ò¶µÂïÞ YAP Teck Yong Douglas Ͷ×ʹÜÀí²¿Ö÷

»·Çò½ðÈÚÓë Head, Global Market and Investment Management ÐÅ´ûÉóú²¿Ö÷¹Ü TEH Wee Jin ÕŽõ¿µ CHONG Kim Khong William Ö£ºÒÇ TEH Han Yi ºéÏþÑà HONG Xiao Yan Amy Àî¸Õ LI Gang Rick ÄÚ²¿Éó¼ÆÖ÷¹Ü Head, Internal Audit ÈËÁ¦×ÊÔ´²¿Ö÷¹Ü Head, Human Resources ÆóÒµ¼°·þÎñ²¿Ö÷¹Ü Head, Finance and Corporate Services ·çÏÕ¹ÜÀí²¿Ö÷ Head, Risk Management Head, Credit Approval ÄÐ Male


Nov 2010

Bachelor of Science Honours in Computer Science University of British Columbia ÐÂÎ÷À¼´óѧÉÌÊ¿ Bachelor of Commerce University of Otago, New Zealand мÓÆÄÏÑóÀí¹¤´§ÉÌÊ¿ÈÙþλ Bachelor of Business, Honours Nanyang Technological University »á¼Æѧʿ мÓÆÄÏÑóÀí¹¤´§ Bachelor of Accountancy Nanyang Technological University ¸´µ©óѧ¹¤ÉÌÜÀí˶ʿ Master in Business Administration Fudan University ÉϺ£´óѧ¾-¼ÃÊ¿ Bachelor of Economics Shanghai University ºÓ£´óѧ·¨Ê¿ Bachelor of Laws Hohai University ¸´µ©óѧ¹¤ÉÌÜÀí˶ʿ Master in Business Administration Fudan University



ÄÐ Male ÄÐ Male


Sep 2008



Jan 2008


Å® Female


Sep 2012


Å® Female ÄÐ Male


Dec 2007



Dec 2007


Íõæ WANG Yuan Eliza ·¨ÂÉÓëÃØÊ鲿Ö÷¹Ü

Head, Legal and Secretariat

Å® Female


Dec 2007




公司治理 Corporate Governance
³Â×ÚÃ÷ TAN Chong Meng Louis ºÏ¹æ²¿Ö÷Ü Head, Compliance Â׶شóѧ¹úÍõÔº·¨Ê¿ ÄÐ Male


Jun 2009

Bachelor of Laws King's College London, University of London Àí¿ÆÑ§Ê Ð¼ÓƹúÁ¢´óѧ Bachelor Degree of Science National University of Singapore мÓƹúÁ¢´óѧ¤ÉÌÜÀíÊ¿ Bachelor of Business Administration National University of Singapore мÓÆÄÏÑóÀí¹¤´§ÉÌÊ¿ Bachelor of Business Nanyang Technological University ÒøÐÓë½ðÈÚѧʿÙþλ Â׶شóѧ Bachelor in Banking and Finance, Honours University of London ¹ú¼Ê¾-ᢽðÈÚÓëÒøÐѧ˶¿Î» Ó¢¹ú¼µÄ·ò´óѧÉÌÔº


ÁÖ³þÇ¿ LIM Chor Khiang Ñî¹úÁÖ YEONG Kok Leng Vincent ¬¶ûÌí LOH Nee Thiam Harry ׿Òæ·á TOK Aik Hong Lawrence ¹ãÖݷг¤ ÉϺ£·Öг¤ ±¾©·Öг¤

½»Ò×øеÎñ²¿Ö÷¹Ü Head of Transaction Banking

ÄÐ Male


May 2011


General Manager of Beijing Branch General Manager of Shanghai Branch

ÄÐ Male ÄÐ Male


Aug 2010



May 2010


General Manager of Guangzhou Branch

ÄÐ Male


Mar 2010



ÏÃÅ·Öг¤ General Manager of Xiamen Branch ÉîÛÚ·Öг¤ Îâ¶Ë×£ GOH Tuan Chiok ÉòÑô·Öг¤ ³ÂÓýÎÄ Chan Yoke Voon General Manager of Shenyang Branch General Manager of Shenzhen Branch

Å® Female


Sep 2011

Master of Science in International Economics Banking and Finance Cardiff Universifty, U.K. мÓƹúÁ¢´óѧ¤ÉÌÜÀíÊ¿ Bachelor in Business Administration National University of Singapore ¾-¼Ãѧʿ ÂíÀ´Î÷ÑǹúÃñó§ Bachelor of Economic National University of Malaysia мÓÆÄÏÑó´§ÉÌÊ¿ Bachelor of Commerce Nanyang University


ÄÐ Male


Sep 2008


ÄÐ Male


Aug 2010


ÁÖµÀÃ÷ LIM Tow Meng

³É¶¼·ÖФ General Manager of Chengdu Branch

мÓƹúÒɲÁ¦¾ÖÅàѵ§Ôº ÄÐ Male


Nov 2011 Ó¢¹úÀ³ÈûËÌØ´óѧ¤ÉÜí¶Ê¿

¹ÜÀí×ÉѯÎÄƾ Diploma in Management Consultancy National Productivity Board, Singapore Master in Business Administration University of Leicester


»ÆÖ¾½ HUANG Zhi Ping Kenneth Ò¶ÑÞ YE Yan Beicy ÕÅ´óÁÖ ZHANG Da Lin Alex ³ÂÎÄ CHEN Wen Wanda Ðí½Ü XU Jie Sting ±¾©¶«³Ç֧Ф ÉϺ£ÐÂÌìµØÖ§³¤ ÉϺ£¾²°Ö§Ð³¤ º¼Öݷг¤

Ìì½ò·Öг¤ General Manager of Tianjin Branch

ÄÐ Male



Feb 2011 µç×Ó¹¤³Ìѧʿ

Master of Law Peking University ¹þ¶û±õ¤³Ì´óѧ Electrical Engineer Haerbin Engineering University ·¨¹ú¤ÉÌÜÀí˶ʿ ¸ñÀÕŵ²¼¶ûÚþ´óѧ Master of Business Administration Grenoble University ¹¤ÉÌÜÀí˶ʿ °Ä´óÀûÑÇÏÊ®×ÖЧ Master of Business Administration Southern Cross University, Australia ¹¤ÉÌÜÀí˶ʿ °Ä´óÀûÑÇô¹âº£¶§ Master of Business Administration University of Sunshine Coast, Australia


General Manager of Hangzhou Branch

Å® Female


Feb 2012


Branch Manager of Jingan Sub-Branch

ÄÐ Male


Oct 2010


Branch Manager of Xintiandi Sub-Branch

Å® Female


May 2011


Branch Manager of Dongcheng Sub-Branch

ÄÐ Male


May 2012


UnIteD oVeRseAs BAnK (CHInA) LtD.


公司治理 Corporate Governance

内部控制和全面审计情况 内部控制

Internal Control and Audit
Internal Control UOB (China) has a well-established internal control system and adheres strictly to local regulators’ requirements and the Group’s guidelines. These practices enable the Bank to set strategic and operational objectives in providing quality assurance for its business development. The Board emphasises establishing a sound internal control system through the review of various committees’ meeting minutes, management and budget reports, internal audit reports, and also from the exchange of insights with industry peers. The integrity and effectiveness of the Bank’s internal control system arises from the continuous improvement in internal control environment, including, but not limited to, the strengthening of risk management processes, communication and feedback mechanism, as well as evaluation and correction. The internal control system can provide a reasonable level of assurance in relation to implementing legal statutes and regulations. Audit Internal Audit is an independent function that reports to the Audit Committee (AC) and Group Audit functionally, and to the President and CEO of UOB (China) administratively. The primary role of Internal Audit is to assist the Board and Management to discharge their legal and executive obligations by providing independent, objective assurance and value-added services designed to improve the Bank’s operations. It helps the Bank accomplish its objectives by having a systematic and disciplined approach to evaluate the adequacy and effectiveness of the Bank’s internal control, risk management and governance systems and processes. Internal Audit adheres to the Internal Audit Guidelines for Financial Institutions as governed by CBRC and adopts a risk-based approach in developing its strategic audit plan, which is reviewed annually. Audit projects are prioritised and scoped according to the assessment of inherent risks, controls of various risk types and regulatory hotspots as well. The audit scope covers all businesses, operations and the infrastructure and applications of systems in headquarters and branches. All audit reports are provided to the AC with significant issues highlighted. Internal Audit also closely monitors the follow-up actions taken by the Management on the issues highlighted by Internal Audit, external audit and regulators.




风险管理 Risk Management

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The effective management of financial and non financial risks is integral to the Bank’s business success. The Bank’s approach to risk management is to ensure risks are managed within levels established by the Bank’s various senior management committees and approved by the Board and/or its committees. The Bank has established a comprehensive framework of policies and procedures to identify, measure, monitor and control risks. These are guided by the Bank’s risk management principles which advocate: • Delivery of sustainable long-term growth using sound risk management principles and business practices; • Continual improvement of risk discovery capabilities and risk controls; and • Business development based on a prudent, consistent and efficient risk management framework.

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Risk Management Governance and Framework
The Board is responsible for the governance of risk and oversees a governance structure to ensure that the Bank’s business activities are: • Conducted in a safe and sound manner in line with the highest standards of professionalism; • Consistent with the Bank’s overall business strategy and risk appetite; and • Subjected to adequate risk management and internal controls. In this, the Board is supported by its committees in the oversight of risk management framework, policies and processes. The Executive Committee (EXCO) assists the Board in the approval of risk policies and risk limits. The Risk Management Committee (RMC) oversees the establishment of the risk management framework and reviews the adequacy and effectiveness of the Bank’s risk management infrastructure. The RMC also reviews risk exposures of the Bank and highlights adverse risk events or trends to the Board.

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UnIteD oVeRseAs BAnK (CHInA) LtD.


风险管理 Risk Management

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信贷风险 风险政策和程序

The day-to-day management of the Bank is delegated to its Senior Management. The President and CEO forms senior management committees to assist in making business decisions which weigh risks with returns. The Asset and Liability Committee (ALCO) and the Risk and Capital Committee (RCC), provide oversight of all risk related matters. These senior management committees meet at least monthly to review independent risk assessment and monitoring reports submitted by the independent Risk Management function. All risk policies, limits and processes are reviewed by these committees before submission for approval by the EXCO. Meeting minutes of the committees are also submitted for notation by the RMC and the Board.

Credit Risk
Credit Risk Policies and Processes The Bank has established well defined credit risk acceptance parameters, policies and procedures to maintain a high quality and well diversified credit portfolio. The Credit Risk Management Division (CRM) provides independent oversight of credit risk and is responsible for the analysis and reporting of all elements of credit risk. CRM develops a comprehensive set of credit policies and guidelines for approval by the RCC and EXCO. It actively engages business units on credit related matters and facilitates business development within a prudent, consistent and efficient credit risk management framework. Other responsibilities include monitoring and reviewing credit risk exposures, performing analysis on credit portfolio performance for fine-tuning policies and risk acceptance guidelines as well as preparing various credit risk related reports to management. Independent Credit Approval To maintain independence and integrity of the credit approval process, the credit approval function is segregated from credit origination. Credit approval authority is delegated through a risk based credit discretionary limits (CDL) structure that is tiered according to the borrower’s credit rating. Delegation of CDL follows a stringent process that takes into consideration the experience, seniority and track record of the approving officers. All credit approving officers are guided by credit policies and credit acceptance guidelines that are periodically reviewed to ensure their continued relevance to the Bank’s business strategy and the business environment. Internal Rating System The Bank has implemented an internal credit rating system as part of its credit decision process. The system incorporates both statistical models and expert judgment scorecards as part of the credit approval process for non retail exposures. The system ensures that ratings are assigned to borrowers in a consistent manner and systematically captures the rating history for model back testing and validation.





风险管理 Risk Management


Credit Risk Concentration A risk-sensitive process is in place to regularly review, manage and report credit concentrations and portfolio quality. This includes monitoring concentration limits and exposures by borrowers, obligors, industries, collaterals, and countries. Concentration limits are generally set as a percentage of the Bank’s eligible capital base. Borrower limits ensure lending to borrowers with weaker credit ratings is confined to acceptable levels. These limits are generally tiered according to the borrowers’ risk ratings. Obligor limits ensure that there is no undue concentration to a group of related borrowers that may potentially pose a single risk to the Bank.


Industry limits ensure that any adverse effects arising from an industry-specific risk event is confined to acceptable levels. Country Risk Country risk is managed within an established framework which includes setting of limits for each country based on the country’s risk rating as well as the Bank’s business strategy. Country risk exposures are analysed and significant trends are reported to the RCC and RMC periodically. Credit Risk Mitigation As a fundamental credit principle, the Bank generally does not grant credit facilities solely on the basis of the collateral provided. All credit facilities are granted based on the credit standing of the borrower, source of repayment and debt servicing ability. Collateral is taken whenever possible to mitigate the credit risk assumed. The market value of the collateral is monitored periodically. The frequency of valuation depends on the type, liquidity and volatility of the collateral value. The main types of collateral accepted by the Bank are real estate, bank guarantee, cash and machinery. Corporate guarantee or personal guarantee from the principal promoters is often obtained when the borrower’s credit worthiness is not sufficient to justify an extension of credit.


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UnIteD oVeRseAs BAnK (CHInA) LtD.


风险管理 Risk Management


Credit exposures from Foreign exchange and Derivatives
Pre-settlement limits for foreign exchange (FX) and derivative transactions are established using the Potential Future Exposure (PFE) approach. This approach takes into consideration the transaction currency and tenor to address the credit risk exposures arising from adverse market movements.

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For internal risk management, master agreements such as International Swaps and Derivatives Association (ISDA) Master Agreements and related Credit Support Annex (CSA) and National Association of Financial Market Institutional Investors (NAFMII) Agreement have been established with active counterparties to manage counterparty credit risk arising from FX and derivative activities. The agreements allow the Bank to settle all outstanding transactions in the event of counterparty default, resulting in a single net claim against or in favour of the counterparty. Credit Stress Test Credit stress tests form an integral part of the Bank’s credit portfolio management process. Periodic credit stress tests are conducted to allow the Bank to assess the potential credit losses arising from exceptional but plausible adverse events. Delinquency Monitoring An account is considered as delinquent when payment is not received on the due date. Any delinquent account, including revolving credit facility (such as an overdraft) with limit excesses, is closely monitored and managed through a disciplined process by officers from business units and Risk Management Function. Where appropriate, such accounts are also subject to more frequent credit reviews.

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风险管理 Risk Management

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Loan Classification, Provisioning and Write Off The Bank classifies its loan portfolio according to the borrower’s ability to repay the credit facility from its normal source of income. Any account which is delinquent or (for revolving credit facility such as an overdraft) in excess of more than 90 days overdue will automatically be categorised as “non-performing”. All borrowing accounts are classified into “Pass”, “Special Mention”, “Substandard”, “Doubtful” or “Loss” in accordance with the guidelines of China Banking Regulatory Commission (CBRC).

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Upgrading and de-classification of a non-performing account to “Pass” or “Special Mention” status must be supported by a credit assessment of the repayment capability, cash flows and financial position of the borrower. The Bank must also be satisfied that once the account is de-classified, it is unlikely to be classified again in the near future. A restructured loan is categorised as non-performing and placed on the appropriate classified grade depending on the Bank’s assessment of the financial condition and repayment ability of the borrower based on the restructured terms. Loan loss provision is made in line with CBRC guidelines after careful consideration of the future recovery value including liquidation of collateral of the non-performing account. A classified account is written off when there is no realisable tangible collateral securing the account and all feasible avenues of recovery have been exhausted.

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UnIteD oVeRseAs BAnK (CHInA) LtD.


风险管理 Risk Management




Loans by Industry Distribution
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RMB millions
4,920 3,329 3,212 1,615 478 1,662 15,216

32% 22% 21% 11% 3% 11% 100%

Manufacturing Professionals & Private Individuals Property and Real Estate Wholesale and Retail Agriculture,Forestry,Animal Husbandry & Fishery Others Total



Loans by Booking Branch
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RMB millions
7,015 2,148 1,546 1,426 1,156 809 640 257 219 15,216

占比 (%)
46% 14% 10% 9% 8% 5% 4% 2% 2% 100%

Beijing Chengdu Tianjin Guangzhou Xiamen Shenyang Hangzhou Shenzhen Total



Loans by Classification
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RMB millions
15,007 101 30 0 78 15,216

占比 (%)
99% 1% 0% 0% 0% 100%

Special Mention Substandard Doubtful Loss Total

2012 Äê µ×£¬ 0.70%¡£









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As at end of 2012, total non-performing loans amounted to RMB 107.9 million, representing 0.70 per cent of the Bank’s total loan portfolio.



风险管理 Risk Management


Market Risk
Market risk arises from all market price sensitive financial instruments including debt securities, foreign exchange contracts, equity and derivative instruments, as well as from balance sheet structural positions. The Bank is exposed to market risk in its trading portfolios arising mainly from changes in interest rates and foreign exchange rates, its client-driven market making and product structuring activities as well as trading activities. T h e B o a r d a n d E X C O a p p r o v e t h e B a n k ’s m a r k e t r i s k management framework and policies and delegate the responsibility of day-to-day oversight of market risk management to the ALCO. The ALCO meets monthly to review and provide directions on all market risk related matters. The Market and Balance Sheet Risk Management Division (MBSM) provides support to ALCO with the establishment of the market risk management framework, policies and control procedures. An independent market risk exposure report is also submitted to the RMC and the Board on quarterly basis.
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The Bank’s market risk framework comprises market risk policies and practices, the validation of valuation and risk models, the control structure with appropriate delegation of authority and market risk limits. In addition, a product/service programme process ensures that all market risk issues identified are adequately addressed prior to the launch of new products and services. The Market Risk Control Division (MRC) provides independent valuation of products traded, monitoring of market risk limits and the reporting of any limit excesses and ratification on a daily basis. The Bank adopts a daily Value-at-Risk (VaR) measure to estimate market risk within a 99 per cent confidence interval using the historical simulation method. This methodology does not make assumptions on the distribution of returns and the correlations between risk classes. The method assumes that possible future changes in market rates may be implied by observed historical market movements.

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VaR estimates are backtested against profit and loss of the trading book to validate the robustness of the methodology. The backtesting process analyses whether the exceptions are due to model deficiencies or market volatility. All backtesting exceptions are reviewed and addressed where appropriate. To complement the VaR measure, stress and scenario tests are performed to identify the Bank’s vulnerability to event risk. These tests serve to provide early warnings of plausible extreme losses to facilitate proactive management of market risk.

UnIteD oVeRseAs BAnK (CHInA) LtD.


风险管理 Risk Management


Liquidity Risk
The Bank maintains sufficient liquidity to fund its day-to-day operations, meet deposit withdrawals and loan disbursements, participate in new investments, and repay borrowings. Hence, liquidity is managed in a manner to address known as well as unanticipated cash funding needs. Liquidity risk is managed in accordance with a framework of policies, controls and limits approved by the ALCO and EXCO. These policies, controls and limits enable the Bank to monitor and manage liquidity risk to ensure that sufficient sources of funds are available over a range of market conditions. These include minimising excessive funding concentrations by diversifying the sources and terms of funding as well as maintaining a portfolio of high quality and marketable debt securities. The Bank takes a conservative stance in its liquidity management by continuing to gather core deposits, ensuring that liquidity limits are strictly adhered to and that there are adequate liquid assets to meet cash shortfall. The distribution of deposits is managed actively to ensure a balance between cost effectiveness, continued accessibility to funds, and diversification of funding sources. Important factors in ensuring liquidity are competitive pricing, proactive management of the Bank’s core deposits and the maintenance of customer confidence. Core deposits are generally stable non-bank deposits, such as current accounts, savings accounts and fixed deposits. The Bank monitors the stability of its core deposits by analysing their volatility over time. Liquidity risk is aligned with the regulatory liquidity risk management framework, and is measured and managed on a projected cash flow basis. The Bank is monitored under ‘business as usual’, ‘bank specific crisis’ and ‘general market crisis’ scenarios. Cash flow mismatch limits are established to limit the Group’s liquidity exposure. The Bank also employs liquidity early warning indicators and trigger points to signal possible contingency situations. Contingency funding plans are in place to identify potential liquidity crises using a series of warning indicators. Crisis escalation processes and various strategies including funding and communication have been developed to minimise the impact of any liquidity crunch.



风险管理 Risk Management


Interest Rate Risk in the Banking Book
The ALCO, under delegated authority from the Board, maintains oversight of the effectiveness of the interest rate risk management structure. The MBSM Division supports the ALCO in monitoring the interest rate risk profile of the banking book. At a tactical level, the Global Markets and Investment Management (GMIM) Function is responsible for the effective management of balance sheet risk in accordance with approved balance sheet risk management policies. The primary objective of interest rate risk management is to protect and enhance capital or economic net worth through adequate, stable and reliable growth in net interest earnings under a broad range of possible economic conditions. Exposure is quantified on a monthly basis using static analysis tools which include repricing schedules and sensitivity analysis. They provide indications of the potential impact of interest rate changes on interest income and price value through the analysis of the sensitivity of assets and liabilities to changes in interest rates. Interest rate sensitivity varies with different repricing periods, currency and embedded optionality. Mismatches in the longer tenor will experience greater change in the price-value of interest rate positions than similar positions in the shorter tenor. Stress testing, such as the static net interest income approach and duration (static economic value of equity) approach, is also performed regularly to determine the adequacy of capital in meeting the impact of extreme interest rate movements on the balance sheet. Such tests are also performed to provide early warnings of potential extreme losses, facilitating the proactive management of interest rate risks in an environment of rapid financial market changes.

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UnIteD oVeRseAs BAnK (CHInA) LtD.


风险管理 Risk Management


operational Risk
Operational risk is managed through a framework of policies, processes and procedures by which business units identify, assess, monitor and mitigate their operational risks. Operational Risk Self Assessments involve identifying and assessing inherent risks, as well as assessing the effectiveness of controls to mitigate the identified risks. Action plans to address issues are documented and monitored via Operational Risk Action Plans.

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Key Operational Risk Indicators are statistical data collected and monitored by business and support units on an on-going basis to facilitate early detection of potential operational control weaknesses. Trend analysis is carried out to identify systemic issues that need to be addressed. A database of operational risk events and losses has been established and corrective actions, where necessary, will be taken to rectify the underlying root cause. The analysis of loss trends and root causes of loss events helps in strengthening the internal control environment. An insurance programme is in place to mitigate the risk of high impact operational losses.



风险管理 Risk Management

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A Product/Service Programme ensures that risks associated with the introduction of new products and services are identified, analysed and addressed prior to launch. The Product Sales Committee also reviews product suitability, product risk disclosures and reputation issues associated with the distribution of retail investment products to individual customers. For online products and services, extra care and precautionary measures are implemented to protect customers’ confidentiality and interests. The Bank’s Outsourcing Policy and Framework ensures that outsourcing risks are adequately identified and managed prior to entering into any new arrangements and on an on-going basis.

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Effective business continuity and crisis management strategies and plans have been developed and tested to ensure prompt recovery of critical business functions in the event of major business and/or system disruptions.


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Legal risk is part of operational risk. Legal risk arises from unenforceable, unfavourable, defective or unintended contracts; lawsuits or claims; developments in laws and regulations; or non compliance with applicable laws and regulations. Business units work with the Bank’s legal counsel and external legal counsel to ensure that legal risks are effectively managed. A framework to manage fraud risk is in place. It includes a policy on fraud, a whistle-blowing programme, a material risk notification protocol and a fraud risk awareness programme for all employees of the Bank. A framework to manage bribery risk is also in place. The Bank’s Code of Conduct sets out anti-bribery and corruption provisions. All employees are required to observe the Code of Conduct and comply with the guidelines. Disciplinary action will be taken against any employee who fails to do so. Such disciplinary action may include suspension or termination of employment. An anti-corruption digest is sent to all employees regularly to keep them updated of latest developments and to foster an anti-bribery culture. Reputation risk is the adverse impact on earnings, liquidity or capital arising from negative stakeholder perception or opinion on the Bank’s business practices, activities and financial condition. The Bank has a framework for managing reputation risk. An operational risk management training and awareness programme is in place to facilitate on-going promotion of an effective risk management culture.

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UnIteD oVeRseAs BAnK (CHInA) LtD.


重要事项 Important Highlights


(1) shareholder status Update

Name of Shareholder: United Overseas Bank Limited Percentage of shares held: 100 per cent

(二) 报告其内,我行未发生注册资本的变更、合并等重大 事项。 (三) 报告期内,我行董事、监事及高级管理人员无受监管 部门处罚的情况发生。 (四)报告期内我行发生的重大事件:
2012 Äê £¬ ´ó »ª Òø Ð £¨ ÖÐ ¹ú £© µÄ ¾» Àû Èó Ϊ ÈË Ãñ ±Ò
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(2) there were no changes to the Bank’s registered capital, nor any split or merger during the reporting period. (3) none of the Bank’s directors, supervisors or top management was penalised by the regulatory authorities during the reporting period. (4) other highlights during the reporting period:
• In 2012, UOB (China) registered a record net profit of RMB 215 million. • As at 31 December 2012, our loan-to-deposit ratio was 64.3 per cent. • In April 2012, UOB (China) Hangzhou Branch officially opened. • In July 2012, UOB (China) was granted QDII licence. • In November 2012, UOB (China) was amongst the first 20 banks to participate in trading bullion via the Shanghai Gold Exchange's newly-launched inter-bank platform.

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营业网点 our network
111 ºÅ 105 µ¥ Ôª £¬ 2 ²ã £¬ 3 ²ã ÓÊ ±à : 200120 µç »° : (86) (21) 6061 8888 ´« Õæ : (86) (21) 6886 0908 SWIFT: UOVBCNSH Íø Ö· : 1 ²ã

183-187 ºÅ ´ó ¶¼ »á ¹ã ³¡ 1107-1114 µ¥ λ 1113-1114 µ¥ λ ÓÊ ±à : 510075 µç »° : (86) (20) 8755 8787 ´« Õæ : (86) (20) 8755 6661

Head office
Unit 105, 2F, 3F,111 Dongyuan Road Pudong New Area Shanghai 200120 Tel: (86) (21) 6061 8888 Fax: (86) (21) 6886 0908 SWIFT: UOVBCNSH Website:

Guangzhou Branch
Unit 1107 - 1114 Metro Plaza 183 - 187 Tianhe Bei Road Guangzhou 510075 Tel: (86) (20) 8755 8787 Fax: (86) (20) 8755 6661

沈阳分行 上海分行
111 ºÅ 1 ²ã
ÓÊ ²Æ ¸» ÖÐ ÐÄ C ×ù ÓÊ ±à : 110013 µç »° : (86) (24) 3128 0606 ´« Õæ : (86) (24) 3128 0628

shenyang Branch
55 ºÅ C1 µ¥ Ôª 1-2 ²ã

shanghai Branch
Unit 101-104 111 Dongyuan Road Pudong New Area Shanghai 200120 Tel: (86) (21) 6061 8288 Fax: (86) (21) 6886 1113

101-104 µ¥ Ôª : 200120 µç »° : (86) (21) 6061 8288 ´« Õæ : (86) (21) 6886 1113

Fortune Plaza Tower C Unit C1, 1-2 Floor No 55 Beizhan Road Shenhe District Shenyang 110013 Tel: (86) (24) 3128 0606 Fax: (86) (24) 3128 0628

深圳分行 静安支行(上海) 1468 ºÅ ÖÐ ÐÀ ´ó Ïà 1P-01/02 ÊÒ ÓÊ ±à : 200040 µç »° : (86) (21) 6080 9388 ´« Õæ : (86) (21) 6289 1001 新天地支行(上海) 156-158 ºÅ ÓÊ ±à : 200020 µç »° : (86) (21) 2312 0888 ´« Õæ : (86) (21) 3330 2193 北京分行
5 ºÅ 1 ²ã 22/25 µ¥ Ôª £¬ 2 ²ã 25 µ¥ Ôª £¬ 25 ²ã Ô¶ Ñó ¹â »ª ÖÐ ÐÄ C ×ù ÓÊ ±à : 100020 µç »° : (86) (10) 5879 2626 ´« Õæ : (86) (10) 8590 6725
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5002 ºÅ ¹ã ³¡ µØ Íõ ÉÌ Òµ ÖÐ ÐÄ Â¥ 13 ²ã ± Ãæ 2¡¢ 3¡¢ 5¡¢ 6 µ¥ Ôª : 518008 : (86) (755) 2294 5688 : (86) (755) 8246 3326

Jing’an sub-branch (shanghai)
1P-01/02, United Plaza 1468 Nanjing Road West Shanghai 200040 Tel: (86) (21) 6080 9388 Fax: (86) (21) 6289 1001

shenzhen Branch
Unit 2, 3, 5 and 6, 13 Floor (North Side) Di Wang Commercial Centre Shun Hing Square 5002 Shennan Road East Shenzhen 518008 Tel: (86) (755) 8246 1298 Fax: (86) (755) 8246 3326

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19 ºÅ Ð ´ó Ïà 1-2 ²ã : 361012 : (86) (592) 508 1601 : (86) (592) 508 1605

Xintiandi sub-branch (shanghai)
156-158 Ma Dang Road Shanghai 200020 Tel: (86) (21) 2312 0888 Fax: (86) (21) 3330 2193

Xiamen Branch
1-2 Floor United Overseas Bank Building 19 Hubin Bei Road Xiamen 361012 Tel: (86) (592) 508 1601 Fax: (86) (592) 508 1605

236 ºÅ ¡¢ 238
ºÅ ¡¢ 252 ºÅ ¾ý ¡ ¹ã ³¡ ÓÊ ±à £º 300040 µç »° : (86) (22) 2339 3688 ´« Õæ : (86) (22) 2321 0166

Beijing Branch
Unit 22/25 1/F, Unit 25 2/F, 25/F Tower C Office Park No.5 Jinghua South Street Chaoyang District Beijing 100020 Tel: (86) (10) 5879 2626 Fax: (86) (10) 8590 6725

tianjin Branch
The Emperor Place No. 236, 238 and 252, Hebei Road Heping District Tianjin 300040 Tel: (86) (22) 2339 3688 Fax: (86) (22) 2321 0166

7 ºÅ µÚ Îå ÓÊ ±à µç »° ´« Õæ ¹ã ³¡ C ×ù 1 ²ã 108 µ¥ Ôª : 100010 : (86) (10) 8418 3688 : (86) (10) 8418 3668

171 ºÅ ¡¢ 181 ºÅ Ïà 1-2 ²ã ÓÊ ±à £º 310013 µç »° £º £¨ 86£© £¨ 571£© 2809 0666 ´« Õæ £º £¨ 86£© £¨ 571£© 8190 9619
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Dongcheng sub-branch (Beijing)
Unit 108, Tower C The Fifth Square 7 Chaoyangmen, North Avenue Beijing 100010 Tel: (86) (10) 8418 3688 Fax: (86) (10) 8418 3668

308 ºÅ
¹Ú ÓÊ ±à µç »° ´« Õæ ³Ç ¹ã ³¡ 1 Â¥ : 610017 : (86) (28) 8667 6121 : (86) (28) 8667 7121

Hangzhou Branch
1-2F, No.171 and 181 Tian Mu Shan Road, Xihu District, Hangzhou, Zhejiang 310013 Tel: (86) (571) 2809 0666 Fax: (86) (571) 8190 9619

Chengdu Branch
Level 1, First City Plaza No. 308 Shuncheng Street Chengdu 610017 Tel: (86) (28) 8667 6121 Fax: (86) (28) 8667 7121

UnIteD oVeRseAs BAnK (CHInA) LtD.


2012 Äê 12 ÔÂ 31 ÈÕ

United overseas Bank (China) Limited
31 December 2012

已审财务报表 Audited Financial statements
目录 /Index 53 55 56 57 59 60 Ëù ²Æ ÏÖ ÓÐ Îñ ±¨ Àû ½ð Õß ×Ê Èó Á÷ Ȩ ±í Éó ²ú ±í Á¿ Òæ ¸½ ×¢ ±í ±ä ¶¯ ±í ¼Æ ¸º ±¨ Õ® ¸æ ±í Auditors’ Report Balance Sheets Income Statements Cash Flow Statements Statements of Changes in Equity Notes to Financial Statements

审计报告 Auditors’ Report

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(2013) Éó×ÖµÚ

60658622_B01 ºÅ

Ernst and Young Hua Ming (2013) Shen Zi No 60658622_B01 To the Board of Directors of United Overseas Bank (China) Limited:

ÃÇ Éó ¼Æ ÁË ºó ¸½ µÄ ´ó »ª Òø У¨ 12 Ô 31 ÈÕ µÄ ×Ê ²ú ¸º Õ® ±í¡¢

ÖÐ ¹ú £© ÓÐ ÏÞ ¹« ˾ ²Æ Îñ ±¨ ±í£¬ °ü À¨ 2012 Äê 2012 Äê ¶È µÄ Àû Èó ±í¡¢ Ëù ÓÐ Õß È¨ Òæ ±ä ¶¯ ±í ºÍ


We have audited the accompanying financial statements of United Overseas Bank (China) Limited, which comprise the balance sheet as at 31 December 2012, the income statement, the statement of changes in equity and the cash flow statement for the year then ended, and notes to the financial statements.

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Management’s Responsibility for the Financial statements
Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these financial statements. This responsibility includes: (1) preparing and fairly presenting the financial statements in accordance with Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises; (2) designing, implementing and maintaining internal control as management determines is necessary to enable the preparation of the financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.


Auditors’ Responsibility
Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with the Chinese Standards on Auditing. Those standards require that we comply with Code of Ethics for Chinese Certified Public Accountants and plan and perform the audit to obtain a reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement. An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditors’ judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers the internal control relevant to the entity’s preparation and fair presentation of financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity’s internal control. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion.

UnIteD oVeRseAs BAnK (CHInA) LtD.


审计报告 Auditors’ Report


In our opinion, the financial statements present fairly, in all material aspects, the financial position of United Overseas Bank (China) Limited as at 31 December 2012 and its financial performance and cash flows for the year then ended in accordance with Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises.

2012 Äê

12 ÔÂ

31 ÈÕ µÄ ²Æ Îñ ×´ ¿ö

2012 Äê¶Èµ¾-Óª³É¹ûºÍÏÖ½ðÁ÷¿¡£




Ernst and Young Hua Ming (LLP) Shanghai Office

Chinese Certified Public Accountant: Huang, Yue Dong






Shanghai, the People’s Republic of China

Chinese Certified Public Accountant: Yu, Mei

2013 Äê

3 ÔÂ

21 ÈÕ

21 March 2013



2012 Äê 12 Ô 31 ÈÕ 31 December 2012 £¨³ýÌرð×¢Ã÷Í⬽¶îµ¥Î»¾ùªÈËñÒÔ© (Unless otherwise stated, expressed in RMB Yuan)
附注五 Notes 5 2012 年 12 月 31 日 31-12-2012 2011 年 12 月 31 日 31-12-2011

资产负债表 Balance sheets


Assets Cash and balances with central banks Due from banks Placements with banks and other financial institutions Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss Derivative financial assets Interest receivables Loans and advances to customers Available-for-sale financial assets Reverse repurchase financial assets Fixed assets Intangible assets Deferred tax assets Other assets Total assets
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 4,868,920,953 5,915,321,787 3,458,240,679

4,485,106,078 5,334,996,852 3,453,454,659

380,562,194 178,642,756 14,916,638,219 3,499,934,488 40,722,620 64,904,631 48,663,293 576,941,581 34,583,262,256

268,391,844 266,221,686 13,422,820,499 6,313,879,613 476,400,000 45,005,471 49,516,106 52,990,043 97,928,775 35,269,368,766


Liabilities Due to banks and other financial institutions Placements from banks and other financial institutions Derivative financial liabilities Customer deposits Payroll payables Tax payables Interest payables Other liabilities Total liabilities
15 16 5 17 18 19 20 21 217,861,781 5,700,255,538 410,625,504 23,944,690,429 44,117,262 41,070,152 377,331,083 70,895,264 30,806,847,013 3,220,674,628 6,666,770,493 339,841,818 21,105,906,994 37,995,833 52,899,182 246,122,305 41,451,807 31,711,663,060


Equity Paid-up capital Capital reserves Surplus reserves General reserves Retained earnings Total equity Total liabilities and equity
22 23 24 25 26 3,000,000,000 4,393,784 48,126,669 430,856,697 293,038,093 3,776,415,243 34,583,262,256 3,000,000,000 271,974 26,667,896 304,607,460 226,158,376 3,557,705,706 35,269,368,766

60 Ò³ÖÁµÚ 133 Ò³µÄ²ÆÎñ±¨í¸½×¢ª¾éÉ¿·Ö¡£ The notes on pages 60 to 133 form an integral part of these financial statements.

UnIteD oVeRseAs BAnK (CHInA) LtD.


利润表 Income statements
2012 Äê¶È

For the year ended 31 December 2012

(Unless otherwise stated, expressed in RMB Yuan)
附注五 Notes 5 2012 年度 2012 2011 年度 2011


1. Operating income Interest income Interest expense Net interest income Fee and commission income Fee and commission expense Net fee and commission income Investment income
/£¨ Ëð ʧ £© 27 27 27 28 28 28 29 30 1,367,300,621 (741,645,757) 625,654,864 66,580,507 (9,841,087) 56,739,420 219,338,798 40,820,906 (39,015,303) (32,935,871) 870,602,814 1,046,550,414 (584,991,524) 461,558,890 43,102,898 (8,924,447) 34,178,451 204,780,078 (186,583,766) 108,485,712 12,080,647 634,500,012

Gains/(losses) from changes in fair value Foreign exchange (losses)/gains Other operating (expense)/income Total operating income

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2. Operating expenses Business tax and surcharges General and administrative expenses Impairment losses Total operating expenses
31 32 (60,948,796) (502,716,495) (24,716,124) (588,381,415) 282,221,399 33 34 5,138,596 (572,026) 286,787,969 35 (72,200,242) 214,587,727 37 4,121,810 218,709,537 (47,654,155) (450,607,386) (5,379,210) (503,640,751) 130,859,261 850,364 (8,504,481) 123,205,144 (28,695,761) 94,509,383 15,098,597 109,607,980


3. Operating profit Add: Non-operating income Less: Non-operating expenses


4. Profit before tax Less: Income tax expense

五、净利润 六、其他综合收益 七、综合收益总额 ÔØÓÚµ

5. Net profit 6. Other comprehensive income 7. Total comprehensive income

60 Ò³ÖÁµÚ 133 Ò³µÄ²ÆÎñ±¨í¸½×¢ª¾éÉ¿·Ö¡£ The notes on pages 60 to 133 form an integral part of these financial statements. 60 Ò³ÖÁµÚ 133 Ò³µÄ²ÆÎñ±¨íÓÉÔÏÂÈËʿǩ𣺠The financial statements from page 60 to 133 have been signed by: µÚ ¶-Ê£º³½¨·¢



Director: Tan Kian Huat

Chief Financial Officer: Teh Han Yi

Head, Finance: Juliet Chen Si Meng



2012 Äê¶È

现金流量表 Cash Flow statements
For the year ended 31 December 2012

(Unless otherwise stated, expressed in RMB Yuan)
附注五 Notes 5 一、经营活动产生的现金流量 2012 年度 2012 2011 年度 2011

1. Cash flows from operating activities
Net decrease in due from banks Net decrease in placements with banks and other financial institutions Net increase in customer deposit and due to banks and other financial institutions Net increase in placements from banks and other financial institutions Cash received from interest, service fee and commission Net decrease in reverse repurchase financial assets Cash received from other operating activities Sub-total of cash inflows from operating activities Net increase in due from banks Net increase in placements with banks and other financial institutions Net increase in loans and advances to customers Net increase in due from the central bank Net decrease in customer deposit and due to banks and other financial institutions Net decrease in placements from banks and other financial institutions Payments made for interest, service fee and commission Cash paid to and on behalf of employees Cash paid for all types of taxes Cash paid for other operating activities Sub-total of cash outflows from operating activities Net cash flows from operating activities
1,857,497,999 580,353,508 1,464,892,161 176,400,000 5,083,596 4,084,227,264 1,518,925,779 321,333,879 164,029,412 966,514,955 620,278,066 308,812,491 142,025,255 212,585,516 4,254,505,353 (170,278,089) 10,413,417,035 1,849,855,661 984,066,375 393,600,000 54,709,954 13,695,649,025 3,308,471,999 1,753,579,057 4,094,995,825 1,712,567,797 438,240,130 258,136,266 50,077,293 202,925,176 11,818,993,543 1,876,655,482


2. Cash flows from investing activities
Cash received from maturity of investments Cash received from investment income Proceeds from disposal of fixed assets and other long term assets Sub-total of cash inflows from investing activities Cash paid for investment Cash paid for purchase of fixed assets and other long term assets Sub-total of cash outflows from investing activities Net cash flows from investing activities
12,042,404,576 247,669,742 54,987 12,290,129,305 8,830,370,569 465,413,821 9,295,784,390 2,994,344,915 (39,204,872) 2,784,861,954 3,351,725,733 36 6,136,587,687 10,496,027,038 162,414,140 210,315 10,658,651,493 14,316,082,570 82,224,980 14,398,307,550 (3,739,656,057)

三、汇率变动对现金及现金等价物的影响 四、现金及现金等价物净增加 /( 减少 ) 额

3. Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents 4. Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents
Add: Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of the year

(13,625,436) (1,876,626,011) 5,228,351,744 3,351,725,733


5. Cash and cash equivalents at end of the year

60 Ò³ÖÁµÚ 133 Ò³µÄ²ÆÎñ±¨í¸½×¢ª¾éÉ¿·Ö¡£ The notes on pages 60 to 133 form an integral part of these financial statements.

UnIteD oVeRseAs BAnK (CHInA) LtD.


现金流量表 ( 续 ) Cash Flow statements (Continued)
2012 Äê¶È

For the year ended 31 December 2012

(Unless otherwise stated, expressed in RMB Yuan)
补充资料 Supplementary information 1、将净利润调节为经营活动的现金流量: 1. Reconciliation of net profit to cash flows from operating activities: Net profit Impairment losses Fixed assets depreciation Amortisation expenses for intangible assets Amortisation for long term deferred expenses
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附注五 Notes 5

2012 年度 2012

2011 年度 2011

214,587,727 24,716,124 12,159,168 7,831,474 11,475,016 81,103 (40,820,906) (225,942,351) 39,015,303 2,952,813

94,509,383 5,379,210 9,233,963 4,981,790 6,623,518 5,704,784 186,583,766 (204,780,078) 26,027,592 (16,934,972)

Losses on disposal of fixed assets and other long-term assets (Gains)/losses from changes in fair value Interest received from bond investments and investment income

/ Ëð ʧ

Foreign exchange losses Changes in deferred tax assets/liabilities
/£¨ Ôö ¼Ó £©
£© ¶î

Decrease/(increase) in operating receivables (Decrease)/increase in operating payables Net cash flows from operating activities

751,261,996 (10,348,089,043) (967,595,556) (170,278,089) 12,107,415,569 1,876,655,482

/ Ôö ¼Ó


2. Net change in cash and cash equivalents:
Cash on hand at end of year Less: Cash on hand at beginning of year Add: Cash equivalents at end of year Less: Cash equivalents at beginning of year
36 36 14,334,388 8,256,622 6,122,253,299 3,343,469,111 2,784,861,954 8,256,622 6,179,239 3,343,469,111 5,222,172,505 (1,876,626,011)

/£¨ ¼õ ÉÙ £© ¶î

Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents

60 Ò³ÖÁµÚ 133 Ò³µÄ²ÆÎñ±¨í¸½×¢ª¾éÉ¿·Ö¡£ The notes on pages 60 to 133 form an integral part of these financial statements.



所有者权益变动表 statements of Changes In equity
2012 Äê¶È

For the year ended 31 December 2012


(Unless otherwise stated, expressed in RMB Yuan)
实收资本 资本公积 盈余公积 一般风险准备 未分配利润 合计

Paid-up capital
2011 Äê 12 Ô 31 ÈÕ Óà ¶î

Capital reserves
271,974 4,121,810 4,121,810 5,495,747

Surplus reserves
26,667,896 21,458,773 -

General reserves
304,607,460 126,249,237 -

Retained earnings
226,158,376 66,879,717 214,587,727 -

3,557,705,706 218,709,537 214,587,727 4,121,810 5,495,747

Balance as at 31 December 2011 Movements during the year (i) Net profit (ii) Other comprehensive income 1. Net change in fair value of available-for-sale financial assets 2. Income tax impact recognised directly in equity Total comprehensive income (iii) Profit appropriation 1. Appropriation to surplus reserves 2. Appropriation to general reserves Balance as at 31 December 2012

3,000,000,000 -

±¾ Äê Ôö ¼õ ±ä ¶¯ ½ð ¶î £¨ Ò» £© ¾» Àû Èó £¨ ¶þ £© Æä Ëû ×Û ºÏ ÊÕ Òæ

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4,121,810 4,393,784

21,458,773 21,458,773 48,126,669

126,249,237 126,249,237 430,856,697

214,587,727 (147,708,010) (21,458,773) (126,249,237) 293,038,093

218,709,537 3,776,415,243

1£® Ìá È¡ Ó¯ Óà ¹« »ý 2£® Ìá È¡ Ò» °ã ·ç ÏÕ ×¼ ±¸ 2012 Äê 12 Ô 31 ÈÕ Óà ¶î







Paid-up capital
2010 Äê 12 Ô 31 ÈÕ Óà ¶î

Capital reserves
(14,826,623) 15,098,597 15,098,597 20,131,463

Surplus reserves
17,216,958 9,450,938 -

General reserves
202,536,188 102,071,272 -

Retained earnings
243,171,203 (17,012,827) 94,509,383 -

3,448,097,726 109,607,980 94,509,383 15,098,597 20,131,463

Balance as at 31 December 2010 Movements during the year (i) Net profit (ii) Other comprehensive income 1. Net change in fair value of available-for-sale financial assets 2. Income tax impact recognised directly in equity Total comprehensive income (iii) Profit appropriation 1. Appropriation to surplus reserves 2. Appropriation to general reserves Balance as at 31 December 2011

3,000,000,000 -

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15,098,597 271,974

9,450,938 9,450,938 26,667,896

102,071,272 102,071,272 304,607,460

94,509,383 (111,522,210) (9,450,938) (102,071,272) 226,158,376

109, 607,980 3,557,705,706

1£® Ìá È¡ Ó¯ Óà ¹« »ý 2£® Ìá È¡ Ò» °ã ·ç ÏÕ ×¼ ±¸ 2011 Äê 12 Ô 31 ÈÕ Óà ¶î

ÔØÓÚµ 60 Ò³ÖÁµÚ 133 Ò³µÄ²ÆÎñ±¨í¸½×¢ª¾éÉ¿·Ö¡£

The notes on pages 60 to 133 form an integral part of these financial statements.

UnIteD oVeRseAs BAnK (CHInA) LtD.


财务报表附注 notes to Financial statements
2012 Äê¶È

For the year ended 31 December 2012

(Unless otherwise stated, expressed in RMB Yuan)


(1) Corporate information
United Overseas Bank (China) Ltd. (“The Bank” or “UOB (China)”) is a wholly-owned foreign-funded bank established in Shanghai, P.R.China, by United Overseas Bank Ltd. (“UOB”).

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2007 Äê 4 Ô ÖÐ »ª ÈË Ãñ ¹² ºÍ ¹ú Íâ ×Ê Òø Ð ¹Ü Àí Ìõ Àý ¡·£¨ ÒÔ Ï ¼ò µÄ Òø С¢ Ö§ У¨ У¨ Éî ÒÔ ÓÐ ÖÐ ÛÚ Ï ¹Ø ¹ú ·Ö ¼ò ¹æ £© С¢ ³Æ¡° ¶¨£¬ ÓÐ ÏÞ ¹ã ÔÔÚ ¹« ÖÝ ÖÐ ÉÏ Ë¾£¬ ·Ö ¹ú С¢ Çø º£ ÊÐ ²¢ ³ï ½« ³É ·Ö ½¨ Æä ¶¼ Ð ÓÉ ÖÐ ·Ö ¼° Æä ¹ú С¢ Ö§ Ð µ¥ ¾³ Ïà ¡±£© ¶À ÄÚ ÃÅ ³ö µÄ

¹« ˾ ³Ö ÓÐ Òø ¼à »á °ä ·¢ µÄ ½ð ÈÚ Ðí ¿É Ö¤ £¬ »ú ¹ ±à B0308H131000001 ºÅ £¬ ³Ö ÓÐ ÉÏ º£ ÊÐ ¹¤ ÉÌ Ð Õþ ¹Ü Àí ¾Ö ºË ×¼ °ä ·¢ ·¨ ÈË Óª Òµ Ö´ Õ , ×¢ ²á ºÅ Ϊ £º 310000400553992 £¨ ÊÐ ¾Ö £© ¡£ ×¢ Ϊ ÉÏ º£ ÊÐ ÆÖ ¶« РÇø ¶« Ô° · 111 ºÅ 1 ²ã 105 µ¥ Ôª £¬ 2 ²ã £¬ 3 ²ã ¡£ ×¢ Ϊ ÈË Ãñ ±Ò 30 ÒÚ Ôª ¡£ ¸ù ¾Ô ½Ø ×Ü ½ò¡¢º¼ÖÝÉèÁË Ð ÖÁ Í⣬ ¾Ý Óª ±¾ ·¶ ¹« Χ ˾ Ϊ Óª ¾Òµ ÓÐ Ö´ ¹Ø Õ ¼à µÄ ¹Ü ¹æ »ú ¶¨£¬ ¹ Åú ±¾ ×¼ ¹« µÄ ˾ Íâ ¾»ã Óª Òµ ÆÚ Îñ ÏÞ ºÍ Ϊ ÈË ²» Ãñ Ô¼ ±Ò ¶¨ Òµ ÆÚ Îñ¡£ ÏÞ¡£

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In accordance with the Regulation of the People’s Republic of China on the Administration of Foreign-funded Banks (the “Regulation”), and the Detailed Rules on the Implementation o f R e g u l a t i o n o f t h e P e o p l e ’s R e p u b l i c o f C h i n a o n t h e Administration of Foreign-funded Banks (the “Implementation”), China Banking Regulatory Committee (“CBRC”) approved on 5 April 2007 to prepare the setting up of its wholly-owned subsidiary bank, UOB (China), in Shanghai and to convert its branches in mainland of People’s Republic of China (“PRC”) to UOB (China) Shanghai Branch, Beijing Branch, Shenzhen Branch, Guangzhou Branch, Chengdu Branch, Xiamen Branch, Shenyang Branch and Jing’an sub-branch (collectively known as the “Former PRC Branches”) respectively. The Bank obtained the license for conducting financial transaction from the CBRC (Institution Code: B0308H131000001), and obtained its business license (Registered Number: 310000400553992 Shi Ju) from State Administration for Industry and Commerce of the People’s Republic of China. The registered address is Unit 105, 2F, 3F, 111 Dongyuan Road, Pudong New Area, Shanghai. The registered capital of the Bank is RMB 3 billion equivalents. The Bank obtained its business licence issued with an unlimited operating period. The business scope of the Bank are Renminbi and foreign currency businesses as approved by relevant regulatory authorities. The date of business conversion from former PRC branches to UOB (China) was on 2 January 2008. As of 31 December 2012, besides the Head Office incorporated in Shanghai, the Bank has set up 9 branches and 3 sub-branches respectively in Shanghai, Beijing, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Chengdu, Xiamen, Shenyang, Tianjin and Hangzhou.

±¾ ¹« ˾ µÄ 2008 Äê 1

2 ÈÕΪ±¾¹«ËÓëÔ-ÖÐúÇø·µÄÒñ»¡£ 2012 Äê 12 Ô 31 ÈÕ£¬ ±¾ ¹« ˾ ÒÑ ÔÚ ÉÏ º£¡¢ 9 ¼Ò·Öа
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3 ¼Ò֧С£

2006 2 Ô °ä ²¼ µÄ ¡¶ Æó Òµ »á ¼Æ ×¼ Ôò ¡ª ¡ª »ù ±¾ ×¼ Ôò ¡· ºÍ 38 Ïî ¾ß Ìå »á ¼Æ ×¼ Ôò ¡¢ Æä ºó °ä ²¼ µÄ Ó¦ Óà ָ ÄÏ ¡¢ ½â ÊÍ ÒÔ ¼° Æä Ëû Ïà ¹Ø ¹æ ¶¨ £¨ ͳ ³Æ ¡° Æó Òµ »á ¼Æ ×¼ Ôò ¡± £©
Äê ±à ±¾²ÆÎñ¨íÒÔ¹«Ë³ÖÐø-Óª»ù´¡Á£ ÖÆ ¡£

(2) Preparation basis of the financial statements
The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises-Basic Standard and 38 specific standards issued in February 2006, and the implementation guidance, interpretations and other relevant provisions issued subsequently by the Ministry of Finance of People’s Republic of China (MOF). (collectively referred to as “Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises”). The financial statements are presented on a going concern basis.



2012 Äê 12 Ô 31 ÈյIJÆÎñ×´¿öÒÔ¼° 2012 Äê¶Èµ¾-Óª³É¹ûºÍÏÖ½ðÁ÷¿¡£

(3) Compliance with the Accounting standards for Business enterprises
The financial statements of the Bank have been prepared in accordance with the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises, and present fairly and fully, the financial position of the Bank as of 31 December 2012 and the results of the operations and the cash flows for the year then ended.
1 ÈÕÆðÖÁ 12 Ô 31 ÈÕÖ¹¡£

1. 会计年度
1 ÔÂ

2. 记账本位币

(4) significant accounting policies and estimates
1. Accounting year
The accounting year of the Bank is from 1 January to 31 December of each calendar year.

3. 记账基础和计价原则

2. Functional currency
Both the reporting currency and the presentation currency for financial statements are the Renminbi (“RMB”). All amounts are stated in RMB, unless otherwise stated.

4. 外币折算

3. Basis of accounting and principles for measurement
The Bank’s financial statements have been prepared on an accrual basis under the historical cost as the basis of measurement, except for derivative financial instruments, the financial assets and financial liabilities that are measured at fair value with changes recorded in profit and loss, and available-for-sale financial assets. Subsequently, if the assets are impaired, corresponding provisions should be recognised in accordance with relevant standards.

4. Foreign currency transactions 5. 金融资产
Transactions in foreign currencies are translated into the reporting currency accordingly. Foreign currency transactions are recorded in the respective functional currency at the exchange rates ruling at the transaction date. Subsequent to initial recognition, monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are translated into the functional currency at the applicable exchange rates ruling at the balance sheet date. Exchange differences arising on the settlement of monetary items or on translation of monetary items at balance sheet date are recognised in the income statement. Non-monetary items measured at historical cost in a foreign currency are translated using the exchange rates ruling at the dates of the initial transactions; Non-monetary items measured at fair value in a foreign currency are translated using the exchange rates when the fair value is determined, the exchange difference thus resulted should be recognised in the income statement or other comprehensive income of the current period.

5. Financial assets
Financial assets are classified as the follows: Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss; Held-to-maturity investment; Loans and receivables and Available-for-sale financial assets. Financial assets are initially recognised at their fair value. For financial assets at fair value through profit and loss, the related transaction costs are directly charged to income statement of the current period. Transaction costs relating to financial assets of other categories are included in the amount initially recognised.

UnIteD oVeRseAs BAnK (CHInA) LtD.



Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss
Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss are financial assets which are either classified as held for trading or designated by the Bank at fair value through profit or loss upon initial recognition. Financial assets are classified as held for trading if they meet any of the following: 1) acquired for the purpose of sale in the short term; 2) part of a portfolio of identifiable financial instruments that are collectively managed, and there is objective evidence indicating that the enterprise recently managed this portfolio for the purpose of short-term profits; 3) derivatives unless they are designated as effective hedging instruments. For such kind of financial assets, fair values are adopted for subsequent measurement. All realised or unrealised gains or losses on these financial assets are recognised in the income statement of the current period.
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Financial assets/liabilities are designated as fair value through profit and loss only if they meet any of the following criteria:





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The designation eliminates or significantly reduces the inconsistency in recognition or measurement of gain or loss arising from the difference of measurement basis of financial assets and financial liabilities. In accordance with documented risk management or investment strategy, this financial assets portfolio are managed, and evaluated at fair value and reported on that basis to key management personnel. The financial instrument contains one or several embedded derivatives, unless the embedded derivatives do not significantly modify the cash flow of the mixed instrument or it is clear that they would not be separately recorded.

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(iv) The financial instrument contains an embedded instrument, which need to be separated but is unable to be measured separately at initial recognition or subsequent measurement at each subsequent balance sheet dates.

Held-to-maturity Investment
Non-derivative financial assets with fixed or determinable payments and fixed maturity are classified as held-to-maturity investments when the Bank has the positive intention and ability to hold the assets till maturity. After initial recognition, held-to-maturity financial assets are subsequently measured at amortised cost using the effective interest rate method, less any allowance for impairment. Gains and losses are recognised in the income statement when the held-to-maturity financial assets are derecognised or impaired, as well as through the amortisation process. The Bank shall not classify any financial assets as held-to-maturity if the Bank has, during the current financial year or during the two preceding financial years, sold or reclassified more than an insignificant amount of held-to-maturity investments before maturity (more than insignificant in relation to the total amount of held-to-maturity investments), any remaining heldto-maturity investments are reclassified as available-for-sale financial assets except for:



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(1) Sales that are so close to maturity (i.e.: three months before maturity date) that changes in the market interest rate would not have a significant effect on the financial asset’s fair value; (2) Sales that occur after the Bank has collected substantially all of the financial asset’s original principal through scheduled payments or prepayments; or (3) Sales that are attributable to an isolated event that is beyond the Bank’s control, is non-recurring, and could not have been reasonably anticipated by the Bank.


Loans and receivables
Loans and receivables are non-derivative financial assets with fixed or determinable payments that are not quoted in an active market. After initial measurement, such financial assets are subsequently carried at amortised cost using the effective interest rate method, gains or losses arising from derecognition, impairment or amortisation are recognised in the income statement.


Available-for-sale financial assets
Available-for-sale financial assets are non-derivative financial assets which are designated as such or are not classified in any of the three preceding categories. After initial recognition, availablefor-sale financial assets are subsequently measured at fair value. Interest income earned during the holding period is accrued using the effective interest rate method and recognised to the income statement as interest rate income. Changes in fair value of availablefor-sale financial assets except for the impairment and exchange gain or loss are recognised as a separate component of equity until the financial asset is derecognised at which time the cumulative gains or losses previously reported in equity are included in the income statement.

6. 金融资产减值

6. Impairment of financial assets
The carrying value of financial assets other than financial assets at fair value through profit or loss is assessed at each reporting date to determine whether there is any objective evidence that it is impaired as a result of one or more events (“impairment events”). The impairment events are referred to those occurring after the initial recognition of the assets, which have an impact on the estimated future cash flows of the financial assets and can be reliably estimated by the Bank. Evidence of impairment may include indications that the borrower or a group of borrowers are experiencing significant financial difficulty, default or delinquency in interest or principal payments, the probability that they will enter bankruptcy or other financial reorganisation and where observable data indicate that there is a measurable decrease in the estimated future cash flows, such as deterioration of the situation in arrears or sudden change of economic conditions, which may lead to the debtors’ failing to fulfill the responsibility of repayment.

UnIteD oVeRseAs BAnK (CHInA) LtD.



Financial assets carried at amortised cost
If there is objective evidence that an impairment loss on such financial assets carried at amortised cost has been incurred, the amount of the loss is measured as the difference between the financial asset’s carrying amount and the present value of estimated future cash flows (excluding future credit losses that have not been incurred) discounted at the financial asset’s original effective interest rate, taking into account the value of any related collateral. The Bank first assesses whether objective evidence of impairment exists individually for financial assets that are individually significant, and individually or collectively for financial assets that are not individually significant. If the Bank determines that no objective evidence of impairment exists for an individually assessed financial asset, whether significant or not, it includes the asset in a group of financial assets with similar credit risk characteristics and collectively assesses them for impairment. Assets that are individually assessed for impairment and for which an impairment loss is or continues to be recognised are not included in a collective assessment of impairment. Future cash flows of a group of financial assets that are collectively assessed for impairment are estimated on the basis of historical loss experience for assets with similar credit risk characteristics. The historical loss experience is adjusted on the basis of current observable data, to reflect the effects of current conditions not affecting the period of historical experience and to eliminate the impact of historical conditions that do not exist currently. The methodology and assumptions used for estimating future cash flows are reviewed regularly by the Bank. If, in a subsequent period, the amount of an impairment loss decreases and the decrease can be attributed objectively to an event occurring after the impairment was recognised, the previously recognised impairment loss shall be reversed. Any subsequent reversal of an impairment loss is recognised in the income statement, to the extent that the carrying value of the assets does not exceed its amortised cost at the reversal date.



Financial assets carried at cost
If objective evidence shows that the financial assets carried at cost are impaired, the difference between the present value discounted at the prevailing rate of return of similar financial assets and the book value of the financial asset are provided as an impairment loss in the income statement. The impairment loss recognised cannot be reversed.

Available-for-sale financial assets
If there is objective evidence that an impairment loss for availablefor-sale financial assets has been incurred, the cumulative loss, measured as the difference between the acquisition cost (net off any recovered principals and amortised amount) and the current fair value, less any impairment loss on that financial asset previously recognised in the income statement, is reversed from other comprehensive income and recognised in the income statement.



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7. 金融负债

Debt instruments classified as available-for-sale with impairment loss recognised, if, in a subsequent period, the fair value of a debt instrument increases and the increase can be objectively related to an event occurring after the impairment loss, the previously impaired loss is reversed through the income statement. Reversal of impairment loss of equity instruments classified as available-for-sale is not recogonised in the income statement.

7. Financial liabilities
Financial liabilities are classified as either financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss, or other financial liabilities. Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss include financial liabilities held for trading and those designated as at fair value through profit or loss upon initial recognition. Gains and losses from changes in fair value are recognised in the income statement.
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Financial guarantee contracts
Financial guarantee contracts are measured at the fair value on initial recognition. For financial guarantee contracts that are not designated as at fair value through profit or loss, they are, after initial recognition, subsequently measured at the higher of, the amount determined in accordance with Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 13 -Contingencies, and the amount initially recognised less the cumulative amortisation determined according to the principles of Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 14 - Revenues.


8. 金融工具的终止确认


Other financial liabilities
Except for financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss and financial guarantee contracts, deposits and other financial liabilities are subsequently measured at amortised cost using the effective interest rate method.

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8. Derecognition of financial instruments
Financial asset
A financial asset is derecognised when one of the following conditions is met: (i) the rights to receive cash flows from the financial assets have expired; or (ii) the Bank has transferred substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership of the financial asset; or has neither transferred nor retained substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership of the financial asset, but has transferred control over the asset.

UnIteD oVeRseAs BAnK (CHInA) LtD.


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Where the Bank has neither transferred nor retained substantially all the risks and rewards of the asset nor transferred control of the financial asset, the asset is recognised to the extent of the Bank’s continuing involvement of the financial asset. Continuing involvement that takes the form of a guarantee over the transferred financial asset is measured at the lower of the original carrying amount of the asset and the maximum amount of consideration that the Bank could be required to repay.

Financial liability
The financial liabilities are derecognised when the responsibilities over them have been discharged, cancelled, or expires. If the original financial liabilities are replaced with substantively different terms in essence by the same creditor, or the provisions of the contract are substantively modified in its nature, such replacement or modifications are treated as derecognition of original liabilities and recognition of new liabilities, with the difference recorded in the income statement.

9. 衍生金融工具

9. Derivatives and hedge accounting
Derivatives are initially recognised at fair value of the contract date and are subsequently measured at fair value. Derivatives are carried as assets when fair value is positive and as liabilities when fair value is negative. Derivatives embedded in other financial instruments are treated separately as derivatives when their economic characteristics and risks are not closely related to those of the host contract and the hybrid instrument is not carried at fair value through profit or loss. These embedded derivatives are measured at fair value with the changes in fair value recognised in the income statement. Certain derivative transactions, while providing effective economic hedges under the Bank‘s risk management positions, do not qualify for hedge accounting and are therefore treated as derivatives held for trading with gains or losses arising from changes in fair value are recognised in the income statement.

10. 买入返售和卖出回购交易

10. Repurchase and reverse repurchase transactions
Assets sold under agreements to repurchase at a specified future date (“repos”) are not derecognised from the balance sheet. The corresponding cash received, including accrued interest, is recognised on the balance sheet as a “repurchase agreement”, reflecting its economic substance as a loan to the Bank. The difference between the sale and repurchase prices is treated as an interest expense and is accrued over the life of the agreement using the effective interest method. Conversely, assets purchased under agreements to resell at a specified future date (“reverse repos”) are not recognised on the balance sheet. The corresponding cash paid, including accrued interest, is recognised on the balance sheet as a “reverse repurchase agreement”. The difference between the purchase and resale prices is treated as an interest income and is accrued over the life of the agreement using the effective interest method.



11. 贵金属

11. Precious metal
Precious metal comprise gold. Precious metal acquired by the Bank for trading purposes are initially and subsequently measured at fair value and subsequent changes in fair value are recorded in income statement.

12. 在建工程
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12. Construction in progress
The cost of construction in progress is determined according to the actual expenditure for the construction, including all necessary expenditure and other related expenses incurred during the construction period. The costs are transferred to fixed assets, intangible assets or other long term assets when the asset is ready for its intended use.

13. 固定资产及累计折旧

13. Fixed assets and accumulated depreciation
Recognition of fixed assets
The fixed assets can be recognised only when the economic benefits related to fixed assets are likely to flow into the Bank, and the cost of fixed assets can be measured reliably.


Subsequent expenditure can be recognised in the cost of fixed assets when the recognition criteria set above is met, and the replaced carrying amount shall be derecognised. Otherwise, such expenditure is normally charged to the income statement in the period when it is incurred.

Valuation and depreciation of fixed assets
Fixed assets are initially measured at cost and presented at historical cost less accumulated depreciation and provision for impairment. The cost of a purchased fixed asset comprises the purchase price, relevant taxes and any directly attributable expenditure for bringing the asset to working condition for its intended use, such as delivery and handling costs, installation costs and other surcharge. Depreciation is charged to profit or loss on a straight-line basis. And the respective estimated useful lives, estimated residual values and annual depreciation rates of fixed assets are set by the Bank considering the nature and usage of fixed assets.

使用寿命 Estimated useful lives ·¿ °ì ÔË Êä ¹« Éè ÎÝ ¼° ±¸ ¼° µç ½¨ ÄÔ Öþ Éè Îï ±¸

预计净残值率 Estimated residual value

年折旧率 Annual depreciation rate

Properties and buildings Office equipment and computers Motor vehicles

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Residual values, useful lives and depreciation methods are reviewed and adjusted if appropriate, at each balance sheet date.

UnIteD oVeRseAs BAnK (CHInA) LtD.


14. 无形资产

14. Intangible assets
Intangible assets are identifiable non-monetary assets without physical substance owned or controlled by the Bank. The intangible assets can be recognised only when the economic benefits related to intangible assets are likely to flow into the Bank, and the cost of intangible assets can be measured reliably. Intangible assets are initially recognised at cost and the useful life is determined according to the economic useful lives; those intangible assets with unforeseeable economic lives can be classified as intangible assets with infinite useful lives.
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The Bank’s intangible assets comprise computer software with a 10-year useful life. For the intangible assets with finite useful lives, amortisation is charged to income statement over the assets' estimated economic lives using methods that best reflect the pattern of economic benefits; or on a straight-line basis when the pattern of economic benefits realisation cannot be reliably determined. For the intangible assets with infinite useful lives, no amortisazion is made.

15. 长期待摊费用
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The useful life and amortisation method for intangible assets with finite useful lives are reviewed at each balance sheet date, with proper adjustments made by the Bank when necessary.

15. Long-term deferred expenses
Long-term deferred expenses refer to the expenses incurred with an amortisation period of more than one year (not including one year), mainly including rental fee and leasehold improvements. Rental fee of the operating lease of fixed assets is amortised on a straight-line basis over the period of the lease contract. Other long-term deferred expenses are amortised on a straight-line basis over the lower period of lease period or useful life. The carrying amount that has not been amortised is charged to income statement if the expenditure does not bring benefits to subsequent accounting periods.

16. 资产减值

16. Impairment of assets
The Bank assesses impairment of assets as follows, except for financial assets and deferred tax assets: The Bank assesses whether there is an indication that an asset is impaired at each balance sheet date. If any such indication exists, the Bank makes an estimate of the asset’s recoverable amount and carries out impairment test. For those assets with infinite useful lives, regardless of whether the impairment indications exist, the impairment test is made at least annually. An asset’s recoverable amount is the higher of its fair value less costs to sell and the present value of estimated future discounted cash flows, which is determined on an individual basis.



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If the recoverable amount of the asset is less than its carrying value, an impairment loss is recognised immediately in income statement and the carrying value of the asset reduced by the amount of the loss. Once an impairment loss is recognised, it shall not be reversed in a subsequent period.

17. 收入及支出确认原则和方法

17. Recognition of income and expense
Revenue is recognised to the extent when it is probable that the economic benefits will flow to the Bank and the revenue can be reliably measured. The following specific recognition criteria must be met before revenue is recognised:

Interest income and expense
Interest income or expense are determined using the effective interest method, the effective interest rate is the rate that exactly discounts estimated future cash payments or receipts through the expected life of the financial instrument or a shorter period, where appropriate, to the net carrying amount of the financial asset or financial liability. The calculation takes into account all contractual terms of the financial instrument and includes any fees or incremental costs that are directly attributable to the instrument and are an integral part of the effective interest rate, but not future credit losses. The carrying amount of the financial asset or financial liability is adjusted if the Bank revises its estimates of payments or receipts. The adjusted carrying amount is calculated based on original effective interest rate and the change in carrying amount is recorded as an interest income or expense.


18. 所得税

Fee and commission income
Fee and commission income is recognised when the services are rendered and the proceeds can be reasonably estimated.

18. Income tax
Income tax includes current tax and deferred tax. Current tax is the expected tax payable on the taxable income for the year, using tax rates enacted or substantially enacted at the balance sheet date. The taxable income is calculated at the accounting results for the year as adjusted in accordance with relevant tax regulations. Current income tax assets and liabilities for the current and prior periods are measured at the amount expected to be recovered from or paid to the taxation authorities in accordance with relevant tax regulations. Deferred income tax is provided, using the liability method, on all temporary differences between the tax bases of assets and liabilities and their carrying amounts for financial reporting purposes at the balance sheet date.

UnIteD oVeRseAs BAnK (CHInA) LtD.


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Deferred income tax assets are recognised for all deductible temporary differences, carryforward of unused tax credits and unused tax losses, to the extent that it is probable that taxable profit will be available against which the deductible temporary differences, and the carryforward of unused tax credits and unused tax losses can be utilised, except: (i) where the deferred tax assets arises from the initial recognition of an asset or liability in a transaction that is not a business combination and, at the time of the transaction, affects neither the accounting profit nor taxable income or deductible loss; and (ii) in respect of taxable temporary differences associated with investments in subsidiaries, associates and interests in joint ventures, where the timing of the reversal of the temporary differences can be controlled and it is probable that the temporary differences will not reverse in the foreseeable future. Deferred tax assets and liabilities are measured at the tax rates that are expected to apply to the period when the asset is realised or the liability is settled, based on tax rates (and tax laws) that have been enacted or substantively enacted by the balance sheet date.

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19. 员工福利

The carrying amount of deferred income tax assets is reviewed at each balance sheet date and reduced to the extent that it is no longer probable that sufficient taxable profit will be available to allow all or part of the deferred income tax asset to be utilised. Unrecognised deferred income tax assets are reassessed at each balance sheet date and are recognised to the extent that it has become probable that future taxable profit will allow the deferred tax asset to be recovered. Deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities are offset if a legally enforceable right exists to set off current tax assets against current tax liabilities and the deferred income taxes relate to the same taxable entity and the same taxation authority.


19. employee benefits
Short term employee benefits
Salaries and bonuses, social security contributions and other short term employee benefits are accrued in the period in which services have been rendered by the employees of the Bank.

Defined contribution plans
According to relevant laws and regulations of Mainland China, the Bank is required to make contributions to several social security schemes separately administered by the local government authorities. The contribution is recognised to income statement of that period.



20. 现金等价物的确定标准

20. Cash and cash equivalents
Cash equivalents comprise non-statutory deposits due from central banks, amounts due from banks and other financial institutions, reverse repurchase agreements maturing within three months, and short-term highly liquid investments that are readily convertible into known amounts of cash, and which are subject to an insignificant risk of changes in value, which have an original maturity date within three months.

21. 关联方

21. Related parties
Parties are considered to be related if one party has the ability, directly or indirectly, to control the other party or exercise significant influence over the other party. Parties are also considered to be related if they are subject to common control or common significant influence. The state-owned enterprises without other relationships do not constitute related parties.

22. 受托业务

23. 经营租赁

22. Fiduciary activities
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Where the Bank acts in a fiduciary capacity such as nominee, custodian or agent, assets arising thereon together with related undertakings to return such assets to customers are excluded from the financial statements.

24. 或有负债

23. operating leases
Leases which transfer substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership of the assets to the lessees are classified as finance leases. Other leases are classified as operating leases. The Bank mainly recorded operating leases as a lessee. Rental payments are charged to the income statement on the straight-line basis over the lease terms.

24. Contingent liabilities
A contingent liability is a possible obligation that arises from past events and whose existence will only be confirmed by the occurrence or non-occurrence of one or more uncertain future events not wholly within the control of the Bank. It can also be a present obligation arising from past events that is not recognised because it is not probable that an outflow of economic resources will be required or the amount of obligation cannot be measured reliably. The Bank will not recognise contingent liabilities, but disclosed in the notes to financial statements. In case the condition changes, which led to the outflow of economic resources is probable, provision will be made.

UnIteD oVeRseAs BAnK (CHInA) LtD.


25. 预计负债

25. Accrued liability
An obligation related to a contingency is recognised as accrued liability when all of the following conditions are satisfied (except for contingent liability recognised in a business combination):

(i) ¸ÃÒåÎñÊDZ¾¹«Ë³Ðµ£ÄÏÖ» (ii) ¸ÃÒåÎñµÄÂкܿɼ־-ÀûæÁ÷³ö±¹«Ë£» (iii) ¸ÃÒåÎñµÄ½ð¶îܹ»¿ÉؼÆÁ¡£
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(i) the obligation is a present obligation of the Bank; (ii) it is probable that an outflow of economic benefits will be required to settle the obligation; and (iii) the amount of the obligation can be measured reliably. The accrued liability is initially measured at the best estimate of the expenditure required to settle the related present obligation. Factors pertaining to a contingency such as the risks, uncertainties and time value of money are taken into account as a whole in reaching the best estimate. The Bank reviews the carrying amount of a provision at the balance sheet date. The carrying amount of a provision will be adjusted when there is clear evidence that the amount does not reflect the current best estimate.

26. 抵销

27. 重大会计判断和会计估计

26. offsetting
Financial assets and financial liabilities are offset only when the Bank has a legally enforceable right to offset the recognised amounts and both parties of the transaction intend to settle on a net basis.


27. significant accounting judgment and estimates
I n t h e p ro c e s s o f a p p l y i n g t h e a c c o u n t i n g p o l i c i e s , t h e management has made judgments and assumptions of the effects of uncertain future events on the financial statements. The use of judgments and key assumptions concerning the future and other key sources of estimation uncertainty at the balance sheet date have a significant risk of causing a material adjustment to the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities within the next financial period.

Impairment losses of loans and advances
The Bank determines periodically whether there is any objective evidence that impairment losses on loans and advances have occurred. If any such evidence exists, the Bank assesses the amount of impairment losses. The amount of impairment losses is measured as the difference between the carrying amount and the present value of estimated future cash flows. Assessing the amount of impairment losses involving significant judgement on whether the objective evidence for impairment exists and also significant estimates when determining the present value of the expected future cash flows.




Income tax
Determining income tax provisions requires the Bank to estimate the future tax treatment of certain transactions. The Bank carefully evaluates tax implications of transactions in accordance with prevailing tax regulations and makes tax provisions accordingly. In addition, deferred tax assets are recognised to the extent that it is probable that future taxable profit will be available against which the deductible temporary differences can be utilised. This requires significant estimation on the tax treatments of certain transactions and also significant assessment on the probability that adequate future taxable profits will be available for the deferred tax assets to be recovered.


Fair value of financial instruments
Fair value of financial assets and financial liabilities with active markets are determined based on the market prices. For financial instruments with no active markets, fair value are established using valuation techniques such as making reference to recent transactions or other comparable financial instruments, discounted cash flow method and option pricing models. To the extent practicable, valuation technique makes maximum use of market inputs. However, where market inputs are not available, management needs to make estimates on areas such as credit risk (both own and counterparty’s), volatility and correlation. Changes in assumptions about these factors could affect the reported fair value of financial instruments.



Classification of investment
Significant management judgment is required in evaluating the classification of investments, since different classification will result in different accounting treatments and financial positions of the Bank. If improper judement on the classification of investment is noticed after the balance sheet date, the Bank may need to reclassify the whole investment portfolio.

Derecognition of financial instruments
The management of the Bank has assessed and made judgments on the extent to which it retains the risks and rewards of ownership of the financial instruments for the transferred transactions entered into, and make relevant accounting treatments accordingly.

UnIteD oVeRseAs BAnK (CHInA) LtD.


1. 现金及存放中央银行款项
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(5) notes to financial statements
1. Cash and balances with central banks
31-12-2012 31-12-2011

Cash on hand
- ÈË Ãñ ±Ò - Íâ ±Ò

14,334,388 4,014,507,613 82,129,706 757,949,246 4,868,920,953

8,256,622 3,719,753,888 55,549,552 701,546,016 4,485,106,078

Statutory deposit reserve with the central banks - RMB Statutory deposit reserve with the central banks - foreign currency Other deposits with central banks Total

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In accordance with relevant regulations issued by the People’s Bank of China (“PBOC”), the Bank should place a statutory deposit reserve fund with the PBOC. The required statutory deposit reserve ratios set by the PBOC is 5 per cent of the balance of customer deposits denominated in foreign currencies at the end of last month, and 18 per cent (2011: 19 per cent) of the balance of customer deposits denominated in RMB each 10 calendar days of the month respectively.

2. 存放同业款项
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2. Due from banks
31-12-2012 31-12-2011

Due from domestic banks Due from foreign banks Sub-total
( ×¢ 1)

5,851,245,748 64,474,137 5,915,719,885 (398,098) 5,915,321,787

5,262,507,753 73,468,701 5,335,976,454 (979,602) 5,334,996,852

Less: Impairment provisions for due from banks (Note1) Net amount of due from banks

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Note1: Impairment provisions for due from banks represented the country risk reserve provided according to Yin Jian Fa [2010] No. 45 ” Circular of the China Banking Regulatory Commission on Printing and Distributing the Guidelines for Country Risk Management of the Banking Financial Institutions” issued by CBRC.

3. 拆出资金
²ð ·Å ¼° ½è ³ö ¾³ ÄÚ Òø Рͬ Òµ ¼° Æä Ëû ½ð ÈÚ »ú ¹

3. Placements with banks and other financial institutions
31-12-2012 31-12-2011

Net amount of placements with domestic banks and other financial institutions



4. 以公允价值计量且其变动计入当期损益的金融资产

4. Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss
31-12-2012 31-12-2011

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Bond investments: Central bank bills and government bonds Bonds issued by banks Bonds issued by policy banks Sub-total Rediscounted bills Total
49,497,700 198,899,000 288,150,390 536,547,090 97,221,965 633,769,055 500,274,580 147,381,000 355,001,560 1,002,657,140 1,002,657,140



5. 衍生金融工具

5. Derivative financial instruments
A derivative is a financial instrument, the value of which is derived from the value of another “underlying” financial instrument, an index or some other variables. Typically, an “underlying” financial instrument is a share, commodity or bond price, an index value or an exchange or interest rate. The Bank uses derivative instruments such as forwards, futures, swaps and options. The notional amount of a derivative represents the amount of underlying asset upon which the value of the derivative is based. It indicates the unsettled volume of business transaction at the balance sheet date. The amount of underlying asset reflects the risk exposure of derivative at the end of accounting period other than fair value. The fair value is the amount for which an asset could be exchanged, or a liability settled, between knowledgeable and willing parties in an arm’s length transaction. The Bank has no derivative designated as hedging instruments. The notional amount and fair value of the Bank’s derivative instruments are as follows:
31-12-2012 按剩余到期日分析的名义金额 Notional amounts by remaining life 3 个月内 Within three months 3 个月到 1 年 Over three months but within one year 1 年到 5 年 Over one year but within five years 合计 Total 公允价值 Fair values 资产 Assets 负债 Liabilities


Foreign exchange contracts: Forwards Swaps Options Sub-total
1,279,495,037 11,420,829,306 1,444,513,546 14,144,837,889 1,637,553,745 4,756,881,267 1,596,881,395 7,991,316,407 12,571,000 38,971,900 51,542,900 2,929,619,782 16,216,682,473 3,041,394,941 22,187,697,196 18,849,852 64,032,030 30,518,950 113,400,832 17,549,038 69,313,310 41,770,167 128,632,515


Interest rate contracts: Swaps Options Sub-total
7,370,817,119 4,746,005,087 12,116,822,206 14,527,931,606 41,427,574,021 55,955,505,627 19,231,260,000 19,231,260,000 41,130,008,725 46,173,579,108 87,303,587,833 144,318,326 144,318,326 138,516,181 138,516,181


Commodity contracts: Swaps
178,202,626 178,202,626 237,523,526 237,523,526 110,401,267 29,711,084 140,112,351 526,127,419 29,711,084 555,838,503 4,411,139 455,732 4,866,871 5,994,233 455,732 6,449,965

ÆÚ È¨ ºÏ Ô¼ С ¼Æ 股票价格挂钩工具:

Options Sub-total equity contracts: Swaps Options

1,044,454,429 437,581,785 1,482,036,214 199,720,816 28,121,619,751

3,164,466,334 70,186,121 3,234,652,455 67,418,998,015

2,330,218,126 66,805,192 2,397,023,318 21,819,938,569

6,539,138,889 574,573,098 7,113,711,987 199,720,816 117,360,556,335

110,916,673 6,804,806 117,721,479 254,686 380,562,194

130,147,428 6,804,806 136,952,234 74,609 410,625,504

С ¼Æ ¹ó ½ð Êô ÑÜ Éú ¹¤ ¾ß ºÏ ¼Æ

Sub-total Precious metal derivatives Total

UnIteD oVeRseAs BAnK (CHInA) LtD.


31-12-2011 按剩余到期日分析的名义金额 Notional amounts by remaining life 3 个月内 Within three months 外汇衍生工具: 3 个月到 1 年 Over three months but within one year 1 年到 5 年 Over one year but within five years 合计 Total 公允价值 Fair values 资产 Assets 负债 Liabilities

Foreign exchange contracts: Forwards Swaps Options Sub-total
1,176,956,165 10,056,246,818 642,686,200 11,875,889,183 1,594,135,169 4,706,421,969 15,235,965 6,315,793,103 398,543,171 63,009,000 5,975,230 467,527,401 3,169,634,505 14,825,677,787 663,897,395 18,659,209,687 14,498,814 46,829,291 2,543,087 63,871,192 10,595,829 104,320,986 3,347,644 118,264,459


Interest rate contracts: Swaps Options Sub-total
3,053,072,000 1,054,840,660 4,107,912,660 8,904,915,286 201,888,738 9,106,804,024 12,281,402,864 12,281,402,864 24,239,390,150 1,256,729,398 25,496,119,548 143,341,262 143,341,262 141,572,569 141,572,569


Commodity contracts: Swaps
36,567,947 36,567,947 86,931,055 49,057,584 135,988,639 80,488,134 8,730,869 89,219,003 203,987,136 57,788,453 261,775,589 3,828,193 559,104 4,387,297 4,762,044 559,104 5,321,148

ÆÚ È¨ ºÏ Ô¼ С ¼Æ 股票价格挂钩工具:

Options Sub-total equity contracts: Swaps Options

72,908,905 1,979,521,474 2,052,430,379 196,114,257 18,268,914,426

403,972,076 26,437,887 430,409,963 15,988,995,729

1,987,005,531 50,592,036 2,037,597,567 14,875,746,835

2,463,886,512 2,056,551,397 4,520,437,909 196,114,257 49,133,656,990

54,492,431 1,461,831 55,954,262 837,831 268,391,844

65,417,075 1,461,831 66,878,906 7,804,736 339,841,818

С ¼Æ 贵金属衍生工具:

Sub-total Precious metal derivatives: Total



6. 应收利息

6. Interest receivables
31-12-2012 31-12-2011

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Interest receivable on bond Interest receivable on loan Interest receivable on reverse repurchase bond Interest receivable from banks and others Total

52,178,521 95,116,856 31,347,379 178,642,756

102,142,865 71,740,651 5,028,775 87,309,395 266,221,686

7. 发放贷款和垫款
7.1 按个人和企业分布

7. Loans and advances to customers
7.1 Distribution of loans and advances to customers by individual and corporate
31-12-2012 31-12-2011


Individual loans and advances:
Mortgages Others Sub-total
3,315,964,800 12,605,270 3,328,570,070 2,873,009,453 13,342,782 2,886,352,235


Corporate loans and advances:
Loans Trust receipts Discounted bills Others Sub-total Total Less: Loan impairment provisions Net value of loans and advances
10,864,330,924 72,854,907 723,940,982 226,605,013 11,887,731,826 15,216,301,896 (299,663,677) 14,916,638,219 10,385,528,605 54,272,133 148,183,965 223,039,179 10,811,023,882 13,697,376,117 (274,555,618) 13,422,820,499

UnIteD oVeRseAs BAnK (CHInA) LtD.


7.2 按行业分布

7.2 Distribution of loans and advances to customers by industry
31-12-2012 账面余额 Amount 比例 Rate

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Agriculture, forestry, farming and fishing Mining Manufacturing

477,697,291 50,000,000 4,920,087,214 162,159,954 261,193,575 116,531,146 164,843,547 1,614,551,327 455,182,615 3,211,776,502 318,596,958 25,394,824 17,500,000 90,260,197 1,956,676 3,328,570,070 15,216,301,896 (299,663,677) 14,916,638,219

3% 32% 1% 2% 1% 1% 11% 3% 21% 2% 1% 22% 100%












Electricity, gas and water supply Construction

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Õþ ºÍ

Òµ Èí ¼þ Òµ

Transportation, storage and post Telecommunication, computer service and software Wholesale and retail Accommodation and catering Real estate

·þ ¼ ºÍ Æä ±£ ´û ×Ü Ê§ ÕË Ãæ ×¼ ¶î ÕÏ Ëû ¹« Êõ

Îñ ·þ ¹² ·þ ºÍ

Òµ Îñ Éè Îñ Éç »á Òµ ¸£ Àû Òµ Ê© ºÍ ¹Ü µØ Àí ÖÊ Òµ ¿± ²ì Òµ

Leasing and commercial services Scientific research, technical services and geologic perambulation Water conservancy, environment and public facilities administration Resident services and other services Health, social security and social welfare Consumer credit Total amount of loans and advances

±¸ ¼Û Öµ

Less: Loan impairment provisions Net value of loans and advances



7.2 按行业分布

7.2 Distribution of loans and advances to customers by industry
31-12-2011 账面余额 Amount 比例 Rate

Å© ²É ÖÆ µç ½¨ ½» ÐÅ Åú ס ·¿ ×â ¿Æ Ë® ¾Ó ÎÀ ¸ö ´û ¼õ ´û Á¦ Ôì ¿ó

ÁÖ Òµ Òµ £¬ Öþ ͨ Ï¢ ·¢ ËÞ µØ ÁÞ Ñ§ Àû Ãñ Éú ÈË ¿î £º ¿î




Agriculture, forestry, farming and fishing Mining Manufacturing

407,113,962 4,604,592,343 219,913,759 128,098,142 47,727,469 150,000,000 1,498,541,325 182,511,646 3,298,134,233 162,687,908 14,700,000 95,041,625 1,961,470 2,886,352,235 13,697,376,117 (274,555,618) 13,422,820,499

3% 34% 2% 1% 1% 11% 1% 24% 1% 1% 21% 100%

ȼ Òµ ÔË ´« ºÍ ºÍ ²ú ºÍ ÑÐ £¬ ·þ £¬ Ïû ºÍ ´û ºÍ µæ ¿î µæ »· Îñ Éç ·Ñ ¾¿ ÉÌ Òµ Êä Êä Áã ²Í











Electricity, gas and water supply Construction

£¬ £¬ ÊÛ Òû

²Ö ¼Æ Òµ Òµ

´¢ Ëã

ºÍ »ú

ÓÊ ·þ

Õþ Îñ ºÍ

Òµ Èí ¼þ Òµ

Transportation, storage and post Telecommunication, computer service and software Wholesale and retail Accommodation and catering Real estate

Îñ £¬ ¾³ ºÍ »á ÐÅ ¿î Ëð ¿î ºÍ ¼

·þ Êõ

Îñ ·þ ¹« Æä ±£ ´û ×Ü Ê§ ÕË Ãæ ×¼ ¶î ÕÏ Ëû

Òµ Îñ ¹² ·þ ºÍ Îñ Éç »á Éè Ê© Òµ ¸£ Àû Òµ ºÍ ¹Ü µØ ÖÊ Àí Òµ ¿± ²ì Òµ

Leasing and commercial services Scientific research, technical services and geologic perambulation Water conservancy, environment and public facilities administration Resident services and other services Health, social security and social welfare Consumer credit Total amount of loans and advances
±¸ ¼Û Öµ

Less: Loan impairment provisions Net value of loans and advances

UnIteD oVeRseAs BAnK (CHInA) LtD.


7.3 按地区分布

7.3 Distribution of loans and advances to customers by geographical region
31-12-2012 31-12-2011

¶« ± »ª ¶« »ª ± »ª ÖÐ »ª ÄÏ Î÷ ÄÏ Î÷ ± ¾³ Íâ µØ Çø ´û ¿î ºÍ µæ ¿î ×Ü ¶î ¼õ £º ´û ¿î Ëð ʧ ×¼ ±¸ ´û ¿î ºÍ µæ ¿î ÕË Ãæ ¼Û Öµ

North-east East North Central South South-west North-west Overseas Total amount of loans and advances Less: Loan impairment provisions Net value of loans and advances

690,518,441 7,836,984,229 3,598,501,599 201,972,044 1,284,311,056 1,475,103,078 30,000,000 98,911,449 15,216,301,896 (299,663,677) 14,916,638,219

418,416,229 7,095,427,606 3,014,549,002 128,787,017 1,911,756,967 1,093,593,995 34,845,301 13,697,376,117 (274,555,618) 13,422,820,499

7.4 按担保方式分布

7.4 Loans and advances to customers by type of collateral or guarantee
31-12-2012 31-12-2011

ÐÅ Óà ´û ¿î ±£ Ö¤ ´û ¿î ¸½ µ£ ±£ Îï ´û ¿î Æä ÖÐ £º µÖ Ѻ ´û ¿î ÖÊ Ñº ´û ¿î ´û ¿î ºÍ µæ ¿î ×Ü ¶î ¼õ £º ´û ¿î Ëð ʧ ×¼ ±¸ ´û ¿î ºÍ µæ ¿î ÕË Ãæ ¼Û Öµ

Unsecured loans Guaranteed loans Loans with collateral Secured by mortgages Secured by pledges Total amount of loans and advances Less: Loan impairment provisions Net value of loans and advances

1,704,367,276 3,698,666,890 9,813,267,730 6,994,812,659 2,818,455,071 15,216,301,896 (299,663,677) 14,916,638,219

1,317,959,621 3,621,218,995 8,758,197,501 7,187,983,034 1,570,214,467 13,697,376,117 (274,555,618) 13,422,820,499



7.5 逾期贷款

7.5 Overdue loan
31-12-2012 逾期 1 天至 90 天 逾期 91 天至 1 年 ( 含 1 年 ) Overdue 1day to 90 days Overdue 91 days to 1 year (inclusive) 逾期 1 年至 3 年 ( 含 3 年 ) Overdue 1 year to 3 years (inclusive) 逾期 3 年以上 Overdue 3 years above 合计 Total

±£ Ö¤ ´û ¿î ¸½ µ£ ±£ Îï ´û ¿î Æä ÖÐ £º µÖ Ѻ ´û ¿î ÖÊ Ñº ´û ¿î ºÏ ¼Æ

Guaranteed loans Loan with collaterals Of which: Secured by mortgages Secured by pledges Total

685,109 507,808


10,280,000 -


10,965,109 98,110,277

507,808 1,192,917

30,361,436 30,361,436


67,241,033 67,241,033

98,110,277 109,075,386

31-12-2011 逾期 1 天至 90 天 逾期 91 天至 1 年 ( 含 1 年 ) Overdue 1day to 90 days Overdue 91 days to 1 year (inclusive) 逾期 1 年至 3 年 ( 含 3 年 ) Overdue 1 year to 3 years (inclusive) 逾期 3 年以上 Overdue 3 years above 合计 Total

±£ Ö¤ ´û ¿î ¸½ µ£ ±£ Îï ´û ¿î Æä ÖÐ £º µÖ Ѻ ´û ¿î ÖÊ Ñº ´û ¿î ºÏ ¼Æ

Guaranteed loans Loan with collaterals Of which: Secured by mortgages Secured by pledges Total


10,280,000 -



13,630,000 173,093,130


100,225,931 103,575,931


60,265,399 60,265,399

12,601,800 12,601,800

173,093,130 186,723,130


1 Ìì»òÒÔÉϵĴû¿î¡£

Overdue loans are loans of which the principals or related interests are overdue for one day or above.

UnIteD oVeRseAs BAnK (CHInA) LtD.


7.6 贷款损失准备(附注五、14)

7.6 Loan impairment provisions (Note 5.14)
2012 单项 Individual 组合 Collective 合计 Total

Äê ³õ Óà ¶î ±¾ Äê ¼Æ Ìá ±¾ Äê ºË Ïú ±¾ Äê ת »Ø »ã ÂÊ ²î Òì Äê Ä© Óà ¶î

Opening balance Charge for the year Write-off for the year Write back for the year Exchange rate difference Closing balance

86,734,578 1,066,832 (2,585,185) (76,735) 85,139,490

187,821,040 26,815,981 (112,834) 214,524,187

274,555,618 27,882,813 (2,585,185) (189,569) 299,663,677

2011 单项 Individual Äê ³õ Óà ¶î ±¾ Äê ¼Æ Ìá ±¾ Äê ºË Ïú ±¾ Äê ת »Ø »ã ÂÊ ²î Òì Äê Ä© Óà ¶î 组合 Collective 合计 Total

Opening balance Charge for the year Write-off for the year Write back for the year Exchange rate difference Closing balance

137,646,841 (38,729,877) (8,563,310) (3,619,076) 86,734,578

147,978,323 43,129,485 (3,286,768) 187,821,040

285,625,164 4,399,608 (8,563,310) (6,905,844) 274,555,618

8. 可供出售金融资产

8. Available-for-sale financial assets
31-12-2012 31-12-2011


Bond investments:
Central bank bills and government bonds Bonds issued by banks Corporate bonds Bonds issued by policy banks Sub-total Rediscounted bills Total
2,063,453,050 496,418,450 483,686,580 381,892,230 3,425,450,310 74,484,178 3,499,934,488 3,084,391,490 636,803,012 1,441,597,960 1,151,087,151 6,313,879,613 6,313,879,613



9. 买入返售金融资产

9. Reverse repurchase financial assets
31-12-2012 31-12-2011


½» Òø °´ ÖÊ Õ®

Ò× Ð Ñº ȯ

¶Ô ͬ Æ·

ÊÖ Òµ ·Ö




Classified by counter-party: Other banks



Classified by pledge: Bonds

10. 固定资产

10. Fixed assets
房屋及 建筑物 运输设备 办公及 电脑设备 Office equipment and computers 合计


Properties and buildings

Motor vehicles


2012 Äê
±¾ ±¾ ±¾ Äê Ôö ¼Ó

Cost or valuation:
1 ÔÂ 1 ÈÕ

At 1 January 2012 Additions Transfer from construction in progress (Note 5. 13.2) Disposals

4,798,060 4,798,060

2,101,544 (407,403) 1,694,141

63,797,704 6,987,164 1,025,243 (1,172,760) 70,637,351

70,697,308 6,987,164 1,025,243 (1,580,163) 77,129,552

Äê ÔÚ ½¨ ¹¤ ³Ì ת Èë ( ¸½ ×¢ Îå ¡¢ 13.2) Äê ´¦ ÖÃ

2012 Äê

12 ÔÂ

31 ÈÕ

At 31 December 2012 Accumulated depreciation:

2012 Äê
±¾ ±¾ Äê Äê ´¦ ¼Æ Öà Ìá

1 ÔÂ

1 ÈÕ

At 1 January 2012 Additions Disposals

1,444,313 79,954 1,524,267

1,045,024 338,841 (407,403) 976,462

22,509,927 11,740,373 (1,036,670) 33,213,630

24,999,264 12,159,168 (1,444,073) 35,714,359

2012 Äê

12 ÔÂ

31 ÈÕ

At 31 December 2012 Net book value: At 31 December 2012 Impairment provision: (Note 5.14) At 1 January 2012 Disposals

2012 Äê 12 ÔÂ 31 ÈÕ





固定资产减值准备: (附注五、 14)
2012 Äê
±¾ Äê ת Ïú

1 ÔÂ

1 ÈÕ

692,573 692,573



692,573 692,573

2012 Äê

12 ÔÂ

31 ÈÕ

At 31 December 2012 Net carrying amount: At 31 December 2012

2012 Äê 12 ÔÂ 31 ÈÕ





UnIteD oVeRseAs BAnK (CHInA) LtD.


房屋及 建筑物 2011 Properties and buildings


办公及 电脑设备 Office equipment and computers


Motor vehicles


2011 Äê
±¾ ±¾ £¨ ±¾ ¸½ Äê Äê ×¢ ´¦ Äê ÔÚ Îå Öà Ôö ½¨ ¡¢ ¼Ó ¹¤ ³Ì ת Èë 13.2£©

Cost or valuation:
1 ÔÂ 1 ÈÕ

At 1 January 2011 Additions Transfer from construction in progress (Note 5. 13.2) Disposals

4,798,060 4,798,060

3,818,420 400,453 (2,117,329) 2,101,544

45,551,813 18,605,288 2,935,589 (3,294,986) 63,797,704

54,168,293 19,005,741 2,935,589 (5,412,315) 70,697,308

2011 Äê

12 ÔÂ

31 ÈÕ

At 31 December 2011 Accumulated depreciation:

2011 Äê
±¾ ±¾ Äê Äê ´¦ ¼Æ Öà Ìá

1 ÔÂ

1 ÈÕ

At 1 January 2011 Additions Disposals

1,364,212 80,101 1,444,313

2,870,232 292,121 (2,117,329) 1,045,024

16,111,506 8,861,741 (2,463,320) 22,509,927

20,345,950 9,233,963 (4,580,649) 24,999,264

2011 Äê

12 ÔÂ

31 ÈÕ

At 31 December 2011 Net book value: At 31 December 2011 Impairment provision: (Note 5.14) At 1 January 2011 Disposals

2011 Äê 12 ÔÂ 31 ÈÕ





固定资产减值准备: (附注五、 14)
2011 Äê
±¾ Äê ת Ïú

1 ÔÂ

1 ÈÕ

692,573 692,573



692,573 692,573

2011 Äê

12 ÔÂ

31 ÈÕ

At 31 December 2011 Net carrying amount: At 31 December 2011

2011 Äê 12 ÔÂ 31 ÈÕ





2012 Äê 12 Ô 31 ÈÕ£¬ÒÑÌá×ãÛ¾ÉÔ¼ÐøʹÓõĶ¨²úßåÅÏ¢çº As at 31 December 2012, details of fixed assets which were fully depreciated but still in use are as follows:
房屋及 建筑物 Properties and buildings 运输设备 办公及 电脑设备 Office equipment and computers 合计

Motor vehicles






Original cost







11. 无形资产

11. Intangible assets
Software Cost or valuation: Opening balance Additions
13.2£© 62,999,360 13,148,375 10,071,624 86,219,359 44,519,470 715,517 17,764,373 62,999,360
2012 2011


Transfer from construction in progress (Note 5.13.2) Closing balance






Accumulated amortisation: Opening balance Additions Closing balance
13,483,254 7,831,474 21,314,728 8,501,464 4,981,790 13,483,254


Net carrying amount: Closing balance
64,904,631 49,516,106

12. 递延所得税资产 / (负债)

12. Deferred tax assets/(liabilities)

年初余额 Opening balance 递延所得税资产 /(负债) Deferred tax assets/(liabilities) Loan impairment provision Impairment provisions for due from banks Fixed asset impairment provision Depreciation of the fixed asset Unrealised profit or loss on the financial assets at fair value through profit or loss Unrealised profit or loss on the availablefor-sale financial assets Changes in fair value of derivatives Revaluation of option Non-accrued interest Operating lease Payroll payable Total
24,879,449 244,900 173,143 147,136

本年计入损益 Credited/ (Charged) to profit and loss
5,871,332 (145,376) (507)

本年直接计入 所有者权益 Credited/ (Charged) to equity

年末余额 Closing balance

30,750,781 99,524 173,143 146,629





(90,657) 17,862,494 (1,616,949) 2,993,932 218,988 9,498,958 52,990,043

(10,346,665) (975,222) (21,722) 20,692 1,530,357 (2,952,813)

(1,373,937) (1,373,937)

(1,464,594) 7,515,829 (2,592,171) 2,972,210 239,680 11,029,315 48,663,293

UnIteD oVeRseAs BAnK (CHInA) LtD.



年初余额 Opening balance 递延所得税资产 /( 负债 ) Deferred tax assets/(liabilities) Loan impairment provision Impairment provisions for due from banks Fixed asset impairment provision Depreciation of the fixed asset Unrealised profit or loss on the financial assets at fair value through profit or loss Unrealised profit or loss on the availablefor-sale financial assets Changes in fair value of derivatives Revaluation of option Non-accrued interest Operating lease Payroll payable Total
53,948,373 173,143 195,279

本年计入损益 Credited/ (Charged) to profit and loss
(29,068,924) 244,900 (48,143)

本年直接计入 所有者权益 Credited/ (Charged) to equity

年末余额 Closing balance

24,879,449 244,900 173,143 147,136





4,942,209 (29,422,005) (2,001,961) 7,488,638 198,296 5,565,965 41,087,937

47,284,499 385,012 (4,494,706) 20,692 3,932,993 16,934,972

(5,032,866) (5,032,866)

(90,657) 17,862,494 (1,616,949) 2,993,932 218,988 9,498,958 52,990,043



13. 其他资产

13. other assets

¹ó ³¤ ÔÚ Æä ºÏ ¼Æ ½¨ Ëû Ó¦ ÆÚ ¹¤ ½ð ´ý ³Ì ÊÕ ¿î Êô ̯ ·Ñ ÓÃ


43,764,149 20,563,350 33,601,276 97,928,775

Precious metal Long-term deferred expenses Construction in process Other receivables Total
13.1 13.2 13.3

47,508,329 1,529,148 474,528,904 576,941,581

13.1 长期待摊费用

13.1 Long-term deferred expenses
会员费 租入固定资产改良支出 租赁费 合计

Äê ±¾ ±¾ ³õ Äê Ôö Óà ¶î ¼Ó

Membership fee Opening balance Additions Transfer from construction in progress (Note 5.13.2) Disposals

Leasehold improvement
39,917,294 5,698,356

Rental fee
3,691,409 -

43,764,149 5,698,356

155,446 -

Äê ÔÚ ½¨ ¹¤ ³Ì ת Èë £¨ ¸½ ×¢ Îå ¡¢ 13.2£© ±¾ ±¾ Äê Ä© Äê Óà Äê ̯ ¶î ´¦

(10,756) 144,690

9,520,840 (11,265,619) 43,870,871

(198,641) 3,492,768

9,520,840 (11,475,016) 47,508,329

Amortisation Closing balance





Äê ±¾ ±¾ ³õ Äê Ôö Óà ¶î ¼Ó

Membership fee Opening balance Additions Transfer from construction in progress (Note 5.13.2) Disposals

Leasehold improvement
21,724,088 6,908,892 22,773,593 (5,083,433) (6,405,846) 39,917,294

Rental fee
3,890,050 (198,641) 3,691,409

25,788,615 6,908,892 22,773,593 (5,083,433) (6,623,518) 43,764,149

174,477 (19,031) 155,446

Äê ÔÚ ½¨ ¹¤ ³Ì ת Èë £¨ ¸½ ×¢ Îå ¡¢ 13.2£© ±¾ ±¾ Äê Ä© Äê Óà Äê ̯ ¶î ´¦

Amortisation Closing balance

UnIteD oVeRseAs BAnK (CHInA) LtD.


13.2 在建工程

13.2 Construction in progress
2012 2011
5,235,145 58,801,760 (2,935,589) (17,764,373) (22,773,593) 20,563,350

Äê ±¾ ת ת ת Äê

³õ Äê Èë Èë Èë Ä© ¹Ì Ôö


¶î ¼Ó ¶¨ ÎÞ ³¤ ¾» Öµ ÆÚ ÐÎ ´ý ×Ê ×Ê Ì¯ ²ú ²ú ·Ñ £¨ £¨ Óà ¸½ ¸½ £¨ ×¢ ×¢ ¸½ Îå Îå ×¢ ¡¢ ¡¢

Opening balance Additions
10£© 11£©
Îå ¡¢

20,563,350 1,583,505 (1,025,243) (10,071,624) (9,520,840) 1,529,148

Transfer to fixed assets (Note 5. 10) Transfer to intangible assets (Note 5. 11)

Transfer to long-term deferred expenses (Note 5. 13.1) Net closing balance

13.3 其他应收款

13.3 Other receivables
Ageing Within 1 year 1-2 years 2-3 years More than 3 years Total 31-12-2012
458,072,172 2,503,713 11,272,074 2,680,945 474,528,904

18,230,493 12,123,138 2,541,245 706,400 33,601,276

1 Äê ÒÔ ÄÚ 1-2 Äê 2-3 Äê 3 Äê ÒÔ ÉÏ
ºÏ ¼Æ

Æä Ëû Ó¦ ÊÕ ¿î ÖÐ °ü º¬ ÁË ±¾ ¹« ˾ Ö§ ¸¶ Ô¤ ¹º ½» Ò× ¶¨ ½ð Ϊ ÈË Ãñ ±Ò ±¾ ×ʲú¼õÖµ±¸¡£ ¹« ˾ ¹Ü Àí ²ã ¶¨ ÆÚ ¶Ô Æä Ëû Ó¦ ÊÕ ¿î µÄ ¿É »Ø ÊÕ ³Ì ¶È ½ø Ð ·Ö Îö£¬

430,000,000 Ôª ¡£
ÈÏ Îª ÎÞ Ðè ¼Æ Ìá

The other receivable contains pre-purchase trade deposit of RMB 430,000,000. The management of the Bank has assessed the recoverability of other receivables on a regular basis and considered that no bad debts provision is needed to be made for the balance as at 31 December 2012.



14. 资产减值准备

14. Provision for impairment losses
年初余额 本年计提 /(转回)额 转销 汇率差异 Exchange rate difference 年末余额

Opening balance 2012
´æ ·Å ͬ Òµ ¼õ Öµ £¨ ¸½ ×¢ Îå ¡¢ 2£© ´û ¿î Ëð ʧ ×¼ ±¸ £¨ ¸½ ×¢ Îå ¡¢ 7.6£© ¹Ì ¶¨ ×Ê ²ú ¼õ Öµ ×¼ £¨ ¸½ ×¢ Îå ¡¢ 10£© ºÏ ¼Æ ±¸ ×¼ ±¸

(581,504) 25,297,628 24,716,124

Write off

Closing balance
398,098 299,663,677 692,573 300,754,348

Impairment provisions for due from banks (Note 5. 2) Provision for loans (Note 5. 7.6) Provision for fixed assets (Note 5. 10) Total

979,602 274,555,618 692,573 276,227,793

(189,569) (189,569)




汇率差异 Exchange rate difference


Opening balance 2011
´æ ·Å ͬ Òµ ¼õ Öµ £¨ ¸½ ×¢ Îå ¡¢ 2£© ´û ¿î Ëð ʧ ×¼ ±¸ £¨ ¸½ ×¢ Îå ¡¢ 7.6£© ¹Ì ¶¨ ×Ê ²ú ¼õ Öµ ×¼ £¨ ¸½ ×¢ Îå ¡¢ 10£© ºÏ ¼Æ ±¸ ×¼ ±¸

979,602 4,399,608 5,379,210

Write off
(8,563,310) (8,563,310)

Closing balance
979,602 274,555,618 692,573 276,227,793

Impairment provisions for due from banks (Note 5. 2) Provision for loans (Note 5. 7.6) Provision for fixed assets (Note 5. 10) Total

285,625,164 692,573 286,317,737

(6,905,844) (6,905,844)

15. 同业及其他金融机构存放款项

15. Due to banks and other financial institutions
31-12-2012 31-12-2011
2,097,679 3,218,576,949 3,220,674,628

¾³ ÄÚ Òø Рͬ Òµ ¼° Æä Ëû ½ð ÈÚ »ú ¹ ´æ ·Å ¾³ Íâ Òø Рͬ Òµ ´æ ·Å ºÏ ¼Æ

Due to domestic banks and other financial institutions Due to foreign banks Total

2,113,389 215,748,392 217,861,781

UnIteD oVeRseAs BAnK (CHInA) LtD.


16. 拆入及借入资金

16. Placements from banks and other financial institutions
31-12-2012 31-12-2011

¾³ ÄÚ Òø Рͬ Òµ ²ð Èë ¼° ½è Èë ¾³ Íâ Òø Рͬ Òµ ²ð Èë ¼° ½è Èë ºÏ ¼Æ

Placements from domestic banks Placements from foreign banks Total

150,000,000 5,550,255,538 5,700,255,538

592,284,600 6,074,485,893 6,666,770,493

17. 吸收存款

17. Customer deposits
31-12-2012 31-12-2011


Current deposits: Corporation Individual Sub-total
2,208,985,314 430,819,405 2,639,804,719 2,609,138,426 209,295,866 2,818,434,292


Time deposits: Corporation Individual Sub-total Total
16,769,410,589 4,535,475,121 21,304,885,710 23,944,690,429 15,306,003,006 2,981,469,696 18,287,472,702 21,105,906,994

Îü ÊÕ ´æ ¿î ÖÐ °ü º¬ µÄ Àí ²Æ ²ú Æ· µÄ Óà ¶î Ϊ ÈË Ãñ ±Ò 8,805,308,783 Ôª£¨ ÔÚ ÉÏ Êö Àí ²Æ ²ú Æ· ÖУ¬ Ƕ 12-31£º ÈË Ãñ ±Ò 4,453,733,901 Ôª £©¬ Éú ½ð ÈÚ ¹¤ ¾ß£¬ Ö÷ Òª Ϊ ÆÚ È¨¡¢ ¹É Ʊ ¼Û ¸ñ ¹Ò ¹³ µô ÆÚ ¼° ÉÌ Æ· ¼Û ¸ñ ¹Ò µÈ¡£ Æä ÖÐ Ãû Òå ¼Û Öµ Ϊ ÈË Ãñ ±Ò 6,017,714,896 Ôª£¨ 2011-12-31£º 3,197,004,503 Ôª £© µÄ Ƕ Èë ʽ ÑÜ Éú ½ð ÈÚ ¹¤ ¾ß ±» ÈÏ ¶¨ Ϊ Óë Ö÷ ºÏ ͬ û Áª ϵ£¬ Òò ´Ë£¬ ±¾ ¹« ˾ ½« Æä Óë ´æ ¿î ·Ö ²ð¡£ Æä ¹« ÔÊ ¼Û Öµ ÒÑ ¼Æ Èë ÑÜ Éú ½ð Óà¶îÖС£

2011ÁË ÑÜ ¹³ µô ÆÚ ÈË Ãñ ±Ò ÓÐ ÃÜ ÇÐ ÈÚ ¹¤ ¾ß

Customer deposits include wealth management products amounting to RMB 8,805,308,783 (RMB 4,453,733,901 as at 31 December 2011). These structured deposits are embedded with derivatives which are mainly options, equity swap and commodity swap. Among which there are RMB 6,017,714,896 (RMB 3,197,004,503 as at 31 December 2011) book value derivatives which are considered not closely related to the host contract. Consequently, the Bank separates them from deposits and the fair value is recorded in derivatives.



18. 应付职工薪酬

18. Payroll payables
31-12-2012 31-12-2011

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Salary, bonus, subsidy and allowance Social insurance and Housing Fund Labour union expenditure and staff education Total

40,354,600 3,314,109 448,553 44,117,262

35,079,345 2,555,828 360,660 37,995,833

19. 应交税费

19. tax payable
31-12-2012 31-12-2011

Óª Òµ Ë° ¼° ¸½ ¼Ó Æó Òµ Ëù µÃ Ë° Æä Ëû ºÏ ¼Æ

Business tax and surcharges Corporate income tax Others Total

15,426,698 1,604,190 24,039,264 41,070,152

16,617,671 12,963,909 23,317,602 52,899,182

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The major categories of tax applicable to the Bank and the respective tax rates for the current financial year are as follows:
5% ¼Æ½ÉӪҵ˰¡£ 2008 Äê 1 Ô 1 ÈÕ Æð µÄ Ê© Ð µÄ¡¶ Æó Òµ Ëù µÃ Ë° ·¨ ¡·£¬ Æó Òµ Ëù µÃ Ë° ×Ô 2008 Äê Æð °´ Ó¦ ÄÉ Ë° Ëù µÃ ¶î µÄ 25% ¼Æ ½É£¬ ±¾ ¹« ˾ ÈËÃñ±Ò¼°ÍâµÎùÂʾª 25%¡£ ±¾ ¹« ˾ Ö§ ¸¶ ¸ø ¹Í Ô± µÄ н ½ð£¬ ÓÉ ±¾ ¹« ˾ °´
Ӧ˰ÊÕÈëµÄ ¸ù ¾Ý Ë°·¨´ú¿Û½É¸öÈùµÃ¡£

Business tax Corporate income tax



– The Bank is subjected to a business tax rate of 5 per cent. – In accordance with the PRC Enterprise Income Taxation Law, which has been implemented since 1 January 2008, both domestic and foreign enterprises are subjected to a corporate tax rate of 25 per cent. The corporate income tax rate adopted by the Bank for its RMB and foreign currency business has been amended to 25 per cent since 1 January 2008. – In accordance with the relevant tax laws in the PRC, the Bank is required to withhold individual income tax on salaries paid to its employees.

Withholding Individual Income tax

UnIteD oVeRseAs BAnK (CHInA) LtD.


20. 应付利息

20. Interest payables
31-12-2012 31-12-2011

´æ ¿î Ó¦ ¸¶ Àû Ï¢ ͬ Òµ Ó¦ ¸¶ Àû Ï¢ ¼° Æä Ëû ºÏ ¼Æ

Interest payable to customer deposits Interest payable to banks and others Total

374,982,861 2,348,222 377,331,083

180,316,706 65,805,599 246,122,305

21. 其他负债

21. other liabilities
31-12-2012 31-12-2011

´ý ½á Ëã ¼° Çå Ëã ¿î Ïî Ó¦ ¸¶ Æä Ëû ºÏ ¼Æ

Settlement and clearing IT system service fee Others Total

25,688,691 18,419,318 26,787,255 70,895,264

4,093,861 3,026,756 34,331,191 41,451,807

IT ϵ ͳ ·þ Îñ ·Ñ

22. 实收资本

22. Paid-up capital
2012 年及 2011 年 2012 and 2011 等值人民币 RMB equivalent %


´ó »ª Òø Ð ÓÐ ÏÞ ¹« ˾

Share capital


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Ô- ÖÐ ¹ú Çø ·Ö Ð ¼° Ö§ Ð 1,801,419,082.35 Ôª¡£

¾ß ÁË Ñé ×Ê ±¨ ¸æ¡£ Æä ÖÐ 1,198,580,917.65 Ôª£¬ Òç ½É ¼Æ ת Èë Ϊ µÈ Öµ ÈË Ãñ ÓÉ



The paid-up capital was verified by the Certified Public Accountants with capital verification report issued. RMB equivalent amounting 1,198,580,917.65 was injected by United Overseas Bank Ltd., in form of cash, and the balance was transferred from operating capital of former branches in Mainland China.



23. 资本公积

23. Capital reserves
31-12-2012 31-12-2011

¿É ¹© ³ö ÊÛ ½ð ÈÚ ×Ê ²ú ¹« ÔÊ ¼Û Öµ ±ä ¶¯ Ëù µÃ Ë° Ó° Ïì ºÏ ¼Æ

Fair value changes of available-for-sale financial assets Income tax impact recognised directly in equity Total

5,858,378 (1,464,594) 4,393,784

362,631 (90,657) 271,974

24. 盈余公积

24. surplus reserves
年初余额 Opening balance 本年增加 Increase 本年减少 Decrease 年末余额 Closing balance







Statutory surplus reserve





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²¢¾2013 Äê 10% Ìá È¡ ·¨ ¶¨ Ó¯ Óà ¹« »ý ½ð¡£ 50% ÒÔÉϵģ¬¿²»ÙÌáÈ¡ Ó¯ ÓÚ ÃÖ Óà ²¹ ¹« ÒÔ »ý Ç° ½ð Äê ºó£¬ ¶È ¿É ¿÷ Ëð Ìá »ò È¡ Ôö ÈÎ ¼Ó Òâ ¹É Ó¯

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According to the Bank Law of the People's Republic of China and the Bank’s Articles of Association, accompanied with resolution passed by the board of directors on 21 March 2013, the Bank has appropriated 10 per cent of its profit to the statutory surplus reserve. The Bank should appropriate until the reserve balance reaches 50 per cent of its registered capital or above. After the statutory surplus reserve been appropriated, the Bank may appropriate discretionary surplus reserve. Discretionary surplus reserve can be used to compensate for the accumulated losses of previous years or convert to capital upon approval. It has been determined by the Board of Directors of the Bank that no discretionary surplus reserve to be appropriated this year.

25. 一般风险准备
´Ó ·ç »á ÔÂ

25. General reserves
According to the regulation CaiJin [2012] No. 20 “Financial instituition provision measurement Guideline”, the Bank is required to set aside a general reserves of at least 1.5 per cent of its total risk assets at year end from net profit. In accordance of the Board of Directors resolution on 21 March 2013, general reserves amounting RMB 126,249,237 was appropriated. As at 31 December 2012, total general reserves of the Bank is RMB 430,856,697.

[2012]20 ºÅÎÄ ¡¶½ðÈÚÆóÒµ×¼±¸Ìá¹ÜÀí°ì·¨ µÄ¹æ¶¨£¬ Ë° ºó Àû Èó ÖÐ °´ Ô- Ôò ÉÏ ²» µÍ ÓÚ ·ç ÏÕ ×Ê ²ú ÆÚ Ä© Óà ¶î µÄ 1.5% ±È Àý ¼Æ Ìá Ò» °ã ÏÕ ×¼ ±¸£¬ ×÷ Ϊ Àû Èó ·Ö Åä ´¦ Àí¡£ ±¾ ¹« ˾ ¸ù ¾Ý 2013 Äê 3 Ô 21 ÈÕ µÄ ¶- Ê ¾ö Ò飬 Ìá È¡ Ò» °ã ·ç ÏÕ ×¼ ±¸ ¼Æ ÈË Ãñ ±Ò 126,249,237 Ôª¡£ ÓÚ 2012 Äê 12 31 ÈÕ£¬±¾¹«ËµÄÒ»°ã·çÏ×¼¸Óà¶îΪÃñ 430,856,697 Ôª¡£

年初余额 Opening balance Ò» °ã ·ç ÏÕ ×¼ ±¸

本年增加 Increase

本年减少 Decrease

年末余额 Closing balance

General reserves





UnIteD oVeRseAs BAnK (CHInA) LtD.


26. 未分配利润

26. Retained earnings
2012 2011

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³õ Èó Ìá Ìá δ






Retained earnings brought forward Net profit for the year

226,158,376 214,587,727 21,458,773 126,249,237 293,038,093

243,171,203 94,509,383 9,450,938 102,071,272 226,158,376

È¡ È¡ ·Ö Åä Ò»

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Less: Appropriation to statutory surplus reserves Less: Appropriation to general reserves Closing balance of retained earnings

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According to the Bank Law of the People's Republic of China and the Articles of Association of the Bank, the profit of the Bank can only be distributed to shareholders after (1) fulfilling all tax responsibilities, (2) compensating any accumulated losses, (3) making appropriation to statutory surplus reserves, (4) making appropriation to the general reserves, (5) making appropriation to the discretionary surplus reserves. The appropriation ratios of the general reserves and surplus reserves are decided by the Bank's Board of Directors in compliance with the relevant regulations. The profit appropriation is decided by the Board of Directors of the Bank, with reference to the operating performance, financial positions, and other relevant factors.

27. 利息净收入

27. net interest income
2012 2011


Interest income: Due from banks Due from central banks Loans and advances to customers Reverse repurchase bonds Placement with banks and other financial institutions and others Sub-total
283,380,689 64,874,898 878,660,573 10,465,899 129,918,562 1,367,300,621 186,925,710 49,049,531 619, 845,432 53,305,359 137,424,382 1,046,550,414


Interest expense: Due to banks and other financial institutions Customer deposits Placement from banks and other financial institutions and others Sub-total
31,470,287 604,474,489 105,700,981 741,645,757 625,654,864 30,965,249 427,001,219 127,025,056 584,991,524 461,558,890


Net interest income



28. 手续费及佣金净收入

28. net fees and commission income
2012 2011


Fees and commission income: Settlement and clearing fees Agency brokerage fees Credit commitment fees Credit related income Others Sub-total
16,672,552 6,903,239 4,285,370 31,163,004 7,556,342 66,580,507 13,422,305 2,945,638 4,162,699 20,873,816 1,698,440 43,102,898


Fees and commission expense: Fee expenses Sub-total
9,841,087 9,841,087 56,739,420 8,924,447 8,924,447 34,178,451


Net fees and commission income

29. 投资收益

29. Investment income
2012 2011

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(Loss)/gain on disposal of held for trading bond investments Gain on disposal of available-for-sale bond investment Bond Interest income Total

(1,166,816) 3,972,227 216,533,387 219,338,798

3,627,852 80,808 201,071,418 204,780,078

30. 公允价值变动净收益 /(损失)

30. Gains/(losses) from changes in fair values
2012 2011

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Held for trading financial assets Derivative financial instruments Others Total

(4,531,903) 45,287,551 65,258 40,820,906

5,285,405 (190,678,041) (1,191,130) (186,583,766)

UnIteD oVeRseAs BAnK (CHInA) LtD.


31. 业务及管理费

31. General and administrative expenses
2012 2011


Staff costs: Salaries and bonuses Defined contribution schemes Other employee benefits Sub-total Depreciation Amortisation Other operating expenses Total
251,094,026 44,798,215 19,041,679 314,933,920 12,159,168 19,306,490 156,316,917 502,716,495 227,086,839 30,082,323 16,699,078 273,868,240 9,233,963 11,605,308 155,899,875 450,607,386

32. 资产减值损失

32. Impairment losses
2012 2011

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Impairment losses for due from banks Impairment losses for loans Total

(581,504) 25,297,628 24,716,124

979,602 4,399,608 5,379,210

33. 营业外收入

33. non-operating income
2012 2011

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Gain from the disposal of fixed assets Fiscal subsidy Others Total

55,000 1,561,000 3,522,596 5,138,596

149,971 700,393 850,364



34. 营业外支出

34. non-operating expenses
2012 2011

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Loss on the disposal of fixed assets Fiscal subsidy refund Others Total

136,103 435,923 572,026

5,854,755 2,190,000 459,726 8,504,481

35. 所得税费用

35. Income tax expenses
2012 2011

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Income tax expenses for the current year Adjustment in respect of prior periods Deferred income tax expenses Total

66,318,100 2,929,329 2,952,813 72,200,242

47,519,619 (1,888,886) (16,934,972) 28,695,761


The reconciliation of income tax expenses to profit before tax is as follows:
2012 Ë° °´ ¶Ô Ãâ ²» δ Ëù µÃ È· Ë° ¿É ÈÏ ·Ñ Ë° µÖ µÄ Óà ǰ ·¨ ÒÔ µÄ ¿Û ¿É ¶¨ Ç° ¹ú µÄ µÖ Àû Èó Ë° ÆÚ Õ® Ë° ¿Û ÂÊ ¼ä Àû Ïî ÔÝ µ± Ï¢ ·Ñ ʱ 2011

Profit before tax
25£¥ ¼Æ Ëã µÄ Ë° Ïî
ÆÚ ÊÕ Óà ÐÔ ²î Òì µÄ Ó° Ïì Ë° Èë Ïî µÄ µ÷ Õû

286,787,969 71,696,992 2,929,329 (2,060,782) 759,703 (1,125,000) 72,200,242

123,205,144 30,801,286 (1,888,886) (1,154,073) 937,434 28,695,761

Tax charge on a tax rate at 25% Adjustment in respect of prior periods Interest income of government bonds Non-deductible items Unrecognised deductible deferred tax impact Income tax expenses

UnIteD oVeRseAs BAnK (CHInA) LtD.


36. 现金及现金等价物

36. Cash and cash equivalent
31-12-2012 31-12-2011


½ð µÈ ÏÞ ÔÚ ¼Û Èý Îï ¸ö £º Ô ÒÔ ÄÚ µÄ

Cash Cash equivalent: With original maturity less than three months -Due from banks -Placements with banks and other financial institutions -Reverse repurchase financial assets



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3,922,154,885 1,442,149,168 757,949,246 6,122,253,299 6,136,587,687

1,484,913,455 857,009,640 300,000,000 701,546,016 3,343,469,111 3,351,725,733

Other deposits with central banks-General deposit reserve Sub-total Total

37. 其他综合收益

37. other comprehensive income
2012 2011

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¹© Ë°

³ö Ó°












Net change in the fair value of available-for-sale financial assets Income tax impact recognised directly in equity Total

5,495,747 (1,373,937) 4,121,810

20,131,463 (5,032,866) 15,098,597



1. 分部业绩、资产及负债

(6) segment information
1. segment profit and loss, assets and liabilities
The Bank monitors its daily business operation according to RMB business and foreign currency business separately. Operating expenses and depreciation charge etc, which are directly attributed to such business are allocated to that business directly. Common operating expenses, are allocated between the RMB book and foreign currency book in accordance with the proportion of total interest income. Interest income and interest expense are recorded separately in accordance to the currency. Segment information of the Bank’s RMB business and foreign currency business is as follows:

31-12-2012 人民币业务 RMB Business 外币业务 Foreign Currency Business 合计 Total


Assets Cash and balances with central banks Due from banks Placements with financial institutions Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss Derivative financial assets Interest receivables Loans and advances to customers Available-for-sale financial assets Reverse repurchase financial assets Fixed assets Intangible assets Deferred tax assets Other assets Total assets
4,780,986,103 5,544,965,490 2,265,717,316 633,769,055 136,621,155 156,611,119 11,509,729,217 3,499,934,488 18,107,895 (2,692,778,036) 25,853,663,802 87,934,850 370,356,297 1,192,523,363 243,941,039 22,031,637 3,406,909,002 40,722,620 64,904,631 30,555,398 3,269,719,617 8,729,598,454 4,868,920,953 5,915,321,787 3,458,240,679 633,769,055 380,562,194 178,642,756 14,916,638,219 3,499,934,488 40,722,620 64,904,631 48,663,293 576,941,581 34,583,262,256

UnIteD oVeRseAs BAnK (CHInA) LtD.


31-12-2012 人民币业务 RMB Business 负债 外币业务 Foreign Currency Business 合计 Total

Liabilities Due to banks and other financial institutions Placements from banks and other financial institutions Derivative financial liabilities Customer deposits Payroll payables Tax payables Interest payables Other liabilities Total liabilities
166,212,388 150,000,000 133,126,996 22,409,108,028 29,470,393 365,098,417 2,279,107 23,255,295,329 51,649,393 5,550,255,538 277,498,508 1,535,582,401 44,117,262 11,599,759 12,232,666 68,616,157 7,551,551,684 217,861,781 5,700,255,538 410,625,504 23,944,690,429 44,117,262 41,070,152 377,331,083 70,895,264 30,806,847,013


Equity Paid-up capital Capital reserves Surplus reserves General reserves Retained earnings Total equity Total liabilities and equity
2,162,051,270 4,393,784 23,713,625 347,994,660 60,215,134 2,598,368,473 25,853,663,802 837,948,730 24,413,044 82,862,037 232,822,959 1,178,046,770 8,729,598,454 3,000,000,000 4,393,784 48,126,669 430,856,697 293,038,093 3,776,415,243 34,583,262,256



31-12-2011 人民币业务 RMB Business 外币业务 Foreign Currency Business 合计 Total


Assets Cash and balances with central banks Due from banks Placements with financial institutions Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss Derivative financial assets Interest receivables Loans and advances to customers Available-for-sale financial assets Reverse repurchase financial assets Fixed assets Intangible assets Deferred tax assets Other assets Total assets
4,426,637,114 4,133,525,060 2,937,644,384 1,002,657,140 140,700,552 244,703,586 9,092,983,288 6,125,002,890 476,400,000 14,000 10,601,068 (3,184,862,492) 25,406,006,590 58,468,964 1,201,471,792 515,810,275 127,691,292 21,518,100 4,329,837,211 188,876,723 44,991,471 49,516,106 42,388,975 3,282,791,267 9,863,362,176 4,485,106,078 5,334,996,852 3,453,454,659 1,002,657,140 268,391,844 266,221,686 13,422,820,499 6,313,879,613 476,400,000 45,005,471 49,516,106 52,990,043 97,928,775 35,269,368,766


Liabilities Due to banks and other financial institutions Placements from banks and other financial institutions Derivative financial liabilities Customer deposits Payroll payables Tax payables Interest payables Other liabilities Total liabilities
3,169,359,009 140,436,018 19,623,829,910 12,993,825 237,099,476 1,320,599 23,185,038,837 51,315,619 6,666,770,493 199,405,800 1,482,077,084 37,995,833 39,905,357 9,022,829 40,131,208 8,526,624,223 3,220,674,628 6,666,770,493 339,841,818 21,105,906,994 37,995,833 52,899,182 246,122,305 41,451,807 31,711,663,060


Equity Paid-up capital Capital reserves Surplus reserves General reserves Retained earnings Total equity Total liabilities and equity
1,942,051,270 384,681 8,374,463 240,865,053 29,292,286 2,220,967,753 25,406,006,590 1,057,948,730 (112,707) 18,293,433 63,742,407 196,866,090 1,336,737,953 9,863,362,176 3,000,000,000 271,974 26,667,896 304,607,460 226,158,376 3,557,705,706 35,269,368,766

UnIteD oVeRseAs BAnK (CHInA) LtD.


2012 人民币业务 RMB Business 一、营业收入 外币业务 Foreign Currency Business 合计 Total

1. Operating income Interest income Interest expense Net interest income Fee and commission income Fee and commission expense Net fee and commission income Investment income Gains on changes in fair value Foreign exchange gains Other operating income Total operating income
1,137,758,903 (668,716,063) 469,042,840 38,685,572 (7,823,643) 30,861,929 218,909,052 2,673,321 (957,546) 720,529,596 229,541,718 (72,929,694) 156,612,024 27,894,935 (2,017,444) 25,877,491 429,746 38,147,585 (39,015,303) (31,978,325) 150,073,218 1,367,300,621 (741,645,757) 625,654,864 66,580,507 (9,841,087) 56,739,420 219,338,798 40,820,906 (39,015,303) (32,935,871) 870,602,814


2. Operating expenses Business tax and surcharges General and administrative expenses Impairment losses Total operating expenses
(50,860,302) (430,865,402) (37,207,344) (518,933,048) 201,596,548 (226,839) 201,369,709 (47,978,092) 153,391,617 4,121,810 157,513,427 (10,088,494) (71,851,093) 12,491,220 (69,448,367) 80,624,851 5,138,596 (345,187) 85,418,260 (24,222,150) 61,196,110 61,196,110 (60,948,796) (502,716,495) (24,716,124) (588,381,415) 282,221,399 5,138,596 (572,026) 286,787,969 (72,200,242) 214,587,727 4,121,810 218,709,537


3. Operating profit Add: Non-operating income Less: Non-operating expenses


4. Profit before tax Less: Income tax expense

五、净利润 六、其他综合收益 七、综合收益总额

5. Net profit 6. Other comprehensive income 7. Total comprehensive income



2011 人民币业务 RMB Business 一、营业收入 外币业务 Foreign Currency Business 合计 Total

1. Operating income Interest income Interest expense Net interest income Fee and commission income Fee and commission expense Net fee and commission income Investment income
/£¨ Ëð ʧ £© 834,801,700 (522,419,713) 312,381,987 24,884,846 (6,851,935) 18,032,911 201,980,122 1,825,633 (6,293,279) 527,927,374 211,748,714 (62,571,811) 149,176,903 18,218,052 (2,072,512) 16,145,540 2,799,956 (188,409,399) 108,485,712 18,373,926 106,572,638 1,046,550,414 (584,991,524) 461,558,890 43,102,898 (8,924,447) 34,178,451 204,780,078 (186,583,766) 108,485,712 12,080,647 634,500,012

Gains/( losses) on changes in fair value Foreign exchange gains Other operating income/(expense) Total operating income 2. Operating expenses Business tax and surcharges General and administrative expenses Impairment losses Total operating expenses

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¶Ò Òµ ÊÕ

¼° Îñ Èë

»ã ÊÕ ºÏ

ÂÊ Èë ¼Æ






/£¨ Ö§ ³ö £©


(32,420,834) (389,010,426) (51,453,175) (472,884,435) 55,042,939 (5,404,008) 49,638,931 (13,712,943) 35,925,988 8,294,821 44,220,809

(15,233,321) (61,596,960) 46,073,965 (30,756,316) 75,816,322 850,364 (3,100,473) 73,566,213 (14,982,818) 58,583,395 6,803,776 65,387,171

(47,654,155) (450,607,386) (5,379,210) (503,640,751) 130,859,261 850,364 (8,504,481) 123,205,144 (28,695,761) 94,509,383 15,098,597 109,607,980


3. Operating profit Add: Non-operating income Less: Non-operating expenses


4. Profit before tax Less: Income tax expense

五、净利润 六、其他综合收益 七、综合收益总额

5. Net profit 6. Other comprehensive income 7. Total comprehensive income

UnIteD oVeRseAs BAnK (CHInA) LtD.


2. 其他信息

2. other information
(1) Foreign trade income by different kinds of operation
2012 2011

»· »ú Áã Æä ¶Ô Íâ Ëû ÊÛ ¹

Çò ½ð Òµ

½ð ÈÚ Îñ

ÈÚ ·þ

Óë Îñ

Ͷ ҵ

×Ê Îñ





Global Market and Investment Management Institutional Financial Service Retail Business Others

805,335,678 636,355,566 184,045,466 (3,647,052) 1,622,089,658

557,669,347 556,786,887 114,156,176 (196,427) 1,228,415,983









(2) Foreign trade income by geography Foreign trade income is distributed to respective countries and regions by their geography locations. The foreign trade income which divided by different geography locations is shown as follows:

¶ÔÍâ½»Ò×ÊÕÈë Foreign trade income
2012 ¾³ ¾³ ºÏ ¼Æ Íâ ÄÚ 2011

Domestic International Total

1,461,490,442 160,599,216 1,622,089,658

1,133,243,479 95,172,504 1,228,415,983


The Bank does not have any non-current asset held outside Mainland China as at the balance sheet date.

Äê ¶È £º ÈË Ãñ ±Ò

0.66 ÒÚ Ôª £© £¬ Õ¼ ±¾ Ð ´û ¿î Àû Ï¢ ÊÕ Èë µÄ

1.5 ÒÚ Ôª £¨ 2011 17%£¨ 2011 Äê :11%)¡£

(3) Major customers information Interest income of the Bank amounting to RMB 150 million come from top 10 largest loan customers (2011: RMB 66 million), which contributed 17 per cent of the total interest income for the year (2011: 11 per cent).



1. 财务承诺

(7) Commitments and contingent liabilities
1. Commitments
Capital commitments
31-12-2012 31-12-2011

ÒÑ Ç© Ô¼ µ« δ ²¦ ¸¶ ºÏ ¼Æ

Contracted but not provided for Total

1,640,000,000 1,640,000,000



Operating lease commitments The Bank leases cer tain premises under operating lease arrangements. The total future minimum payments in respect of non-cancellable operating leases at the balance sheet date are as follows:
31-12-2012 31-12-2011


( º¬ Ò» Äê

) ( º¬ ¶þ Äê ( º¬ Èý Äê ) )

Within 1 year 1 to 2 years 2 to 3 years After 3 years Total

65,775,488 25,390,161 19,569,700 10,678,052 121,413,401

64,228,554 50,080,578 15,331,550 12,464,656 142,105,338

Ò» Äê ÒÔ ÉÏ ¶þ Äê ÒÔ ÄÚ ¶þ Äê ÒÔ ÉÏ Èý Äê ÒÔ ÄÚ Èý Äê ÒÔ ÉÏ ºÏ ¼Æ

2. 信贷承诺

2. Credit commitments
31-12-2012 31-12-2011


Financial guarantee contracts: Bank acceptance Letter of guarantee Standby letter of credit Letters of credit issued Sub-total
137,742,573 90,208,877 1,131,913,351 2,349,762,969 3,709,627,770 129,238,060 35,044,304 1,304,318,025 1,242,975,174 2,711,575,563


Irrevocable loan commitments with original maturity of: Less than one year More than one year Total Sub-total Weighted credit risk of credit commitments: Ò» µ© ¿Í »§ δ °´ Æä Óë ÊÜ Òæ ÈË Ç© ¶© µÄ ºÏ ͬ ³¥ »¹
11,627,303 228,697,615 240,324,918 3,949,952,688 387,510,690 40,127,869 40,127,869 2,751,703,432 147,732,140

1 Äê ÒÔ ÄÚ
Ô- µ½ ÆÚ ÈÕ ÔÚ Ð¡ ¼Æ ºÏ ¼Æ 信贷承诺的信贷风险加权金额:

1 Äê »ò ÒÔ ÉÏ

²Æ Õ®Îñ»òÂÄÐÔ¼¶¨Òåʱ£¬øèµðÈ¡












Financial guarantee contracts, with the nature of guarantee, require the Bank to be obliged to fulfill the customers’ responsibility as guarantor in case that the customers fail to repay the contracted amount or fail to fulfill their obligations.

UnIteD oVeRseAs BAnK (CHInA) LtD.


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Loan commitments represent the commitment made by the Bank to its customer to grant a certain amount of loan in the future. Loan commitments are normally attached with an effective date or termination clause, and it is possible that the Bank may not need to fulfill such commitment on the maturity date. Hence, the amount of the loan commitments does not necessarily represent the future expected cash outflow.

3. 受托业务

3. entrusted business
31-12-2012 31-12-2011

ί ÍÐ ×Ê ½ð ί ÍÐ ´û ¿î ί ÍÐ Àí ²Æ ×Ê ½ð ί ÍÐ Àí ²Æ ×Ê ²ú

Entrusted deposits Entrusted loans Entrusted fund Entrusted asset Ö¸ ¶¨ µÄ µÚ Èý ·½

440,625,898 440,625,898 113,797,494 113,797,494

101,884,362 101,884,362 -


ÍÐ ×Ê ½ð ÊÇ Ö¸ ´æ ¿î Õß ´æ ÓÚ ±¾ ¹« ˾ µÄ ¿î Ïî £¬ ½ö Óà ÓÚ Ïò´æ ¿î Õß ·¢ ·Å ´û ¿î Ö® Óà ¡£ ´û ¿î Ïà ¹Ø µÄ ÐÅ ´û ·ç ÏÕ ÓÉ ×Ê ½ð ί ÍÐ ÈË ³Ð µ£ ¡£ ί ÍÐ Àí ²Æ Òµ Îñ ÊÇ Ö¸ ±¾ ¹« ˾ °´ Õ Óë ¿Í

»§ Ê ÏÈ Ô¼ ¶¨ µÄ Ͷ ×Ê ¼Æ »® ºÍ ·½ ʽ £¬ ÒÔ Àí £¬ Ͷ ×Ê ÊÕ Òæ ÓÉ ±¾ ¹« ˾ ´ú Ϊ ÊÕ È¡ £¬ ¸ù Ô¼ ¶¨ Ìõ ¼þ ºÍ ʵ ¼Ê Ͷ ×Ê ÊÕ Òæ Ïò ¿Í »§ Ö§ ¸¶ ÊÕ Òæ µÄ Òµ Îñ ¡£ »§ Ö§ ¸¶ µÄ ±¾ ½ð ½ø РͶ ×Ê ºÍ ×Ê ²ú ¹Ü

¿Í ¾Ý

Entrusted deposits represent funds from depositors, which depositors have instructed the Bank to grant loans to third parties designated by them. The credit risk remains with the depositors. Entrusted wealthy management business is the investment product which according to the agreed investing plan with the clients. The investment principal is paid by the customers, which would be managed by the Bank.The Bank would receive the investment profit on behalf of the customers and pay the profit to the customers based on the agreed conditions.

4. 或有负债
2012 Äê µ×£¬
±¾ ÓиºÕ®Í⣬²¢ÎÞÆäËû»ò¡ ¹« ˾ ³ý ¸½ ×¢ Æß¡¢

2 ÐÅ ´û ³Ð ŵ Åû ¶ µÄ »ò


4. Contingent liabilities
As at 31 December 2012, according to the management there was no other contingent liabilities except those that have been disclosed in Note 7, 2.

(8) Capital management
The Bank has adopted a strong capital management method to mitigate the inherent risk in the business operation and complied with the requirements of regulatory authorities on capital management. The Bank also targets to maintain sufficient capital adequacy ratio for operations and optimising shareholders’ value. The Bank may adjust its capital structure actively to adapt with the change of economic environment and related risk characteristics. Core capital includes paid-up capital, capital reserves, surplus reserves, general reserves and retained earnings. Supplementary capital includes general loan provision and others. The capital adequacy ratio calculated by the Bank in accordance with the “Regulations Governing Disclosure Information of Commercial Bank” (CBRC [2007] No.7 ) promulgated by CBRC is as follows:


7 ºÅ£©¼ÆËãµÄ×ʱ¾³äÂÈçÏ



31-12-2012 ºË ÐÄ ×Ê ±¾ ¾» ¶î ¸½ Êô ×Ê ±¾ ×Ê ±¾ ¾» ¶î ¼Ó Ȩ ·ç ÏÕ ×Ê ²ú ¼° ÊÐ ³¡ ·ç ÏÕ ×Ê ±¾ µ÷ Õû ºË ÐÄ ×Ê ±¾ ³ä ×ã ÂÊ ×Ê ±¾ ³ä ×ã ÂÊ


Core capital Supplementary capital Net capital base Risk weighted assets and market risk adjustment Core capital adequacy ratio Capital adequacy ratio

3,770,556,864 215,410,922 3,985,967,786 16,935,305,872 22.26% 23.54%

3,560,817,753 186,244,398 3,747,062,151 14,697,873,152 24.23% 25.49%

1. 信用风险
1.1 信用风险管理

(9) Financial instruments risk management
1. Credit risk
1.1 Credit risk management Credit risk is the risk of loss arising from a borrower’s or counterparty’s inability to meet its obligations as and when they fall due. The Bank’s credit risk exposure mainly arises from loans and advances to customers. Credit risk of off balance sheet items mainly arises from the letters of credit/guarantees issued as well as loan commitments. Credit risk centralisation refers to the situation whereby there is a concentration of customers in the same business activities, geographical location, or industry sector with similar economic characteristics such that their repayment ability would be affected by the same economic fluctuations. Credit risk concentration reflects the sensitivity of the Bank’s performance to such customer concentration. The Bank establishes a comprehensive set of policies and procedures which effectively mitigate and control credit risk. The procedures cover credit evaluation, credit approval, credit monitoring as well as reporting. The Bank reviews the borrowers’ business operations periodically, analyses the quality of credit portfolio and ensures adequacy of loan loss provisions. The risk from financial guarantee and loan commitments is similar with that from loans and advances to customers. Hence, the Bank adopts the same policies and procedures for managing credit contingencies which cover application, follow-up monitoring and collateral requirements, etc. 1.2 Maximum credit risk exposure without consideration of any collateral and credit risk mitigation As at the balance sheet date, the maximum credit risk exposure of the Bank without taking into consideration of collateral and credit risk mitigation is set out below:

1.2 不考虑任何担保物及其他信用增级措施的最大信用风险敞口

UnIteD oVeRseAs BAnK (CHInA) LtD.


31-12-2012 ´æ ·Å ÖÐ Ñë Òø Ð ¿î Ïî ´æ ·Å Í¬ Òµ ¿î Ïî ²ð ³ö ×Ê ½ð Âò Èë ·µ ÊÛ ½ð ÈÚ ×Ê ²ú ÑÜ Éú ½ð ÈÚ ×Ê ²ú ·¢ ·Å ´û ¿î ºÍ µæ ¿î ÒÔ ¹« ÔÊ ¼Û Öµ ¼Æ Á¿ ÇÒ Æä ±ä ¶¯ ¼Æ Èë µ± ÆÚ Ëð Òæ


Balances with central banks Due from banks Placements with banks and other financial institutions Reverse repurchase financial assets Derivative financial assets Loans and advances to customers Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss Available-for-sale financial assets Other assets Total
( ¸½ ×¢ Æß ¡¢ 2)

4,854,586,565 5,915,321,787 3,458,240,679 380,562,194 14,916,638,219 633,769,055 3,499,934,488 219,821,659 33,878,874,646 3,949,952,688 37,828,827,334

4,476,849,456 5,334,996,852 3,453,454,659 476,400,000 268,391,844 13,422,820,499 1,002,657,140 6,313,879,613 299,822,962 35,049,273,025 2,751,703,432 37,800,976,457

µÄ ½ð ÈÚ ×Ê ²ú ¿É ¹© ³ö ÊÛ ½ð ÈÚ ×Ê ²ú Æä Ëû ×Ê ²ú ºÏ ¼Æ ÐÅ ´û ³Ð ŵ ÐÅ Óà ·ç ÏÕ ³¨ ¿Ú ×î ´ó ÐÅ Óà ·ç ÏÕ ³¨ ¿Ú

Credit commitments (Note7.2) Maximum credit risk exposure

1.3 风险集中度


1.3 Risk concentration The concentration of borrowers/counterparties in the same industry sector, geographical location or having similar economic characteristics would tend to pose higher credit risk to the Bank. On the other hand, the level of credit risk may be varied from each industry or geographical location in view of their unique economic development characteristics. The Bank mainly provides loans and commitments/guarantees to domestic customers. Analysis on industry sector concentration for the Bank’s loans and advances can be found at Note 5, 7. 1.4 Collateral The amount and type of the collateral required would depend on the credit risk of the borrowers/counterparties as assessed by the Bank. The Bank has established a guideline on taking collateral including the frequency of collateral valuation. The main types of collateral include: • For corporate and commercial loans, main collaterals taken include properties, cash deposits, bank guarantee and machinery; and • F o r p e r s o n a l l o a n s , c o l l a t e r a l t a k e n a r e m a i n l y residential proper ties. The management requires relevant Business Units to monitor the market value of the collateral and follow up with the borrowers/ counterparties to top up collateral in accordance with the relevant provisions of the loan agreement. The change in market value of the collateral would also be taken into consideration when reviewing the adequacy of loan loss provisions.

1.4 担保物


• •



1.5 信用质量

1.5 Credit quality The credit quality of financial assets of the Bank (excluding loan provisions) is analysed as follows:
既未逾期也 未减值 Neither overdue nor impaired 已逾期但 未减值 Overdue but not impaired 已减值 合计




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Due from banks Placements with banks and other financial institutions

5,915,719,885 3,458,240,679 178,642,756 15,107,226,510 633,769,055 3,499,934,488 28,793,533,373

1,192,918 1,192,918

107,882,468 107,882,468

5,915,719,885 3,458,240,679 178,642,756 15,216,301,896 633,769,055 3,499,934,488 28,902,608,759

Ï¢ ¿î ÔÊ Ëð ÊÛ ½ð ¼Û Òæ ÈÚ ºÍ Öµ µÄ ×Ê µæ ¼Æ ½ð ²ú ¿î Á¿ ÈÚ ÇÒ ×Ê Æä ²ú ±ä ¶¯ ¼Æ

Interest receivables Loans and advances to customers Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss Available-for-sale financial assets Total


既未逾期也 未减值 Neither overdue nor impaired

已逾期但 未减值 Overdue but not impaired





´æ ²ð Ó¦ ·¢ ÒÔ Èë ¿É Âò ºÏ ¼Æ Èë ¹© µ± ³ö

·Å ×Ê ÊÕ ·Å ¹« ÆÚ ³ö ·µ ´û Àû

ͬ ½ð




Due from banks Placements with banks and other financial institutions

5,335,976,454 3,453,454,659 266,221,686 13,505,431,456 1,002,657,140 6,313,879,613 476,400,000 30,354,021,008

103,575,931 103,575,931

88,368,730 88,368,730

5,335,976,454 3,453,454,659 266,221,686 13,697,376,117 1,002,657,140 6,313,879,613 476,400,000 30,545,965,669

Ï¢ ¿î ÔÊ Ëð ÊÛ ÊÛ ½ð ½ð ÈÚ ¼Û Òæ ÈÚ ×Ê ºÍ Öµ µÄ ×Ê ²ú µæ ¼Æ ½ð ²ú ¿î Á¿ ÈÚ ÇÒ ×Ê Æä ²ú ±ä ¶¯ ¼Æ

Interest receivables Loans and advances to customers Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss Available-for-sale financial assets Reverse repurchase financial assets Total

UnIteD oVeRseAs BAnK (CHInA) LtD.



Loans and advances that are neither overdue nor impaired The composition of loans that are neither overdue nor impaired by collateral arrangement as at the balance sheet date is as follows:
31-12-2012 正常 Pass 关注 Special mention 合计 Total

ÐÅ Óà ´û ¿î ±£ Ö¤ ´û ¿î µÖ Ѻ ´û ¿î ÖÊ Ñº ´û ¿î ºÏ ¼Æ

Unsecured loans Loans secured by guarantees Loans secured by mortgage Loans secured by pledges Total

1,704,367,276 3,687,701,781 6,795,624,354 2,818,455,071 15,006,148,482

101,078,028 101,078,028

1,704,367,276 3,687,701,781 6,896,702,382 2,818,455,071 15,107,226,510

31-12-2011 正常 Pass ÐÅ Óà ´û ¿î ±£ Ö¤ ´û ¿î µÖ Ѻ ´û ¿î ÖÊ Ñº ´û ¿î ºÏ ¼Æ 关注 Special mention 合计 Total

Unsecured loans Loans secured by guarantees Loans secured by mortgage Loans secured by pledges Total

1,317,959,621 3,602,367,464 6,951,468,261 1,563,464,467 13,435,259,813

63,421,643 6,750,000 70,171,643

1,317,959,621 3,602,367,464 7,014,889,904 1,570,214,467 13,505,431,456


Loans and advances that are overdue but not impaired Ageing analysis of loans that are overdue but not impaired as at the balance sheet date is as follows:
31-12-2012 1 个月 以内 Within 1 month 1 个月 到 2 个月 1 to 2 months 2 个月 到 3 个月 2 to 3 months 3 个月 以上 More than 3 months 合计 Total 所持有担保物公允价值 Fair value of collaterals

´û ¿î ¼° µæ ¿î

Loans and advances to customers







31-12-2011 1 个月 以内 Within 1 month 1 个月 到 2 个月 1 to 2 months 2 个月 到 3 个月 2 to 3 months 3 个月 以上 More than 3 months 合计 所持有担保物公允价值


Fair value of collaterals

´û ¿î ¼° µæ ¿î

Loans and advances to customers










Impaired loans and advances Where there are objective evidences that a single or multiple negative events have occurred after the initial recognition of the loans and the impact from the events on the expected future cash flows can be estimated reliably, the relevant loans should be recognised as impaired loans. These loans are classified as “Substandard”, “Doubtful” or “Loss”. As at the balance sheet date, the fair value of collateral of impaired loans held by the Bank is as follows:
31-12-2012 31-12-2011

¼õ Öµ ´û ¿î µÄ µ£ ±£ Îï

The collateral value of impaired loan



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The fair value of collateral that the Bank holds is determined from the latest external valuation with necessary adjustment made after considering the Bank’s own experience in collateral disposal as well as the current market conditions. Restructured loans and advances The Bank has formulated a set of loan restructuring policies to renegotiate the contractual terms with customers in order to maximise the recovery of impaired loans as well as to manage customer relationships. The carrying amount of restructured loans and advances is as follows:
31-12-2012 31-12-2011

¾- ÖØ ×é µÄ ·¢ ·Å ´û ¿î ¼° µæ ¿î

- ÒÑ ¼õ Öµ

Restructured loans andadvances - Impaired



UnIteD oVeRseAs BAnK (CHInA) LtD.


2. 流动性风险

2. Liquidity risk
Liquidity risk is defined as the risk that the Bank is unable to meet its financial obligations as and when they fall due. Liquidity risk arises from the general funding of the Bank’s banking activities and in the management of its assets and liabilities including off-balance sheet items. Liquidity risk is managed in accordance with a framework of policies, controls and limits approved by the Asset Liability Committee and Executive Committee. The Asset Liability Committee formulates key strategies on liquidity risk management and reviews the Bank’s asset liability structure and liquidity risk profile on a monthly basis. Day-to-day management of the Bank’s liquidity is undertaken by Global Markets and Investment Management Division while Market and Balance Sheet Risk Management Department independently monitors and reports liquidity risk exposures against control limits to the Asset Liability Committee/Risk Management Committee. The Bank’s liquidity risk management covers the whole process of strategy development and planning, risk assessment and measurement, monitoring and review as well as contingency planning. The Bank measures and manages liquidity risk mainly by analysing contractual cash flows of maturing assets and liabilities. The Bank also employs liquidity early warning indicators, including indicators imposed by regulators, and control limits to monitor liquidity risk on a daily basis. Liquidity early warning indicators are further classified to signal different level of contingency situations for appropriate actions.

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2012 Äê 12 Ô 31 ÈÕ£¬±¾¹«ËµÄ½ðÚ×ʲú¼°¸º®Æ·ÖÎöçÏ The Bank’s maturity profile of financial assets and liabilities as at 31 December 2012 is as follows:

31-12-2012 逾期 / 即时偿还 Overdue / On demand Within 1 month 1 to 3 months 3 months to 1 years 1 to 5 years 1 个月内 1 至 3 个月 3 个月至 1 年 1至5年 5 年以上 5 years above 无期限 Undated 合计 Total


Financial assets:
772,283,634 4,096,637,319 4,868,920,953 200,000,000 172,538,243 4,429,718,099 1,508,344,650 72,377,599 6,491,523,017 100,494,058 7,849,215,756 1,887,116,430 6,689,372,772 3,243,018,124 3,243,018,124

Cash and deposits with central banks
184,703,517 21,178,760 2,283,140 980,449,051 44,666,862 4,515,939,726 65,049,230 59,058,344 574,710,711 39,424,178 690,663,288 2,608,533,562 41,502,002 60,388,603 3,615,000,000 3,136,088,364 2,210,717,316 106,133,346 3,923,526,386

Due from and placement with banks and other financial institutions

27,053,269 4,123,690,588

9,373,562,466 380,562,194 14,916,638,219 633,769,055 3,499,934,488 219,821,659 33,893,209,034

Derivative financial assets

Loans and advances to customers

Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss

Available-for-sale financial assets

Reverse repurchase financial assets

Other assets

Total financial assets


Financial liabilities:
68,277,576 2,664,243,209 539,476 2,733,060,261 (1,752,611,210) 169,743 2,296,139,133 50,075,793 4,139,871,037 28,386,375 6,514,472,338 (1,998,532,612) 140,678,702 790,091,371 65,038,310 6,019,768,577 92,600,073 6,967,498,331 (475,975,314) 683,896,045 2,763,609,239 117,935,628 7,232,435,154 158,645,370 10,272,625,391 (2,423,409,635) 2,812,635,207 177,575,773 3,788,372,452 97,159,789 4,063,108,014 2,626,264,758 292,562,991 100,000,000 100,000,000 3,143,018,124 4,123,690,588 5,918,117,319 410,625,504 23,944,690,429 377,331,083 30,650,764,335 3,242,444,699 3,949,952,688

Due to and placement from banks and other financial institutions

Derivative financial liabilities

Customer deposits

Other liabilities

UnIteD oVeRseAs BAnK (CHInA) LtD.

Total financial liabilities

Net liquidity



31-12-2011 逾期 / 即时偿还 Overdue / On demand Within 1 month 1 to 3 months 3 months to 1 years 1 to 5 years 5 years above 1 个月内 1 至 3 个月 3 个月至 1 年 1至5年 5 年以上 无期限 Undated

2011 Äê 12 Ô 31 ÈÕ£¬±¾¹«ËµÄ½ðÚ×ʲú¼°¸º®Æ·ÖÎöçÏ The Bank’s maturity profile of financial assets and liabilities as at 31 December 2011 is as follows:

合计 Total



Financial assets:
709,802,638 3,775,303,440 4,485,106,078

Cash and deposits with central banks
117,062,171 99,849,218 62,298 926,776,325 4,191,684,062 6,834,702,510 54,905,370 86,360,651 476,400,000 284,382,192 577,778,380 1,292,990,511 139,508,134 7,801,028,205 101,355,400 901,301,740 1,112,179,547 2,255,421,998 2,827,020,453 35,805,232 9,594,833 38,899,978 184,091,801 4,285,274,394 4,158,728,530 18,986,509 8,684,960,216 2,603,056,321 2,527,844,908 3,502,609,129 37,878,982

Due from and placement with banks and other financial institutions

2,843,074,889 2,843,074,889


8,788,451,511 268,391,844 13,422,820,499 1,002,657,140 6,313,879,613 476,400,000 299,822,962 35,057,529,647

Derivative financial assets

Loans and advances to customers

Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss

Available-for-sale financial assets

Reverse repurchase financial assets

Other assets

Total financial assets


Financial liabilities:
136,581,254 2,818,434,194 656,475 2,955,671,923 (2,028,895,598) 80,460 2,888,357,400 26,593,524 4,775,840,786 (584,156,724) 193,813,457 41,614,276 1,819,275,586 1,953,919,453 29,995,579 6,041,998,800 67,016,775 8,092,930,607 (1,258,228,097) 587,751,958 5,668,987,737 78,512,714 4,476,645,400 100,283,201 10,324,429,052 (2,523,400,847) 1,929,005,837 308,681,091 189,719,249 4,880,471,200 51,572,330 5,430,443,870 3,254,516,346 41,051,720 2,843,074,889 3,775,303,440 9,887,445,121 339,841,818 21,105,906,994 246,122,305 31,579,316,238 3,478,213,409 2,751,703,432

Due to and placement from banks and other financial institutions

Derivative financial liabilities

Customer deposits

Other liabilities

Total financial liabilities

Net liquidity


3. 市场风险

3. Market risk
Market risk is the risk of loss arising from adverse change in market value of the Bank’s trading portfolio during the holding period. The Bank is exposed to market risk mainly from foreign exchange rate and interest rate related products arising from trading as well as non-trading businesses. The objective of market risk management is to minimise the negative impact of volatility of financial instruments on the Bank’s earnings and equity.
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The Risk Management Division monitors the Bank’s market risk exposure and formulates market risk policies for approval by the Asset Liability Committee and the Executive Committee. Risk profile reports are submitted to the Asset Liability Committee and Risk Management Committee on a regular basis. The Bank measures and manages its market risk in accordance with a framework of policies and practices which include sensitivity analysis, Value-at-Risk measure, stress testing etc. In addition, the market risk associated with any new product/business is required to be identified and addressed prior to launch. 3.1 Currency risk The Bank’s currency risk arises mainly from currency mismatches of assets and liabilities as well as foreign exchange trading business whereby the open positions are subject to exchange rate fluctuations. As at 31 December 2012, the Bank’s assets and liabilities by currency is as follows:

3.1 汇率风险

2012 Äê

12 ÔÂ

31 ÈÕ£¬±¾¹«ËµÄÓÐØ×ʲú¼°¸º®´ÒÖÁçÏÂ

UnIteD oVeRseAs BAnK (CHInA) LtD.


31-12-2012 美元 USD(RMB equivalent) 资产: 人民币 RMB 其他 Other (RMB equivalent) 合计 Total (RMB equivalent)

Assets: Cash and balances with the central bank Due from and placement with banks and other financial institutions Derivative financial assets Loans and advances to customers Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss Available-for-sale financial assets Reverse repurchase financial assets Other assets Total assets
85,461,844 1,446,193,741 144,610,924 2,819,944,641 26,140,371 4,522,351,521 4,781,011,448 7,850,625,623 235,951,270 11,509,310,223 633,769,055 3,499,934,488 880,357,787 29,390,959,894 2,447,661 76,743,102 587,383,355 3,376,723 669,950,841 4,868,920,953 9,373,562,466 380,562,194 14,916,638,219 633,769,055 3,499,934,488 909,874,881 34,583,262,256


Liabilities: Due to and placement from banks and other financial institutions Derivative financial liabilities Customer deposits Other liabilities Total liabilities Net position Notional amounts of derivative financial instruments Commitments
5,086,816,075 162,936,710 868,760,686 18,036,876 6,136,550,347 (1,614,198,826) 72,427,943,771 996,835,528 316,212,388 247,688,794 22,409,108,028 495,186,910 23,468,196,120 5,922,763,774 43,172,505,425 2,734,022,467 515,088,856 666,821,715 20,189,975 1,202,100,546 (532,149,705) 1,760,107,139 219,094,693 5,918,117,319 410,625,504 23,944,690,429 533,413,761 30,806,847,013 3,776,415,243 117,360,556,335 3,949,952,688



31-12-2011 美元 USD(RMB equivalent) 资产: 人民币 RMB 其他 Other (RMB equivalent) 合计 Total (RMB equivalent)

Assets: Cash and balances with the central bank Due from and placement with banks and other financial institutions Derivative financial assets Loans and advances to customers Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss Available-for-sale financial assets Reverse repurchase financial assets Other assets Total assets
56,460,676 1,642,040,551 32,471,409 3,782,667,623 188,876,724 8,644,447 5,711,161,430 4,426,749,186 7,094,892,591 235,920,435 9,091,716,282 1,002,657,140 6,125,002,889 476,400,000 476,089,595 28,929,428,118 1,896,216 51,518,369 548,436,594 26,928,039 628,779,218 4,485,106,078 8,788,451,511 268,391,844 13,422,820,499 1,002,657,140 6,313,879,613 476,400,000 511,662,081 35,269,368,766


Liabilities: Due to and placement from banks and other financial institutions Derivative financial liabilities Customer deposits Other liabilities Total liabilities Net position Notional amounts of derivative financial instruments Commitments
5,998,398,373 49,792,649 607,406,395 6,534,644 6,662,132,061 (950,970,631) 17,212,188,364 1,343,628,382 3,169,359,009 290,049,169 19,623,829,909 354,010,005 23,437,248,092 5,492,180,026 29,328,738,089 1,286,561,011 719,687,739 874,670,690 17,924,478 1,612,282,907 (983,503,689) 2,592,730,537 121,514,039 9,887,445,121 339,841,818 21,105,906,994 378,469,127 31,711,663,060 3,557,705,706 49,133,656,990 2,751,703,432

ÒÔ ¶¯ÔË°ÇÀûÈó¼¨ÒæµÄÓÏì¡£






























Holding all other variables constant, the impact from a change in foreign exchange rates on the ‘Profit Before Tax’ and ‘Equity’ of the Bank is as follows:

31-12-2012 对税前利润影响 变量变动 Change in foreign exchange rate Impact on profit

31-12-2011 对税前利润影响 Impact on profit

¶Ô ±¾ λ ±Ò Éý Öµ

-1% change against RMB +1% change against RMB »ù Íâ ÓÚ ±Ò ×Ê ¶Ô ²ú ÈË ºÍ Ãñ ¸º ±Ò Õ® »ã ¾ß ÂÊ ÓÐ µÄ ¾² ºÏ ̬ Àí µÄ ¿É »ã ÄÜ ÂÊ ±ä ·ç ¶¯ ÏÕ ¶Ô ½á Ë° ¹£¬ Ç° Àû Æä Èó ¼Æ ¼° Ëã Ȩ ÁË Òæ µ±

21,463,485 (21,463,485)

19,344,744 (19,344,744)


ÒÔ Æä µÄÓ°Ïì¡£ Ëû



¸Ð ²»

ÐÔ ±ä

·Ö ʱ£¬


The sensitivity analysis above is performed on the basis that assets and liabilities have static currency risk structure. It shows the impact of a change in other currency rates against RMB on the Bank’s ‘Profit Before Tax’ and ‘Equity’, given other variables remain constant.

UnIteD oVeRseAs BAnK (CHInA) LtD.


ÓйصķÖÎö»ùÚÒÔϼÙÉ裺 £¨ 1£© ¸÷ »ãÂʾø¶ÔÖµ²¨¯ £¨ 2£©¸÷±ÒÖ»ãÂÊ䶯ÇÔÈËÃñͬÏò²¨ £¨ 3£©¸Ã»ãÂÊ·çÏÕ³¨¿Ú²°üº¬×ú®±íÍâÆÄ¡ ÓÉ ÄÜÓë´ËÃô¸ÐÔ·ÖÎöµ½á¹û²»Í¬¡£ ÓÚ »ù ÓÚ ÉÏ Êö ¼Ù É裬 »ã ÂÊ ±ä »¯ µ¼ Ö ±¾ ¹« ˾ »ã ¶Ò ¾» Ëð Òæ ³ö ÏÖ µÄ ʵ ¼Ê ±ä »¯ ¿É Ö »ã ÂÊ Ãô ¸Ð ¶È ÊÇ Ö¸ ¸÷ ±Ò Ö ¶Ô ÈË Ãñ ±Ò ÓÚ ±¨ ¸æ ÈÕ µ± Ìì ÊÕ ÅÌ 1% Ôì³ÉµÄ»ã¶ÒËðæ£

The analysis is based on below assumptions:
( ÖÐ ¼ä ¼Û )

(1) Exchange rate sensitivity refers to the gains and losses caused by the 1per cent change of the closing rate (mid rate) of the different foreign currencies against RMB as at the balance sheet date; (2) Exchange rate fluctuation refers to the fluctuation against RMB in the same direction simultaneously; (3) Off-balance sheet items are excluded. Due to the above assumptions, the actual impact of exchange rate fluctuation on the Bank’s earnings may differ from above sensitivity analysis. 3.2 Interest rate risk The Bank’s interest rate risk arises mainly from maturity mismatches (for fixed rate) or re-pricing mismatches (for floating rate) of the Bank’s assets, liabilities, and off-balance sheet items.

3.2 利率风险

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2012 Äê

12 ÔÂ

31 ÈÕ£¬




















The Risk Management Division monitors interest rate risk exposure, formulates related policies and procedures and provides regular report on interest rate risk profile to the Asset Liability Committee and Risk Management Committee. The Bank adheres to PBOC regulations strictly in pricing its loans and deposits. Interest rate risk exposure is quantified and analysed mainly using gap analysis tools such as repricing schedules. As at 31 December 2012, the Bank’s assets liabilities re-pricing profiles (based on the earlier of maturity date and repricing date) is in the following page:



31-12-2012 3 个月内 3 个月到 1 年 1 年到 5 年 5 年以上 不计息 合计

Within 3 months

3 months to 1 year

1 to 5 years

5 years above

Non-interest bearing


Assets: Cash and balances with the central bank Due from and placement with banks and other financial institutions Derivative financial assets Loans and advances to customers Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss Available-for-sale financial assets Reverse repurchase financial assets Other assets Total assets






7,482,845,150 13,028,233,591

1,890,717,316 1,888,404,628



380,562,194 -

9,373,562,466 380,562,194 14,916,638,219








982,784,088 26,900,088,743

1,508,344,650 5,287,466,594

1,008,805,750 1,008,805,750


909,874,881 1,386,901,169

3,499,934,488 909,874,881 34,583,262,256


Liabilities: Due to and placement from banks and other financial institutions Derivatives financial liabilities Customer deposits Other liabilities Total liabilities Net position
5,918,117,319 5,918,117,319

12,823,882,823 18,742,000,142 8,158,088,601

7,232,435,154 7,232,435,154 (1,944,968,560)

3,788,372,452 3,788,372,452 (2,779,566,702)

100,000,000 100,000,000 (100,000,000)

410,625,504 533,413,761 944,039,265 442,861,904

410,625,504 23,944,690,429 533,413,761 30,806,847,013 3,776,415,243

UnIteD oVeRseAs BAnK (CHInA) LtD.


31-12-2011 3 个月内 3 个月到 1 年 1 年到 5 年 5 年以上 不计息 合计

Within 3 months

3 months to 1 year

1 to 5 years

5 years above

Non-interest bearing


Assets: Cash and balances with the central bank Due from and placement with banks and other financial institutions Derivative financial assets Loans and advances to customers Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss Available-for-sale financial assets Reverse repurchase financial assets Other assets Total assets






5,285,161,568 11,527,714,268

3,502,609,129 1,895,098,121



680,814 268,391,844 -

8,788,451,511 268,391,844 13,422,820,499







1,814,805,771 476,400,000 24,527,633,179

1,292,990,512 6,690,697,762

3,206,083,330 3,206,091,440


511,662,081 844,946,385

6,313,879,613 476,400,000 511,662,081 35,269,368,766


Liabilities: Due to and placement from banks and other financial institutions Derivatives financial liabilities Customer deposits Other liabilities Total liabilities Net position
7,486,368,196 2,401,076,925 9,887,445,121

11,955,839,039 19,442,207,235 5,085,425,944

4,269,596,724 6,670,673,649 20,024,113

4,880,471,231 4,880,471,231 (1,674,379,791)


339,841,818 378,469,127 718,310,945 126,635,440

339,841,818 21,105,906,994 378,469,127 31,711,663,060 3,557,705,706



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The Bank profiles its interest bearing assets and liabilities based on maturity date for fixed rate items or re-pricing date for floating rate items. Holding other variables constant, the impact of interest rate movement on the Bank’s ‘Profit Before Tax’ and ‘Equity’ is as follows:
31-12-2012 对税前利润的影响 对权益的影响 Impact on equity






























Change in interest rate

Impact on profit

100 ¸ö »ù µã
Àû ÂÊ ¼õ ÉÙ

+ 100 basis points - 100 basis points

64,089,643 (64,089,643)

(29,498,539) 29,498,539

100 ¸ö »ù µã

31-12-2011 对税前利润的影响 变量变动 Change in interest rate Impact on profit 对权益的影响 Impact on equity

100 ¸ö »ù µã
Àû ÂÊ ¼õ ÉÙ

+ 100 basis points - 100 basis points

44,572,567 (44,572,567)

(102,626,842) 102,626,842

100 ¸ö »ù µã

ÒÔ ½ö ±¾¹«Ë°´Ä껯¼ÆãÀûÏ¢ÊÕÈëµÓ죬ùÚÒÔÂÙÉèº £¨ £¨ ºâ


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The sensitivity analysis above is performed on the basis that assets and liabilities have static interest rate risk structure. It reflects the impact of interest rate movement on the Bank’s net interest income over a one-year period. The key assumptions are as follows: (1) All assets and liabilities with re-pricing date less than three months or between three months and one year are assumed to be re-priced in the middle of the respective time bucket; (2) Yield curve shifts parallelly with interest rate change; (3) Assets and liabilities are not subject to other changes; and (4) Off-balance sheet items are excluded.


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Due to the above assumptions, the actual impact of net interest income from interest rate movement may differ from above sensitivity analysis. The impact on equity is estimated from the change in market value of ‘available-for-sale’ portfolio caused by a parallel shift of yield curve arising from interest rate change.

UnIteD oVeRseAs BAnK (CHInA) LtD.


4. 公允价值
( Àý Èç ÈÏ ¿É ¼Û ÄË ½ð ÈÚ ¹¤ ¾ß ¹« ÔÊ ¼Û Öµ Ö® ×î ¼Ñ Ö¤ Ã÷¡£ È» Òò´Ë£¬ ¶ÔÓڸò¿·ÖÎÞÊмÛÉÒÀ®½ðȹ¤¾ß£¬ Èç Ï Ëù Êö Ö® ÏÖ Öµ »ò Æä Ëû ¹À ¼Æ ·½ ·¨ ¹À Ëã ¹« ¼Æ Ö® ¼Û Öµ »á ÊÜ ÓÐ ¹Ø δ À´ ÏÖ ½ð Á÷ Á¿ Êý ¶î£¬
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4. Fair value of financial instruments
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Fair value is the value for which an asset could be exchanged, or a liability could be settled, between willing parties with full knowledge and on arm’s length basis. Subject to the existence of an active market, such as an authorised securities exchange, the market value is the best reflection of the fair value of financial instruments. As there is no available market value for some of the financial assets and liabilities held and issued by the Bank, the discounted cash flow method or other valuation methods described below are adopted to determine the fair value of these assets and liabilities. However, the value determined by such methods would depend on the amount of future cash flows, time period assumption and discount rates used. The following methods and assumptions are used in estimating fair values: (i) Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss (including derivative assets/liabilities) are stated at fair value by reference to the quoted market prices when available. If quoted market prices are not available, the fair value is estimated using discounted cash flows or quoted price from the counter parties. The carrying amounts of these items reflect the fair value as at the balance sheet date; (ii) The fair values of other financial assets and liabilities maturing within 12 months are assumed to be equal to their carrying amounts in view of their short maturity; (iii) The fair value of fixed rate loans priced at market rate at the time the loans are extended shall be determined using prevailing market rates of similar loans. Changes in the credit quality of loans within the portfolio are not taken into account in determining the fair values as the impact of credit risk is recognised separately as impairment provision which shall be deducted from the carrying amounts and fair value; (iv) Customer deposits are priced based on fixed rate or floating rate depending on the product type. The fair value of demand deposits and saving deposits without specific maturity date is determined based on the amount payable on demand. The fair value of fixed deposits are estimated using discounted cash flows method with the prevailing deposit rate for the remaining tenor of the fixed deposit as the discount rate.

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The method of determining a fair value in the Bank can be categorised into two main approaches: (i) Mark to Market-where the valuation uses independent unadjusted quoted market prices; (ii) Market to Model-where valuation techniques are used to determine the valuation. Valuation adjustments are an integral part of the fair value process that requires the exercise of judgment to ensure correct fair value representation. In making appropriate valuation adjustments, the Bank follows the methodologies that consider factors such as bid-offer spread valuation adjustment and model valuation adjustment.



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The Bank has established internal control procedures over the valuation process to provide assurance over the appropriateness of the fair values applied. If fair value is determined by valuation models, the assumptions and techniques within the models are independently validated by a specialist group. In addition, price and parameter inputs, assumptions and valuation adjustments are subject to verification and review processes. Other valuation control includes review and analysis of daily profit and loss. The Bank classifies all the fair value instruments according to the following hierarchy:

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Level 1: Quoted market price This valuation technique uses recent unadjusted quoted prices for identical assets or liabilities in active markets where the price represents actual and regularly occurring market transactions on an arm’s length basis. Financial instruments included in this class are bonds with the Marked-to-market prices actively made available and announced by China Central Depository and Clearing Co. Ltd. Level 2: Valuation technique using observable inputs This valuation technique is used for financial instruments where the prices are derived from standard valuation models, and inputs to these models are directly observable. The valuation techniques include the use of discounted cash flow analysis, option pricing models and other valuation techniques widely used and accepted by market participants. The financial instruments included in this category are mainly Foreign Exchange Forward and Foreign Exchange Swaps, Noble Metals Forward and Swaps, and OTC derivatives (namely money market deposit and placement, interest rate swap, FX Option, Rediscountd bills) and financial instruments with fair value derived from counterparty (for structured products arranged on back-to-back basis).






























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Level 3: Valuation technique with significant non-observable inputs This valuation technique is used where at least one significant input is not observable and reliance is placed on reasonable assumptions made on market conditions. There is currently no financial instrument being classified under such category. All the assumptions and methods mentioned above provide a consistent basis for the calculation of fair value of the Bank’s assets and liabilities. However, other institutions may use different assumptions and methods. Therefore, the fair values disclosed by different financial institutions may not be entirely comparable. In the opinion of the management, the difference between the fair value and the carrying amount of the financial assets and financial liabilities is not material as at the balance sheet date. The following table shows the valuation techniques for evaluating fair value of financial instruments.

UnIteD oVeRseAs BAnK (CHInA) LtD.


第一层 31-12-2012 ÒÔ µ± ¿É ÑÜ ½ð ÑÜ ½ð ÈÚ Éú ¸º ÈÚ ½ð Õ® Éú ×Ê ÈÚ ºÏ ¹© ½ð ²ú ¸º ¼Æ ÆÚ ³ö ÈÚ ºÏ Õ® ¹« Ëð ÊÛ ×Ê ¼Æ ÔÊ Òæ ½ð ²ú ¼Û µÄ ÈÚ Öµ ½ð ×Ê ¼Æ ÈÚ ²ú Á¿ ×Ê ÇÒ ²ú Æä ±ä ¶¯ ¼Æ Èë Level 1

第二层 Level 2

第三层 Level 3

合计 Total

Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss Available-for-sale financial assets Derivative financial assets Total financial assets Derivative financial liabilities Total financial liabilities

536,547,090 3,425,450,310 3,961,997,400 -

97,221,965 74,484,178 380,562,194 552,268,337 410,625,504 410,625,504


633,769,055 3,499,934,488 380,562,194 4,514,265,737 410,625,504 410,625,504

第一层 31-12-2011 ÒÔ µ± ¿É ÑÜ ½ð ÑÜ ½ð ÈÚ Éú ¸º ÈÚ ½ð Õ® Éú ×Ê ÈÚ ºÏ ¹© ½ð ²ú ¸º ¼Æ ÆÚ ³ö ÈÚ ºÏ Õ® ¹« Ëð ÊÛ ×Ê ¼Æ ÔÊ Òæ ½ð ²ú ¼Û µÄ ÈÚ Öµ ½ð ×Ê ¼Æ ÈÚ ²ú Á¿ ×Ê ÇÒ ²ú Æä ±ä ¶¯ ¼Æ Èë Level 1

第二层 Level 2

第三层 Level 3

合计 Total

Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss Available-for-sale financial assets Derivative financial assets Total financial assets Derivative financial liabilities Total financial liabilities

1,002,657,140 6,313,879,613 7,316,536,753 -

268,391,844 268,391,844 339,841,818 339,841,818


1,002,657,140 6,313,879,613 268,391,844 7,584,928,597 339,841,818 339,841,818

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During the year, the Bank had no transfers between level 1 and level 2 of the fair value hierarchy for financial assets and liabilities which were recorded at fair value.



1. 关联方的认定标准

(10) Related party transactions
1. Criteria of identifying related parties
Details of the Bank’s major related parties in 2012 are as follows:

1£©¶Ô±¾¹«ËʼÓÖØ´ó°ÏìµÄÍ×·½» £¨ 2£©±¾¹«ËµÄؼüÜÀíÈÔÒ°ÓëÆäÏÃÇÐÍ¥³É» £¨ 3£©
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(1) Investors exercise significant influence over the Bank; (2) Key management personnel of the Bank or the close family members; (3) Enterprises under control, jointly control or significant influence of the key management personnel of the Bank or the close family members.

2. 本公司母公司
名称 Name ´ó »ª Òø Ð ÓÐ ÏÞ ¹« ˾ Òø 业务性质 Business nature Ð ¼° ½ð ÈÚ ·þ Îñ

2. Parent company of the Bank
注册地 Registered address ÐÂ ¼Ó ÆÂ 注册资本 Registered capital 拥有权益比例 Shareholding

4,440 °Ù Íò ÐÂ ±Ò SGD 4,440 Million

100% 100%

United Overseas Bank Limited

Banking and financial service


3. 于本年内与本公司有关联交易的其他关联方

3. the related parties which the Bank had transactions during the period are as follows

Company under the common control of parent company
名称 Name ´ó »ª Òø Ð £¨ Âí À´ Î÷ ÑÇ £© ÓÐ ÏÞ ¹« ˾ Òø 业务性质 Business nature Ð ¼° ½ð ÈÚ ·þ Îñ Âí 注册地 Registered address À´ Î÷ ÑÇ ¼ª ¡ Æ 注册资本 Registered capital Âí À´ Î÷ ÑÇ Ôª 法定代表人 Legal representative

20 ÒÚ Ôª




United Overseas Bank (Malaysia) Bhd

Banking and financial service

Kuala Lumpur Malaysia

RM 2 Billion

Wee Cho Yaw

Company under the significant influence of the parent company
名称 Name ºã ·á Òø Ð ¹É ·Ý ÓÐ ÏÞ ¹« ˾ Òø 业务性质 Business nature Ð ¼° ½ð ÈÚ ·þ Îñ 注册地 Registered address ÖÐ ¹ú ÑÌ Ì¨ 注册资本 Registered capital ÈË Ãñ ±Ò ½ª 法定代表人 Legal representative ϲ ÔË

16.9 ÒÚ Ôª

Evergrowing Bank Co., Limited

Banking and financial service

Yantai China

RMB 1.69 Billion

Jiang Xi Yun

UnIteD oVeRseAs BAnK (CHInA) LtD.


Company under the significant influence of the Bank’s director and key management
名称 Name »ª Òµ £¨ Ïà ÃÅ £© ¾Æ µê ÓÐ ÏÞ ¹« ˾ ¾业务性质 Business nature Óª ¹Ü Àí ¾Æ µê 注册地 Registered address ÖÐ ¹ú Ïà ÃÅ 注册资本 Registered capital ÃÀ Ôª 法定代表人 Legal representative Õ³ Ϊ ÐÅ

2,500 Íò Ôª

Hua Ye Xiamen Hotel Limited
Ìì ½ò »ª Òµ Ï£ Íû ·¿ µØ ²ú ¿ª ·¢ ÓÐ ÏÞ ¹« ˾ ·¿

Hotel management µØ ²ú ¿ª ·¢

Xiamen China
ÖÐ ¹ú Ìì ½ò

USD 25 Million
ÈË Ãñ ±Ò

Liam Wee Sin

7.8 ÒÚ Ôª

Tianjin UOL Xiwang Real Estate Co.,Ltd
ÓÅ Å· åö Ͷ ×Ê ¹Ü Àí £¨ ÉÏ º£ £© ÓÐ ÏÞ ¹« ˾ ×É

Real estate development
ѯ ¼° Ͷ ×Ê ¹Ü Àí

Tianjin China
ÖÐ ¹ú ÉÏ º£

RMB 780 Million

Liam Wee Sin
¹ù ×Ó µÂ

1,555 Íò Ôª

UOB Venture Management (Shanghai) Co., Ltd UOB Holdings (USA) Inc.

Consulting and investment management
¹É ¹« ˾ ÃÀ

Shanghai China
¹ú Ŧ Ô¼

USD 15.55 Million

Seah Kian Wee Philip Cheong Shin Keat Philip Cheong Shin Keat
»Æ Ò» ³¬

650 Íò Ôª

UOB Holdings (USA) Inc.
Çì ¡ £¨ ÉÏ º£ £© Ͷ ×Ê ¹Ü Àí ÓÐ ÏÞ ¹« ˾ ×É

Holding company
ѯ ¼° Ͷ ×Ê ¹Ü Àí

New York USA
ÖÐ ¹ú ÉÏ º£

USD 6.5 Million

650 Íò Ôª

Kheng Leong (Shanghai) Investment Management Co., Ltd
Àû ͨ Îï Á÷ ÓÐ ÏÞ ¹« ˾ ¹ú

Consulting and investment management
¼Ê ÔË Êä ´ú Àí Òµ Îñ

Shanghai China
ÖÐ ¹ú ´ó Á¬

USD 6.5 Million
ÈË Ãñ ±Ò

Wee Ee Chao
ÕÔ Ï£ Íû

3,021 Íò Ôª

UBI Logistics (China) Limited

International freight forwarder

Dalian China

RMB 30.21 Million

Zhao Xi Wang



Company under the significant influence of the Bank’s director and key management
名称 Name Ïà ÃÅ »¢ ±ê Ò½ Ò© ÓÐ ÏÞ ¹« ˾ ÖÆ 业务性质 Business nature Ôì ºÍ Ïú ÊÛ ¹ú Ò© ²ú Æ· ÖÐ 注册地 Registered address ¹ú Ïà ÃÅ 注册资本 Registered capital ÃÀ Ôª 法定代表人 Legal representative Îâ ÃÀ ÈØ

100 Íò Ôª

Xiamen Tiger Medicals Co., Ltd.

Manufacture and sale of Chinese pharmaceutical products
Óµ ¹Ý ÓÎ ÓÐ ÀÖ ºÍ ºÍ ¾Ïà Óª ¹Ø Ë® ·þ ×å Îñ

Xiamen China

USD 1 Million

Goh Bee Leong














ÖÐ ¹ú

³É ¶¼


500 Íò Ôª

ׯ »Ô »Í

Chengdu Haw Par Oceanarium Amusement Park Limited

Owning and operating oceanariums entertainment and related services
´Ó Èâ ¼Ó¹¤µÄ³ï±¸×÷ ¸à Ê ÒÔ Íò ¼° ½ð Æä ÓÍ¡¢ Ëû Ò½ Ò© Ò© ÓÍ¡¢ ±£ ½¡ Ò© Æ· ¸à µÄ ²¼¡¢ Éú ²ú¡¢ ¼¡

Chengdu China

USD 5 Million

Chng Hwee Hong















ÖÐ ¹ú



720 Íò Ôª


Haw Par Healthcare (Xiamen) Co.,Ltd

Prepare manufactory and process of Tiger Balm products, rub, pain patch and the like
Ͷ ×Ê ¿Ø ¹É

Xiamen China

USD 7.2 Million

Goh Bee Leong

Haw Par Corporation Limited Haw Par Corporation Limited
¹ã ÖÝ Çì ¡ ·¿ µØ ²ú ×É Ñ¯ ÓÐ ÏÞ ¹« ˾ ·¿ ȯ



242,172,298 Ôª

»Æ ×æ Ò«

Investment Holding µØ ¡¢ ÆÚ ²ú »õ ×É Í¶ ѯ ×Ê £» ×É Í¶ ѯ ×Ê ³ý ×É Íâ ѯ £© £¨ Ö¤


SGD 242,172,298
ÈË Ãñ ±Ò

Wee Cho Yaw (Chairman)
»Æ Ò» ³¬

ÖÐ ¹ú

¹ã ÖÝ

900 Íò Ôª

Kheng Leong Guangdong Investment and Management Co., Ltd

Real estate consulting; Investment advice (Securities and futures investment consulting excluded)
·¿ µØ ²ú ¿ª ·¢ ÖÐ

Guangzhou China

RMB 9 Million

Wee Ee Chao



















2400 Íò Ôª



Singland (Chengdu) Development Co.Ltd
»ª Òµ ÉÌ Îñ ×É Ñ¯ £¨ ÉÏ º£ £© ÓÐ ÏÞ ¹« ˾ ÉÌ Í¶

Real estate industry

Chengdu China

USD 24 Million

Magdalene Yong Nyuk Yann

Îñ ×Ê ×É


Ï¢ ¡¢

×É ½¨

ѯ Öþ

£¬ ·½

Æó °¸

Òµ ×É

¹Ü ѯ









8 Íò Ôª

Uol Business Consulting (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.

Business information consulting; Corporate management consulting; Investment advice; Construction plan advice

Shanghai China

USD 80 Thousand

Liam Wee Sin

UnIteD oVeRseAs BAnK (CHInA) LtD.


4. 本公司与关联方之主要交易

4. Main transactions between the Bank and related parties
31-12-2012 余额 占同类交易 余额比例 (%) 余额 Balance 31-12-2011 占同类交易 余额比例 (%)


Loans and advances to customers


Hua Ye Xiamen Hotel Limited Tianjin UOL Xiwang Real Estate Co.,Ltd. Singland (Chengdu) Development Co.Ltd UBI Logistics (China) Limited Total

299,850,021 13,372,697 313,222,718

1.97 0.09 2.06

25,203,600 243,118,229 8,748,000 277,069,829

0.18 1.77 0.06 2.01

31-12-2012 余额 存放及拆放款项 Due from banks Balance 占同类交易 余额比例 (%)

31-12-2011 余额 Balance 占同类交易 余额比例 (%)

United Overseas Bank Limited United Overseas Bank (Malaysia) Bhd Evergrowing Bank Co., Limited Total

31,930,740 1,375,770 580,000,000 613,306,510

0.34 0.01 6.19 6.54

26,673,771 680,814 127,938,068 155,292,653

0.30 0.01 1.46 1.77

31-12-2012 余额 存入及拆入款项 Due to banks Balance 占同类交易 余额比例 (%)

31-12-2011 余额 Balance 占同类交易 余额比例 (%)

United Overseas Bank Limited Evergrowing Bank Co., Limited Total

5,766,003,780 2,105,711 5,768,109,491

97.43 0.04 97.47

9,293,062,843 2,096,279 9,295,159,122

93.99 0.02 94.01

31-12-2012 余额 吸收存款 Customer deposits Balance 占同类交易 余额比例 (%)

31-12-2011 余额 Balance 占同类交易 余额比例 (%)

( ÉÏ º£
»ª Òµ ÉÌ Îñ ×É Ñ¯ Р¼Î Öà µØ

) ÓÐ ÏÞ ¹« ˾ ) ÓÐ ÏÞ ¹« ˾

UOB Venture Management (Shanghai) Co., Ltd Uol Business Consulting (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Singland (Chengdu) Development Co.Ltd Xiamen Tiger Medicals Co., Ltd Hua Ye Xiamen Hotel Limited Kheng Leong (Shanghai) Investment Management Co., Ltd Tianjin UOL Xiwang Real Estate Co.,Ltd. UBI Logistics (China) Limited Chengdu Haw Par Oceanarium Amusement Park Limited Haw Par Corporation Limited Kheng Leong (Guangzhou) Real Estate Consulting Co.,Ltd Total

85,450,978 561,790 23,043,752 1,225,713 8,064,494 17,737,357 90,566,536 346,235 2,989 109,771,250 3,362,277 340,133,371

0.36 0.10 0.01 0.04 0.07 0.38 0.46 0.01 1.43

58,995,306 1,012,338 4,200,479 12,034,829 786,758 342,658 4,563 103,979,469 403,359 181,759,759

0.28 0.02 0.06 0.49 0.85

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Ïà ÃÅ »¢ ±ê Ò½ Ò© ÓÐ ÏÞ ¹« ˾ »ª Òµ Çì ¡

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Ìì ½ò »ª Òµ Ï£ Íû ·¿ µØ ²ú ¿ª ·¢ ÓÐ ÏÞ ¹« ˾ Àû ͨ Îï Á÷ ÓÐ ÏÞ ¹« ˾ ³É ¶¼ »¢ ±ª º£ Ñó ÓÎ ÀÖ Ô° ÓÐ ÏÞ ¹« ˾

Haw Par Corporation Limited
¹ã ÖÝ Çì ¡ ·¿ µØ ²ú ×É Ñ¯ ÓÐ ÏÞ ¹« ˾ ºÏ ¼Æ



31-12-2012 余额 应收利息 Receivables-interest receivables Balance 占同类交易 余额比例 (%)

31-12-2011 余额 Balance 占同类交易 余额比例 (%)

Tianjin UOL Xiwang Real Estate Co.,Ltd.
( ³É ¶¼ ) ·¢ Õ¹ ÓÐ ÏÞ ¹« ˾

4,379,259 80,292 2,139,861 6,599,412

2.45 0.04 1.20 3.69

4,810,715 1,005,252 13,659 3,826 5,833,452

1.81 0.38 0.01 2.20

Singland (Chengdu) Development Co.Ltd Evergrowing Bank Co., Limited Hua Ye Xiamen Hotel Limited UBI Logistics (China) Limited Total

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) ¾Æ µê ÓÐ ÏÞ ¹« ˾

Àû ͨ Îï Á÷ ÓÐ ÏÞ ¹« ˾ ºÏ ¼Æ

31-12-2012 余额 应付利息 Payables-interest payables Balance 占同类交易 余额比例 (%)

31-12-2011 余额 Balance 占同类交易 余额比例 (%)

United Overseas Bank Limited UOB Venture Management (Shanghai) Co., Ltd Xiamen Tiger Medicals Co., Ltd. Kheng Leong (Shanghai) Investment Management Co., Ltd Hua Ye Xiamen Hotel Limited Evergrowing Bank Co., Limited Tianjin UOL Xiwang Real Estate Co.,Ltd. UBI Logistics (China) Limited Uol Business Consulting (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Haw Par Corporation Limited
ºÏ ¼Æ

13,235,481 100,805 152 32,063 3,272 315 12,120 2,343 100 151,532 13,538,183

3.51 0.03 0.01 0.04 3.59

65,348,630 139,792 145 62,954 1,998 408 243 2,743 2,728 65,559,641

26.55 0.06 0.03 26.64

Haw Par Corporation Limited Total

31-12-2012 余额 应收款项 - 其他应收款 Receivables- other receivables Balance 占同类交易 余额比例 (%) 余额 Balance

31-12-2011 占同类交易 余额比例 (%)

United Overseas Bank Limited





31-12-2012 余额 应付款项 - 其他应付款 Payables-other payables Balance 占同类交易 余额比例 (%) 余额 Balance

31-12-2011 占同类交易 余额比例 (%)

United Overseas Bank (Malaysia) Bhd United Overseas Bank Limited Total

198,708 17,397,813 17,596,521

0.28 24.54 24.82

3,026,756 3,026,756

7.30 7.30

UnIteD oVeRseAs BAnK (CHInA) LtD.


2012 金额 Amount 占同类交易 金额比例 (%) 金额 Amount

2011 占同类交易 金额比例 (%)


Interest income

UBI Logistics (China) Limited Tianjin UOL Xiwang Real Estate Co.,Ltd. Hua Ye Xiamen Hotel Limited Evergrowing Bank Co., Limited United Overseas Bank Limited Singland (Chengdu) Development Co.Ltd Total

461,265 20,933,253 86,003 1,034,847 3,910 122,490 22,641,768

0.03 1.53 0.01 0.08 0.01 1.66

817,832 3,897,480 1,715,155 92,150 6,522,617

0.08 0.37 0.16 0.01 0.62

2012 金额 Amount 占同类交易 金额比例 (%) 金额 Amount

2011 占同类交易 金额比例 (%)


Interest expense

United Overseas Bank Limited
UOB Holdings (USA) Inc.
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10.54 0.01 0.30 0.01 0.04 0.01 0.06 10.97

102,704,643 2,381,387 1,194,000 22,490 79,560 74,293 52,556 10,020 6,913 3,309 264,914 203 106,794,288

17.56 0.41 0.20 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.05 18.25

UOB Holdings (USA) Inc. Singland (Chengdu) Development Co.Ltd UOB Venture Management (Shanghai) Co., Ltd Tianjin UOL Xiwang Real Estate Co.,Ltd. Xiamen Tiger Medicals Co., Ltd. Kheng Leong (Shanghai) Investment Management Co., Ltd Hua Ye Xiamen Hotel Limited Evergrowing Bank Co., Limited Uol Business Consulting (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. UBI Logistics (China) Limited Chengdu Haw Par Oceanarium Amusement Park Limited Haw Par Corporation Limited Kheng Leong (Guangzhou) Real Estate Consulting Co.,Ltd Total

Haw Par Corporation Limited
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2012 金额 手续费及佣金收入 Fee and commission income Amount 占同类交易 余额比例 (%) 金额 Amount

2011 占同类交易 余额比例 (%)

United Overseas Bank Limited Tianjin UOL Xiwang Real Estate Co.,Ltd
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3,862,493 1,400,000 150,000 10,000 6,640 760 5,429,893

5.80 2.10 0.23 0.02 0.01 8.16

506,870 13,085 13,223 251 490 6,300 355 540,574

1.18 0.03 0.03 0.01 1.25

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Singland (Chengdu) Development Co.Ltd UBI Logistics (China) Limited Chengdu Haw Par Oceanarium Amusement Park Limited Kheng Leong Guangdong Investment and Management Co., Ltd Kheng Leong (Shanghai) Investment Management Co., Ltd Haw Par Healthcare (Xiamen) Co.,Ltd Kheng Leong (Guangzhou) Real Estate Consulting Co.,Ltd Total

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2012 金额 业务及管理费 General and administrative expense Amount 占同类交易 余额比例 (%) 金额 Amount

2011 占同类交易 余额比例 (%)

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IT support
-United Overseas Bank Limited
20,499,246 4.08 19,122,578 4.24

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Rental fee
-United Overseas Bank Limited -Hua Ye Xiamen Hotel Limited Total
651,029 198,641 21,348,916 0.13 0.04 4.25 515,376 198,641 19,836,595 0.11 0.04 4.39

2012 金额 开发软件 software development Amount 占同类交易 余额比例 (%) 金额 Amount

2011 占同类交易 余额比例 (%)

United Overseas Bank Limited





UnIteD oVeRseAs BAnK (CHInA) LtD.


31-12-2012 委托资金 Entrusted deposits 占同类交易 金额比例 (%)

31-12-2011 委托资金 占同类交易 Entrusted 金额比例 (%) deposits


Fiduciary activities

Xiamen Tiger Medicals Co., Ltd.





委托贷款 Entrusted loan ³É ¶¼ »¢ ±ª º£ Ñó ÓÎ ÀÖ Ô° ÓÐ ÏÞ ¹« ˾

占同类交易 金额比例 (%)

委托 贷 款 占同类交易 Entrusted 金 额比例 (%) loan

Chengdu Haw Par Oceanarium Amusement Park Limited





31-12-2012 余额 不可撤销的贷款承诺 Irrevocable loan commitment Balance 占同类交易 余额比例 (%) 余额

31-12-2011 占同类交易

Balance 余额比例 (%)

Singland (Chengdu) Development Co.Ltd Tianjin UOL Xiwang Real Estate Co.,Ltd.

11,627,303 11,627,303

4.84 4.84

6,881,771 6,881,771

17.15 17.15

31-12-2012 余额 衍生金融工具合约 Derivatives Balance 占同类交易 余额比例 (%) 余额

31-12-2011 占同类交易

Balance 余额比例 (%)

United Overseas Bank Limited





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Transactions between the Bank and related parties mentioned above are carried out in normal course of business and commercial terms and market price. Transactions between the Bank and key management personnel are as follows: Key management personnel include directors, supervisors and senior management. Key management personnel’s salaries and benefits are as follows:

2012 ¹Í Ô± н ½ð ¼° Æä Ëû ¶Ì ÆÚ ¸£ Àû


Employee salaries and other short-term benefits






(11) Post balance sheet events
As at the date on which the financial statements are approved, there is no material post balance sheet event that needs to be disclosed or adjusted by the Bank.


(12) Comparative amounts
Certain comparative amounts have been adjusted to conform with the current year’s presentation.
3 Ô 21 ÈÕ¾öÒéÅú×¼¡£

2013 Äê

(13) Approval of the financial statements
The financial statements were approved for issue by the Board of Directors on 21 March 2013.

UnIteD oVeRseAs BAnK (CHInA) LtD.


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...The multi billion-dollar corporation, Apple Inc., designs and manufactures some of today’s highest technological gizmos and gadgets. Among their best known products are the Apple and Macintosh computers, iPods, iTunes, iPhones and iPads. Apple is one of the most powerful and influential high tech companies in the world. The success of Apple Inc. stems from the innovation and visions of co-founder and entrepreneur, Steve Jobs, the excellence of the stylish, user-friendly products, and the ability to create innovative products that consumer’s desire. The development of Apple Inc. came during the unstable economic times of the 1970’s. Best friends and college dropouts, Steve Jobs and Stephen Wozniak pooled their electronic and business skills to market what was to become the first personal computer. Stephen Wozniak had designed a small computer, the Apple 1, for the enjoyment of some friends at a Homebrew Computer Club meeting. The Apple 1 developed in Steve Jobs’ bedroom and garage, while he envisioned the commercial potential of a personal computer that could help families with personal finances and small businesses with day to day tasks. Vision, drive and creativity allowed this entrepreneur to take the risk to create a business. The challenge of building that business and the desire to control his destiny required passion and perseverance along with innovation. Apple’s first personal computer, the Apple 1, took six months to design and 40 hours to build with an initial investment...

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...Apple Computer, Inc.: Maintaining the Music Business while Introducing iPhone and Apple TV Leave a reply Topic: Apple Computer, Inc.: Maintaining the Music Business while Introducing iPhone and Apple TV Subject: Business Details: 1. Strategic challenges facing Apple Computer. 2. Dimensions along which company success can be measured. 3. Critical external and internal environmental factors that have strategic implications for Apple\’s future. 4. Dow Apple\’s strategy stands up against industry rivalry. 5. Recommendations you would make to enhance the effectiveness of the company\’s strategy or to change its strategic approach for better results. Abstract: Apple computers were started some 35 years ago by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak in the garage of Steve’s home. It has achieve tremendous growth and is currently one of the largest companies in the US marketing electronic technological produces such as the iPad and many other such items that are used extensively by consumers. The company is dedicated to providing its customers the best know-how and understanding through its original hardware, software, and computer related devices along with the best possible services. The major tactical challenge that Apple computer is facing is that the company’s competitors try to surpass its accomplishments and that they are bringing into the market comparable products that are much cheaper than the products marketed by Apple Inc. Introduction             Apple Computer was started...

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...Running head: ETHICS BEHIND APPLE AND FOXCONN RELATIONSHIP 1 Ethics Behind Apple and Foxconn Relationship Maryana Didovych The College of Westchester ETHICS BEHIND APPLE AND FOXCONN RELATIONSHIP 2 Abstract This paper examines Apple, Inc.’s relationship with one of its biggest suppliers, Foxconn Technology Group. Recent growth in suicide incidents at Foxconn factories again caught media’s attention. Whether Apple’s decision to stay in business with Foxconn despite these incidents is ethical or not is examined using Traditional 5-Question approach. Contradictory evidence is also examined. Based on the result of 5-Question approach and reviewed evidence it can be concluded that Apple’s decision may indeed be unethical. Recently published evidence suggests Apple and Foxconn are addressing several issues, but close monitoring of the improvement process is required to ensure success. ETHICS BEHIND APPLE AND FOXCONN RELATIONSHIP 3 Ethics Behind Apple and Foxconn Relationship One of the biggest suppliers and manufacturers of Apple Inc’s (Apple) products recently has been involved in scandals concerning working conditions of its factory workers. This company is called Foxconn Technology Group (Foxconn). It operates in more than 40 research and development centers as well as manufacturing facilities in Asia, Russia, Europe and the Americas. According to Pratap, Radhakrishnan and Dutta (2012), Foxconn is “the world’s biggest contract electronics manufacturer, taking...

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Premium Essay


...Hase BUSS 508 October 21, 2014 The Apple Corporation has become one of the largest corporations in the world. There are a lot of companies that would like to be mentioned in the same breath as Apple. Many companies want to emulate their success. In this paper I will examine Apple current position and reputation, regarding ethical and social responsibility. According to Crane and Matten (2013) “One of the basic tenets of the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) movement in business has been it being voluntary and meeting social expectations above and beyond the law.” The Apple Corporation has been publishing its CSR report on its website since 2007. On Apples website it states “Workers everywhere should have the right to safe and ethical working conditions. They should also have access to educational opportunities to improve their lives. Through a continual cycle of inspections, improvement plans, and verification, we work with our suppliers to make sure they comply with our Code of Conduct and live up to these ideals”. Living up to the previous statement concerning apples commitment to ethical and social responsibility has not been an easy one. My position on whether Apple has met their responsibilities would be no because with their brand being the world’s best global brand, they should be held to a higher standard. When you are the leader in your field other corporations are looking at you to ensure all the rules are being followed. Apples 2013 Supplier Responsibility Progress...

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...Apple in the digital age from the iPod to the iPad Apple Inc. The Case Study 2000 - 2010 Foreward John Ashcroft Welcome to this Apple case study. I have always been something of a computer geek. My first computer was a Commodore Pet in 1978. It had 8k of RAM and a cassette player for storage. Programmed effectively, a two dimensional pencil sketch of a rocket would take off and zoom off screen. Beyond that and a few simple games, I don’t recall it did much at all. My first experience of Apple was the Apple II in the early 1980’s. The combination of Apple and a Visicalc spreadsheet, greatly enhanced financial and business plan modelling. Business models were more easily produced and what-if simulations were available at the click of a button. It was a great step up from the pencil and calculator. Seven years ago, I abandoned Microsoft and converted entirely to Apple. Apple Macs, MacBooks, MacBook Air, iPods, iTouch, the iPhone and the iPad, I had to try them all and never looked back This is the case study of Apple in the digital age. The great era of the iPod, the discovery of the digital hub and Apple’s move into the mainstream consumer market with the iPod, the iPhone and the iPad. It has many great examples for enthusiasts of marketing, leadership, organization, financial analysis and strategic management. The story begins almost ten years ago. In 2001, Apple sales fell by a third and the company reported an operating loss of $350 million some 6% of sales. The company...

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