Hearing about the experience of other people in the class, I feel very lucky that I got grouped with competent, friendly, and easy-to-work-with people. While one group felt more personal (in a good way) and the other felt more efficient, both groups had motivated people that carried their weight and tried to go above and beyond. I was very satisfied with the results of our projects! In the following pages, I’ll attempt to compare these two groups: Appleritas AppleBomb and Send It!. I’ll begin by giving a brief description of each team member, continued by a comparison of the two groups in terms of how we developed, made our decisions, and handled our conflicts. Lastly, I’ll evaluate myself as a teammate, doing my best to enlist what I did good and what I could possibly improve on.
Group Members
What’s News? – Appleritas AppleBomb
Aaron: With his level-headedness, no-bullshit attitude, and a get-things-done mentality, Aaron played an important role in keeping us on track and prevented us from deviating too much from our assignment (Expediter). I recall him checking MyCourses to read the assignment description, just to make…show more content… We soon established a working environment, as mentioned in the previous Small-Group Development section. This made our conflicts very on point and task-oriented. One example was during our planning of the activity when Colin suggested we do both the bomb and the escape-the-room. I voiced my concern in that we would be putting too many activities for our given timeframe, which could hurt our execution. That was when someone, (can’t recall who exactly, but we all eventually pitched in), suggested that the bomb be more simple and have the whole class deactivate it as a group, and have the mini-puzzles be a more simplified version of the escape-the-room. We were able to combine all of our ideas into one manageable activity, proving this type of conflict to be very beneficial for our