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Applying Trompenaars Typology of Organizational Culture to Implementation of Csr Strategy


Submitted By michy
Words 4847
Pages 20
Journal of Intercultural Management Vol. 3, No. 2, October 2011, pp. 113–125

Adrian Pyszka Michał Piłat
Cracow University of Economics

Applying trompenaars typology of organizational culture to implementation of csr strategy

1. Introduction Nowadays many authors declare Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in strategic terms as it is no longer seen as the invention of some social activist but important source of competitive advantage. However various researchers still struggle to figure out what shape and utility should the tools of CSR have and what implementation model could be the best to fulfill the business objectives. The study aims to demonstrate whether Trompenaars bipolar model of organizational culture could prove useful while implementing CSR strategy and to propose some good practice in this case. 2. Theoretical framework Culture A lot has changed in world of management since 80s and many leaders tend to ask a question whether corporate culture is still important. However high interest in that area seems to be a sufficient prove that it still is. According to a recent survey by management consultancy Bain & Company, 9 of 10 senior executives believe that corporate culture is as important as strategy for business






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Adrian Pyszka, Michał Piłat success1. Corporate culture is described as general constellation of beliefs, mores, customs, value systems and behaviors that are unique for each corporation (Tunstall, 1983). By Schein (199) organization culture is the pattern of basic assumptions that a given group has invented, discovered or developed in learning to cope with its problems of external adaptation and integral integration. Bratnicki, Stachowicz and Kryś (1988) have also connected culture with integration throughout shared symbols, rituals,

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