...CONTENTS OF PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL FORM: 1. Quality of work • Consider accuracy, thoroughness, effectiveness. • Pressure, ability to meet standards of quality. • Use of time and volume of work accomplished. • Work output matches the expectations established. 2. Quantity of work • Competence, thoroughness, and efficiency of work regardless of volume. • Neatness and accuracy. 3. Teamwork: • Establish and maintain effective working relationship with others. • Shares information and resources with others • Follows instructions of supervisor and respond to requests from others in the team in a helpful manner. • Contributing work and effort to group performance to meet agreed upon objectives and achieve team success 4. Job knowledge • Application of appropriate level of technical and procedural knowledge in specific field • Degree of technical competence • Understanding of job procedures, methods, facts and information related to assignments. • Perform duties with minimal supervision but seek guidance where and when appropriate to the job, consults the appropriate staff 5. Initiative • Consider the extent to which the employee sets own constructive work practice and recommends and creates own procedures. • Self-starter, develop and implement new methods, procedures, solutions, concepts, designs and/or applications of existing designs or procedures. • Accepts additional challenges and responsibilities and willingly assist others, self-reliant. • Completes assignment...
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...Journal of Managerial Psychology 11,6 50 Self performance appraisal vs direct-manager appraisal: A case of congruence Yehuda Baruch University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK and Visiting Research Fellow at the London Business School, London, UK The process of performance appraisal (PA) is of most importance in human resource management (HRM). In a broad sense, PA systems are used for two main purposes: as a source for information for management; and as a feedback instrument for individuals employed by the organization. In the first case, the applications of the use of PA serve a variety of management functions. These could be decision-making about promotions, training needs, salaries, etc. Payrelated PA is a growing facility in many organizations where it provides information which can help in making relevant decisions[1,2]. However, PA can be used for enhancing developmental processes of employees or as an evaluation instrument per se[3,4]. In the second case, where feedback is the main goal, the fundamental purpose is to provide the employee with information that will improve personal performance and effectiveness. Recently the second approach has gained more attention. Providing the employee with feedback is widely recognized as a crucial activity. Such feedback may encourage and enable self-development, and thus will be instrumental for the organization as a whole. Organizational effectiveness is enhanced through improvement in all the constituencies...
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...Performance Appraisal Student’s Name University Affiliation Performance Appraisal Introduction Every organization aims at directing all their efforts and resources in ensuring that they meet the goals and the objectives that are set by the organization. The main aim of any organization is making sure that they maximize on their profits and also minimize their cost. To be able to do this, the company must make sure that all the efforts and resources are well oriented to the success of the organization and in making sure that there is a good oversight system in place to help make sure that there are little or no deviations from the organizational goals and objectives. This is why performance appraisal is very important for any organization. Performance appraisal is defined as a system or a method through which the quality of the employees work is gauged to help guide them in to developing their careers and also to help the organization in achieving success in their objectives. Performance appraisal is the process that involves collecting data analyzing it and also recording it to help keep track of individual employees in an organization and also to measure the relative worth of the an employee to an organization. A performance appraisal analyses various aspects of an employees including aspect such as their success, their failures, individual strength as well as weakness, how they manage pressure situations and how well they work under these situations, their suitability...
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...EFFICIENCY OF EXISTING PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM FOR OFFICERS IN SRI LANKA NAVY BY LCdr (ASW) TR DANIEL PGD in Defence Management Naval and Maritime Academy (Accredited to General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University) DECLARATION I declare that this dissertation contains no material which has been accepted for the award of any other degree or diploma in any university or equivalent institution, and that to the best of my knowledge and belief, contains no material previously submitted or written by any other person, except where due reference is made in the text of this Dissertation. I carried out the work described in this under the supervision of Captain (ND) KJ Kularathne, RSP,Psc,MSc(D&SS) ........................................................ Date:.......................... TR DANIEL 7001 COMMENTS OF THE SUPERVISOR ..................................................... Date ........................................ KJ KULARATHNE,RSP,Psc,MSc(D&SS) Captain (ND) Sri Lanka Navy ABSTRACT Sri Lanka Navy is one of the largest organization in Sri Lanka with nearly 55000 men & women are working to date .SLN is not only one of the largest, but also diverse as more than 20 major professions are cohesion to form this organisation. Officers form the backbone of this large organisation; SLN and better performance of officers is a necessity to achieve organisational...
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...Research Paper The role of performance appraisal system on the development of human resource of Komenda College of education Introduction In every administration, whether private or public, there exist laid down aims and objectives that are to be achieved within a specific period. Nevertheless, these cannot be possible if the organisation focuses only on its financial and physical resources. There is therefore the need to concentrate on the human resource as well. This is necessary because it is only the people who are employed in the institution that can put together both the financial and physical resources of the institution in order to achieve its aims and objectives. With this in mind, each institution has to take the planning of its human resource as one of the most important issue. Pinnington and Edwards (2000) have defined “human resource planning as “the systematic and continuing process of analysing an organisation’s human resource needs under changing conditions and developing personnel policies appropriate to the long-term effectiveness of the organisation”(pp. 22). Cascio (1996) indicated that this can be done quarterly, bi-annually or annually and through some interrelated activities stated by Cascio (1996) and which include the following: i. Personnel inventory which is done to assess the current human resource base and how they are currently being used. ii. Human...
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...A PROJECT REPORT ON “EMPLOYEE’S PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL” FOR ANIL INDUSTRIES KATNI PVT. LTD. SUBMITTED TO MODY INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY AND SCIENCE SUBMITTED BY VISHAKHA KEWLANI (BATCH – 2011-2014) GUIDED BY DR. AJAY VERMA DECLARATION I, the under signed, hereby declare that the project report entitled “Performance Appraisal” is a research work made for Anil Industries Katni Pvt. Ltd. is genuine and benefited work presented by me under the guidance of Dr.. The empirical findings in this project report are based on the data collected by me. The matter presented in this report is not copied from any source. I understand that any such copy is liable to the punishment in way the university authority deems fit. The project Report is submitted to Mody Institute of Technology and Science, in the partial fulfillment of the Bachelor’s Degree course in Business Administration. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS My training at Anil Industries Katni Pvt., Ltd. was a great experience to gain the knowledge one could acquire about Human Resource. The practical knowledge that I have gained during this training period has helped me tremendously to improve my knowledge about Performance appraisal system. I am extremely thanked to Mr. Ishwar Kewlani (Manager, HR.) who gave me an opportunity to work in such a highly esteemed organization. I would like to express my deep sense of gratitude to Mr. Sandeep Kewlani for his inspiring guidance, constant encouragement...
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...MISUNDERSTANDING OF PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL What is an appraisal? An appraisal is discussion between an employee and the immediate supervisor which provides a forum for the employee to reflect on his/her performance, discuss career aspirations and development needs and receive feedback, It also ensures that the employee is clear about what is expected in terms of work objectives and standards of performance. Why employees are appraised • • • An appraisal is designed to ensure that employees are in tune with developments in the business. To ensures that individuals and teams are managed to achieve ‘high levels of organizational performance’ To encourage people to link their performance to the objectives of the organization and respond to increased competition within the industry. Importance of Performance Appraisals It is important to be appraised because performance appraisals provide employees and managers with opportunities to discuss areas in which employees excel and those in which employees need improvement. Performance appraisals are conducted once a year as per ATS policy. Results of an Appraisal The following are possible results of performance appraisal • Promotions – The process of performance appraisal helps the employer identify employees with potential to grow further in their careers, these employees will considered for promotions based on the availability of a suitable vacancy Demotions – Employees who are found to be performing below the expected standards will...
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...Republic of the Philippines Polytechnic University of the Philippines Quezon City Campus Don Fabian Street, Commonwealth, Quezon City A Research Paper “The Implementation of Performance Appraisal System in Small Scale Businesses in Quezon City” In Partial fulfillment of the Requirements for the subject Fundamentals of Research Presented to: Prof. Diana Lee Tracy K. Chan By Grutas, Princess May T. Rivero, Jubelle A. Sta.Ana, Babylyn E BSBA HRDM 3-1N S.Y 2013-2014 CERTIFICATION This Undergraduate Research entitled “Implementation of Performance Appraisal in Small Scale Businesses in Quezon City” prepared and submitted by Princess May T. Grutas, Jubelle A. Rivero and Babylyn E. Sta. Ana, in fulfillment of the requirements for the course FUNDAMENTALS OF RESEARCH has been examined and recommended for approval. DIANA LEE TRACY K. CHAN, MEM Adviser APPROVAL SHEET Approval by the PANEL OF EXAMINERS on the ORAL EXAMINATION with a grade of . ROSALIE A. CORPUS, DEM Chairman ANALYN DIAZ, DEM ...
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...Performance appraisals are a hot subject in management and organizations these days. Organizations rely on employees to complete business tasks in a timely and competent manner because their reputation may depend on the performance of its employees. It’s essential that organizations develop a performance management system to assist in evaluating their employees. The performance management system is usually used for annual employee evaluations. The performance management system can be performed in various formats such as rating employees on a scale of 1 to 10 or giving a rating of excellent, good, average, or poor. Now, that I have discussed what performance management system is, it’s time that I elaborate on an example of this system. I would like to discuss the “rank and yank” philosophy and if I agree or disagree with it. I will also discuss Burger King’s performance appraisal. According to the textbook, “rank and yank requires managers to force-rank employees according to some preset distribution” (Milkovich, Newman, and Gerhard, 2011, p.376). With this process, an organization ranks their employees against each other and then terminates the lowest end of the rankings. The terminating component of this process is considered as the yank. I have read that more than 50 percent of the Fortune 500 companies used a form of this system. But some companies use rank and yank only to get rid of their lowest performing employees in times of financial crisis. The allege purpose...
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...Performance Appraisal system Performance appraisal is a system of review and evaluation of an individual or team’s job performance. An effective system assesses accomplishments and evolves plans for development. Performance management is a process that significantly affects organizational success by having managers and employees work together to set expectations, review results, and reward performance. Its goal is to provide an accurate picture of past and / or future employee performance. To achieve this, performance standards are established. I. The Performance Appraisal Process Many of the external and internal environmental factors previously discussed can influence the appraisal process. Legislation requires that the appraisal systems be nondiscriminatory. The labor union might affect the appraisal process by stressing seniority as the basis for promotions and pay increases. Factors within the internal environment can also affect the performance appraisal process. The type of corporate culture can serve to help or hinder the process. Identification of specific goals is the starting point for the PA process. After specific appraisal goals have been established, workers and teams must understand what is expected from them in their tasks. Informing employees of what is expected of them is a most important employee relations task. At the end of the appraisal period, the appraiser observes work performance and evaluates it against established performance standards. The evaluation...
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...Performance appraisal Performance appraisal is a universal phenomenon in which the organization is making judgment about one is working with and about oneself. It serves as a basic element of effective work performance. Performance appraisal is essential for the effective management and evaluation of staff. It aims to improve the organizational performance as well as individual development. The history of performance appraisal is quite brief. Its roots in the early 20th century can be traced to Taylor's pioneering Time and Motion studies. As a distinct and formal management procedure used in the evaluation of work performance, appraisal really dates from the time of the Second World War - not more than 60 years ago. Performance appraisals have been increasingly implemented by most modern organization as a tool for employee assessment. Performance is an employee's accomplishment of assigned work as specified in the critical elements and as measured against standards of the employee's position. The term “Performance Appraisal” is concerned with the process of valuing a person’s worth to an organization with a view to increasing it. Traditional Appraisal system; Performance appraisal is developed as a simple method of income justification. Appraisal used to decide whether the salary of an individual was justified or not. The decrease or increase in pay depends upon employee’s performance. Modern Appraisal System: Performance appraisal is defined as a structured formal interaction...
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...Performance Appraisal Performance appraisal is concerned with determining how well employees are doing their jobs, communicating that information to employees, agreeing on new objectives and establishing a plan for performance improvement. Performance appraisal, by providing a dynamic link to employee recruitment, selection, training and development, career planning, compensation and benefits, safety and health, and industrial relations, is a vital tool for strategy execution. It signals to managers and employees what is really important; it provides ways to measure what is important; it fixes accountability for behaviour and results; and it helps to improve performance. Finally, it’s necessary to defend the organisation against individuals who legally challenge the validity of management decisions relating to promotions, transfers, salary changes and termination. Performance appraisal may be viewed as an overall measure of organisational effectiveness: organisational objectives are met through the effort of individual employees. If employee performance is improved, the organisation will lift its performance. However, it should be noted that some experts do not accept these assumptions. Performance appraisal typically involves measuring how well an individual employee is doing their job against a set of criteria, providing feedback and creating development plan. The performance process generates information that may be used for administrative purposes and/or developmental...
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...Willean Guiden 11-23-2014 MBA 533 An effective performance appraisal should serve as a motivational tool and justification of an implemented reward system for both the employee and manager performing the appraisal. The performance appraisal allows the manager to relate employee expectations and results to the intended employee with the ability to have a conducive conversation about results and improvement mechanisms. The employee is also able to share his or her intended career path plans with the employer and both are able to align goals in order for the intended results to be accomplished. The purpose and process of the appraisal should be explained to the employee before the appraisal procedures begin. Also, the manager should ensure that the employee understands his or her job description, qualifications and responsibilities before the appraisal meeting takes place. Previous job skills and qualifications should be discussed to better assist the employee to understand how far they have grown professionally and within the organization from the previous year(s). Quantifiable established goals should be examined and together, the manager and employee should determine whether those goals have been met. The appraisal score should be calculated after the appraisal meeting to give the manager enough time to take in consideration any statements the employee has stated. An effective performance appraisal will determine if the employee will receive a pay increase or bonus....
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...Techniques in Performance Appraisal Encourage Discussion Research studies show that employees are likely to feel more satisfied with their appraisal result if they have the chance to talk freely and discuss their performance. It is also more likely that such employees will be better able to meet future performance goals. Employees are also more likely to feel that the appraisal process is fair if they are given a chance to talk about their performance. This is especially so when they are permitted to challenge and appeal against their evaluation. Constructive Intention It is very important that employees recognize that negative appraisal feedback is provided with a constructive intention, i.e., to help them overcome present difficulties and to improve their future performance. Employees will be less anxious about criticism, and more likely to find it useful, when the belief is that the appraiser's intentions are helpful and constructive. In contrast, other studies have reported that "destructive criticism" - which is vague, ill- informed, unfair or harshly presented - will lead to problems such as anger, resentment, tension and workplace conflict, as well as increased resistance to improvement, denial of problems, and poorer performance. Set Performance Goals It has been shown in numerous studies that goal-setting is an important element in employee motivation. Goals can stimulate employee effort, focus attention, increase persistence, and encourage...
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...Case 7.1: The Politics of Performance Appraisal In most organizations managers are tasked annually to evaluate their employees' performance. During this time of evaluation, it is important for managers to thoroughly analyze each individual employee's quality of work as accurately as possible and without bias. The performance appraisal process can be difficult and is often dreaded by most managers. One of the major challenges that managers face when evaluating employees is accuracy. A manager may not recall (or witness) everything an employee has done, and he/she may have a certain bias towards particular employees that may positively or negatively impact an employee's evaluation. Case 7.1 presents a conversation between four managers, who work at Eckel Industries, discussing their views on the performance appraisal process and its complications. The tenure of the managers range from one to twelve years. During their discussion the topic of “fine-tuning” arises. Some of the managers shared that they have fine-tuned (giving an inaccurate rating/score; high or low) an employee's evaluation for the sake of motivating an employee to do better, achieve more, to quit, or to pass along an employee viewed as a problem to another department. The purpose of this case analysis is to evaluate the perspectives about performance appraisal presented by the managers in Case 7.1, discuss the point when “fine-tuning” evaluations becomes unacceptable distortion, and to discuss the steps I would...
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