...1.0 INTRODUCTION Human behavior is influenced both by the genes that we inherit and the environment in which we live. Some researchers are attempting to locate specific genes or groups of genes, associated with behavioral traits and to understand the complex relationship between genes and the environment. This is called research in behavioral genetics. In contrast to research into the genetic basis of diseases and disorders, researchers in behavioral genetics investigate aspects of our personalities such as intelligence, sexual orientation, susceptibility to aggression and other antisocial conduct, and tendencies towards extraversion and novelty-seeking. 2.0 WHAT IS BEHAVIORAL GENETICS? Research in the field of behavioral genetics aims to find out how genes influence our behavior. Researchers are trying to identify particular genes, or groups of genes, that are associated with behavioral traits, and investigating the role of environmental factors. There are several reasons why it is so difficult to find which genes have an effect on behavioral traits: more than one gene may contribute to a trait, with many genes each having a small effect; a gene may affect more than one trait (for example in mice, memory and sensitivity to pain have been found to be linked); the action of a gene depends on the presence of other genes; environmental factors may contribute to a trait; genes and the environment interact together in different ways; and genes do not have a continuous effect...
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... To answer this question, we need to define about “rights”. The animal’s rights that we always talk about is the rights that is given to animals by human. This rights is started from the sympathy from human to animals which are killed, the afraid of getting hurt and seeing blood. It also applies to other situations, when animals are pets, which means close friends to the family and you don’t want to kill or kill your friends, for sure. Compare to human’s rights, it has some similarities. This “rights” is not about the rights of voting or drinking when you’re 21, this is about the rights of living. Human has rights because we have sympathy. We feel pain when we see other people suffering. We feel sad when we see children in Africa dying of hunger. The idea about raising and killing animals for food is the same about the idea of seeing human’s rights in other place in the world. For example, if you watch a documentary about hunger, you feel sorry for those people. But if you’re happily enjoying your vacation and someone talks to you about saving this to contribute for the dying people in Africa, will you accept? The same thing about it, if you’re enjoying your KFC mega-20-wings and someone says killing animals is not good, please throw away your bucket of wings, will you do it? More into the “rights”. The rights of human was archived by fighting for a long time. “Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness” were not given by anyone, but archived. So if animals’ rights are...
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...Regional Thematic Study: Management of the External Borders of the EU and its Impact on the Human Rights of Migrants Concept Note Introduction Globalisation, demographic and climate change, war, conflict, human rights violations and societal transformations have been contributing to movements of people all around the world. There are an estimated 214 million international migrants worldwide, of whom 44 million are reportedly forcibly displaced and an estimated 50 million are living and working abroad in irregular situations1. Although migration to and from the European region is not a new phenomenon, since the 1990s this region has witnessed a sharp increase in migration movements. In particular, growing numbers of migrants, from within Europe, Africa and further afar are making their way across the Mediterranean and Atlantic oceans, and through overland routes in the hope of entering European Union (EU). Indeed, with 42,672 km of external borders and 8,826 km of land borders, the Schengen free-movement area comprises 26 countries (including four non-EU states) with over 300 million crossings at the external borders in 2009 alone. While migration policies have traditionally been the domain of individual EU Member States, the EU has in the past two decades engaged in a process of harmonisation of the rules of admission and residence of third country nationals and established a common EU policy. In particular since the 1990s the EU has developed an important apparatus...
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...Special Needs and Inclusive Education Program in Uganda This essay urges that the state is a relatively stronger player in delivering public policy in contemporary governance. This essay will discuss this with reference to the implementation of the Special Needs Education and Inclusive Education (SNE/IE) program in Uganda. The Special Needs Education (SNE) program in Uganda was introduced in the 1950’s by the Colonial Government for provision of ‘special education’ services to children who had visual, hearing, learning and motor impairments (CSBAG, 2013, p.15 see Civil Society Budget Advocacy Group). The author indicates that, with the introduction of the Universal Primary Education (UPE) Policy in 1997, Inclusive Education (IE) as a key component of the policy was emphasized with a major goal of increasing access, equity and quality of educational services for persons with special learning needs (pp.15-16). Special Needs Education and Inclusive Education (SNE/IE) is drawn from the ultimate right of every child to education which is declared in various international instruments to which Uganda is a signatory. These instruments include; the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948), the Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989), the Salamanca Statements and Framework for Action on Special Needs Education (1994), United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (2006) and the African (Bunjul) Charter on Human Rights and People’ Rights (1986) (p.23)...
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...faith of seeking understanding * Fulfill the human design of loving relationship * Ask questions about Jesus What are the goals of Christian theology? With explicit assumption of reality * Have faith of seeking understanding * Fulfill the human design of loving relationship * Ask questions about Jesus What does Christian theology have to do with orthodoxy, orthopraxy, the Bible’s Story? * Orthodoxy means the right idea of reality * Orthopraxy means the right practice of loving people of reality * The reason why they are important is Christian should explicit assumption about the reality if they want to do theology. * Spirituality What can we add to the above definition of spirituality to make it distinctively Christian? * Live a fully and truly human life What is the relationship between spirituality and theology? * Christian spirituality focuses on living fully and truly human life as most filled lived and seen in the life of Jesus Christ. Revelation (揭示) What are the different types of general and special revelation? * General—creation everything that is not creator. * General—conscience the way to judge wrong and right * Special— word the words in Bible * Special— “ word” Jesus Christ How do general and special revelation differ in terms of content and recipients? What is the purpose of revelation? Why does God give it to humans? * The revelation from God is God’s message...
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...world is very complicated and they think it is very unlikely that anything as complicated as a flying squirrel or the human eye or a brain could happen by chance. But they should think logically and if they thought logically they would see that they can only ask this question because it has already happened and they exist”. Since Christopher goes to a special needs school where many people have a savant like him, it shows that Christopher lacks the understanding that people outside of the bubble he is in do not think solely logically and do not need the kind of safety and order that he does. In this...
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...Mountain Bank Yasmin Elbasal Dr. Jama Rand Strategic Human Resource Management January 22, 2012 1-Discuss the strategies that Mountain Bank should implement to achieve a competitive advantage in the marketplace. . “A competitive advantage is an advantage over competitors gained by offering consumers greater value, either by means of lower prices or by providing greater benefits and service that justifies higher prices” (tutor2u.net) Mountain bank should pay attention to its weakness areas. It has a stable and competitive position in retail banking unlike, the consumer lending, real estate and mortgage banking, and corporate banking lines where it has very weak position in the market. Mountain bank needs to implement differentiation strategy in order to achieve competitive advantage in the market place. When an organization is operating where there are many other organizations offering the same services or products it , therefore it must look for being different and unique by offering new creative products as well as high quality customer service that satisfies different desires and needs . This strategy would recommend the bank to charge premium prices, that would be considered extra charges or higher prices to differentiate their product and give the customer the impression of quality and uniqueness. Customers should see mountain bank as a different bank. Employees should be encouraged to share their ideas and suggestions, as well as tellers who are in direct contact...
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...Education, Discrimination, and Politics in a Special Needs World Education is an essential corner stone in our society. Education creates livelihood, piece of mind, a stable society, and well-rounded individuals. The unfortunate fact is that many of our children lack the proper education they need in order to become full functioning adults in today’s society. What are even worse are the children with special needs that get left behind. In order to address special needs students and others that fall behind in the education system, we need to define what special needs are, where they fit in society, and finally what the future holds for them. What do we consider as “special” in students? Special education is identified as “the education of children who deviate socially, mentally, or physically from the average to such an extent that they require major modifications of usual school practices.” (Encyclopedia Britannica Online, 2005, p.1). We can go a step further and define “special needs” to a more specific group of people. According to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act Amendments of 1997,”students with disabilities include those with mental retardation, hearing impairments, speech or language impairments, visual impairments, serious emotional disturbance, orthopedic impairments, autism, other health impairments, or specific learning disabilities.” (Warger, 1999, p.1). There are laws in place by our government that allow special provisions for people with disabilities...
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...Special People with Special Needs Working with the blind can be a rewarding and challenging job. The blind have many challenges which must be faced on a day-to-day basis, and it is the job of the counselor or human service worker to work with the client to help him or her overcome these challenges. In this paper areas of special problems and needs of the blind, barriers in delivering the services to these clients, and solution which will help these clients overcome the barriers they face will be reviewed. Human service workers must remember that these clients have needs which differ from other clients, as they are facing some hard challenges, and therefore must be more considerate of these needs. The blind need support such as Braille books to read, counseling to overcome any fears, and programs which are designed to help these clients live their day to day lives. These can all be done with the support of the counselor and human service worker. There are organizations from which blind clients can also seek assistance, include the American Foundation for the Blind, which will be discussed throughout this paper. Services are also offered in the clients local communities providing support to the blind community. Special Problems and Needs of the Blind Accessing services from any human service organization is a difficult process for anyone seeking assistance. This process becomes increasing more difficult when ones sight is a barrier to communication and accessibility. Individuals...
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...INCLUSIVE EDUCATION: CHALENGES AND PROSPECT IN INDIAN PERSPECTIVE ABSTRACT Inclusive education is process of strengthening the capacity of the education system to reach out to all learners, irrespective of their abilities, disabilities, ethnicity, gender and age, and receives quality education. The purpose of the study is to ensure that all children gain access to quality education that will prepare them to contribute to country’s progress. Recommendations to send children with disabilities to mainstream schools were first made in the Sargent Report in 1944 and thereafter the Government of India has created numerous policies around inclusive education since the country’s independence. Despite the promotion of inclusive education, Govt. has focus on inclusive education as being about inclusion in the education system, but not specifically in the mainstream. We have adopted qualitative approach and secondary information on the status of inclusive education obtained from government documents, reports and available literature for the study. The review concludes although India’s remarkable progress to provide inclusive education, there is need to bridge the gaps in education system to build a strong system of inclusive education and must continue to improve the lives of its citizens. The study will help us have holistic perspective with respect to dealing with inclusive education. Keywords: inclusive education, legislation, India Introduction: Inclusion is an educational approach...
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...Leininger Madeline Leininger developed her first theories in the mid-1950s. Her main theory is transcultural nursing and caring theory. This theory was formed by an inadequate knowledge of cultural factors that represented a missing link to providing quality nursing care. Leininger believed that caring is universally present in all cultures (Nelson, 2006). Leininger’s definition of caring for nursing is “the central and unifying domain for the body of knowledge and practices in nursing’ It is critical to human growth, development and survival and has helped human beings through cultural evolution” (Cohen, 1991). Leininger’s transcultural theory of nursing her assumption human caring is a universal expression. However, patterns vary among different cultures. Caring has multiple dimensions of biophysical, psychological, cultural, social and environmental. These are practiced and used in practicing in a holistic manner (Cohen, 1991). In Leininger, main belief is human caring is universal; however, the expressions, process, and patterns vary among cultures. Leininger also differentiates professional caring as cognitive and culturally learned behaviors, techniques, process, or patterns that help and enable an...
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...Special People and Special Needs According to the California Department of Education, a special population is one that fits into one of the following criteria: “Individuals with disabilities; individuals from economically disadvantaged families, including foster children; individuals preparing for nontraditional training and employment; single parents, including single-pregnant women; displaced homemakers; and individuals with other barriers to educational achievement, including individuals with limited English proficiency ("Special Populations", 2014).” Many of the homeless fall into more than one category of Special Populations. The National Healthcare for the Homeless Council (2014) adopts the U .S. Department of Health and Human Services’ definition of what it means to be homeless stating a homeless person is, “ an individual who lacks housing (without regard to whether the individual is a member of a family), including an individual whose primary residence during the night is a supervised public or private facility (e.g., shelters) that provides temporary living accommodations, and an individual who is a resident in transitional housing.” Homelessness does not discriminate against age, adults and children are homeless. The most common causes of homelessness is a lack of affordable housing, poverty, unemployment, substance abuse, and mental illness ("Facts And Figures: The Homeless", 2010). As of 2009, one in 50 children in America were homeless, or approximately...
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...Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA), 1958 Submitted by: Kartik Jigyasi Division: B PRN: 14010224086 Class: 2014-19 of Symbiosis Law School, NOIDA Symbiosis International University, PUNE In October,2014 Under the guidance of Dr. Md. Salim CERTIFICATE The project entitled “Analysis on Armed Forces Special Power Act (AFSPA), 1958“ submitted to the Symbiosis Law School, NOIDA for Jurisprudence I as part of Internal assessment is based on my original work carried out under the guidance of Dr. Md. Salim from August 2014 to September 2014. The research work has not been submitted elsewhere for award of any degree. The material borrowed from other sources and incorporated in the thesis has been duly acknowledged. I understand that I myself could be held responsible and accountable for plagiarism, if any, detected later on. Signature of the candidate Date: ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Foremost, I would like to express mysincere gratitude to Dr. Md Salim for the continuous support for my research, for their patience, motivation, enthusiasm, and immense knowledge. Their guidance helped me in all the time of research and writing of this project. It’s an honor and privilege to have them as my advisors and mentors for my research. INDEX * Introduction * Origin of the Act * The Act and its provisions * Criticism of the Act * Judicial Approach * Conclusion * Bibliography INTRODUCION The Armed Forces Special Powers...
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...person as a whole and focus not just on one problem, but also all the other variables (Summers, 2011). The case manager ensures the client receives the most individualized and effective treatments and plan for service possible. The many roles and responsibilities are carried professionally and ethically. The case manager also can use theoretical models to identify problem and cause of the client's behavior. Many times, case managers work with specific special populations and encounter issues that must be prepared to address. Roles and Responsibilities Case management primary purpose is to improve the quality of life the client by assessing their total situation (Summers, 2011). It is imperative that the case manager knows what their client wants not only for service but to have a productive and useful life. Case managers develop a comprehensive picture of each client and identify the specific intervention the client may need. Case management entails being respectful to the client, their family, and the diversity of the human experience. It also requires listening carefully and encouraging people to hope and work towards a productive and healthy life. Case managers utilize funding sources to support standard formal services, in some cases, medication, as well as community resources and support to assist the client. They have a responsibility to ensure that any funds in direct client services are being used efficiently and wisely. The case manager's responsibilities follow four...
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...http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Counter-terrorism Counter-terrorism (also spelled counterterrorism) is the practices, tactics, techniques, and strategies that governments, militaries, police departments and corporations adopt to prevent or in response to terrorist threats and/or acts, both real and imputed. The tactic of terrorism is available to insurgents and governments. Not all insurgents use terror as a tactic, and some choose not to use it because other tactics work better for them in a particular context. Individuals, such as Timothy McVeigh, may also engage in terrorist acts such as the Oklahoma City bombing. If the terrorism is part of a broader insurgency, counter-terrorism may also form a part of a counter-insurgency doctrine, but political, economic, and other measures may focus more on the insurgency than the specific acts of terror. Foreign internal defense (FID) is a term used by several countries[citation needed] for programs either to suppress insurgency, or reduce the conditions under which insurgency could develop. Counter-terrorism includes both the detection of potential acts and the response to related events. Anti-terrorism versus counter-terrorism Further information: Detentions following the September 11, 2001 Terrorist Attack The concept of anti-terrorism emerges from a thorough examining of the concept of terrorism as well as an attempt to understand and articulate what constitutes terrorism in Western terms. In military contexts, terrorism is a...
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