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Are Lawsuits Effective?


Submitted By farrahr412
Words 1191
Pages 5
Are Lawsuits Effective? Upon reading the article “Lawsuits against Fast-Food Restaurants Are an Effective Way to Combat Obesity” by John H. Banzhaf III, I realized that the author explains that people with obesity issues tend to blame the fast food industry rather than blaming themselves. The author also explains that the lawsuits against fast food are happening because people are blaming the industry for their own weight issues. He also discusses how legal action should be taken towards certain issues with advertising as well. I feel as though individuals that have issues with their weight need to focus on fixing their own problem rather than wasting time seeking help from everyone else. Taking a fast food company to court because a person is overweight is not exactly an effective way to solve their issue. At the same time, I do believe that there should be some laws that limit the amount of fat and cholesterol in some foods. Nutritional information should be readily available to those who seek it. Not until recently did we notice that more fast food restaurants are displaying their nutritional facts in store as well as online. We are seeing more and more restaurants attempting to offer healthier foods in an effort to reduce the obesity problem in America. I personally feel that this small effort from restaurants will make a big difference with the obesity problems we have right now.
People just need to take advantage of these accommodations. The biggest reason for the companies to make this effort is that they are trying to avoid being sued. In the article located in our text “What You Eat is Your Business” by Radley Balko, it discusses how much money is being spent on our society’s health problems and how obesity should not be the public’s concern, it should be the concern of the individual battling obesity. The increase in obesity is frightening

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