...Sociologists have explained the suicide phenomena in different ways. For example, while positivists sought to achieve a scientific explanation of suicide, interpretivists sought to demolish it by focusing on the meaning of suicide to those involved and the meanings they attach to it. Durkheim used the positivists approach to explain the suicide phenomena. According to him, our behaviours are caused by social facts; norms and values that exercise a social constraint which surpasses an individual. He argues that suicide is a social fact. Using quantitative data from official statistics, Durkheim analysed the suicide rates for various European countries and noted four regular patterns. The suicide rate for any given society remained more or less constant over time. When the rates of suicide did change, they coincided with other changes for example; they fell during war times but rose during economic depression or prosperity. Different societies had different suicide rates. Within a society, the rates varied constantly between social groups for example; Catholics had lower rates that Protestants. He identified the two social facts that determined suicide as social integration; the extent to which an individual feels a sense of belonging to a group and obligation to its members and moral integration; the extent to which an individual’s actions and desires are kept in check by society’s norms and values. Therefore, Durkheim concluded that these patterns were evidence that suicide...
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...True? The Case of Extramarital Sex. Every day, we see stories in newspapers and magazines that tell us what people think and how they behave. But a lot of what we read turns out to be misleading or even untrue. Take the issue of extramarital sex, which refers to a married person having sex with someone other than his or her spouse. A look at the cover of many of the so-called women’s magazines you find in the checkout aisle at the supermarket or a quick reading of the advice column in your local newspaper might lead you to think that extramarital sex is a major issue facing married couples. II. Three Ways to Do Sociology. There are three ways to do research in sociology: positivist sociology, interpretive sociology, and critical sociology. A. Positivist Sociology. 1. Scientific sociology is the study of society based on systematic observation of social behavior. The scientific orientation to knowing, called positivism, assumes that an objective reality exists. 2. Concepts are mental constructs that represent some part of the world, inevitably in a simplified form. 3. Variables are concepts whose value changes from case to case. 4. Measurement is the procedure for determining the value of a variable in a specific case. a. Statistical measures are frequently used...
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...A review of the positivist and interpretive paradigms and discussion on how they are both related to the proposed study 'Chinese culture on learning and the use of meta-cognitive language-learning strategies at an institute of vocational education in Hong Kong'. By Manfred Wu "I certify that this work is entirely my own and has not been accepted as part of a submission to another degree course" _________________________ Word Length: 5,964 Abstract This paper begins with a review of the positivist and interpretive paradigms. After the description of a proposed study on Chinese values on learning and use of meta-cognitive language-learning strategies (MCLLS), how the study emerges from the two paradigms is discussed. Discussions show that the aims of the study of gathering descriptive data and exploring relationships between the two variables as well as the use of survey method are more pertained to the positivist paradigm as it shares features with the paradigm including a high degree of control over responses, use of statistics both for descriptive and for determining relationships and researchers being detached by adopting the role of an objective and passive informant. Other aims of generating insights on the two selected concepts, collecting information from respondents' frame of reference, focusing on the whole institutional setting and the use of semi-structured interview are more pertained to the interpretive paradigm. It is because...
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...consumer behavior and other social matters. When conducting academic research, one must not only be familiar with the appropriate theoretical framework to use, but also know which methods are suitable for conducting that particular study. Theory and methodology cannot be separated from each other, but should be seen instead as a whole. Depending on the theoretical framework you also commit yourself into using specific tools in the empirical research you aim to do. In other words, your world view directs what methodology you can and should use in your empirical work (Desphande,1983). The different world views are in this case broadly classified as research philosophy and when discussing different research stances one can take, we are talking about research paradigms. The three assigned articles by Desphande(1983), Brand(2009) and Tadajewski(2004) discuss the various research paradigms and how they can and should be contrasted to one another in order to form a more functional whole. In the first article by Desphande, a definition for paradigms by Thomas Kuhn is offered. Paradigms are described as a guide for professionals, which points out the important issues and problems within that discipline. Furthermore paradigms offer tools for solving these issues and defines what methods are suitable for studying those particular research problems. The article goes on to discuss the problem behind having only one theoretical philosophy to rely on in the research of marketing. This has according...
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...realistic description of international politics is only a picture of the past and therefore not a prediction about the future", and proposes what she considers to be a feminist alternative: a world in which state actors think of power in terms of collective empowerment, not in terms of domination over one another, could produce more cooperative outcomes and pose fewer conflicts between the dictates of morality and the power of self-interest (Art & Jervis, 2005). Emergence of Feminism Most of the early feminists in IR were IR theorists, researchers, and policy practitioners, who read syllabi full of scholarly articles by mainly or only men, and seen IR as a scholarly place often hostile to women and femininity. Feminist scholarship came into the discipline of International Relations(IR) around the 1980s and 1990s. It was not IR that produced the feminist insight, for feminism is, according to Daddow (2009), "a wider social and intellectual movement that has had a big impact in politics, society, and education" (p. 145). IR Feminist scholars began looking for...
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...Wong, City University of Hong Kong Production ETPU Publishing Team Copyright © The Open University of Hong Kong, 2001, 2011. Reprinted 2015. All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced in any form by any means without permission in writing from the President, The Open University of Hong Kong. Sale of this material is prohibited. The Open University of Hong Kong Ho Man Tin, Kowloon Hong Kong This course material is printed on environmentally friendly paper. Contents Introduction 1 The focus of criminology 4 What is criminology? Why study crime? 4 6 Developing theory: the foundations of criminology 8 Theorizing about crime before criminology: the classical perspective Positivist criminology 8 10 Sociological criminology The Chicago School Strain and subcultural theories of crime Control theories The labelling perspective Critical criminology 14 15 17 21 23 27 Environmental criminology 30 Jane Jacobs and Oscar Newman Routine activity theory Rational choice theory 30 33 35 Summary 39 References 41 Feedback on activities 43 Readings Unit 2 Introduction The purpose of this unit is to introduce you to the different kinds of theorizing about crime that have constituted the discipline of criminology. Criminology as an academic discipline has existed for well over 100 years. During this time, a number of distinct approaches have emerged, and it is these...
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...University of Wollongong Research Online Faculty of Business - Accounting & Finance Working Papers 2006 Faculty of Business The Critique of Accounting Theory M. Gaffikin University of Wollongong, gaffikin@uow.edu.au Publication Details This working paper was originally published as Gaffikin, M, The Critique of Accounting Theory, Accounting & Finance Working Paper 06/25, School of Accounting & Finance, University of Wollongong, 2006. Research Online is the open access institutional repository for the University of Wollongong. For further information contact the UOW Library: research-pubs@uow.edu.au 06/25 University of Wollongong School of Accounting & Finance The Critique of Accounting Theory Working Papers Series Michael Gaffikin School of Accounting & Finance University of Wollongong Wollongong NSW 2522 Australia Tel +61 (2) 4221 3718 Fax +61 (2) 4221 4297 eMail george@uow.edu.au www.uow.edu.au/commerce/accy/ The Critique of Accounting Theory Michael Gaffikin* School of Accounting and Finance, University of Wollongong, NSW 2522 In previous papers (Gaffikin 2005a, 2005b, 2005c, 2006) the discussion has examined accounting as a science, with attempts to employ a scientific methodology; as a purely technical expression of economic theory, heavily dominated by research in finance; and as part of “law”, albeit law (regulation) heavily influenced by dominant economic and political ideology. That discussion revealed that all these perspectives...
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...interpretations. Interpreting the past is a very tricky business. “Humans have always speculated about their past, and most cultures have their own foundation myths to explain why society is how it is,” (Renfrew and Bahn 2012, 22). Anthropology is ripe with theories. Theory is a hard term to define with regard to archaeology, but essentially it is an interpretation of the past based on material data analysis. Archaeological site interpretation is a fundamental aspect to understanding the past. An archaeological narrative cannot be determined by lining up material data from the past and only...
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...percent between 1993 and 20075.The expansion of corrections has affected some groups more than others6.About one-third of all African American men in their twenties are under some form of correctional control7.Prison budgets, by far the most expensive portion of the overall penal system, grow even when monies for education and others services lag8.Today, Corrections pervasive—especially for poor, minority Americans II.The Purpose of CorrectionsA.Punishment1.From the earliest accounts of humankind, punishment has been used as one means of social control, of compelling people to behave according to the norms and rules of society2.Protecting society by defining limits of behaviorB.Three basic concepts of Western criminal law define the purpose and procedure of criminal justice1.Offense2.Guilt3.PunishmentC.The central purpose of corrections is to carry out the criminal sentence1.Corrections—the variety of programs, services, facilities, and organizations responsible for the management of individuals who have been accused or convicted of criminal acts2.Corrections encompasses all the legal responses of society to some prohibited behavior3.Correctional activities are performed by public and private organizations III.A Systems Framework for Studying CorrectionsA.A system is a complex whole consisting of interdependent parts whose operations are directed toward common goals...
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...GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS AND DIPLOMACY STUDENT GUIDELINE NOTES GLOBAL POLITICAL ECONOMY MODULE Paste the notes here… Political economy originally was the term for studying production, buying and selling, and their relations with law, custom, and government. Political economy originated in moral philosophy (e.g. Adam Smith was Professor of Moral Philosophy at the University of Glasgow), it developed in the 18th century as the study of the economies of states — polities, hence political economy. In late nineteenth century, the term "political economy" was generally replaced by the term economics, used by those seeking to place the study of economy upon mathematical and axiomatic bases, rather than the structural relationships of production and consumption (cf. marginalism, Alfred Marshall). History of the term Originally, political economy meant the study of the conditions under which production was organized in the nation-states. The phrase économie politique (translated in English as political economy) first appeared in France in 1615 with the well known book by Antoyne de Montchrétien: Traicté de l’oeconomie politique. French physiocrats, Adam Smith, David Ricardo and Karl Marx were some of the exponents of political economy. In 1805, Thomas Malthus became England's first professor of political economy, at the East India Company College, Haileybury, Hertfordshire. The world's first professorship in political economy was established...
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...Two persistent critiques of quantitative experimentalism are (a) the lack of isomorphism between its measures and "reality" and (b) its failure thus far to produce "truths" useful to educational practice. These critiques have long been commented on. As early as 1918, B. R. Buckingham wrote: We may labor ingeniously at our analyses of results and may bring from afar the most potent methods which statistical theory has evolved, but we shall accomplish little if our instruments are as grossly defective as some of those which are now being employed appear to be. (p. 132) Buckingham's concern continues to be echoed by contemporary researchers: If multiple independent anecdotes are to be trusted, the computers too often have been processing in stolid seriousness worthless data produced by children who were staging mass boycotts, or deliberately sabotaging the process or making jokes out of their answers. Anecdotes of similar scandals are available for questionnaires, attitude scales and interviews. (Campbell, 1978) Too often, then, the link between results and "reality" is assumed rather than systematically investigated. Consequently, the empirical bases of educational practice are too frequently half-truths and pure fictions. BASIC PROBLEMS We quite agree with the first critique, that quantitative concepts are not isomorphic with quantitative measures. As Bateson (1980, p. 133) noted, "I can, in a sense, see the dog discriminate, but I cannot possibly see his 'discrimination...
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...PhD Thesis 1998 Social, environmental and ethical factors in engineering design theory: a post-positivist approach Terence Love Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering University of Western Australia Social, environmental and ethical factors in engineering design theory: a post-positivist approach Terence Love B.A. (Hons) Engineering This thesis is presented for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy of The University of Western Australia. Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering 1998 Abstract This research investigated how social, environmental and ethical factors can be better included in theories of engineering design. The research focused on designing as an essentially human activity via consideration of the epistemological and ontological issues involved in constructing coherent design theory. The research investigations led to a clearer understanding of the roles of ontology, epistemology and methodology in design research and this clarification enabled the construction of a post-positivist approach to engineering design theory that better includes social, environmental and ethical factors alongside the existing products of scientific engineering design research. Other contributions to knowledge that emerged from the research process and which underpin the conclusions include; clarification of the terminology and basic...
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...PhD Thesis 1998 Social, environmental and ethical factors in engineering design theory: a post-positivist approach Terence Love Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering University of Western Australia Social, environmental and ethical factors in engineering design theory: a post-positivist approach Terence Love B.A. (Hons) Engineering This thesis is presented for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy of The University of Western Australia. Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering 1998 Abstract This research investigated how social, environmental and ethical factors can be better included in theories of engineering design. The research focused on designing as an essentially human activity via consideration of the epistemological and ontological issues involved in constructing coherent design theory. The research investigations led to a clearer understanding of the roles of ontology, epistemology and methodology in design research and this clarification enabled the construction of a post-positivist approach to engineering design theory that better includes social, environmental and ethical factors alongside the existing products of scientific engineering design research. Other contributions to knowledge that emerged from the research process and which underpin the conclusions include; clarification of the terminology and basic...
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...Theories of criminology Prof. Dr. Ayman Elzeiny Introduction :- What is Theory? Definitions of the theory Vold, Bernard, and Snipes defined it as :- “an explanation … a sensible relating of some particular phenomenon to the whole field of knowledge” On other hand Bohm defined it as “makes statements about the relationship between two classes of phenomena” Williams and McShane defined it as “generalizations of a sort; explains how two or more events are related” . According to Shoemaker the theory is : “a systematic collection of concepts and statements purporting to explain behavior” . And according to Hoover the theory is “a set of related propositions that suggest why events occur”. We can define theory as "Statement of a relationship between two or more propositions and concepts . which explains and/or predicts some behavior ". Introduction to Theories of criminology : There are many "theories" of criminology suggested by many writers. It would not be practical to list them all. a few only that have received some support. The almost prominent schools of criminology Were : The Classical School, "which began about 1755 to 1764" after Beccaria (1738-94) published his famous Essay on Crimes and Punishments; Along with Beccaria, the thinkers of the Classical School were Rousseau, Montesquieu, Voltaire, Jeremy Bentham, William Blackstone, Samuel Romilly, and others. The Positive School, " which began after the publication of Lombroso's L'uomo...
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...RESEARCH DESIGN Qualitative, Quantitative. and Mixed Methods Approaches SECOND EDITION John W. Creswell University of Nebraska, Lincoln SAGE Publications International Educational and Professional Publisher Thousand Oaks London New Delhi ~ 6 7 6 3Copyright O 2003 by Sage Publications, Inc. -3 All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. Cover image copyright O Sheldan CollinsICorbis; used by permission. For information: Sage Publications, Inc. 2455 Teller Road Thousand Oaks, California 91320 E-mail: order@sagepub.com Sage Publications Ltd. 6 Bonhill Street London EC2A 4PU United Kingdom Sage Publications India Pvt. Ltd. M-32 Market Greater Kailash I New Delhi 110 048 India Printed in the United States of America Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Creswell, John W. Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed method approaches I by John W. Creswel1.- 2nd ed. p. cm Includes bibliographical references and indexes. ISBN 0-7619-2441-8 (c) - ISBN 0-7619-2442-6 (pbk.) 1. Social sciences-Research-Methodology. 2. Social sciences-Statistical methods. I. Title. H62 .C6963 2002 30W.7'2-dc21 Acquiring Editor: Editorial Assistant: Production Editor: Copy Editor: Typesetter: Cover Designer: ...
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