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Are Trophies For Everyone

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Are Trophies For Everyone? Imagine winning an award thinking that all of your hard work finally paid off only to see that the person who doesn’t practice or pay attention received the exact same award. Giving out participation trophies may seem like a good idea at first, but they shouldn’t be given.
To begin with, nothing in life will be handed to anyone. If someone wants to be a physician but doesn’t make an immense effort to be hired or study, they likely won’t get the job. If children are given an award for just showing up, when they grow up they could end up thinking that they should get the job just because they showed up to the interview. By just giving out awards for participation, it gives young children the impression that they are entitled to something, whether they earned it and worked hard for it or not. This leads to the next point. …show more content…
This is called self-evaluation and by self-evaluating people are able to see where they have room for improvement, because while someone may be the best player on the team, they aren’t perfect and have something that they can work on to better themselves. By having everyone receive an award, no one loses. Without losing it is more of a challenge to self-evaluate and people can’t necessarily be competitive or make a goal to win an award . If only a few people win, then children can learn that it isn’t necessarily a bad thing to lose and not win an award, it just shows them that they should think about how to improve. Without being able to self-evaluate, it would be very challenging to get

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