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Safe Restroom Emergency Room

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Lately, it seems like my elderly father is showing his age a lot more. Falls and close calls are happening with more frequency, and this worries me. When I think about the home he lives in, the place that concerns me most is his restroom.

If you share the same uneasiness for your elderly loved one, your apprehension is well founded. According to the CDC, over 175,000 individuals per year will visit the emergency room as a result of an injury sustained in the restroom.

Plentiful are the slip hazards in a standard restroom. To make matters worse, there are too many hard surfaces to land on. Let’s take a look at how to remedy some of these hazards and make the restroom a safer place for your loved one to shower, groom and toilet.

Safe water …show more content…
Electrical outlets in all restrooms should be protected with a GFCI outlet. These outlets will disconnect power if they sense an unusual power drain from the circuit. This drain may be caused by a hair dryer that fell into a sink full of water or a number of other hazards that are present when you have electricity and water in the same place. One GFCI outlet will not only protect itself, but all outlets “downstream”.

To avoid scalding injuries, be sure that your hot water heater is set to a maximum of 120°. If you take a look at the temperature dial on your water heater, you are likely to find it’s not marked with numbers, only “hot” and “warm”. To check the real temperature, you’ll need to go to the faucet closest to the water heater and run hot water for three minutes. Collect a glass of hot water and use a thermometer to see how hot it is.

Take control of slippery …show more content…
I would encourage you to personally test it first. Some of these mats will slip across the bottom of the tub while suctioned down. It’s better to provide real traction rather than a false sense of security.

If your restroom floor is tile or linoleum, go ahead and install some non-slip tape on the floor as well as the tub. These floors can become slick once they get wet. I suggest traction tape over a throw rug because throw rugs introduce a trip hazard to the area.

Traction coatings can be sprayed or rolled onto bathtubs and flooring. While this method takes more work than traction tape, it is a more permanent solution.

Keep in mind that soap scum is very slippery when it accumulates on a bathtub. Cleanliness in this area will contribute to safe bathing for the elderly.

Grab bars

If there is one sign of a well designed restroom that is safe for elderly use, it’s the liberal application of grab bars. These stout bars can be used around the toilet, in and around the shower and anywhere else a helping hand may be needed. Aside from typical hand rails, you may want to consider a safety pole that installs from the floor to the ceiling next to the bath

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