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Home Safety Assessment


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Home Safety Assessment

Safety Assessment

July 28, 2013

Safety Assessment 2 M. H. is a 74-year-old Caucasian female who lives with her husband and two grandchildren in one story modest home in a rural area in northern Texas. A safety assessment was performed on a Friday afternoon on July 26, 2013. Marian was willing to participate in the safety assessment and these finding are the result of the safety assessment. M. H. uses a walker due to Rheumatoid arthritis and shortness of breath from COPD. She uses oxygen continuously and has enough tubing to allow her to ambulate to the restroom and kitchen without moving the concentrator. When entering her home there is a ramp, which is clutter free, and in need of repair due to soft areas in the wood, with a secure handrail on the left only. Marian H. flooring has areas of ripped vinyl around the kitchen table and the carpet in the living area and bedrooms have areas that are torn. No throw rugs are noted in the house. There are secure locks on the front and back door to keep intruders out. Her husband checks the locks each night before they go to bed. The windows are obscured by furniture in the living area of the home but are easily assessable in the other rooms with locks on the inside to keep intruders out. Marian H. reports she is aware of the trip hazards such as oxygen tubing and torn carpet and vinyl but she is careful using her walker when ambulating in the home and has never fallen inside or outside the home. M. H. does not have a landline phone at this time but has a cell phone with large number pads that are easily seen. There is no posted list of emergency contact numbers; she reports all emergency contact numbers are in her cell phone for safekeeping. She carries her phone with her when she ambulates and keeps it on her table beside her chair when she is setting. She assures the interviewer that an emergency plan is in place in case of a fire. There are three smoke alarms, one in the kitchen and one in each bedroom. Her grandson that lives with her Safety Interview 3 checks and replaces the battery at least twice a year. There are no fire extinguishers in the home. Her home is heated with central heating and is cooled with central air conditioning. Marian H. or none of her family smoke cigarettes. Her electrical cords are not frayed and all the outlets and switches are covered with cover plates. She is unaware of the temperature setting on the water heater, but her husband reports it is set at the manufactures recommended setting. She reports using an electric blanket in the winter months because her feet are always cold. Her stove is electric and she uses a microwave for heating food periodically. M. H. lives in her own home with her husband and two grandchildren. One of the grandchildren is 25 years old and a college student and the other is 10 years old. Her husband ambulates well without assistance and usually cooks all meals. She has a home health aide that assist with bathing and ADL needs Monday thru Friday. Marians’ husband assists her on the weekends with ADL needs. Her daughter lives approximately 5 miles away, calls daily and visits on weekends. M. takes several medications and is independent in her medications administration. She uses a weekly reminder box and sets them up weekly. She takes several medications that put her at a risk for fall injuries. She has a folder with a list of current medications, and her medications are stored in a safe place according to instructions on the label of the containers and labels are clearly marked. M. H. has a moderate size kitchen with adequate lighting. There are no cords dangling near water or the stove. The oven controls are clearly marked and easy to grasp. There are no flammables near the stove. She can easily reach dishes, pots, utensils and outlets. She reports her Safety Assessment 4 husband does most of the cooking and she occasionally will heat something up in the microwave. The laundry area is located in the kitchen area and easily accessible. M H. bedroom is across the hall from the bathroom. She has a bedside commode, which she uses at night. She has a night lite in her bedroom and bathroom. She places her cell phone on the night table beside her bed when she goes to bed. There is plenty of room for her to ambulate around the bed. M’s bathroom is small and she is unable to get her walker through the door. She has placed an extra walker in the bathroom, which she uses to assist with ambulation in the bathroom. There are grab bars beside the toilet but none in the shower. She has a shower bench and uses it to prevent falls. M. has adequate lighting in the bathroom. There are no frayed cords or electric appliances close to the sink or tub area. She reports she always checks the water temperature before showering. M. H. reports she does not go outside alone and states some of her family is always with her. She does not drive and is transported by her husband or other family members. Her husband or grandson maintains the lawn. She reports she enjoys going outside but the Texas heat zaps her energy. M. wears athletic shoes with Velcro fasteners and the sole are made of a material that grips the floor to prevent falls.
Medication safety was discussed with M. H. and the possible effects of medications that increase fall risk. She reports she has taken most of the medications for years and her pharmacy has explained the risks. She also reports she stands slowly and makes sure she uses her walker Safety Assessment 5 when ambulating. We also discussed the need of repair to the outside ramp. Her husband reports the ramp is on his list of items to repair and both are aware of the possible risk of fall injury. M. H. reports feeling secure in her home and is thankful for family and friends that are there to help her and check on her daily. Upon assessment, her home has need of small repairs, such as the areas of ripped vinyl and the outside ramp, other than those areas, her home seems to be safe environment for her.

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