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Functional Ability Paper

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The Encyclopedia of Public Health defines functional ability as “the actual or potential capacity of an individual to perform the activities and tasks that can be normally expected, a given function integrates biological, psychological and social domains.” (Encyclopedia of Public Health p.466, 2017). To be considered of good functional ability, patients/clients are expected to perform typical daily activities, health care facilities and teams call these, activities of daily living (ADL's), these activities can be measured and assist in patient care. Activities of daily living include things like; brushing one's teeth or hair, taking a shower, being able to eat without assistance, etc. There are other activities known as instrumental activities …show more content…
Kleinpell, Kathy Fletcher and Bonnie M. Jennings, published by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, discusses different nursing assessment tools and methods to improve functional ability in the elderly hospitalized

client. It stated, “The hospital environment, a tertiary care setting, has traditionally focused on medically managing illness states, not on improving patient functioning.” (Kleinpell RM, Fletcher K, Jennings BM, 2008). One key assessment tool when caring for the elderly hospitalized patient would be a comprehensive geriatric assessment (CGA). When interviewing and assessing the patient, it is important to ask about family/social support (patients with dementia- it may be necessary to get information from family), psycho-social well-being, cognition (are they oriented to person, place,date/time, situation?), and sensory perception (check visual acuity, hearing, ability to smell and ability to feel …show more content…
They also made design and functional changes on the units to maximize patient safety and independence. This changes along with the use of an multidisciplinary team with specialized training was shown to improve patient outcomes and improve functional ability. These patients had shorter stays, less chance for re-admission and were less likely to require long term care, either in nursing homes or at home care. The focus on educating staff on elderly needs, enhanced communication between team members and safer hospital environments make ACE units desirable, unfortunately, many facilities lack resources (staff, finances, space) to provide such

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