...5/3/2014 Electrical Hazards and Safety in Electrical Installations - Research Papers - Kksharma Login Join The Research Paper Factory Join Search Browse Saved Papers Search over 100,000 Essays Home Page » Computers and Technology Electrical Hazards and Safety in Electrical Installations In: Computers and Technology Electrical Hazards and Safety in Electrical Installations Electrical Hazards and Safety in Electrical Installations K K Sharma Lingaya’s University, Faridabad, Email: krishan_ksharma@yahoo.com Abstract: “Electrical Safety is not an option — it is absolutely necessary for workers and employers alike”. Please login to view the full essay... Safety in the workplace is job number one for employer and employee alike. It is especially important for those who install and service electrical systems. Nothing can replace a worker or loved one that has died or suffered the irreparable consequences of an electrical accident. No matter how much an employer tries to safeguard its workers or how much safety training is provided; the ultimate responsibility lies with the worker. The human factor is part of every accident or injury. The purpose of this paper is to identify electrical safety hazards and present ways to minimize or avoid their consequences. It is a guide for improving electrical safety and contains information about governmental regulations, industry-accepted standards and work practices. It presents ways to meet the standards and reduce...
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...In May 2004, Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy News reported the death of a Russian Scientist who was doing research on Ebola virus after accidentally injecting herself with the deadly virus. The scientist was carrying out an experiment on guinea pigs infected with the virus at a laboratory in Siberia. There are many other hazards associated with performing research in laboratories, they may include: fires, explosion (with or without an accompanying fire), gas leaks, spills, power outages or release of hazardous or infectious material. It is therefore imperative that institutions develop standard safety operating procedures for personnel, and offer continuous training on the proper ways of handling materials in the laboratory. General personal safety includes not eating, drinking, smoking or applying cosmetics or chewing on pens in the laboratory. Food and drink are not stored in refrigerators or anywhere in the laboratory. Laboratory workers should also ensure that proper personal protective equipment (PPE) is worn at all times. PPE include; Laboratory coats which should be worn at all times inside but not outside the laboratory, footwear should be closed shoes to protect the foot from possible punctures from sharp objects or corrosive reagents. Protective eyeglasses should be used to protect from hazardous...
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...Thesis Title: Fire Hazards in Dhaka City: An Exploratory Study Introduction Whereas, Dhaka, the capital city of Bangladesh has grown up haphazardly since the period of liberation creating the embryo of fire hazard and resulting into death, injuries as well as property damage. In fact, fire incidents have been recognized significant cause behind the greatest loss of life and property in Dhaka city. At present, Dhaka city is crowded with estimated population of more than 15 million people (Source: wikipedia), making one of the largest cities in the world having population density of 45,000/km2 or 115,200/sq mile (Source: wikipedia). With the passage of time, this ratio of density is ever increasing. Due to climate change issue, rural people are migrating to Dhaka city with an expectation of having least required livelihood. To meet up the need for habitation of these migrated people, more and more slums are being established without following any rules and plans. Unplanned city growth has also lead to the development of congested and unhealthy slums that are generally built with flammable materials. As a result, in the event of a fire, the fire spreads very rapidly causing great damage. There are many people in the city who lack knowledge about the safety or precautionary measures one should take to prevent a fire incident at their home or workplace. In addition, not many people also have proper knowledge or training about the preventive measures that the community should take...
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...CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION COMPANY PROFILE FIRE-OUT Manufacturing & Trading Company 048 Evangelista street Santolan Pasig 956-8639 fireoutmanufacturing@gmail.com Plant site: Date organized and began operation as SP: Date of incorporation: SEC Registration No: Place of Incorporation: 162 M DE LEON ST ROAD 1 SANTOLAN PASIG CITY June 8, 2015 May 18, 2015 PG-201509697 Mandaluyong City PRIMARY PURPOSE The company caters and provides to the following : I. All types of fire extinguishers II. Sprinkler System III. Foam System IV. Carbon Dioxide System V. Gas Detection System VI. Fire Alarm System VII. Industrial Safety VIII. Emergency Lightning System IX. Consultancy and services for all types of establishments MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION – HOTEL & TOURISM MANAGEMENT FIRE OUT MANUFACTURING AND TRADING COMPANY UNDERTAKE THE FOLLOWING SERVICES WHICH COME AS PACKAGE DEAL: I. Hazard Analysis Design as per specific requirement. II. Computer Generated hydraulic calculations. III. Engineering work and submittal preparation. IV. Installation of the system supply. V. Testing and commissioning of the systems install. VISION “Serving towards a conflagration free environment for Nation’s Safety, Security and Progress.” MISSION “To provide clientele an innovative, quality and reasonable cost Fire Protection Equipment, Designs, Consultancy and Services to achieve a safe and protected equipment.” OBJECTIVES “To surpass clientele’s expectation by providing quality reliable...
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...Engineering (IEB), 32 (1) (2004) 35-45 Fire hazard categorization and risk assessment for Dhaka city in GIS framework Md. Jobair B. Alam and George N. Baroi1 Department of Civil Engineering Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, Dhaka 1000, Bangladesh Received in final revised form 13 December 2003 Abstract Occurrence of fire incidences is a common phenomenon in Dhaka city, particularly in dry season. Fire break out in slums, garment factories and small manufacturing industries are regular news item during the season. Fire break outs cause loss of numerous lives and valuable properties in the city as well as other metropolitan areas of the country. With the increase of industrial establishments, mainly small industries, the number of fire incidences is increasing rapidly. Although there are a couple of fire stations in Dhaka City, an integrated framework of fire hazard management is non-existent. Such a framework, combined with information and communication system, has the potential to alleviate the damages and sufferings of the people. Also 'Fire hazard categorization' is vital for emergency planning in order to minimize loss of lives and property. Geocoded records of fire incidences and their characteristics help in understanding the spatial distribution of fire susceptibility and vulnerability as well as assist in the 'Allocation' and 'Mobilization' of dynamic resources. This paper presents an assessment of risk of fire hazards in Dhaka City in GIS framework...
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...lost through fire and collision. Shipboard fire alone, however, results in more total losses of ships than any other form of casualty. The most common causes of shipboard fire are: maintenance, burning and welding are responsible for nearly 40 percent of all outbreaks. Smoking leads to countless fires that break out when no one expects. Lack of attention, spontaneous combustion and electrical faults are the major causes. The engine room is at special risk from flashbacks in oilfired boilers, leaky pipings carrying oil, overheated bearings and even the accumulation of rubbish (oil rags, dirty oil, tins of oil, etc.). According to Mikhail Grigorevich Stavitskii 1983, if most shipboard fires can be prevented, then who is responsible for preventing them? The answer is that fire prevention is the shared duty of each and every member of the crew. No fire prevention effort or program can be successful unless it involves everyone aboard ship. We have noted that every crewmember is responsible for the fire aboard ship. Similarly, every crewmember has a role in the ship's fire prevention program. Because attitude is so much a part of the fire prevention, it is also the most important part of the fire prevention program. So as with the Fire Figthing, if there is a fire aboard ship, everyone aboard ship must form the emergency response team. According to Lobo Gruppe, Oslo 1987, the emergency response team are consist of the following elements: Platform Manager, Chief Fire Officer, Team...
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...Management Planning Paper Artrina Towner University of Phoenix MGT/330 August 16, 2010 Don Driscoll Management Planning Paper Tyco International Ltd is a diversified, global company that provides vital products and services to customers in more than 60 countries. With more than 100,000 employees worldwide, Tyco is a leading provider of security products and services, fire protection and detection products and services, valves and controls, and other industrial products. Tyco vision is to be the customers’ first choice in every market they serve by exceeding commitments, providing new technology solutions, leveraging their diverse brands, driving operational excellence, and committing to the highest standards of business practices. Tyco strive to adhere to the highest standards of corporate governance by establishing processes and practices that promote and ensure integrity compliance and accountability. They understand and exceed their customers’ needs, wants and preference to provide greater value to their customers. Tyco focus on strategies to achieve organic growth targets and deploy cash for growth and creation. They build on the company reputation and image internally and externally while driving initiatives to ensure Tyco remains an employer of choice. Operational excellence implement best in class operating practices and leverage companywide opportunities and best practices. The financial strength and flexibility, ensures that revenue...
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...FACULTY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY XBTP4106 PROJECT: Case Study on the Occupational Safety and Health at SMK Senibong Construction Site, Lundu, Kuching, Sarawak Pau Chiong Hing Pusat Pelajaran Sarawak SUPERVISOR’S NAME: Tuan Haji Mahmood bin Long STUDENT’S PERSONAL DETAILS NAME : Pau Chiong Hing MATRIX. NO : 570416135561001 ADDRESS : 116 , Taman Siang, 95000 Sri Aman, Sarawak. PHONE : 019-8986891(H/P) 083-322961(R) EMAIL : pauch@oum.edu.my OCCUPATION : Site Safety Supervisor SPONSOR (IF ANY) : nil PROJECT TITLE : Case Study on the Occupational Safety and Health at SMK Senibong Construction Site, Lundu, Sarawak Table of Contents Page Acknowledgement i Declaration ii Abstract iii 1. Introduction 2.1 Research Background 1 2.2 Problem Statement 2 2.3 Objective of Study 3 2.4 Historical Perspective of Occupational Safety and Health in Malaysia 3 2. Literature Review 2.1 Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) 1994 7 2.2 Letter of Appointment of Contractor 10 2.3 Safety Manual of PN Construction Sdn Bhd 11 2.4 Organization Chart of Safety and Health Committee 13 2.5 Safety Statistic for SMK Senibong Project for year 2013 14 2.6 Occupational Safety and Health Issues in Construction 15 3. Research Methodology 3.1 Desktop Review 17 3.1.1 What is Tool-box Talk 21 3...
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...RISK MANAGEMENT – AN AREA OF KNOWLEDGE FOR ALL ENGINEERS A Discussion Paper By: Paul R. Amyotte, P.Eng.1 & Douglas J. McCutcheon, P.Eng.2 Chemical Engineering Program Department of Process Engineering & Applied Science Dalhousie University Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada B3J 2X4 2 1 Industrial Safety & Loss Management Program Faculty of Engineering University of Alberta Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6G 2G6 Prepared For: The Research Committee of the Canadian Council of Professional Engineers October 2006 SUMMARY The purpose of this paper is to “seed” the discussion by the Research Committee of the Canadian Council of Professional Engineers (CCPE) on the topic of risk management. The paper is in part a research paper and in its entirety a position paper. As can be inferred from the title, the authors hold the firm opinion that risk management is an area of knowledge with which all engineers should have familiarity and a level of competence according to their scope of practice. The paper first makes the distinction between hazard and risk. The two terms are often used interchangeably when in fact they are quite different. A hazard is a chemical or physical condition that has the potential to cause harm or damage to people, environment, assets or production. Risk, on the other hand, is the possibility or chance of harm arising from a hazard; risk is a function of probability and severity of consequences. A description of the process of risk management is then given....
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...Laboratory biosafety manual Third edition World Health Organization Geneva 2004 WHO Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data World Health Organization. Laboratory biosafety manual. – 3rd ed. 1.Containment of biohazards - methods 2.Laboratories - standards 3.Laboratory infection - prevention and control 4.Manuals I.Title. ISBN 92 4 154650 6 (LC/NLM classification: QY 25) WHO/CDS/CSR/LYO/2004.11 This publication was supported by Grant/Cooperative Agreement Number U50/CCU012445-08 from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Atlanta, GA, USA. Its contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of the CDC. © World Health Organization 2004 All rights reserved. Publications of the World Health Organization can be obtained from Marketing and Dissemination, World Health Organization, 20 Avenue Appia, 1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland (tel: +41 22 791 2476; fax: +41 22 791 4857; email: bookorders@who.int). Requests for permission to reproduce or translate WHO publications – whether for sale or for noncommercial distribution – should be addressed to Publications, at the above address (fax: +41 22 791 4806; email: permissions@who.int). The designations employed and the presentation of the material in this publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the World Health Organization concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning...
Words: 50038 - Pages: 201
............... 2 How do you Use this Module ............................................................................................... 3 LESSON 1 – Use and Maintenance of Cleaning Tools and Equipment............ 4 - 25 LESSON 2 - Practice Occupational Health and Safety Procedures ................ 26 - 61 LESSON 3 – Maintain an Effective Relationship with Clients/Customers ..... 62 - 89 Answer Keys ................................................................................................................ 90 - 95 Acknowledgment ............................................................................................................... 96 HOUSEHOLD SERVICES K to 12 – Technology and Livelihood Education 1 What Is This Module About? Welcome to the world of Household Services! This Module is an exploratory and introductory course on Household Services which leads you to Household Services National Certificate Level II ( NC II)1. It cover 3 common competencies in Household Services that a Grade 7/Grade 8 Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE) students like you ought to possess, namely: 1) Use and maintenance of cleaning tools/equipment; 2) Practice occupational health and safety procedures; 3) Maintain an effective relationship with clients/customers; and These 3 common competencies are covered separately in 4 Lessons. As shown below, each Lesson is directed to the attainment of one or two learning outcomes: Lesson 1 – Competency : Use and maintenance...
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...SUBMISSION OF FINAL RESEARCH REPORT University of Wisconsin-Stout The graduate School The accompanying research report was submitted to the Graduate School, University of Wisconsin-Stout, as partial completion of the requirements for the degree, M.S. in Risk Control. I understand that this report must be officially accepted by the Graduate School which will then forward it to the Library Learning Center, where it will be placed on microform or other electronic storage and made available as any other published document including placement on the Library Web Page. I attest that the research report is my original work, and that any copyrightable materials have been used with the permission of the original authors, and as such, it is automatically protected by the laws, rules, and regulations of the U.S. Copyright Office. TITLE OF REPORT IDENTIFICATION OF POSSIBLE HUMAN ERRORS THAT CAN RESULT IN FIRES/EXPLOSIONS DURING TANKERS' CARGO LOADING/UNLOADING OPERATIONS AT THE XYZ MARINE PETROLEUM TERMINAL SIGNATURE __________________________________DATE ________ PERMANENT ADDRESS 2721 Harvey Dr. Apartment #1. Menomonie, WI 54751, USA TELEPHONE # 715-235-4730 (This section to be completed by the graduate School) This final research report was submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the above stated degree on this date, and has been accepted by the Graduate School and is now ready for transmittal to the Library Learning Center for placement on microform or other storage...
Words: 15534 - Pages: 63
...Temperature Controlled Electric Fan (TCEF) Applied Science A Research Paper Presented to CAVITE NATIONAL SCIENCE HIGH SCHOOL (Regional Science High School- REGION IV A) Maragondon, Cavite In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements in Research 2 by JOSHUA EZEQUIEL O. ICARO IV-FLUORINE MARCH 2012 Research Plan Materials and Equipments Making the circuit diagram will be the first step. A temperature sensor will be obtained from Raon, Manila and the other components will be obtained from V&R Electronic Shop at Naic , Cavite. The components will be the capacitors, diode, potentiometer, transistors, resistors,PCB and other materials that will be used in making the product. General Procedure A circuit diagram will be retrieved in the net and then the PCB that will be obtained at V&R Electronic Shop will be place on that board. The making of PCB will be done by using a masking tape. After that, the PCB with the correct formation of tape will be etched. The researcher will use a FeCl solution that will dissolve the copper on the board.Next, the soldering of the components on the board will be done. Another PCB will be used for the circuit 2 or the circuit with the relays or the switch of the circuit from the microcontroller.The process on preparing the PCB is the same done on the first PCB.The components on the circuit 2 will also be soldered. After that, the microntroller will be connected to circuit...
Words: 5110 - Pages: 21
...Materials 9 11. Drawings and Technical Details 9 12. Operation and Maintenance Manual and Spare Parts Books 10 13. Access of E.R to the Works 10 14. Handover at the end of the Contract Period 10 15. Schedule of Rates 11 16. Certificate for Non Compliances 11 17. Health, Safety and Environmental Management 11 - 13 18. Building audit 13 19. Service level agreement and performance measurement 14 20. Documentation 20 1.0 GENERAL 1.1 The Contractor shall carry out the management, operation and maintenance of non-comprehensive maintenance of the Services as detailed in the Scope of Works below and in the Technical Specification of the tender document incorporating the specifications for the respective services for the Biotechnology Park in Nusajaya, Wilayah Iskandar, Johor Bharu, Johor. 2.0 SCOPE OF WORKS 2.1 The Contractor shall liaise with the relevant authorities, utilities and licensees, and supply all materials, equipment, plants, competent personnel and labor and perform all the management, operation and non-comprehensive maintenance of the Services, as detailed in the Specification and Summary of Tender i. The Contractor shall be fully responsible for the Safety of all equipment located at the site. Any loss or damage of equipment due to theft,...
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...HISTORY OF BAKING On today’s market there is a never ending variety of the most delicious sweets and pastries to please both the palate and the eyes. We have become so used to this diverse range of bread, mouth watering pastries and cakes that seldom we ask just how they come into existence. I guess my initial interest in the origin of the baking industry was not aroused by accident; rather I suspect it was kindled by a chain of events occurring earlier in my life... My Grandfather owned a small hotel and bakery in Switzerland and when he retired my father who was an excellent pastry cook continued the business. As a small child I spent many hours watching my dad at work and later followed in his footsteps almost as a matter of course. Then again, I have a suspicion that it may have been “fate-by-design” that made me take up pastry-cooking. The question still remains, was my career pre-determined by the fact that my grandfather had thousands of letterheads printed for his bakery which included his name? The prospect of a hefty quantity discount would no doubt have made perfect sense to my frugal fore bearer; it must have been so much cheaper getting all this printing done in a big way. Grandfather should have realised (and I suspect that he might have) that there was not the slightest chance that any one generation could ever use up this huge mountain of stationery. Granddad’s first name “Fritz” was also my father’s first name and when I was born there was never any question...
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