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Intentional Liability Company: My Web Wholesalers

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Every so often, online scams occur in shopping from uncertified vendor retailers that lead to fraudulent purchases and misrepresentation on an item. The buyer will not know that the item does not match the description until it arrives. If the seller does not have a return policy or respond to the buyers' emails in a timely manner then chances are it was a scam. Although each state has their own laws to abide to, the company, Blimka, should have reviewed the state laws before purchasing merchandise in large quantity. Intentional fraudulent activity of one company to another is not illegal, it is completely up to the buyer to check and see if the website is real or not. Nowadays most companies’ websites have some type certificate at the bottom that will let you know that it's a real website. …show more content…
Bilmka sent My Web Wholesalers, LLC the money before the shipment arrived. When the shipment arrived Bilmka did not receive all of the 26,500 pair of jeans they ordered. They only received 16,000 out of the 26,500 pair of jeans. Bilmka called My Web Wholesalers, LLC to complain about the quality of the product, packaging, and shipment that they were guaranteed, but did not receive. Bilmka rejected the goods and immediately filed a lawsuit against My Web and DePalma for fraud, breach of implied warranty of merchantability, and breach of express warranty. The defendants My Web and DePalma filed for a special appearance and a motion for relief stating that it was voided for want of personal jurisdiction. The two defendants did not win the file for special appearance and motion for relief. The district court denied them both filings and the two defendants

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