The document Essence of Care (2010) published by the Department of Health addresses twelve fundamentals, which are important guide lines in providing holistic care for the patient admitted in this ward.. Food and drink is one such area, which is the focus of my service improvement initiative. The change I propose was to introduce different colour lids for the water jugs to indicate fresh water is being provided twice a day in the ward where I was under going my recent placement.
This ward caters “step down” patients who are initially admitted to cardiac care unite, thus involvement of multidisciplinary team and interprofessional working is essential.
The paper ‘Making a Difference’ Department of Health (1999) suggests that ‘effective care is the product of interprofessional working. Professionals working in collaboration provide care which is designed to meet the needs of the patient’
I shall use a model of reflection in order to describe the proposed change I have suggested. Reid (1993) suggests ‘that reflective practice is potentially is both, a way of learning and a mode of survival and development once formal education ceases’.
I have chosen Gibbs model (1988) of reflection as it incorporates the following: description, feelings, evaluation, analysis, conclusion and an action plan thus Gibbs’ reflective cycle encourages me to think systematically about the phases of an experience and therefore I shall use all the headings to structure my reflection.
Discussion under the sub-heading ‘analysis’ will include the process involved in proposing the change in the light of the PDSA cycle (see Appendix 2 ). A conclusion to the essay will then be given which will discuss the knowledge underpinning the reason for the change. I have also worked out a SWOT analysis and included service improvement activity notification form (see