...many reasons why our justice system cannot always protect us, so people are looking for other ways to stay safe. A gun is still a weapon, most would want to possess a gun in order to feel safer, everyone is aware of accidents when innocent people get hurt unintentionally. More people support the idea for complicating the procedure for getting a gun. Some might say that it is not the gun that kills people, but the person themselves. People who hold the gun are in control of lives at stake. It is ultimately up to them what leads to a frightful action. For example, you are walking back to your car and someone comes up to you and points a gun to your face. You do not know whether it is loaded or not so you give them everything you have that they would want. We need to take larger measures to reduce the amount of guns that are possessed; otherwise it can lead to a greater number of tragedies. Legislators created gun control laws that were meant for criminals. It goes without saying that criminals do not follow the laws. Criminals are very up-to-date with the laws that they intentionally...
Words: 1600 - Pages: 7
...Have you ever thought what life would be like without guns? Whether you’re for or against gun control, we’re all going to figure that out if something doesn’t change. Sure, some say that guns do so many horrible things, but in reality, if we enact stricter gun laws, things would only get worse. We need to protect our 2nd amendment right, because taking away our guns will not decrease violence, lessens our ability to defend ourselves, and will not prevent suicide. What would happen if there were no guns? Would crime rates increase or decrease? Would we live in a better country? The answer to these questions issimple. There would be more criminals on the streets, crime rates would increase, and our country would be in worse shape than it already is. Statistics show that countries with some of the most strict gun control such as Mexico and China have more homicides than the United States. Mexico and China are in the top 12 while the US falls farther down on the list (Kiprop and Crime). Gun ownership in the U.S. has increased and homicide rates have decreased....
Words: 674 - Pages: 3
...Gun control is a rising topic in the United States. But a necessary thing people say that we need back round checks to keep the streets safe but as necessary as they are we need to get rid of them. My individual rights state that I can own a gun. The constitution states that “the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.” That means that I can own that AR-15 or that 30-06 rifle. If I am not allowed to buy then you are infringing on that right. Owning a gun and having multiple people own them affects the common good by deterring according to Procon it says “The police cannot protect everyone all of the time… The police cannot protect everyone all of the time.” If the police can’t protect everybody then what about the...
Words: 580 - Pages: 3
...Argument Paper The law requires personal investigations just for weapons sold by governmentally authorized gun merchants (FFLs), permitting those not “occupied with the business” of managing guns to do as such without directing individual verifications or keeping up any records of offer. There should be mental background checks on those who want to own a gun. Mental background checks on owning a gun would help slow down the amount of violence. 3.7 percent of the general US population executes one or more vicious acts every year, and the lifetime pervasiveness of forceful conduct in the group may be as high as 24 percent (WorkThreatGroup).According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) , 17,357 manslaughters happened in 2004, making it the...
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...Gun control, one of the most controversial and pressing topics that are being discussed during the presidential campaign. Every candidate believes that they have an answer, liberal that push for increased gun control, to conservatives that believe that lessening gun restrictions on the answer. Two candidates that I believe have well-developed solutions to this issue are Democrat, Senator Bernie Sanders, and Republican, Ted Cruz. After researching and comparing the supposed plan of action of each of these candidates, I believe that Bernie Sanders has the most thoughtful and effective plan to deal with the issue of gun control. To begin, Senator Bernie Sanders shares the opinion of most democrats, that restrictions on purchasing and registering gun should...
Words: 1323 - Pages: 6
...firearm, many laws are passed to restrict and control the use of guns. The government implements such laws to reduce the rate of manslaughters and murders. However, many people believe that recent restrictions on guns use or gun possession are not very effective in controlling the rate of murders because there are many cases of adult and children being victims of guns violence or gun accidents. People want laws that are more restrictive on gun carriers in order to secure their lives and the lives of...
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...Throughout the history of the United States, the issue on gun control has been an intense debate. Adam Lankford, a University of Alabama criminologist, conducted a survey in 2007 which unearthed an astonishing “ownership rate of 88.8 firearms per 100 people”. With over 3/4 of the United States population owning guns, most would think that the owners would treat their weapons with respect; however, the national average of gun-related deaths in 2009 was 10.2 deaths per 100,000 people (“Gun Control Issues, Public Health, and Safety”). Seeming like a small number to most, if the numbers are calculated using the countries prior population in 2009 of 308 million people, there would be about 31,416 deaths each year. Slowly swelling over the years,...
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...10th century(Jeff Harder, ND). These Lances were used primarily during war. Hardly a sporting weapon, I believe firmly that the original use of firearms was for war. After years of development and refining cannons and eventually guns like those around today were developed. Recent studies conducted by the National Rifle Association reveal that most modern firearms are purchased with self-defense in mind(statistic brain, 2016). There has never been a more important time to ramp up your personal and family self-defense. The United States is at war with extremist groups, Gangs, and even your neighborhood local thugs. I think, not only is it human nature to solve a problem that has already caused a disaster, but to prevent such disasters from occurring. A study involving crime shows that firearms have prevented an estimated amount of 400,000 crimes a year that could have resulted in the loss of life in the United States alone(statistic brain, N.D.). That is more than a thousand life-threatening crimes a day. This compared to the roughly 35 Americans in 2015 that were killed a day from Homicides, and accidental shootings(Mascia, Jennifer, 2015). In my opinion, the pros of owning and maintaining firearms greatly outweigh the cons. Pros and cons of gun ownership aside, it should be an individual's decision whether or not owning a firearm is right for them. By allowing the government to regulate and attempting to remove freedoms of this great nation that were intended for us by...
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...concerts. I know that most people will do the same by following the laws. I’m against gun control laws because of the second Amendment, the ‘black market’, and gun control didn’t work in other countries. The Second Amendment protects my right to own a gun. It’s just like my First Amendment with freedom of speech. It's a given right to everyone. Some people misuse the right of guns just like the right of free speech. If the United States creates more limitations, the citizens are going to be more agitated, causing in more crimes involving guns. I would rather have the same laws and strictly enforce them. For example, the United States has a law forbidding shipment of firearms. Though companies, like Amazon, can get liensnc to ship firearms through mail. Citizens cannot ship firearms to other people if it doesn’t follow a strict list of rules and guidelines. Some of the rules are not labeling the box as a firearm, separate shipping boxes for ammo and gun, and handguns cannot be shipped....
Words: 535 - Pages: 3
...to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed” 2nd amendment. Having guns taken away from law abiding citizens is a violation the second amendment. There is no reason that you should punish the citizens that do the right things to keep their only defenses. Gun control violates a U.S. citizen right, this will get rid of one of the amendments that the Founding Father and the military are dying for. Guns don’t kill people, people kill people. As the daily best states "we don't have a gun problem we have a people problem." No matter what restriction we put on guns bad people are going to get other ways to kill people and we can stop it. This enforces the people kill people. Also stated by the Daily Best " guns them selves are a neutral object that become a problem only when in the hands of a bad person". This is the strongest way to enforce the idea that guns don’t kill people. People kill people because guns are neutral objects and will be dangerous in the hand of the wrong person....
Words: 675 - Pages: 3
...The new president should really take a look into the subject of gun control because more than 80 percent of shootings happen with guns that were purchased legally from multiple countries. Most people use guns for bad,hurtful,or destructive purposes like robberies and shootings. I think it's an issue because people lives are at risk because of guns and firearms. I am going to support a few reasons why this topic is very important. My first sub topic on why this gun control is important is because of people get killed by guns and that makes many people angry,mad and wanna get revenge which cause more people to die.To about 73,6 percent of people in usa think guns can be very useful. Some might say there right but facts show...
Words: 546 - Pages: 3
...Opponents to gun control laws and regulations showcase that they think it is fundamentally acceptable to murder their fellow neighbors and American citizens. Don’t get me wrong, the right to bear arms creates a sense of security for those who need it, but when mass shootings happen regularly, well, problems are inevitable. The problem however, is not the gun; rather, it’s the government that does not do enough to protect its citizens from those unwilling to change their dated beliefs. By dated beliefs, I mean the support of a 200-year-old Constitution giving the right to bear arms. For years, the gun has been a symbol of the American man, a man who fights to protect his family, his business, and himself. In the popular 1960’s western film The Man Who Shot Liberty Valence, guns have a prominent role in the film; the major conflict circulates the shot that killed the villain. But when did the western thrill turn into one of the largest problems America faces? When, in recent years, an estimated 283 million guns in the hands of Americans kill over 30,000 people. According to Gun Violence Archive, in 2015 there have been over 280 mass shootings in the “Land of the Free”....
Words: 569 - Pages: 3
...able to be armed, due to gun control laws, the outcome would be detrimental. If severe gun control was actually enforced, as a society we would see crime rates increase, and our idea that school shootings would stop would be found out to be false. Many people argue over gun control, but do they truly know what it is? Gun control refers to laws or policies that are put in place to regulate the overall market with guns, including the ownership of them. This is something that has been of debate...
Words: 1289 - Pages: 6
...Guns are a weapon designed with a sole purpose to kill. Would you want such a powerful weapon to be in the hands of a person with a mental illness? According to the Gun Violence Archive, in the United States 1,017 children under the age of 18 have been killed or injured by firearms already this year. If gun control was stricter, less people would have unnecessary access to firearms and the number of gun-related crimes would dramatically decrease. Many crimes having to do with guns start with a gun being in the hands of a child, criminal, a person with a history of assaultive behavior, or someone with a mental disorder. If the laws applicable to guns and gun sales were tougher, there would be fewer of these people having access to firearms. Lois...
Words: 580 - Pages: 3
...Picture this: your wife, your child, and yourself are asleep in your room and you hear a noise downstairs. You instantly wake up to grab your gun, but the current gun control laws do not allow you to buy one because you went to a juvenile detention center for protecting your mother against your drunk father when you were a teenager. So, you grab your baseball bat and walk downstairs to see an intruder taking your television. You tell him to stop and he pulls out a pistol and threatens to shoot you, so you let hi m take it. Gun control is a group of bills and guidelines that manages how guns are produced, sold, bought, and used by the citizens. While a large number of people have been injured or abused by guns, gun control should not be considered because gun control is...
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