...Vaccination is Critical to the Health of Civilization One of the greatest achievements of modern medicine has been the development of vaccinations to prevent the spread of communicable diseases. This innovation has greatly improved the quality of life in modern civilization, and has nearly eradicated many deadly diseases. Children are vaccinated to prevent many illnesses in their early years and these vaccinations are carried out according to a set schedule through a child’s physician. These immunizations are a requirement for entrance to public school. This requirement is in place as a safe guard to protect the population from outbreak. There are many reasons for which parents are hesitant to vaccinate their child. Although there are some reasons that parents have for resisting...
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...legalizing it and therefore taking away the drug cartels number one source of income. The U.S. Office of National Drug Control Policy ... says that more than 60 percent of the profits reaped by Mexican drug lords are derived from the exportation and sale of cannabis to the American market (Armentano2). It is ridiculous to think that the United States can put out a statistic like this and ignore the fact that if they legalized the drug there would be less violence because there would be no point for Mexican drug cartels to try and smuggle the drug into the U.S. In the article “Blame Prohibition, Not Pot Smokers for Violence in Mexico”, published by AlterNet.org, Tony Newman tells us how the people who run the “Just Say No” campaign against drugs have a new scheme in which they plan to blame people who smoke pot for the violence in Mexico. They are hoping to stop younger people from smoking marijuana if they associate it with the murder of people by the drug cartels in Mexico. There are a few problems with these campaigns: They are inaccurate in some cases, and downright dishonest in others.Office of National Drug Control Policy It is disingenuous to connect the average American's marijuana consumption to the horrific violence of Mexico's drug war. The average pot smoker's growing and purchasing of marijuana has no relationship to the violence along the border that is the result of large-scale drug trafficking. It isn’t hard to understand that the legalization of marijuana...
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...Position Paper Khadijah Shabazz CNSL 5203 Dr. Sampson Prairie View A&M University 9/20/2015 The legalization of drugs is one of the most controversial and debated topics of the 21st century. There are both negative and positive reasons to legalize them as well as negative and positive reasons to keep them prohibited. According to LEAP, Law Enforcement Against Prohibition, drug prohibition is the true cause of much of the social and personal damage that has historically been attributed to drug use. It is prohibition that makes these drugs so valuable – while giving criminals a monopoly over their supply ("Why Legalize Drugs? | LEAP").LEAP goes on to say that criminal gangs are driven by the huge profits from this monopoly, criminal gangs bribe and kill each other, law enforcers, and children and as such their trade is unregulated and they are, therefore, beyond our control ("Why Legalize Drugs? | LEAP"). It is LEAP’s belief that by eliminating prohibition of all drugs for adults and establishing appropriate regulation and standards for distribution and use, law enforcement could focus more on crimes of violence, such as rape, aggravated assault, child abuse and murder, making our communities much safer ("Why Legalize Drugs? | LEAP"). Another positive aspect of the legalization of drugs is financial gains. According to the International Business Times in a study for the Cato Institute, Jeffrey A. Miron, senior lecturer on economics at Harvard University and a senior...
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... But there have always been varying ulterior motives. According to Baylor University Professor of Sociology, Dr. Diana Kendall, the Marijuana Tax Act of 1937 was passed solely to criminalize marijuana by taxing it; this would dissuade migrant Mexican workers who smoked marijuana to seek employment elsewhere and not take jobs from U.S. citizens as the country struggled during the Great Depression (Kendall, 2010). Last year, voters in Colorado and Washington State approved legislation that supported the commercial growth, sale, possession and use of recreational marijuana. In response, United States Department of Justice, Deputy Attorney General James Cole, promulgated policy that established the posture for enforcing marijuana laws against people or organizations to that: Distribution of marijuana to minors; revenue from the sale of marijuana from going to criminal enterprises, gangs and cartels; the diversion of marijuana from states where it is legal under state law in some...
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...Global Politics: The feasibility of universal drug liberalization as an emerging phenomenon RWaterhouse Globalization & The War on Drugs: Assessing alternatives to criminalization The purpose of this paper is to address universal drug liberalization as a feasible alternative to the current drug control regime specifically in North America and potentially applicable elsewhere. With an in depth analysis of the historical regulation, implementation of law, and resulting consequences we will be able to see how nations are effected by complex drug politics and why there has been a global paradigm shift in looking spiritedly at the ideal of decriminalization. I argue in favor of liberalization by bringing to attention the violence associated with the commodification of illegal drugs, what the re-directed costs of control could mean for domestic investment into proactive drug awareness education, and finally recognizing Portugal’s success and weaknesses in the adoption of a compete legalization agenda. Following will be a discussion of concluding thoughts centered on the efficacy and feasibility of universal liberalization in today’s globalized world. Historical Context Libertarianism has almost always had position in political discourse but has been majorly popularized through public attention within the era of globalization. (article) Control of drug consumption has always been a contemporary ingredient in the political reform of Canada and the America’s and...
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...The so-called “War on Drugs,” as declared by the Nixon administration in the signing of the Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act of 1970, marked the beginning of the current era of mandatory minimum sentencing, racism, privatized prisons, and a powerful constituency that profits as a result of the prohibition of drugs. Psychoactive substances have been apart of the human experience as long as humans have walked the earth. There is little hope that drug production will ever be curtailed, so long as there is a demand; a demand that has remained steady even though it has been forty years since the beginning of said war. As Judge James P. Gray from the Superior Court of Orange County has so plainly put it: “Where did this policy come from? Unfortunately I have conducted an inquiry into this and I have determined that drug prohibition laws came for reasons of racism, empire building, and ignorance.”(Booth) The War on Drugs is politically motivated as a means of profiting. One may ask them self how government can financially benefit from such policies. In fact, they benefit in a myriad of ways. The government spends an exorbitant amount of money in an attempt to combat drug production and drug usage. The U.S. government has spent over a trillion—that’s right a trillion—dollars in its attempt to eradicate the drug problem. With so much time, effort and money there should be something to show, right? Wrong. Today drugs are more prevalent, more potent and cheaper than...
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...Science has come a long way in the world we live in. From not having medicines to having many different forms, from large amounts of the human population being lost to sickness to that sickness being avoided. The use of vaccinations is one way in which medical science has come a long way. Vaccines are used to try to provide an immunity against diseases and to act as an antigen. Vaccines are responsible for many successes such as the decrease in diseases such as Polio, however vaccines are also responsible for failures and cause much protest within our communities. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) recommends getting 28 doses of 10 vaccines for kids aged 0 to six (“Should Any Vaccines”). However, No US federal laws exist that makes vaccinations...
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... A controversial topic that is currently being considered is the application of an early HPV vaccination in younger girls and boys. This sensitive subject has ethical implications and valid points can be argued both for and against the concept. Individuals that are for early vaccination hold that the vaccine prevents transmission of HPV, decreases chances of developing future complications, and is more cost effective in the long run. Individuals that take a stand against early vaccination will say the vaccine promotes risky sexual behavior, is not safe, takes away from parent’s autonomy, and is not cost effective in the immediate period. The following information will give insight to both sides of the argument and a personal stance on the issue. The first example in support of early vaccination is the prevention of transmission of human papilloma virus (HPV). There are symptoms that can occur as a result of having an HPV infection. Gardasil is found to be successful in preventing HPV infections from types 6, 11, 16, and 18 (Donahou, 2013). A benefit of the HPV vaccine is the provision that there is use of accepted medical technology that will prevent serious diseases when possible and minimize pain and suffering (Donahou, 2013). Vaccinating both young girls and boys is found to reduce HPV transmission (Chen, Shepherd, & Becker, 2012). White states “this vaccination may help prevent the spread of genital warts in both sexes in addition to the cancer prevention...
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...Professor Perez ENGL102 8 November 2015 The Anti-Vaccination Movement Over the last 30 years, the number of vaccine-preventable diseases has increased substantially. This is due to a rising number of “anti-vaxxers” spreading misinformation “that vaccines are actually ineffective, useless, or even dangerous” (Kata 3778). The internet and other forms of mass media have steered parents to believe these claims and it has had devastating results. It has been proven by scientists for hundreds of years that the use of vaccinations greatly outweighs the risk of not getting them. The research shows that the claim that vaccines cause autism or any other disease cannot be substantiated by any scientific evidence and therefore, should not be entertained under any circumstances. The background of the anti-vaccination movement is an old one. The United Kingdom’s Vaccination Act of 1853 is a good example of this. The act required parents to vaccinate their children for small pox at three months or risk life in prison. This is a harsh punishment for the parents, but considering the millions of deaths that small pox has caused world-wide, lawmakers at the time considered it a just penalty. “The anti-vaccination movement experienced a steady decline from the turn of the century up to the 1970's” (Kasarda 548). After the 1970’s there was a resurgence in the anti-vaccination movement. This is due to research from a group of authors working at London Hospital. “M. Kulenkampf, J.S. Schwartzman...
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...Should Vaccinations be Made Mandatory for Children? Throughout history, there have been many deadly diseases and viruses that have plagued humanity, killing thousands - even millions. Since vaccination techniques and practices started appearing during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, diseases such as smallpox, polio, and yellow fever have nearly been wiped out, proving that vaccinations are effective in preventing the spread of disease and virus. Smallpox has been officially eradicated, and polio cases have decreased by over 99% since 1989 (World Health Organization, 2015). In the United States, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) recommends getting 28 doses of 10 vaccines for kids aged 0 to 6, however, there are currently no federal laws that mandate vaccination for all children (CDC, 2015). Immunizations keep our children safe, healthy, and most importantly, alive. Despite the high success rate and plethora of benefits of immunization, not everyone is on board. Though there is high pressure for children to be vaccinated, and all 50 states...
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...Shannon Shull 1 Writing assignment 1 9-9-13 A Philosophical Argument on Forced Vaccines “A Philosophical Argument on Forced Vaccines” is an article written for infowars.com by a man named John Burke. Burke published this article on July 16, 2009, arguing that the medical field and doctors don’t always know what is best for anyone. He encourages the readers of this article to do their research about the good and the bad of the vaccines that the government makes them get. He is not writing to change their opinion on vaccinating their child; he just simply says there is a lot of research out there that most people don’t know The article was posted on www.infowars.com. Infowars homepage of Alex Jones, an American radio host, author, conspiracy theorist and documentary filmmaker. Jones has different articles published on his website that would make you believe that he is against the government and the requirements to vaccinate children. Burke’s audience seems to be geared towards those debating against if they should immunize their children. It all started when Burke was involved in a discussion with a friend about vaccines. The friend had a child who wasn’t up to date on their vaccines and the friend was debating on whether or not to get them. Without thinking about it Burke automatically was in favor of yes you should get the vaccines. After a few days Burke thought back on the conversation and was asking himself why he didn’t think more about the topic before...
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...Preventive care in the department of most pediatric care is a vital cornerstone, and vaccinations represent one of the most important strategies in the prevention of disease in children and infants. Due to the results of routine childhood immunizations, the reduction in mortality in the past century. Public concerns regarding the effects of vaccines has risen since the time of the first vaccination given by Dr. Edward Jenner in 1796. Many parents believe that their children were receiving too many vaccines and that these inoculations were weakening their immune systems. For years, the controversy stands, are immunizations hurting or helping our youth? In one single survey, nearly 25% of parents reported their impression that their children...
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...There are some parents against vaccinating their children as they believe harm can come from it. A. Some parents believe autism and vaccinations are linked together. 1. A couple years ago there was an article saying that vaccinations caused autism. 2. Pretty soon the paper was discredited and the scientific journal it was in redacted it. 3. Even though it was redacted and proven untrue parents still use this as an argument against vaccinating their children. B. Some parents believe their children should get ‘childhood diseases to prime their immune system against chronic diseases’ (Alaska). 1. This can hurt other children although. a. In 2008 an unvaccinated boy caught the measles in Switzerland and brought it back to the states. b. Everybody that came in contact with this boy or the places he was at had to be quarantined for a couple weeks. 2. When a parent doesn’t give their children vaccinations, they can cause serious and deadly outbreaks as with the case above. a. A woman whose son wasn’t old enough to get the vaccination got the measles. a. Her opinion about vaccinations was that, ‘[She thought] the battle starts when one person's choices affect other people. So when their child exposed all these other kids, [that's] a really big deal. And that's just really not being a responsible...
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...The requirement of vaccination of children in schools is a largely controversial topic. On one side there are the parents who believe vaccinations protect the vast majority of the population, presents no great risks, and does not infringe on constitutional rights; yet on the other side are the parents who believe vaccinations are harmful, present large risks, and infringe on legal rights. One reason that some parents are skeptical towards vaccines are the risks associated with getting them. The CDC claims that serious side-effects associated with vaccinations are rare, however mild side-effects such as headaches and soreness occur more often (CDC). For example, the DTaP shot can cause redness or swelling near the shot area for one out...
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...Health Reports, of the parents who delay or refuse vaccinations for their children 57% said their reason for not vaccinating their children was fear of autism (Levs 4). Since the speculation of a causal relationship of vaccinations and Autism began the world has seen some of the most threatening outbreaks of diseases that would have been preventable with the use of vaccines ("The End of the Vaccines Cause Autism Myth." 2). Is it the vaccines causing the problem, or the overprotective parents that are endangering their child and many other people’s children? Parents who do not trust science for vaccinations continue to trust science for other ways such as “to...
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