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Argumentative Essay: Eldercare And Taking Away The Keys

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Eldercare and Taking Away the Keys

The time may come when your senior loved one can no longer drive safely. While this may be apparent to you and those around them, your loved one may not believe this to be the case. Other times, they see the writing on the wall, but they just don't want to believe it. After all, in many parts of America, driving is equated with freedom and many seniors have been driving since their mid-teens, or younger.

The majority of cases where seniors need to turn in their keys are related to degenerative or progressive medical disorders that impact the ability to see, hear, or respond effectively to input. These include both physical ailments that limit flexibility and strength as well as cognitive disabilities such as dementia and Alzheimer's.

There is not a single age where a senior cannot or should not drive. Statistically, seniors over the age of 70 have an …show more content…
The good news is that there are things that can help.

In cities where excellent public transportation is available, driving is not seen as an essential skill. This can ease the burden of transition. For more difficult conversations, psychologists recommend avoiding painting with a broad stroke and instead providing specific examples of concern as well as specific advantages or alternatives.

For example, the advantages of walking or biking for seniors are plentiful. Many seniors can take advantage of these benefits since they no longer have strict work schedules to be followed. Walking and biking may not be as efficient as driving, but the extra health benefits, especially as they relate to their medical conditions, may be well worth it.

Many seniors will appreciate the immense savings that can be made by avoiding auto payments, insurance, maintenance, and parking fees. These savings can be spent traveling in luxury, taking a cruise, visiting the grandkids, and so

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