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Argumentative Essay: Is It Important To College?

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High school students, as well as their parents and teachers, believe acceptance into college is crucial for a successful future. We are taught from an early age that college is the gateway to a happy and beneficial life. Despite popular opinions, college admission is extremely stressful and expensive. Students are forcibly brainwashed into the idea that only through college can they advance their chosen career path. Choosing not to partake in it can diminish their reputation as well as obliterate any chance of getting a high paying job. A contradicting thought would be to believe that college helps students discover their passion, and in turn, advance it. However, this belief does not account for the heavy price attached to the enlightenment …show more content…
Students ensure their success by paying large sums of money for a diploma proving their worth. However, many students struggle with the costly tuition, and in turn, simply decide that advancing their education is not worth it. According to a 2011 national survey, many people who wish to attend college find that their “main barrier is financial.” (Source F) Those who do not continue their education believe attending a post-secondary school as well as supporting themselves or their family is too costly. In addition to the overbearing prices, colleges diminish creativity and force students to prepare for demeaning jobs that will hopefully pay enough to ensure a happy life. Students are “hustled off to college, then the cubicle, against their own inclinations and natural bents” (Source A) when they should be discovering their true potential. For the majority of their adolescent years, students memorize facts and calculate answers. When asked what their interests are, or what do they do for fun, many students find themselves lacking an appropriate response. Schools have brainwashed students into memorizing meaningless formulas and facts that are most likely non beneficial to their future aspirations. There is no correct answer or formula to support creativity; it occurs naturally. Schools are diminishing ingenuity by insisting that a diploma is more important than a student’s individual hidden

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