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English 101 Research Paper

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I was pretty nervous being a fairly new college student going into my second semester of college and taking my second English class. I had many different thoughts going through my mind of what to expect. I was apprehensive, but I was ready to take on the challenge. I knew that I needed to strengthen my English skills, and was hoping this class would help. It is okay if you are feeling nervous and scared, it’s normal. College is a very scary thing, especially if you feel you are not prepared for the courses. I feel as if English is one of my worst subjects because I have trouble comprehending and writing grammatically correct. I feel as if my high school English classes may have not prepared me enough for college. College English classes are not extremely hard if you stay on top of your work at all times. I did not have trouble writing my essays; however, I did have trouble when it came to proofreading my work. Now that I have successfully completed English 101 and 102 I feel that I have learned how to improve my writing skills, research skills, and I feel confident in any future writings. …show more content…
I chose to argue that cheerleading is a sport. This essay was the easiest for me because it was such a personal topic. Researching this topic was easy considering this is one of the most important aspects of my life. I had to turn in journals weekly with certain sections of the essay. This was very helpful as the professor would grade each one and highlight my mistakes. In turn I was able to understand what I did wrong. This essay helped me realize that the argument of cheerleading being a sport has been an issue for many years. I advise that you choose a topic that means a lot to you in order to argue an issue concerning that

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