Premium Essay

What Happened To Dr. Sasaki's Death?

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Pages 4
The morning sky is clear and sunny. People are up and out of there bed getting ready to go out or work. It was a nice day for people to be out and about getting the warmth for the sun. The characters from the story were doing their morning routines and helping out others. At around 7 o’clock the siren went off warning people that the american planes were passing by. The people of Hiroshima were so used to this that they didn’t do anything and just continued on with their morning like if it was a normal thing for them. A little after 8 o’clock the all clear sounded. The American planes had left. Suddenly there is a white flash. The bomb had touched the ground and peoples houses collapsed. There were fires starting everywhere and many people …show more content…
Sasaki had been walking was dead;Dr. Sasaki’s patient whom he had just left and who a few moments before had been dreadfully afraid of syphilis, was also dead.” Hershey described many deaths in the story of the people the six characters knew. He did this because it allowed people to understand that not just anyone died. It was parents, children, friends and family that had passed away in a matter of minutes and hours. Dr. Fujii had lost his hospital and he was being held in between two beams and was unable to move at first. Many of the people of Hiroshima were this kind of predicament or far worse. Some were stuck under there houses and weren’t able to get out. People would walk by them and they would scream for help only to come to the conclusion that no one was going to help them. There were many people with very harsh injuries and they could not get to a hospital for medical care and this cause for many people that could have survived to pass away. People were burned from the fire and they called and called for water since they were so thirsty. “Probably because of the strong odor of ionization, an ‘electric smell’ given off by the bomb’s fission.” The nauseated people blamed the bomb because of the “electric smell” that they were feeling sick and

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