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Narrative Arguement: The Secrets Of Military Births

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Narrative Arguement: The Secrets of Military Births
“Oh dear god, John I can’t do this!” I screamed while squeezing the cold metal railing attached to my hospital bed. Beads of sweat trickled down my neck and saturated my hair as I mimicked the breathing techniques for labor. My sister Aubrey, who flew in from Kentucky immediately hit the call button. “How long will it be until the anesthesiologist comes in?” The nurse’s replication was just one of the many reasons why I think military hospitals are one of the worst places to give birth. “Ma’am there’s five of you right now so it may take a while.” My husband immediately stood up and asked the nurse to step out into the hallway. I could hear the faint, vocal echo’s ricochet off the concrete …show more content…
We were stationed in what is commonly referred to by members of the military as the “sand-pit”. Once you get there it is like quicksand you get stuck and never leave. They supplied us with pamphlets at the beginning of our pregnancy so we could have a birthing plan. Only to literally make us deviate from everything we imagined it would be. A time that was meant to be a special one ended up being the scariest moments of my life. At 7:30 in the morning I was abruptly awoken by my water breaking. Luckily for me, my granny graciously sent the weirdest gifts such as those bizarre mattress pad coverings. Therefore, I didn’t ruin my bed when the flood gates opened to the Caspian Sea. I slowly sat up as if I were being lifted by a crane, to ascertain the moisture feeling I had felt wasn’t just a trickle and sure enough it was game time. Nervously I whispered over to my husband who happen to be sleeping peacefully as if he didn’t have a care in the world. “Babe, my water just broke.” Never in my life have I seen him arouse so expeditious. Excitedly jumping up and throwing the blankets off as if he were fighting a parachute consuming his entire being. Drowsily stammering while tossing clothes on to wear, “bags and camera” while I made my way to the bathroom to phone the on call staff at the

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