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Cosmological Argument: Scripture Debate

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Scripture Debate Script

I would like to start with the video you showed us about the cosmological argument, this video starts off very reasonably, explaining how something cannot come from nothing, this is currently true and most likely always will be, this I find is one of the only logical aspects of this video.

The video then moves on to the next point, did the universe begin, or has it always existed? It then immediately says that Atheists believe the universe has been here forever, this simply isn't true, all scientific atheists agree that the big bang happened, but there could easily had been previous universes before us, and could be future universes ahead of us. The video then shows the second law of thermodynamics, firstly, it completely …show more content…
It then assumes that since the universe has a cause, and the cause cannot be from the universe itself, it must be caused by God, firstly, we don’t know a thing about from before the big bang, so it is entirely possible that there were previous universes or some other theory, and yes it is still possible for God to exist, and secondly, if a God or Gods created the universe, this doesn't mean it was the God of the Bible, Yahweh. Also, running off this logic that everything requires a cause, why is god immune from this?

I would now like to address the other video you presented to us “The Moral Argument”, and I must say it is absolutely beautiful the way it instantly portrays Atheists as stupid. It then tries its best to explain subjective morality in the most illogical way possible, trying to make it seem as though that if morality is subjective, everyone would disagree on everything, which is clearly wrong, as it fails to explain how, from an evolutionary perspective, it benefits you to kill, or how society has built these morals because of common sense, societies that value cooperation tend to last longer than violent ones. These subjective morals were made into laws to help people because it keeps society together. The video then goes along and takes a quote by Richard Dawkins out of

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