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Hypocrisy Research Paper

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Throughout the years of human existence there has always been room for contradictions, but not anymore. Instead of harmless contradictions, half our population has in fact resulted to hypocrisy because of the lack of communication. I believe that contradictions are innocuous because without contradictions, people can’t discover their beliefs or morals and with hypocrisy people lose sight of their morals and beliefs, they say one thing and mean another. Hypocrisy and contradictions are similar but they have many differences.
Hypocrisy is the practice of claiming to have normal standards or beliefs to which one’s own behavior does not conform. That’s like someone saying “we should all love each other” but being a part of a hate group. On the other hand, a contradiction is a combination of statements, ideas, or features that are opposed to one another. Like someone saying they are active in their community, but forgetting to attend community functions. Contradictions can happen in minor circumstances, but …show more content…
Some people believe that Global warming is happening but they don’t take initiative to help, so they are contradicting their morals. A contradiction can be solved through communication. For example if we inform more people about global warming, we could make more of an impact in changing our world, On the other hand, hypocrisy has turned discussions of global climate change into a blame game where people say things like “Automobiles are causing our temperatures to rise,” but decide to buy a brand new truck knowing that cars and trucks emit carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases, which contributes to one-fifth of the United States total global warming pollution. This could have been stopped if it was a minor contradiction but not only do contradictions affect our environment, they affect our

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