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The Influence Of Soccer

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Soccer is the oldest and the most popular sport in the world. Soccer popularity is growing fast in the United States. Soccer is normally played on a grassy and rectangular field which consists of 11 players on each team. A soccer field is 100-120 feet long and 55-75 feet wide. A team will have 1 goalkeeper, 3-4 defenders, 4-5 midfielders, and 2-4 forwards. The goal is 8 feet times 8 yards with the ball size being a 5. To start any soccer game you need to have a kickoff in the middle of the field. Once you have kicked off, you try to score. A throw in can be taken by the team who did not make contact with the ball before it went out. A corner kick is taken when the ball goes past the goal line and was last touched by the defending team. When

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