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Why Students Should Not Be Allowed In High School

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We have a society that is based almost entirely in the future, always in preparation for the next step. High school to college, college to life, and life to retirement. Seldom do we as individuals think about the present, or "stop to smell the roses," as the old idiom puts it. We are already forced to live so far in the future, and now the idea is proposed to increase how far away we live. The anxieties and hesitance that come with college preparations made in high school may be spread to middle and elementary school students. High school students are barely capable of such a choice, and making them choose as children can only increase burnout and fear later. While the effort to better prepare students for their future is noble, applying the pressure to actual children would likely have a deleterious effect. …show more content…
On one hand, ten year olds would be expected to choose their path in life, despite the fact that many of them have difficulty choosing much more trivial things, such as which game to play during recess. Middle school and younger-aged children have not experienced near enough of the world to be making choices that affect their entire lives. On top of which, college tests such as the ACT or SAT are written for someone who has been through even or twelve years of schooling, and that amount of information cannot be condensed effectively into the mind of a sixth or seventh grader. Although having a plan for the future is important, expecting that level of preparation is too much to put on someone who has only seen a small corner of what the world

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