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Why Do Student Athletes Get Paid?

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Whoosh! The ball soars through the air and into the awaiting player’s hands. Crash! As the football players fight for the ball, a student falls unconscious to the floor. Doctors rush in and the sirens of the firefighters and police sirens whine from afar. A few moments later, one doctor reports, “This student has been abusing drugs.” This aforementioned scenario is just one reason why there needs to be more regulation on student athletes. In fact, student athletes should be drug tested before they are allowed to participate in a sport because it maintains the integrity of the game and minimizes the negative effects, and possible injuries, on children and teens. The first reason why student athletes should be drug tested before they are allowed to play is so that the integrity of the game may be maintained. This process also helps to eliminate the amount of cheating and allows the game to be played fairly. In this way, one or more students does not have a better advantage than others because they are taking drugs. In addition to this, high school is where students are getting scholarships. According to 14 year old Kristin Campbell from the article entitled “Test student …show more content…
Based on research from the magazine entitled “School Drug Tests: Are they Fair?”, drugs can affect student athletes both medically and physically. Some side effects include liver and kidney damage, heart disease, high blood pressure, halted bone growth, premature heart attacks, cancer, and etc. However, take note that these are only some of the ways that drugs can affect growing children and teens. In conclusion, the aforementioned section proves that in order to reduce the negative side effects that can affect the growth of children and teens, it is necessary to drug test student

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