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Personal Narrative: The Emergency Room

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In the fifteen years I have been alive, I’ve only been to the emergency room twice. I wasn’t a super adventurous little kid, so I had never broken a bone, tore a ligament or sprained anything. No cuts, no notable bruises… my medical history was pretty boring other than a root canal at five years old. My parents were quite pleased with this since it’d cost them money to take me. But of course, the day would come. And it did, on February nineteenth, 2012. It was possible that my fifth metatarsal or the pinky toe on my left foot was broken. We were forced to go to the emergency room since it was late and most of the local urgent cares had closed or sent their X-ray technicians home already.
I had tripped over nothing and I screamed for my parents. …show more content…
My parents didn’t want me to catch some rare disease to bring home and share. My name was called, my vitals were taken and I was wheeled into a room where the nurse helped me into the bed and gave me a heated blanket. I waited for a while until I was brought into an X-ray room. I remembered being pretty nervous, only hearing of X-rays in the sci-fi movies my parents liked to watch, so I feared it might hurt, but the technician was very kind and answered all of the questions I had before he began to snap photos. Five or six photos were taken of the …show more content…
It was in the ealy days of February 2018. This time, I had woken up with an excruciating pain above my upper gum. There was a lump and it was growing rapidly. The Teledoctor and Urgent care didn’t know what to do, and I was only prescribed basic antibiotics, and no painkillers. Around eleven p.m. that day, I was curled up in fetal position, rocking on the couch. My mom decided to take me to the emergency room then. The doctors prescribed antibiotics that would better help an infection in my mouth and made me schedule an emergency appointment with my dentist the soonest I

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