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Lord Ahumana


Submitted By buchall
Words 755
Pages 4
Name: Isies Gem Ferrer BC 11
Personal Narrative: Descriptive Essay
2nd Draft
God’s Love to my Mom
All of us have been in situations where we have to suffer and experienced painful happenings in Life. When I was a grade school I was so very close to my Mama. A Mamas Girl I am! Mama will the one picked me at School sometimes we hung out, we will go to market to Lee and bought some pairs of clothes. There is a time Mama bought pairs of clothes and shoes that ate and I are the same. Mama and I loved to play badminton and watch movie. Sometimes ate also joined with us but all the time she is busy at school. I loved also to play Teacher2x Mama will be my Teacher but in the same time she will truly taught me how to read, write. One morning when Mama busy preparing our breakfast I’ve noticed that she was so wicked. So before Papa drive me to School I run to the kitchen and I gave her a big Hug. When I got to school I run inside my Room. When the class is done I was very excited to see Mama will pick me. But I saw papa standing beside the door in our classroom. When I saw papa I feel little bit confuse. I asked papa where is mama? But he didn’t answer me. When papa was driving he is so quiet, but I keep on asking him. When we arrived at home papa told me to pick up some of my clothes. I asked again. Why? Papa replied were going to the Hospital. When I heard hospital my hearts beats fast I don’t know but I feel nervous. I asked him where is Mama and Nanang? But he didn’t answer me. But he’s teary eyes made me cried a lot. And he said your mama rushed to the Hospital when is finished cooking she was collapse. After papa told me what happened I cried a lot. When we arrived at the hospital Lala comforted me. After of a few hours of waiting the doctor went out of the Emergency

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