Premium Essay



Submitted By samueljohn01
Words 2268
Pages 10
Follow Jesus Wholeheartedly

Luke 18: 18-27 August 10, 2014

Have you ever started well and gave up half way? Began something, put your best foot forward, but, didn’t complete it?

I was a runner in high school. I ran various events, however, my primary race was the 800-meter. There were two of us in my high school who were pretty good at this particular race. During my senior year I was coming back from an injury and was very excited to begin the season after training throughout the fall and winter. I remember very vividly my first race of the year.

My teammate and I were both scheduled to run the 800. Prior to the race, I went over to my teammate and said, “here we go! Lets get first and second!” For some reason in my mind, I was thinking that he would be first and I would be second. We started the race and I immediately got right behind him. I trailed him the entire way. From the beginning of the race to the end of the race, I followed him. We ended up being #1 and #2 that day and I was #2.

I think back to that race today, all of the training, all of the effort and in the midst of that race, I didn’t give it my all. The gun fired and I was in the midst of the race, I didn’t have victory on my mind, I was willing to take 2nd. I was willing to run the perfect race until I got close to the finish line.

Have you ever started well and come up short? Stepped out in pursuit of God’s best, but didn’t complete it. Have you ever settled for less or given half of your heart?

This morning, I want to take a look at following Jesus wholeheartedly. In my walk and relationship with Jesus, there have been instances where I started well, almost perfectly, then fear, or doubt began to cause me to question. Questions such as, “Can I do it?, “Am I cut out for this?” or, “Do I truly want God’s best.”

Our all is required in

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