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Erika Case Analysis Paper

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Rule out diagnoses or differential diagnoses are diagnoses that appear to share similar symptoms as the one that is being used for the client. Erika’s diagnosis is PTSD. Differential diagnosis are any other trauma-and-stressor related disorders such as adjustment disorder, and acute stress disorder. Acute stress disorder is differentiated from PTSD due to Acute Stress Disorder has a duration of three days to one month. Anxiety disorders such General Anxiety Disorder, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Agoraphobia, Social Anxiety, and Specific Phobias can appear like some of the avoidant symptoms in PTSD, and the desire for things to be done in a certain order. OCD can appear like PTSD due to the presence of intrusive thoughts, but the thoughts usually are not due to a traumatic event and such is the same with any other anxiety disorder. Major Depression Disorder (MDD) can sometimes be diagnosed along with PTSD as the symptoms of PTSD may cause eventual depression but MDD lacks criterion C and D of PTSD. PTSD can also present like psychotic symptoms so differential diagnosis may be Schizophrenia, Bipolar Disorder, and …show more content…
During this time, the client is to be educated on the consent for services which includes her rights while being a consumer. The client would be informed that documents in session will remain confidential unless there is danger to self or others or she places a child, elderly person, or disabled person at risk for harm. The first session will be dedicated to building rapport with Erika and getting further understanding about her role functioning declines. In this session is when the biopsychosocial and clinical interview will be completed. The initial session will take around two hours to complete. During this time client will be doing breathing retraining techniques and that will be her assigned

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