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A Comparative Analysis on School Physical Plant & Facilities


Submitted By Jd07
Words 2909
Pages 12
(School Physical Plant and Facilities Management) GRPE311

(Manila Cathedral School and San Rafael Parochial School)

Introduction The school site must be suitable and adequate for its activities. School buildings are designed and constructed in conformity with the provisions of the Building Code. Facilities are appropriate and adequate to implement the philosophy, vision, mission, goals and objectives, and activities of the school. The physical environment, facilities and equipment support teaching and learning in all curricular offerings, delivery of services as well as optimal student development and achievement. School facilities are safe, clean, and well maintained for all faculty and students engaged in them. The school site and facilities are regularly inspected for effective operation and meet all applicable laws including health and safety code requirements. (DepEd ESC Re-certification Assessment Instrument PEAC-FAPE Secretariat 2010) In the first part of this analysis, the focus will be in more general terms of the school’s physical environment (plant and facilities) as shown in the succeeding tables, the format and the survey instrument will be a modification of the ESC School (Re-) Certification process tool basically designed to assess the extent of compliance with the DepEd Minimum Quality Standards as well as to evaluate the school’s characteristics, its qualitative traits of excellence, and its level of performance. This is a quality assurance tool aimed at building effective and high performing schools through continuous focused improvement efforts. Given the DepEd Minimum Quality Standards for duly recognized schools and the desirable characteristics of high performing schools in delivering quality education, this instrument attempts to

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