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Presidential Transfer Scholarship

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The education is the best allied to annihilate the ignorance and maintain active the human relations of the humanity. That is my perspective to see the life since my early infancy. I am from Mexico City, where my family was destiny to be poor and ignorant. I come from a family where education was a fairy tale, because the phrases that resonate in my family were if you work you eat, and going to school is a waste of time. I came from a dysfunctional family where my mother was abandoned with all her four children, and my father was an alcoholic, I never heard any word to inspiring me to go to school. Fortuitously, I never desist to achieve my educational dream to obtain a Bachelor Associate of further educational level. By coming to college has becoming my best allied to eradicate my ignorance and the ignorance of my future family generations. Unfortunately, I cannot eradicate it without financially assist. However, if I win the Presidential Transfer Scholarship my dream will become truth because, it will enhance me to achieve my goals, I will able to motivate my kids with my own example of success, and it will form me as a great leader that will impact the community. …show more content…
I am a person who fights against poverty and ignorance everyday by attending college to get educated. However, the lack of financial resources prevents me to continue with my educational endeavor. Many times I have to decide between to buy the food for my kids, buy a book, or pay my tuition. These are decisions that I have to take every semester; these choices break my heart when I have to decide between to buy a book, pay my tuition, or to buy food, clothes, or shoes for my

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