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Leadership Strategies In Criminal Investigations

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I am a 50-year-old has been. Growing up, athletics was always a major part of my life and I became fairly successful in that world. I am fairly competitive and aggressive about getting what I want, but I was never the biggest, strongest or fastest. I learned at an early age I had to rely on different ways to become successful satisfy my goals. I had to rely on out thinking and outmaneuvering my opponent in order to gain any type an advantage. This thought process has served me well in my law-enforcement career, and specifically enabled me to become fairly successful in my twenty year conducting all types of criminal investigations. As I reflect on how I interact and motivate those people who work for me, I realize these of the same type strategies …show more content…
Colin Powell describing a lesson he learned at the beginning of his military career from an old Sgt. about leadership, and how is still resonated with him today. Col. Powell goes on to describe trust as being a cornerstone of leadership, and if they trust you they will follow you. It is my position that you cannot be a true leader unless you have earned and maintain the trust of your people. I believe in order to earn the trust of the people that work for you must truly care about them as individuals. You must be concerned with not only their work product but how they are functioning away from the job. I believe everybody wants to be successful but there are times where issues or problems arise the cloud that ability. I’ve always taken pride in getting to know my people and understand them as best I can so that I can identify those problems as they arise. I believe that getting to know them and understand them also allows me help motivate them. I believe that trust and respect are the two greatest things a leader can have and I strive every day to earn that from the people that work for me. I also believe that when confronted with a problem sometimes the most effective and efficient way to solve that problem can lie within your own perspective. I tell our new troops that if we were standing next to each other and I wanted them to move away it’s far easier for me to step away than try to physically move them. The philosophy behind this is sometimes we can solve the problem without anybody else realizing a problem existed. Sometimes people get too entrenched in their own thought process and don’t realize they have the ability to solve their own

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