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Warning Labels Research Paper

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Many Americans are eating unhealthy foods, which is causing life-threatening health problems. Would people change their eating habits if the food had warning labels? Many people think so. There are many solid reasons why unhealthy food should have warning labels. Before we discuss the problems of unhealthy foods, it is important to see the difference between real and processed foods. Real foods come from plants and animals. They often need mechanical processing in order for people to eat them, but they do not need chemical processing. On the other hand, junk foods, such as Doritos, need chemical processing, during which artificial ingredients are added. Junk food should have warning labels because eating it causes negative health effects such as obesity, diabetes and addiction. Adding warning labels will change people’s perspective on junk food because it will make them think about the effect the food will have on them.

Warning labels could help reduce obesity in American society. According to the National Institute of Diabetes, and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, almost 70% of adults in America are overweight or obese (NIDDK). Obesity is such a concern …show more content…
Type two diabetes is a disease that can be prevented by a specific diet. Warning labels alone will not eradicate diabetes, but could have a great effect on the health of the population. Instead of consuming junk food, “People with diabetes can control their intake of harmful fats and sugars by becoming educated consumers” (health line). Reading nutritional labels is one way consumers learn about what is in their food. If warning labels were added, then people might think twice before eating something harmful to their health. In fact, a recent study conducted by researchers at the University of Pennsylvania showed that parents who saw warning labels on sugary drinks bought fewer sodas than parents who did not see warning labels

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