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Effect of Intervention Programmes on Youth Crime


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The Howard Journal Vol 45 No 2. May 2006 ISSN 0265-5527, pp. 129–140

Restorative Final Warnings: Policy and Practice
Darrell Fox is Consultant Social Worker, Havering Youth Offending Service, London Borough of Havering; Mandeep K. Dhami is Lecturer in Criminology, Institute of Criminology, University of Cambridge; Greg Mantle is Reader in Social Work, Institute of Health and Social Care, Anglia Ruskin University
Abstract: This article explores the diversionary measure of restorative final warnings within the context of the youth justice system. We examine the philosophy and rationale of the new era in cautioning and discuss the potential practice implications since its implementation in 2000, under the statutory legislation within the Crime and Disorder Act 1998. To date there has been very little research or academic debate on the new system of police cautioning of youth. Additionally, as final warnings develop a greater association with restorative justice practices, we explore how this ‘pre court’ intervention has the potential to broaden oppressive and discriminatory practices within the youth justice system in relation to particular societal groups.

We will begin by explaining how police cautioning of youth has changed with the implementation of the Crime and Disorder Act 1998 and then explore contemporary police practices and outcomes regarding youth and the restorative final warning scheme. We will highlight the conflicting nature of the new scheme which requires voluntary agreement throughout its statutory process to ensure successful completion. We will also demonstrate that the systematic implementation of final warnings has reduced police discretion and increased levels of police accountability, and that this, in turn, appears to have increased the potential for net widening and disproportionate punitive outcomes received by young people, especially regarding young females. Crime and Disorder Act 1998 The Crime and Disorder Act 1998 was an attempt by the British government to establish a statutory obligation on local authorities and professional bodies to create a unified and structured approach to responding to youth crime (Card and Ward 1998; Home Office 1998). Section 37 of the Act states that: ‘It shall be the principal aim of the youth justice system to prevent offending by children and young persons’. This is to be achieved by placing a duty on local authorities to create

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The Howard Journal Vol 45 No 2. May 2006 ISSN 0265-5527, pp. 129–140

multi-disciplinary youth offending teams (YOTs) that establish youth crime strategies to address and prevent youth crime. Cautioning and the Final Warning Scheme Police cautioning for youth in England and Wales changed with the advent of the Crime and Disorder Act 1998. It was no longer appropriate for youth to receive repeated cautions for acts of anti-social and offending behaviour considered not serious enough for the young person to be charged and processed formerly through the court system (Nacro 2000a). Over time, the established cautioning approach was seen as unsuitable and the concept of warnings with various interventions was soon practised successfully under the title of ‘cautioning plus’ (Home Office 1997; Leng, Taylor and Wasik 1998). This approach offered police some discretion and when officers felt that greater intervention was required to help a young person, they could refer them to various programmes with the remit of addressing offending behaviour and possible welfare concerns. These interventions covered a number of areas such as direct and indirect reparation to the victim, the community or both; compensation, community work, and referrals to statutory agencies, such as social services (Home Office 1997; Card and Ward 1998; Leng, Taylor and Wasik 1998). However, cautions and cautioning plus were discredited in many quarters and viewed as being too unstructured, their criteria for intervention were considered too vague and their outcomes too imprecise (Home Office 1997; Pitts 2003; Youth Justice Board News 2003, p.1). With the Crime and Disorder Act 1998, police cautioning in England and Wales was replaced by ‘police reprimands and final warnings’, which curbed police discretion, and, as such, the young person could receive either a reprimand or warning depending on the seriousness of the crime, before being fast tracked to court. Section 65 of the 1998 Act provides: ‘that a first offence can be met with a reprimand, a final warning or criminal charges depending on its seriousness. Following one reprimand, any further offence will lead to a warning or a charge. Any further offending following a warning will normally result in a charge being brought. There is provision for a second warning to be given only in the limited circumstances where the latest offence is not serious and more than two years have passed since the first warning was given’. In addition, the 1998 Act places statutory obligations on the police and YOTs to ensure that structural interventions by way of a programme of rehabilitation or ‘change’ (Home Office 1999; Nacro 2000c; Giller 2004) occur at the final warning stage of the procedure. This means that the ad hoc and informal system of cautioning plus was to be systematically used at certain stages of the youth justice process, combining an assessment by the YOT police officer and/or interventions from specialist workers within the YOT or wider community (Leng, Taylor and Wasik 1998; Giller 2004).

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Diversion and Intervention The police have essentially four options to choose from after having arrested a young person following an investigation into a crime. These range along a scale of offence seriousness, from taking no action at one end of the spectrum, through reprimands and final warnings, to invoking the court process at the other end of the scale (Nacro 2000b). This decision is made at the police station by the custody officer, who considers the seriousness of the offence using a gravity scale and also takes into account any police intervention such as a reprimand or final warning given previously (Nacro 2000a; Evans and Puech 2001). A decision made to issue a final warning triggers an automatic referral to the YOT police officer who undertakes an assessment using the Youth Justice Board Risk Assessment tool called ‘Asset’. The Asset is a standardised proforma that is scored to ascertain the level of risk that the young person poses to themselves and to society. The assessment compiles data from the young person and their family and as a result a possible intervention programme is designed with the intent of addressing the welfare and/or criminogenic difficulties highlighted by the Asset. The young person’s engagement with the intervention at the YOT remains a voluntary action, although voluntary choice is a problematic concept in the context of final warnings and reprimands. Since 2000, reprimands and final warnings are both cited in court hearings when a young person appears on a charge. Compliance or noncompliance with a final warning programme is cited in YOT court reports and reprimands and final warnings remain on the Police National Computer for a period of five years (Evans and Puech 2001). Whether a young person attended, engaged, and complied with a previous final warning programme has a potentially detrimental effect on current and future sentencing disposals. The element of choice to engage with a final warning programme is rather a contentious issue and one that has been discussed by authors concerned about the prospects of ‘proportionality’, ‘net widening’ and ‘up tariffing’ (Pickford 2000; Nacro 2000c; Pitts 2003). The Youth Justice Board, along with government ministers, highlighted that the final warning intervention programme must have a restorative justice element to make it more meaningful and effective and to ensure that the offender is held accountable for his/her actions (Dignan 1999; Nacro 2000a; Pitts 2003; Giller 2004; Youth Justice Board 2004a). This element covers a multitude of interventions, effectively extending those used in cautioning plus such as mediation, direct or indirect community or individual reparation, and various uses of family-group conferencing. The restorative ‘final warning’ and ‘adult cautioning’ programme practised in the Thames Valley area is perhaps the most cited restorative justice scheme that uses a restorative conferencing model and restorative cautioning practices. This innovative approach to established police cautioning has, according to research, initially made successful inroads into achieving good satisfaction rates amongst victims and offenders, and a reduction in the reoffending rates (Hoyle, Young and Hill 2002).

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Restorative Justice and Restorative Final Warnings Restorative justice is heralded as a just and fair way to deal with criminal behaviour, a new unified theory of justice, a paradigm shift in how we think about crime and justice (Richardson 1997; Umbreit and Coates 1999; Du Pont 2001). Restorative justice moves the established notion of a crime being committed against the State, to one that focuses on the actual victim and community where it occurred, and dealt with by those most affected by it (Morris 2002). In terms of process and approaches, as Dignan (1999) points out, the aims of restorative justice are ‘to engage with offenders to try and bring home the consequences of their actions and [to give them] an appreciation of the impact they have had on the victim(s) of their offences’ (p.48). The literature on final warning implementation highlights that the period of bail is such that the Asset assessment can be undertaken and the views of the victim can be ascertained. This then allows for consideration of a restorative conference or intervention (Nacro 2000a). The type of conference often used has been adopted from the scripted Wagga Wagga police conference model in Australia (Moore and O’Connell 1994; Daly and Immarigeon 1998). Restorative justice interventions and conferences require a great deal of preparatory work. The victim, community members, families, and offender are all interviewed by the YOT police officer to ascertain their willingness to voluntarily participate in the process, and the offender’s motivation to comply with the conference process and outcome is determined. The level of restorative justice intervention depends on the seriousness of the offence. Less serious offences are often dealt with by a one-to-one restorative intervention, taking the form of an interview between the police officer, young person and guardian. The officer explains the reprimand and final warning scheme, the consequences of the warning, that is, that it will be on the National Computer and cited in further court cases over the next five years. The young person and the guardian sign the final warning paperwork. The young person is then asked about the offence to motivate him/her to acknowledge and accept the consequences of the offending behaviour and how it had impacted on others. If an offence is more serious or there are numerous welfare issues a restorative conference may be considered.1 The conference may take the form of a meeting to address the criminal offence and its consequences, or a multi-disciplinary conference, in which many professionals, along with family, community and victims are present. The former is considered ‘incident-focused’, limited to repairing the damage caused by a specific offence and the latter, is ‘victim-focused’ or ‘offender-family focused’ where harm caused to the victim and community is addressed. Research and Evidence Based Practice Are these restorative practices and interventions successful in the current climate of ‘what works’ and ‘effective practice’ with young offenders? It

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appears that some of the most successful conferencing programmes like those used in New Zealand have been ‘used not for relatively minor offenders but rather for the most serious and persistent offenders in the youth justice system’ (Morris 2002, p.602). In fact, all but the most serious youth offences are now dealt with by conferences in New Zealand (Pratt 1996). This has been reinforced by examples in England, where Essex YOT have successfully worked with serious and repeat young offenders (Essex 2002). Recent data suggest, as with the Thames Valley scheme research,2 that good satisfaction rates amongst victims and offenders are achieved, compliance rates are high, and reduction of the reoffending rate and the fear of crime are also attained (Latimer, Dowden and Muise 2001; Miers 2001; Hoyle, Young and Hill 2002). However, there has been as much criticism levelled at the Crime and Disorder Act 1998, the final warning scheme, and restorative justice regarding the overly punitive nature of many of the new orders and the potential for net widening and oppressive practices (Evans and Puech 2001). With the thrust of its focus aimed at parental and individual responsibility, the 1998 Act has been criticised for bringing more ‘children, young people and their parents into the purview of [the youth justice] system’ (Pitts 2003, p.61) than ever before. Final warnings, heralded as the first opportunity for intervention within the youth justice system, have been condemned as being overly punitive, disproportionate, and possibly leading to net widening (Evans and Puech 2001; Pitts 2003; Giller 2004). Restorative justice has had similar claims made against it regarding net widening and additionally that it erodes legal rights, fails to restore victim and community, does not reduce offending rates, allows for institutional racism, and re-victimises the victim (Umbreit and Coates 1999; Roach 2000; Morris 2002). Practice Application When applied to youth justice practice, there appears a number of potential problems with this new approach to police cautioning. The finite nature of the reprimand and final warning scheme effectively means that, as a young person, if you come to police notice on two occasions, depending on the seriousness of the offence, then the third time, regardless of the offence you would be sent for a court appearance. This ‘three strikes and you’re out’ policy (Card and Ward 1998; Pitts 1998; Dignan 1999) serves to widen the judicial net and ensnare more youth, much quicker. During the final warning programme, the YOT police officer would undertake the Asset assessment and aim to address the young person’s offending from the victim’s perspective. One would hope that common sense if not proportionality would guide a brief and subtle response to youthful offending. However, there could also be an alarming scenario. If the young person scored high on the Asset, then a rehabilitation programme might be established with a number of referrals made to professionals inside and outside of the YOT (Card and Ward 1998). The

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whole weight of the YOT could come into play, with social services, education, and mental health services all being alerted to the potential of new clients. The assessment could highlight the need for a child protection multi-disciplinary case conference or restorative justice conference to assess and resolve the issues for a family, while assisting the young person to take responsibility for their actions. The Asset may also produce a disproportionate response triggering a disproportionate structural intervention that is a statutory requirement of the police. This leads us to ask the question: Who will ultimately suffer from this new approach to cautioning? Conversely, the level of intervention at an early stage of a young offender’s career is seen as both potentially positive and negative, depending on the offence, the young person’s circumstances, and a proportionate response. A young person could actually be drawn into more criminal activity rather than diverted from it, if the intervention is overly intrusive or punitive and not commensurate with the offence (Nacro 2000a, 2000c; Giller 2004). Additionally, the use of restorative justice interventions could be excessive in relation to the offence and its effectiveness could be questionable. As Bottoms (2003, p.110) suggests, any attempt to use a ‘blanket’ delivery of restorative justice will always achieve modest and/or patchy results. This newly structured and systematic approach to first time offenders seems devoid of the notion of common sense and discretion within its remit. Discretion calls to mind the issue of accountability, bias, and the possibility of a ‘greater amount of State intervention’ (Pickford 2000, p.11). However, it seems that if discretion is curbed, the ability to use common sense is also reduced. As such, the reduction of discretion appears in the case of reprimands and final warnings to increase, rather than reduce, the possibility of future State intervention. The ‘blanket’ restorative responses associated with this pre-court disposal have the potential to draw more young people and their families into the system rather than its perceived goal of assisting them to cease offending and diverting them from the court process (Youth Justice Board 2003). ‘As a consequence, the rise in convictions of girls is a function of a reduced use of measures to divert young people from court (namely . . . reprimands and final warnings’ (Nacro 2001, p.2). The final warning scheme is used for less serious offences and, as such, first or second time offenders are drawn into the system for petty offences. As the research suggests, restorative justice interventions such as conferencing for less serious offences are not as successful as those for more serious offending behaviour. Is there possibly another reason for the systematic ‘three strikes’ absorption of young offenders into the criminal justice system? It is not that the old style of police caution in England was less successful. In ‘1980 71,000 boys and girls aged 14–16 were sentenced by the juvenile courts in England and Wales, by 1987 this figure had dropped to 37,300, a reduction of over 52 per cent. Police cautioning and other less formal modes of pre court diversion were starving the courts of juvenile offenders’ (Pitts 2003, p.7). With the advent of a restricted policy on police discretion ‘between 1980 and 1987 the cautioning rate for girls

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aged 14–16 rose from 58 to 82 per cent. For boys the figures were 34 and 58 percent respectively’ (Pitts 2003, p.7). Diversion and Net Widening The term ‘diversion’ is seen in criminological literature as a way of diverting less serious offenders from the criminal justice system. It encompasses Becker’s (1963) notion of ‘Labelling theory’ in which he suggests that once offenders are given a negative label, for instance, that of ‘criminal’, then they are viewed as such by society. This negates them and marginalises their ability to function as fully integrated members of society. Legitimate activities such as school or employment are denied them, forcing them to perpetuate their label (Becker 1963). If offenders are diverted from the system, they have the potential to avoid a criminal record and label, which offers the possibility of another opportunity to reintegrate into society. Some authors suggest that, rather than diverting offenders away from the system, diversion programmes have actually been absorbed by the mainstream justice system to widen the judicial net, snaring those offenders who would not have been embroiled in the system if these measures were not in place (Hudson and Galaway 1996). Before diversion programmes were introduced and became part of the infrastructure and formal processes of the criminal justice system in the 1970s (Cohen 1985), diversion options were limited and at the discretion of the police. Offenders would either be directed into the formal judicial process or would be diverted completely out of the system. Once diversionary schemes were integrated into the justice system, offenders could be diverted either into or outside the system, either through pre- or post-charge procedures. This ultimately meant that less serious or first time offenders could, at the discretion of the arresting officer, be processed through the criminal justice system, legitimately being diverted while still having a police or criminal record (Cohen 1985). Gender and Criminal Justice Crime statistics are based on convictions, which means that the young person will have been processed from arrest to sentence, through the established criminal justice system. However, these figures do not take note of the diversionary policing that occurs and which potentially widens the judicial net both for young men and for women. The connection of diversion with net widening is particularly relevant for young female offenders, given the effects of entrenched patriarchal assumptions regarding women. Historically and traditionally, young women have suffered more from net widening and from moral and social regulation than their male counterparts. At the earliest entry point into the criminal justice system in England and Wales, young females are disproportionately cautioned relative to young males for summary and indictable offences (East and Campbell 1999). Even though fewer young

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women are detained by police in England and Wales compared to young men – approximately in the ratio of 20/80 – the use of pre-court interventions has increased dramatically (Nacro 2001, 2002; Crime Scene 2003). With the advent of the new final warning scheme, the national figures published by the Youth Justice Board for 2002/2003 show that, of the 73,742 pre-court interventions given for both males and females aged 10 to 17 years, 18,949 were imposed on girls or young women. That equates to 35% of females receiving a pre-court intervention encompassing a reprimand, final warning without intervention, or a final warning with an intervention. Additionally, the figure for final warning with intervention regarding females (which is assumed to be restorative) is 27% of the total figure (Youth Justice Board 2003). Statistics also show that more young women are cautioned compared to young men and that more black youth are arrested than white (Flood-Page et al. 2000; Nacro 2002). The Youth Justice Board breaks down its statistics into separate gender and ethnicity groupings; however, the way the figures are presented does not clarify the ethnicity of the genders involved in particular interventions, so precise figures are difficult to establish. One might question the reasoning for this statistical oversight considering that the Asset assessment and YOT databases do contain this very detailed information. One of the reasons for this offered by the Youth Justice Board relates to the poor recording practices of the youth offending teams which cloud the accuracy of demographic information recorded (Youth Justice Board 2004b). However, on the basis of what is known – that females constitute 35% of the pre court intervention figures and that minority groups comprise over 11% of this total figure – it is clear that these groups are over-represented in the criminal justice system, given that they represent 7.9% of the wider population (National Statistics 2003). Recent Youth Justice Board research (Youth Justice Board 2004b) has highlighted inaccuracies in the way that ethnicity was recorded in the eight YOTs and, although this may have skewed the findings, the research does suggest that mixed race young females are over-represented within the youth justice system. Given the national figures stated above released by the Youth Justice Board, it is not unreasonable to conclude that approximately 2,500 could be females belonging to minority groups, with around 500 engaging in a restorative intervention. It is difficult to say just how accurate this picture is. However, the inaccuracy of the recording practices highlighted by the Youth Justice Board does not account for the lack of data on other aspects of the final warning process. For example, we do not know whether more females would receive a particular type of restorative intervention, a conference for example, rather than a restorative warning. Restorative justice interventions are seen as having a welfare orientation, emphasising particular ‘feminine’ traits such as mothering, nurturing, and relationship building. This oppressive view of women in society manifests itself within the dual roles that women play in the criminal justice system, those of carer and enforcer (Harris and Webb 1987; Brown 1998; Nacro 2002).

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Summary and Conclusions This article has explored the new final warning policy regarding the cautioning of young people and its subsequent implications on practice. We have shown how pre-Crime and Disorder Act 1998 cautioning and caution plus approaches to addressing youth crime, changed with the advent of the new legislation. We also highlighted how restorative justice interventions have been absorbed into the youth justice system as part of the statutory, systematic assessment and intervention process by the police and the YOT. In addition, we have shown that the predetermined three step process to court, along with blanket responses have the potential for positive as well as negative outcomes. The process that propels young people further into the system, net widening, disproportionate and wholesale responses, all occur to varying degrees during the new final warning scheme. The diminishing of police discretion and enhanced youth and police accountability appears to have a number of implications that reinforce welfare concerns, net widening, and proportional responses for the young person. The reduction of police discretion was undertaken to standardise accountability; however, without discretion the system loses elements of compassion and mitigation found within the formal judicial system. Research shows that restorative justice interventions have been more successful with more serious offenders and offences than those dealt with by the final warning scheme. Additionally, the more interventions to which a young person is exposed can have a negative outcome. Gender and race are of special concern and, given the institutionalised sexism and racism found in the system (Cavadino and Dignan 2002), it is more likely to be young women, and especially young women of colour who will be most affected. Recent statistics suggest that this group (young females of colour) who historically have always been on the margins of the justice system, appear now to be particularly vulnerable to the new final warning scheme (Nacro 2001; Youth Justice Board 2004b). The combination of a mandatory warning scheme with an element of voluntary engagement that, complied with or not, has a criminal implication, brings into sharp focus the possibility of State coercion. Knowing that non-compliance could have a detrimental effect in the future could apply pressure on a young person and their family to comply with the restorative final warning intervention. The restorative intervention itself is traditionally based on a voluntary interaction requiring all those in attendance to undertake a process of healing. To be coerced into the procedure, undermines its intentions and outcomes. Restorative justice could potentially change the face of the justice system with its proponents insisting that it is a major change in the way that justice can be done (Dhami and Joy in press; Mantle, Fox and Dhami 2005). However, the current agenda of finite, inflexible rules that impose certain types of restorative justice on certain types of offenders, for specific offences, does not reflect the true meaning or intention of traditional restorative justice. In creating a ‘one size fits all’ strategy, the core value of this approach will be diluted and this can only affect the quality of the intervention.

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The final warning policy at its inception had every good intention. However, in practice the implications of this new approach can be severe for young people. We advocate for a positive rethink in pursuing a standardised, structural response to youth offending that encompasses blanket restorative justice interventions. We would want to see the reintroduction of measured discretion and where voluntary engagement is sought regarding restorative justice interventions, that they be assessed on an individual case need basis and true to its traditional holistic aim. This would place practice issues squarely where they belong, in the hands of the practitioners. Notes
1 For a comprehensive description of restorative justice interventions see McCold (1999). 2 Recent research by Wilcox and Hoyle (2004) has highlighted that the Thames Valley scheme has produced a variety of successful restorative outcomes.

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Pickford, J. (2000) Youth Justice: Theory and Practice, London: Cavendish. Pitts, J. (1998) ‘Dear Jack Straw’, Criminal Justice Matters, No. 31. Pitts, J. (2003) The New Politics of Youth Crime: Discipline or Solidarity, Dorset: Russell House. Pratt, J. (1996) ‘Colonization, power and silence: a history of indigenous justice in New Zealand society’, in: B. Galaway and J. Hudson (Eds.), Restorative Justice: International Perspectives, Monsey, NY.: Criminal Justice Press. Richardson, G.D. (1997) ‘Restorative justice: framework for the future of corrections’, Corrections Today, 59(7), 20–1. Roach, K. (2000) ‘Changing punishment at the turn of the century: restorative justice on the rise’, Canadian Journal of Criminology, 42(3), 249–81. Umbreit, M.S. and Coates, R.B. (1999) ‘Multicultural implications of restorative juvenile justice’, Federal Probation, 63(2), 44–52. Wilcox, A. and Hoyle, C. (2004) Restorative Justice Projects. The National Evaluation of the Youth Justice Board’s Restorative Justice Projects. Available at: (accessed 22 May 2005). Youth Justice Board (2003) Youth Justice Board Annual Statistics 2002–2003, London: Pavilion. Youth Justice Board (2004a) Final Warning Intervention: Key Elements of Effective Practice (Edition1). Available at: asp?eP=YJB (accessed 10 March 2004). Youth Justice Board (2004b) Differences or Discrimination? Available at: http://www. =discrimination&hiword=DISCRIMINATED+DISCRIMINATORY+discrimination+ (accessed 2 December 2004). Youth Justice Board News (2003) Juvenile Offending Significantly Reduced (Issue 17, April 2003), London: Pavilion.

Date submitted: September 2004 Date accepted: February 2005

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Ultimately, Actuarial Principles and Methods Are Incompatible with Aspirations Towards a Youth Justice System Which Is Rooted in the Complex Dynamics and Systemic Inequalities Which Characterise Many Young People’s Lives.

...upon an approach to crime control and prevention utilizing a risk prevention paradigm which uses evidence based intervention to control and prevent future risks of offending. Actuarialism was defined by Feeley and Simon (1994) as being a defined approach to crime control and management which dispenses with concerns about the meaning or motives behind offending and replaces these with an emphasis on ‘technologies’ of ‘risk minimization’ and the elimination of potential threats to social order. The Risk Factor Prevention Paradigm (RFPP) uses risk assessment and survey to identify factors in the key domains of a young person’s life that statistically increase the likelihood of offending or decrease its likelihood (Case, 2007. p. 92). Youth justice today is increasingly dominated by risk management however it has been heavily criticized. In this essay an explanation will be given of what the risk factors are, what the RFPP is and how actuarial practices are based on this methodological approach. It concludes that a focus on actuarial principles in the current youth justice system works against the fundamental principles of individualization in the criminal justice system . Society has become increasingly concerned with risk and the management of it. It is defined as being an uncertain prediction of future behaviour with the possibility that the behaviour will be harmful or negative. The National Crime Council’s Document Tackling the Underlying Causes of Crime (2002) provides five...

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Outline the Main Ways by Which Offending by Children and Young People May Be Prevented. Explain Any Conflicts You Feel May Exist with the Principles of Human Rights and Natural Justice.

...entering the youth justice system. In order to answer this statement the essay shall explore the various legislations implemented in an attempt to prevent youth criminality, discussing any conflicts that exist with the principles of Human Rights and Natural Justice. In Britain there are two types of Law, firstly Statutory Law, which are Acts of Law passed by the Parliament. Whereby the Parliament must check its consistency with the 1998 Human Rights Act (the HRA). The HRA ‘introduced European Convention on Human Rights into English Law’ (Crawford & Newburn; 2003: p16). The UN Standard Minimum Rules for the Administration of Juvenile Justice include: ‘The best interests of the child are paramount; judicial proceedings should be avoided where possible; any intervention should be kept minimum; police, prosecution or other agencies should be able to dispose of cases at their discretion; criminalizing and penalising young people should be avoided unless there is serious damage or harm to others; legal assistance should be prompt and free of charge’ (Crawford & Newburn; 2003: p16). The second type is Common Law; this is whereby nothing is passed through Parliament, the majority of the Law has evolved by custom, its about a group of people sitting down and coming up with a reasonable answer, this is commonly known as ‘Natural Justice’. It is a common belief in the UK that youth criminality is a modern phenomenon, however it has been suggested that youth criminality has...

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The Problem

...delinquency are detailed, with particular attention given to the development of educational, professional development and community programmes, improvements in family relations and parenting skills, and the value of restorative justice for both perpetrators and victims. The chapter concludes with a summary and recommendations for future action. Delinquent and criminal behaviour For many young people today, traditional patterns guiding the relationships and transitions between family, school and work are being challenged. Social relations that ensure a smooth process of socialization are collapsing; lifestyle trajectories are becoming more varied and less predictable. The restructuring of the labour market, the extension of the maturity gap (the period of dependence of young adults on the family) and, arguably, the more limited opportunities to become an independent adult are all changes influencing relationships with family and friends, educational opportunities and choices, labour market participation, leisure activities and lifestyles. It is not only developed countries that are facing this situation; in developing countries as well there are new pressures on young people undergoing the transition from childhood to independence. Rapid population growth, the unavailability of housing and support services, poverty, unemployment and underemployment among youth, the decline in the...

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...delinquency are detailed, with particular attention given to the development of educational, professional development and community programmes, improvements in family relations and parenting skills, and the value of restorative justice for both perpetrators and victims. The chapter concludes with a summary and recommendations for future action. Delinquent and criminal behaviour For many young people today, traditional patterns guiding the relationships and transitions between family, school and work are being challenged. Social relations that ensure a smooth process of socialization are collapsing; lifestyle trajectories are becoming more varied and less predictable. The restructuring of the labour market, the extension of the maturity gap (the period of dependence of young adults on the family) and, arguably, the more limited opportunities to become an independent adult are all changes influencing relationships with family and friends, educational opportunities and choices, labour market participation, leisure activities and lifestyles. It is not only developed countries that are facing this situation; in developing countries as well there are new pressures on young people undergoing the transition from childhood to independence. Rapid population growth, the unavailability of housing and support services, poverty, unemployment and underemployment among youth, the decline in the authority of...

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Does Restorative Justice Prevail?

...Does imprisonment alone deter crime or does restorative justice prevail? In this essay, I will delve into the world of justice. I will examine both retributive justice which aims to search for fault and reprimand the guilty, in contrast to that I will look at restorative justice which concentrates on both the needs of the offenders and victims, in addition to the general public (Dorpat 2007). I plan to scrutinise the best route of justice to prevent future reoffending through the evidence I gather. I will investigate the Irish Prison Service and observe the route of justice they use on offenders, and the effectiveness of it. I will further look at how the nature/ nurture debate affects criminal behaviour and if so should it be taken consideration...

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Assignment Causes, Effects and Ways of Curbing Youth Restiveness in Nigeria: Implications for Counselling Happiness Ihuoma Igbo1* Innocent Ikpa2 1. Department of Educational Foundations, Benue State University Makurdi, Km 1, Gboko Road, PMB 102119, Makurdi, Benue State, Nigeria. 2. Department of Educational Foundations, Benue State University Makurdi, Km 1, Gboko Road, PMB 102119, Makurdi, Benue State, Nigeria. * E-mail of the corresponding author: Abstract The study was a survey designed to investigate causes, effects and ways of curbing youth restiveness in Nigeria. Three research questions were formulated. A total of 200 National Youth Service Corps members were sampled from 1200 Batch B 2012 Benue State. An instrument titled “Causes, Effects and Ways of Curbing Youth Restiveness Inventory” (CEWYI) was used to collect data. Data was analyzed using frequencies and percentages. The result revealed that youth restiveness is mostly caused by illiteracy, unequal distribution of national resources, poor child upbringing among others. The effects include upsurge of social vices and destruction of lives and properties while the result also revealed that it can be curbed through skill acquisition programmes and enlightenment against the phenomenon. The paper concluded that counselling could be an effective way of curbing youth restiveness in Nigeria. Keywords: Youth Restiveness, Causes, Effects, Curbing, Counselling 1. Introduction Restiveness among youths globally and...

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...Community page 4 The Problem page 5 Design of the programme page 6 Conclusion page 7 References page 8 Introduction "Community psychology concerns the relationships of the individual to communities and society. Through collaborative research and action, Community psychologists seek to understand and to enhance quality of life for individuals, communities and society" (Dalton, Elias & Wandersman, 209, p5) To understand the possible roles of a community psychologist, we need to understand the principles that govern how we appeoach a situation. 1. Principles of community psychology 1.1 Prevention Prevention deals with identifying ways to minimise or prevent the problem from occurring. Treatment is important in cases where the illness has already occured however community psychologists strive to prevent the illness or problem from occurring. Prevention lessens the demand for treatment. 1.2 Change Community psychologists generally work in a non-clinical setting. They aim to effect social change in a broad context. 1.3 Citizen participation Citizen participation is encouraged...

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M.A. Social Work Syllabus Bhu

...M.A. Social Work (Previous) FIRST SEMESTER Paper S1: 01 History and Philosophy of Social Work - 50 Paper S1: 02 Psychosocial Dynamics of Human Behavior - 50 Paper S1: 03 Methods of Working with People: Micro-Approaches - 50 Paper S1: 04 Social Welfare Administration - 50 Paper S1: 05 Research Methodology - 50 Paper S1: 06 Man & Society - 50 Paper S1: 07 Concurrent Field work three days in a week - 50 Total - 350 SECOND SEMESTER Paper S2: 01 Approaches and fields of Social Work - 50 Paper S2: 02 Human Growth and Development - 50 Paper S2: 03 Methods of working with People: Macro Approaches - 50 Paper S2: 04 Management of NGO’s and Disaster Relief Services - 50 Paper S2: 05 Statistics and Computer Application - 50 Paper S2: 06 Dynamics of Socio-Political Institutions and Organizations - 50 Paper S2: 07 Concurrent Field work (three days in a week) -50 Total - 350 M.A. in Social Work (Part-I) Preamble: 1. There shall be six theory papers of 50 marks each and field work of 50 marks as paper seventh out of 50 marks, 38 marks shall be devoted to semester paper and 12 marks shall be fixed for class/home assignments. 2. The format of the theory paper shall be the same as it is being following by the university. 3. Evaluation procedure shall be as per university norms. FIRST SEMESTER Paper S1: 01 History and Philosophy of Social Work (50) Unit – I  Meaning, objectives and scope of social work;  Role...

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...(London, Thousand Oaks & New Delhi) and the British Society of Criminology. ISSN 1748–8958; Vol: 6(1): 39–62 DOI: 10.1177/1748895806060666 A desistance paradigm for offender management FERGUS McNEILL Universities of Glasgow and Strathclyde, UK Abstract In an influential article published in the British Journal of Social Work in 1979, Anthony Bottoms and Bill McWilliams proposed the adoption of a ‘non-treatment paradigm’ for probation practice. Their argument rested on a careful and considered analysis not only of empirical evidence about the ineffectiveness of rehabilitative treatment but also of theoretical, moral and philosophical questions about such interventions. By 1994, emerging evidence about the potential effectiveness of some intervention programmes was sufficient to lead Peter Raynor and Maurice Vanstone to suggest significant revisions to the ‘non-treatment paradigm’. In this article, it is argued that a different but equally relevant form of empirical evidence—that derived from desistance studies—suggests a need to re-evaluate these earlier paradigms for probation practice. This reevaluation is also required by the way that such studies enable us to understand and theorize both desistance itself and the role that penal professionals might play in supporting it. Ultimately, these empirical and theoretical insights drive us back to the complex interfaces between technical and moral questions that preoccupied Bottoms and McWilliams and...

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...____________________________________________ The organisation that I am currently thinking of engaging with is that of the “City of Johannesburg – Human Development Programmes”. This organisation is all about improving the quality of life of all Johannesburg citizens, envisaging a future city with improved social and human development realities. Through these programmes they hope to one day achieve enhanced quality of life for all the citizens, the so-called “Growth & Development Strategy 2040”. The Mission statement of this organisation is “to advance human development in Johannesburg by addressing poverty, inequality and social exclusion”. In sustaining this mission statement some of their goals include addressing household poverty through supporting poor and vulnerable households, emphasis is placed on rights and opportunities to address inequalities and lastly the introducing of social inclusion prospects in Johannesburg communities to eradicate social exclusion. Their strategic interventions include the promoting of the development of women and youth and access to social support for all groups. With regards to the statement of “where are they going”, as stated before in the GDS 2040 their hopes are to enhance the quality of life of all citizens in the near future, with some of its objectives being increased activities that empower women and the youth, providing knowledge to citizens on the process to attain social grants as well as eliminating Xenophobic attacks on migrants. It is these types...

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Literature Review

...Audit Office. Address of author Institute for the Study of Children, Families & Social Issues 7 Bedford Square London WC1B 3RA Email: Table of Contents Executive Summary 3 1. Introduction 1.1. The context of childcare research 1.2 Types of childcare and pre-school provision 1.3 Evidence on developmental effects 1.4 Structure of report 7 7 8 10 10 2. Childcare as intervention 2.1 Research methodology 2.2 Randomised Control Trials (RCTs) 2.2.1 Ypsilanti/High Scope/Perry Pre-school Study 2.2.2 Abecedarian Project 2.2.3 Project CARE 2.2.4 Milwaukee Project 2.2.5 Infant Health and Development Program (IHDP) 2.2.6 Early Head Start (EHS) 2.2.7 Hackney study Table 1: Summary of Randomised Control Trials of Interventions 2.3 Quasi-experimental Studies 2.3.1 Head Start 2.3.2 Chicago Child – Parent Center Program 2.3.3 Syracuse Study 2.3.4 Brookline Early Education Project 2.3.5 Diverse State-based programmes in the US 2.3.6 Meta-analyses and reviews Table 2: Summary of Quasi-experimental Evaluations of Interventions 2.3.7 Summary of childcare as intervention 12 12 12 12 13 14 15 16 16 18 20 21 21 24 25 25 26 27 29 30 3. Research of General Populations 3.1 Childcare (0-3 years) 3.1.1 Socio-emotional development Attachment Beyond Infant Attachment 3.1.2 Cognitive development 3.1.3 Language development 3.2 Pre-school for 3+ year old children 31 31 ...

Words: 25865 - Pages: 104

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Caribbean Human Development Report

...2012 by the United Nations Development Programme 1 UN Plaza, New York, NY 10017, USA All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without prior permission. ISBN: 9789962688082 Website: Editors: Robert Zimmermann, Carol Lawes and Nanette Svenson Cover design: Timothy Bootan and Juan Manuel Salazar Design and Layout: Miguel Nova y Vínculos Gráficos Printed in Panama by Inversiones Gumo, S.A. For a list of any errors or omissions found subsequent to printing please visit our website. No consultation has been carried out in Guyana. The data on Guyana have been obtained through public sources and the UNDP Citizen Security Survey 2010. Caribbean Human Development Report 2012 Helen Clark Administrator United Nations Development Programme Rebeca Grynspan Associate Administrator United Nations Development Programme Heraldo Muñoz Assistant Administrator and Director of the Regional Bureau for LAC United Nations Development Programme Freddy Justiniano Director a.i. Regional Centre for LAC United Nations Development Programme Niky Fabiancic Deputy Director Regional Bureau for LAC United Nations Development Programme Leida Mercado Human Development Advisor Coordinator Caribbean HDR Regional Centre for LAC United Nations Development Programme Anthony Harriott Lead Author Caribbean...

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Prevention and Treatment of Aggression

...the school, home and the community. Preventing and treating aggressive behaviors in children and youth encompasses a combination of cognitive, behavioral interventions, and parental training and increased school involvement and is targeted to the reduction of dysfunctional cognitive, behavioral, and problem-solving patterns of aggressive youths. Keywords: aggression, antisocial behavior, children, adolescence, conduct disorders, behavioral problems, development and intervention. Introduction The display of aggressive behaviors by children and youths in Trinidad and Tobago is one of the most pressing concerns facing parents and teachers today. As a result, students with significant behavioral concerns or educational disabilities are clustered together into alternative educational programs. As a result, increased inclusion of disturbed and socially maladjusted students, including those with histories of aggression and violence, is related to an overall increase in school aggression and violence. Aggressive antisocial behavior appears to be a developmental trait that begins early in life and often continues into adolescence and adulthood. For many youths, stable manifestations of antisocial behavior begin as early as pre-elementary school (Emond, Ormel, Veenstra, & Oldehinkel, 2007). Research into the nature of aggressive behavior in youths has shown that many aggressive youths are also often the victims of abuse, exhibit aggressive behavior in early childhood, and remain...

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Over – Representatio of Indegineous People in Australia.

...established in October 1987. This inquiry was mainly established to investigate the death of ninety-nine Indigenous people who died in custody over a period of nearly ten years. Despite the fact that, the issue of Indigenous over-representation is not an issue that occupies the minds of most people in Australia on a regular basis, it is a phenomenon which continues to have devastating effects on Indigenous people nation-wide, especially those who resided in rural areas. Reference: National report of the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Death in custody vol.2 (p.3): History and Legislation Indigenous communities in Australia had and continue to have very different cultural notions in relation to childhood and young Aboriginal people in the past. Generally there is no the same separation or exclusion of children being treated differently from the adult world. Responsibility of children and young Aboriginal people tend to be allocated through the kinship system and the wider Aboriginal communities. (Sansom & Bains 1988; Watson 1989). There have been three modes of colonisation and neo-colonial intervention into the lives of Aboriginal people during the last two centuries. These...

Words: 2764 - Pages: 12

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Critical Criminological Theory

...Q1) Critical criminologists from the 1960’s and 1970’s found that traditional theories of crime were intellectually sterile, and even somewhat dangerous. The theories were found to be blind to the reality of capitalist society and its pervasive economic and racial inequality. (Bull, 2010) Critical criminologists used Marxist ideas to focus on primarily on class and the attention to race which lead to gender oppression beginning to emerge in the 1970’s. Q2) discipline vs security. Rather reform then place in prison, rehabilitation as an utilitarism approach, understand the rime and how to rehabilitate them, Q2) In the NSW Drug Court Foucault’s theories have been Q3) Q5) Restorative justice focuses on involving, offenders and communities...

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