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Critical Criminological Theory

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Q1) Critical criminologists from the 1960’s and 1970’s found that traditional theories of crime were intellectually sterile, and even somewhat dangerous. The theories were found to be blind to the reality of capitalist society and its pervasive economic and racial inequality. (Bull, 2010) Critical criminologists used Marxist ideas to focus on primarily on class and the attention to race which lead to gender oppression beginning to emerge in the 1970’s.
Q2) discipline vs security. Rather reform then place in prison, rehabilitation as an utilitarism approach, understand the rime and how to rehabilitate them,
Q2) In the NSW Drug Court Foucault’s theories have been
Q5) Restorative justice focuses on involving, offenders and communities …show more content…
Although the release of the sex offenders register would ultimately have good positive effects amongst the community, the negative effects would overshadow them. The privacy of the offender would be lost which could leave them alienated by the community which would cause the offender to not be rehabilitated and the community around them may become scared and leave that community and property value would decrease.
Q8) The privatisation of prisons aim is to be ‘efficient’ as they aim to make it cheaper and have better service. The larger the prison population, the longer the sentences, the larger the payout under government contracts. Whereas the more prisoners, the more prisons, the more growth. With this comes cheaper facilities and fewer services mean more profit. These inescapable relationships are the source of the potential conflict of interest, a choice between the objectives of corrective services. To “provide a safe, secure and humane custodial environment” and “program interventions to reduce the risk of re-offending” and those of a maximum profit and growth. (The economist, …show more content…
That Australia’s prisoners each cost an average of $292 per day, in a system that costs the nation $2.6 billion in 2013-14. (Thomas, 2015) although these prisoners are in prison most Australian prisoners who are eligible to work will work with close to a third of these eligible prisoners engaged in some form of education and/or training. Although home detention may be a cheaper alternative to prison, the other circumstances of this can cause debate of whether it is better or not. The loss of human rights and liberty is the main debate in why its not as good as prison. (Achterstraat , 2010) The prisoner is under close supervision during a period of home detention and departmental officers can make frequent checks, either in person or by telephone, at any time of the day or night. Prisoners may also be subject to electronic monitoring using a special bracelet worn on the wrist. If a prisoner complies with all conditions and directions, the rest of the imprisonment term may be served in this way. (Home detention,

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Organisation Theory

...consciously coordinated social entity with distinct boundaries which functions to achieve goals. It has an activity system linked to the external environment (it does not exist alone). An organization consists of people, things, knowledge and technologies. Modernists’ assumption of reality is objectivism and view organizations are real entities which exist in the objective world. Organizations are viewed as real entities driven by rationality to achieve efficiency and organizational objectives/goals. When organizations are well-managed, they are systems of decision and action driven by norms of rationality, efficiency and effectiveness for stated purposes. Similar to modernists, critical theorists’ ontology is also objectivism, and organizations are real entities which exist in the objective world. However, critical theorists view organizations as objects used by capitalists for the exploitation and alienation of workers and the environment. Symbolic interpretivists believe that reality is subjective, and only exists if we give meaning to it. As such, organizations are socially constructed realities which are constructed and reconstructed by their members through symbolically mediated interaction. Without its members giving meaning to it, an organization does not exist. Postmodernists suggest that reality is constructed through language and discourse. Organizations are ‘imagined’ entities whereby power and social arrangements are reinforced through language and discourse. C....

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