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Does Restorative Justice Prevail?

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Does imprisonment alone deter crime or does restorative justice prevail?
In this essay, I will delve into the world of justice. I will examine both retributive justice which aims to search for fault and reprimand the guilty, in contrast to that I will look at restorative justice which concentrates on both the needs of the offenders and victims, in addition to the general public (Dorpat 2007). I plan to scrutinise the best route of justice to prevent future reoffending through the evidence I gather. I will investigate the Irish Prison Service and observe the route of justice they use on offenders, and the effectiveness of it. I will further look at how the nature/ nurture debate affects criminal behaviour and if so should it be taken consideration …show more content…
This is used particularly in the North of Ireland; is aimed towards young persons. Offenders can be referred for a conference either before conviction (after an admission of guilt to a prosecutor) or after conviction. The development of the youth conference model drew on restorative justice programmes implemented in other jurisdictions, such as the ‘family group conferencing’ model of New Zealand, which was introduced in 1989, was particularly influential ( Jacobson and Gibbs …show more content…
One of these being an experiment conducted by the Minneapolis Police Department. Police were given three means of dealing with domestic violence. (1)Arrest the offender,(2) the officer listened to the disputants and tried to advise them on how to resolve the conflict and (3) the officer separated the couple, sending the offender away for several hours. In accordance with police records, it was arresting the offender that seemed to be the best deterrent with 10% to further re-abuse. In comparison to 19% from the advised group and 24% from the separated group (Berkowitz 1993). On the other hand, this method may have proved effective in this setting but it has demonstrated error, as it is shown that offenders commit crimes almost immediately upon release from prison. In a report from (Bottomley and Pease 1986), the reconviction rate in the UK was 60% in the 1970’s into the 1980’s (Putwain and Sammons 2003). This can also be seen in figures collected by the central statistics office. In 2008, 5,489 people were released from the custody of the Irish Prison Service and of these, 2,802 — or 51% — re-offended within a three-year period. Just over 40% of those dealing with the Probation Service who re-offended did so within a year, just over 64% of those who re-offended following release from prison did so within six months. (Baker 2015). This is a large amount of re-offending for such a small

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