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Jane Addams: A Short Story

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It was May 22nd when my telephone rang. I picked up the phone with surprise not expecting a call from anyone. "Hello, is Ruth Bishop home?" the male voice asked.

"Yes, this is she" I quickly answered.

He took a deep breath and then said with remorse "Last night Jane Addams passed away, I'm sorry." I was shocked. " Her funeral is tomorrow at 11 am at the Walter L Sojka funeral home, I was also asked to see if you could give her eulogy?"

A tear streamed down my face as I responded " Of course, thank you for letting me know."

He quickly responded " You're welcome, I'm sorry for your loss."

I hung up the phone and took a seat on my leather love seat that faced the window and started weeping. My husband came in and sat next to me "What's wrong?" he asked as he put a loving hand on my back.

I looked up at him and took a few deep breaths to stop my crying. " My friend Jane passed away yesterday." …show more content…
"Are you going to the funeral?" He asked kindly.

I nodded "I'm giving her eulogy." I said as I wiped my tears. I got up and started to write the eulogy at my desk while my husband watched. After I finished I made dinner and went to bed. The next morning I got ready. I wore a knee length black dress and my T strap black shoes and lightly curled my brown, chin length, thick hair. I grabbed the eulogy and walked to the funeral home since it was only a few minutes from my house. When I got there, there were already people paying their respects at the casket. I walked over and waited my

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